Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 138 Destruction of the Star of the Lord God

The Lord of Death snorted coldly and said angrily: "It's just this once, it won't happen next time!"

"Understood, thank you Lord!"

"Hmph, tell me your name!"


The Lord of Death urged the Heart of the Underworld to search for a moment, and then said to Matthews: "His reincarnated undead has fallen!"

"Thank you Lord for your help!"

The Lord of Death directly spoke out and chased people away.

"Okay, I'm tired, let's go!"

After Matthews left the main hall of the Lord of Death, he went to see the Lord of the Netherworld and took away the maid Fiona.

When he went back this time, Matthews did not take the path of spatial turbulence again. When I first came to the underworld, I encountered the Lord God in the turbulence of space. It would be very troublesome to bring people to meet the Lord God again when we go back now, so Matthews took Fiona and flew to the plane teleportation array on Metal Life.

Along the way, Fiona was a little nervous. When Matthews took her to the Holy Mountain of the Dead before, she just thought that Matthews was very strong. She hadn't realized that Matthews was the main god, but after meeting the main god of the underworld, she knew about it, and now she seemed a little cautious.

"Okay, don't be formal. We are going to hell. My sister Mia is there too. You should be familiar with it."

"Yes, Lord God."

Arriving at the teleportation array closest to the Holy Mountain of the Dead in the underworld, Matthews showed the Lord God Token. After clarifying the destination, the members of the Lord God's Army opened the plane teleportation array for Matthews.

After a long journey, Matthews and Fiona appeared on Rengar Island in the Sea of ​​Star Mist in Hell.

"Boss, you're back!"

Thanks to the equal contract signed by Matthews and Assolun, Assolun discovered Matthews early. Matthews nodded and saw his sister Mia appearing behind Assolun.

"Hey, isn't this Fiona?"

Mia obviously recognized the servant that her brother had taken in back then, but she didn't expect that his brother would actually bring her back when he came back from the trip.

"It's her. She went to the underworld for business. We met her by chance and brought her back. Please take her down first and arrange a place for her."

"Well, I understand, bro."

Since the Lord of Death had confirmed the news of Winter's death, Matthews did not mention this matter in front of Mia. On the other side, Matthews brought Fiona to hell this time as a clone of the Lord God.

The main god Xingyi discovered Matthews when he entered the sea of ​​​​stars and fog. At first, he thought he was just passing by the sea of ​​​​stars and fog and didn't pay attention.

But when Matthews stopped at Rengar Island, Xingyi knew Matthews' destination. Previously, there was Lei Ze, the lower god of the thunder system, who was born in the Sea of ​​Stars and Fog. He had been competing with him for control of the Sea of ​​Stars and Fog. Later, the Lord God Lei Ze was killed by him.

He thought he could be clean for a while, but now he didn't expect that a thunder god appeared again and settled next to the former site of Lei Ze god. Thinking again that the only main godhead of the thunder system was the lower main godhead of Lei Ze that was missing, Xing Yi became even more angry.

Xingyi immediately unfolded his consciousness and said coldly to Matthews: "New Lord God, you are not welcome in the sea of ​​stars and fog, leave here!"

"Who the hell are you? You are so domineering!"

Lord Xingyi snorted coldly when he saw that the boy who was lucky enough to get Lord Lei Ze still dared to talk to him like this.

"I am Xing Yi, and I have the ability to cause turbulence in space!"

Asolun, who was discussing the law of water with Matthews, saw Matthews frowning and asked in confusion: "Boss, is there any problem?"

"It's not a matter of cultivation, it's a master god looking for trouble. I'll go take a look."

After Matthews finished speaking, he cut through the space of hell and entered the space turbulence, and saw that the Lord Xingyi was already waiting in the space turbulence.

"Suicide and apology, I can keep your god clone and family!"

Matthews remembered that the original work described a main god who had no lower limit and personally participated in the battle of gods as the main god. Now it seems that this main god Xingyi is not a good thing.

"Hmph, let's meet Zhenzhang."

Seeing Matthews' toughness, Lord Xingyi attacked directly.

An attack containing a powerful aura of destruction struck towards Matthews.

Mathews activated his thunder-type Dzogchen power, and the death scythe wrapped in lightning. A lightning-like blade was drawn out, slicing towards the attack of Lord Xingyi.


Because they were close to hell, the explosions and roars produced by the two main gods' attacks alerted the other main gods in hell. Some of the main gods even tore through the turbulent flow of space to come and watch in their true form.

"Dang, when-"

The weapons of the two main gods attacked and blocked each other, making clear sounds.

After one blow, Xingyi Lord God, seeing that he could not take down Matthews, chose to stop.

"You're lucky, I didn't expect you to be the main god of Dzogchen!"

"Of course, my main god, Ren En, is the main god of thunder system Dzogchen!"

Xingyi looked at the main gods watching the excitement around him, thinking that there might be some main gods with ulterior motives around him. He tore through the space of hell with a cold face and went back directly. Matthews looked at the other main gods around him, nodded to the Redbud main god alone, and then cut through the space and returned to hell.

Moni, the main god of Suzaku and the main god of Bauhinia, knew each other well and greeted Matthews and Bauhinia when he saw them. Then he asked: "What, Zijin, do you know this newly promoted lower god of the Great Perfection of Thunder?"

Lord Bauhinia nodded, and then said with great interest: "Logically speaking, you should be more familiar with this new Lord God than I am!"

The Suzaku God was a little surprised. She was sure that she did not recognize this newly promoted Thunder God.

"Oh why?"

"Hahaha, he has a younger brother. He is the husband of a little girl from your Suzaku clan!"

Moni, the main god of Suzaku, was even more surprised. After thinking for a moment, he still couldn't remember who Matthews was.

Lord Bauhinia explained: "The first time I met him, I was in your Suzaku Continent. He was with that little girl Labelle at the time!"

After hearing what Redbud God said, Suzaku God remembered her naughty granddaughter. This period of time was when the main gods were competing for the power of faith. She didn't care much about the affairs of these juniors, and she really didn't know about it.

"I really do not know!"

The Suzaku God Moni came home and called her granddaughter Labelle, and asked directly: "Do you know the Lord Ren of the Sea of ​​Stars and Mists? Tell me what's going on?"

"Ah, I know Matthews from Rengar Island in the Starry Mist Sea. How did he become the Lord God?"

"Then what's going on with you and Assolan?"

Like a little girl who had made a mistake, Labelle fumbled while twisting her fingers at the ribbon of her skirt. Lord Suzaku asked sternly: "What's going on?"

She thought Matthews and his brother bullied her granddaughter because of their strength. When she learned the details of the matter, she just said to Labelle: "Okay, that's it!"

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