Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 120 Achieving Thunder Element Perfection

In the sky of Aika's material plane, the power of the thunder god suddenly gathered and turned into a blurry giant face. After the experiment was successful, Matthews understood that he could still use the projection of the Lord God in the material plane.

Mathews's water god clone was also transformed because of the endless will power contained in the thunder godhead. The will power derived from the main godhead would eventually give the water god clone 0.8 of the will power.

After Matthews dripped blood on the golden crown from the corpse of the main god to identify its owner, it shrank to the size of an ordinary crown, just enough to be worn on Matthews' head. He took a look and found that there was indeed a gap in the crown. It seemed that the enemy of the main god killed the main god through this gap.

Matthews took out the amethyst collected from the Bauhinia Mountains last time, used its Pearl of the Dead to refine the amethyst essence, and used the power of will to easily repair the incomplete main artifact.

Mathews received his two weapons, Cold Light and Shadow, into the soul space, and began to cultivate the clones of the main god of thunder, intending to turn them into main artifacts. Now he still lacks a main artifact of physical defense. Matthews peeled off the corpse of the main god. Its corpse had a kind of scale armor, and its defense could be compared to the main artifact.

After simple refining, it can serve as the main artifact of material defense. Afterwards, Matthews put away the corpse of the main god. This corpse of the main god was obviously a super beast from the birth period of the world. Their blood essence may also have wonderful uses. Matthews felt that he could imitate Beirut and experiment with the Thor Warriors in the Aika plane. .

Matthews took the refined material defense artifact into the body of the Lord God and nourished it, and came into the space turbulence again. His lightning main god clone began to absorb the power of the main god between heaven and earth.

A thousand years later, Matthew realized that the power of the Lord God around him had reached the limit of what he could control.


The power of the main god of thunder suddenly exploded around Matthews, and waves of the main god's power spread towards the surroundings. Before the control of Matthew's main god clone, they formed the appearance of a material plane.

Then under the control of Matthews, this new divine plane gradually formed layers of small worlds with different characteristics. In the process of opening up the divine plane this time, the laws of the thunder system were perfectly displayed in front of Matthews, and the part of the power of faith that the main gods of the thunder system competed for and distributed to Matthews was also used by him.

Matthews comprehended the remaining mysteries of the ruling, which perfectly passed through the laws of thunder elements and were perfectly integrated with other mysteries of laws.

"I see."

A wave of heaven and earth rules descended, and Matthews, who had become the Lord God, once again gained the power of the Great Perfection's will. Now he is also the lower main god of the thunder system Dzogchen.

Matthews then found a way to stick the divine plane he had just created to the Aika plane, and built a passage connecting the bubble space he had previously built on the Aika plane.

After Matthews finished everything and walked out of the space bubble, he set up a restriction to prevent other beings from easily entering his divine plane.

"Brother, why did you come out just now!"

"what happened?"

Mia said excitedly: "More than a thousand years ago, a giant face appeared in the sky. But then the giant face disappeared in an instant!"

"I felt the terrifying momentum contained in that giant face at that time, and I thought some terrifying existence was coming."

Matthews touched her head and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, your brother is still very powerful."

Mia is still relatively weak.

After all this time, the rules of death are still at the mid-level god, and the rules of destruction are still at the lower-level god level.

"Pack it up, we're going to hell."

"Okay, I'm bored in the material plane."

Mathews' water god clone brought Mia to the teleportation array on the material plane of Aika. Suddenly a burst of light flashed, and Mathews and Mia appeared in hell.

"Hey, a middle god from the material plane."

Matthews ignored these people from the Lord God's army and flew away with Mia in a flash. In the space of hell, a family of metal beings were flying leisurely, it was Matthews and Mia who were rushing to Rengar Island.

"Brother, let's go for a walk in the city."

Matthews arrived at the edge of a city on the Blood Peak Continent. Put away the metal life and fly inside.

"Stop, this is a city, flying is not allowed."


Just when Matthews was about to take action, a female spirit flew over.


Matthews sensed it and found out that it was the girl from the Four Divine Beasts family that he had seen before. After the girl appeared in front of Matthews, she said respectfully: "I have met Lord Ren Shura!"

"So it's you. I remember you were in Bauhinia Continent the last time I saw you!"

Kosatna said: "I came here this time to meet my friend. She is the city lord here."

"So that's it, then let them go for your sake."

Just when Matthews and Kosatna were talking, the city guards realized that they had actually stopped a Shura, and they suddenly felt scared.

At this time, a seven-star demon flew out, stood next to Kosatna and asked, "Who are these two?"

Kosatna introduced Matthews with a smile: "This is the lord of this city, Tisenwall."

"This is my friend Ren Shura!"

Seeing this, Tisenwall also hurriedly saluted and said: "I have seen the Ren Demon."

"You are here!"

Just as Kosatna finished asking, Mia's voice filled with gossip and surprise sounded in Matthews' mind.

"Brother, this little girl looks wrong at you. She must like you."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Matthews likes the main god Bauhinia. Besides, he is also a main god now. How could he like a descendant of a family of four divine beasts? He also has to pay attention to the face of the main god.

"Hehehe, brother! From my perspective as a woman, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that."

Mia then took the initiative to step forward and said with a smile: "Sister, my brother and I were passing by here and wanted to relax."

"Mia, don't be a monster."

Kosatna looked at Mia with surprise and said, "Well, it turns out you are Lord Ren's sister."

Looking at Kosatna who was chatting happily with Mia, Matthews shook his head. Women are truly magical creatures. Even though we didn’t know each other before, now we can talk to them as if they have known each other for eight hundred years. He still likes the Redbud Goddess who is calm and elegant, and will not act like his sister.

It seems that he will have to educate Mia about his identity and status in the future, so that this willful sister can't let her do any more mischief.

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