Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 116 Returning to the Aika Plane

Matthews was very excited when he heard that the Lord of Death agreed to help.

"Thank God!"

The Lord of Death said in a wicked way: "Don't worry, logically speaking, becoming the messenger of the Lord God will give you a Divine Artifact."

Then, while observing the changes in Matthews' expression, she continued: "Now I give you a choice. You can choose a main artifact, or you can choose to find the undead soul of your sister after she was reincarnated!"

Matthews' current goal is to resurrect his sister and go to the material plane. He doesn't really care about the main artifact right now.

"I choose my sister."

The Lord of Death thought she would see Matthews struggling. She understood the status of the main artifact among gods. But after seeing Matthews firmly choosing his sister, she suddenly felt bored.

"Tell me your sister's name."

"Mia Max"

After using the Heart of the Underworld to perceive, the Lord of Death said to Matthews: "Luckily, your sister is still alive. She is now a low-level divine blood lich and has recovered her memory."

"Thank you Lord God."

"Okay, you can go down the mountain now. Someone will bring your sister here later!"

The Lord of Death threw over a God Token and coldly told Matthews to leave.

When Mathews came down from the mountain, Asolun hurriedly flew over and asked, "Boss, how did things go?"

"It's done, let's wait here, someone will bring Mia over."

Decades later, a five-star demon-level superior god brought Mia to the Holy Mountain of the Dead. When Mia saw Matthews, she jumped straight into Matthews' arms.

"Brother, I miss you so much!"

Matthews touched her head and said with a smile: "You still cry like you did when you were a child. If you cry any more, it won't look good!"

"It's disgusting that you still talk about people like that."

Looking at Mia who was still crying in Matthews's arms, the five-star demon from the main god's army couldn't help but sigh. This low-level divine blood lich is really lucky. She actually has a Shura brother who can call upon the Lord God.

Matthews turned to the five-star demon from the Lord God's army and said, "Thank you for escorting my sister all the way here."

"This is what it should be. They are all doing things for the great Lord God."

After Matthews thanked him again, the five-star demon got up and flew away.

Mia became a god and lived in a tribe. I also heard some legends about monsters. In the underworld, monsters are synonymous with power. Along the way, the five-star demon also taught her about the greatness of the Lord God, and she also knew that the Lord God was an existence that gods could not touch or discuss unreasonably.

"Brother, why did you ask the gods to bring me here?"

"Okay, don't worry about these things, let's go back to our home material plane now."

Matthews and Asolon took their sister Mia directly to the plane teleportation array in the underworld, and when they got there. They are still the guards of the Nether Lord God who made rude remarks last time.

"Open the plane teleportation array, we are going to the material plane of Aika."

"Sir, one trillion ink stones."

Matthews showed the Lord God Token given by the Lord of Death and directly ordered: "Open the teleportation array."

"Quick, open the teleportation array."

A burst of light flashed through the plane teleportation array in the underworld. Matthews and his three brothers and sisters disappeared into the underworld. The teleportation array in the material plane of Aika lit up with light.

Now the belief in the Aika plane is ruled by the Church of Light, and a central god of the Church of Light sensed the abnormal movement of the plane teleportation array.

"Are there other forces coming to fight for faith?"

After Matthews returned to the material plane, he swept the plane with his mental power and discovered that the Church of Light actually ruled the faith here. The Church of the Four Divine Beasts and the Church of Darkness that still existed before him have basically lost their right to rule, and no gods from the other two sects remain in the material plane.

Matthews still remembered that it was the gods of the Church of Light who drove him and Asolon out of the material plane. Now that they returned to the material plane, the first thing they did was to clean up other beliefs in the material plane.

"Asolun, go and kill the gods of the Church of Light."

"no problem."

Over a long period of time, things and people have already changed. The Frio Empire, which originally relied on the Church of the Four Divine Beasts, is no longer there.

Matthews and Mia came to the small river they met originally, and found that the river there had long deviated from its previous channel due to geological changes.

On the old site of the Frio Empire is a new principality.

"Brother, tell me if it's possible for Winter to be resurrected."

"I don't know either. After death, any life below the god level will be reincarnated into the underworld and become an undead. They have to go through cruel fighting to survive, so I don't know either."

Looking at Mia who was looking forward to seeing things and missing people, Matthews touched her head and took her away from this sad place.

Matthews chose a valley with beautiful environment and built his residence there.

"Boss, I'm back."

"Well, we haven't visited the material plane of our hometown for a long time. Let's visit the capital of the nearest principality first."

Matthews and Mia sat by the window on the second floor of a restaurant in the capital of the Principality. Asolun likes to join in the fun, and he has already gone to brag with a richly dressed old man at the next table, telling how powerful he is and how he has eaten dragon tendons and phoenix gallbladders.

"Hahaha, young man. Although I am an ordinary old man, I have heard from my grandson that the Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan are the top existences on the continent."

The old man continued to say to Assolun with an expression that said, "I've seen through your bragging. Boy, you're bragging without even thinking about it."

Mia's god-level perception had long sensed Asolun's deflated look, and she burst out laughing.

"Boy, look at your companions laughing at you!"

"Boss, look at her laughing at me."

"Okay, old man. Is your grandson also a magician?"

The old man became excited when he talked about his grandson. Their family is a common people, but their grandson was unexpectedly valued by a big shot and tested out his magic talent. Later, he was admitted to the Magic Academy, which became the most proud thing of their village.

"Yes, my grandson is a super talent on the earth. He is so powerful that he is also a noble magician now."

The super talented earth attribute is indeed considered a genius. During the conversation, the old man didn't forget to take a sip of wine. At this time, a young man came up from downstairs.

At a glance, he saw the old man drinking. He came over and said, "Grandpa, why did you run out and drink secretly again?"

"Yeah, brat, what's wrong with my old man drinking some wine?"

"It's not that you're not allowed to drink, it's just that it's not safe for you to go out alone."

Mathews' spiritual consciousness swept over and saw that this young man was already at the level of a fifth-level magician at a young age.

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