Pandemonium of a Lazy Soul

Chapter 19 - Episode 18-101 guide to spend your money

The empire had a normal currency, outside of the emperor's palace. Instead of chips like they use inside of the palace, they used notes and coin. The cash was divided into 4 stages: copper coin, bronze notes, silver notes and gold notes. It was done this way to differentiate between the poor, rich, richer and the richest person in the empire.

The copper coin are only used by the low-class citizens of the empire e.g. the homeless, beggars etc. This is to mainly stop the beggars or homeless from annoying the rich for money, by coming into their district and infesting there hoping to get some money from the rich. They can say they don't have any coin and drive them out of their district.

The Bronze notes doesn't necessarily mean notes made from bronze but rather notes, with a tint of bronze in it, that has the imperial seal with the current emperor's face in it. These are also often found among the stable income low class but also some of the middle class. 100 copper coins make 1 bronze note.

Like bronze note there are Silver notes. These notes are most commonly found among the middle class e.g. a blacksmith, police, soldiers, merchants etc. 100 bronze note makes 1 silver note.

Then lastly there is the Gold notes. It is only found among the high class like successful merchant, nobles etc. 100 silver make 1 gold note. And it is 1000 gold notes that makes 1 plat chip inside the palace.

The merchant district mainly trade with silver notes. As most of the customer in the merchant district are middle class. But there are often some shops reserved just for the rich to flaunt their wealth, and to get items that are worth the quality. Those shops only deal with gold coins, but these shops are only located in the wealthy area of merchant district.

The man walked forward and looked at the menu. There were only 3 things listed in the menu:

1.Vegetable soup-50 Gold

2.Marinated Steak-100 Gold

3.Cream Fruit Salad-50 Gold

Seeing the price and the name of the dish the man shouted in anger "What the hell is your soup and salad made from? Even the steak of beast cows cost 5 Gold in the Food Palace."

"You will see why when you order one. Besides these are not the price for today. Today these will only cost 1 silver for the soup and salad, while the steak will only cost 5 silver due to the discount. Just try them and you will see why they are priced as such."

The man was apprehensive to try one but remembering the 1st rule of the shop and the price he said he gave in to temptation.

"Fine here is 7 silver, I want all 3 of them." The man took 7 silver notes from his pocket and reluctantly pushed it forward. I took the cash from him and deposited it in drawer made in the desk for the silver notes.

"Wait 10 minutes and please select a seat and enjoy the view and relax." I replied as I walked into the kitchen.

When I first made my own food I forgot 1 fact, that the food I make will be vastly superior to what anyone else can make using the same ingredient, even if it tastes like shit to me. This is due to 2 reason:

1st reason I have cooked so much legendary food and other things over the course of millenniums, that cooking these trashes is like instinct to me, to the point where I know exactly what to add, how much to add in order to bring out the full flavour of each ingredient once I have understood what the ingredient is.

2nd reason is I have almost full control of all my body's senses.

For example, in the real world measuring out exactly 10 grams of sugar is a close to impossible feat, unless you have an equipment that can measure out exactly 10 grams. But even that machine might be wrong because if you measure the sugar in nanograms it might be out by 1 or 2 nanograms.

However, souls are able to naturally measure out everything to exact unit like it is their natural instinct. If a soul takes hold of an apple they will able to give the weight of the apple exactly like 36gram and 500 zeptogram, and they are also capable of taking away exact degree of mass from the apple to get it the right weight they want. If they want to get rid of 500 zeptogram then they will just slice of 500 zeptogram of an apple.

Because of this my body's senses naturally adapted to do this unknowingly once my soul entered this body. All though not as perfect as my soul I am able to measure out everything to the nearest milligram. But given enough time my body might slowly adapt to control my senses to measure out as close as possible to even planks value .

The first time I realised this was when my head chef gave the spread to taste. Although the spread tasted nothing but crap to me, I recognised the flavour of the spread was similar to vegetable soup I made for dinner the day before. Then I remembered that I never washed the pot that I used to cook the soup.

Chef George most likely came in the next day early morning to clean and get everything ready for the rest of the chefs, as expected of a new chef. He must have noticed an unwashed pot with remnants of my soup. After being allured by the smell in the pot he must have tasted it and became shocked, with the taste.

He knows all the chefs in there and their capabilities and knows that none among them must have been responsible for this soup. Then out of his greediness and frustration of being ordered around by other chefs as a new chef, he must have diluted my soup into some kind of spread which he made. He must have decided to dilute it in the spread to make sure no one, especially the original cook who made the soup, noticed that he used the soup to make the spread. He must have thought 'if I impress them with this then they will give me the respect I deserve.' But too bad for him due to the full control of my senses especially my sense of taste I was able to discover the flavour of my vegetable soup amongst the main ingredient in spread.

Discovering that it was my soup that was used to make the apparently legendary food that is only capable to be made by the emperor's chef send me into a shock and realisation, that I could run a restaurant to gather the necessary fund for my virus project.

The reason why I didn't punish chef George was simple. If I had revealed it was me who made the food, then the emperor will come to know about it, and he would have stopped all my attempt in opening a restaurant.

I am pretty sure from observing the reaction of head butler that if the diluted remnants of my soup caused him to make that kind of reaction from tasting it, then once he tasted my original soup he would have never let me carry on with my plan of starting a restaurant. Besides by sacrificing George I got free advertisement from the royal palace, while those fools think they profited off me. While they were simply scammed by me.

Besides George got the best form of punishment, soon he will realise what kind of monsters lives in the royal kitchen. As even the worst chef there is 100 times better than my head chef, and a kid who is believed by everyone to have such a great talent will soon show zero talent and will crumble under the pressure put on him.

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