Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 151 Asolun goes to Youlan Mansion

Asolun appeared in front of the main gate of the Youlanfu Tianji Mountains in the Blood Peak Continent, looking at the road formed by the giant dragon in front of him. Asolun flew in the sky and shouted directly: "Asolun is here to visit!"

At this time, the main gods that the four divine beast families rely on still exist. Even after the death of the Four Divine Beast Lords in later generations, those powerful warriors who visited them would not be able to fly in the sky.

Just as the person in charge of guarding the Four Divine Beasts family was about to step forward to drive away this arrogant guy who called himself Asolon, all the people within a hundred meters of Asolon fell silently from the sky.

Since Asolon only used soul attacks and did not use the power belonging to the main god, the four main gods of the beasts in the Tianji Mountains did not know that there was a main god coming.

This situation alarmed the real senior leaders of the Four Divine Beast Clan. Elder Bulu of the Qinglong Clan was on duty with another elder today. After a while, a subordinate came in in a panic and reported: "Elder, someone is here to cause trouble!"

"How dare you come to our Heavenly Sacrifice Mountains to seek death!"

Blue signaled the other elder to calm down and said: "The four ancestors are in the Tianji Mountains, and no god will dare to come and die!"

When Blue and another elder came out, they saw Assoln standing in the sky with his eyes closed.

"It's him!"

Another elder asked doubtfully: "Elder Bru, do you know him?"

"He is the younger brother of Lord Renn."

"Even if he is the younger brother of Lord Renn, he cannot hurt the children of my family!"

Blue from the Azure Dragon Clan knew about the relationship between Asolon and Labelle, and signaled the other elder not to speak, and he would handle the matter.

Just as Bru was about to ask something, Labelle's brother happened to be on the patrol at this time. Recognizing Asolun in the sky, he walked up to him and shouted, "Asolun, you still have the nerve to come to the Heavenly Sacrifice Mountains."

Assolun said to Labelle's brother with a look of disdain: "You are not qualified to talk to me."

"伱——, I'm going to kill you."

Labelle's brother transformed, a pair of fiery red wings sprouted from his back, his hands turned into chicken claws, and he slashed towards Asolun's neck.

Asolun lightly raised his right foot and kicked Labelle's brother directly in the face. He was kicked back to the ground faster than before.

Asolon became the main god for a relatively short period of time, and Bru didn't know that he was already the main god. Seeing that Asolon dared to attack the core children of the family in front of the Heavenly Sacrifice Mountains, and even used such a humiliating way of kicking the face, which was undoubtedly a slap in the face of the Four Divine Beasts family, Blue roared angrily: "Bastard!"

Then he transformed directly into the Azure Dragon Warrior, and in a flash, he waved the Azure Dragon Claw and grabbed Asolon.


Blue's extremely powerful move was easily grasped by Asolun. Blue found that he could not break away from Asolun's grasp even with so much force.

With a slight flick from Asolun, Blue fell back to the ground as hard as Labelle's brother.

Another elder also wanted to ask Blue what happened. He also knew Blue's strength. Although Blue had just become a seven-star demon and had only become a family elder not long ago, he shouldn't have lost so quickly.

"Kill him for daring to come to the Tianji Mountains to cause trouble!"


Looking at the children of the four divine beast families rushing up, Asolun knew that he had achieved the effect he wanted. The endless pressure of the Lord God descended, and the children of the four divine beast families who attacked Asolon fell like dumplings.

"The chief god of the four divine beasts, Asolon, came to visit on the order of the master of the water system!"

After Asolun's words came out, Blu, La Belle's brother and other gods present all knew that Asolun had become the main god. The four divine beasts knew that a main god had descended on the Heavenly Sacrifice Mountains the moment Asolun showed the power of the main god.

"It's you, you actually achieved the position of Lord God!"

Looking at the four divine beasts appearing in front of him, Asolun nodded and controlled the invitation to fly towards the leader, the Azure Dragon Lord.

"My eldest brother, the Lord of Water, is getting married to the Redbud God in two months. I'm here to send the invitation!"

"Okay, we'll go!"

"Since the Lord God Asolon has come to the Heavenly Sacrifice Mountains, would you like to sit there?"

"No, I have other invitations to send."

When Asolon saw the invitation arrived, he also regained his face in front of Labelle's brother today. He didn't want to interact with the four divine beasts alone, so he refused directly and left.

After the main god of the four divine beasts left Asolon, the main god's consciousness swept across the fallen family members and found that they had just fainted, so he didn't care and left directly.

"Impossible, how could he become the main god."

Brother Labelle, who had been kicked in the face by Assolan, was still kneeling there in shock, his mind filled with disbelief. Elder Bulu of the Qinglong clan also looked sad. He had even sparred with Matthews before.

Now that he has just achieved the Seven-Star Demon level, Matthews is already the main god of the Dzogchen level, and now even Asaulon, whom he didn't care about at the beginning, has become a main god.

Then he glanced at Brother Labelle, who was still kneeling and talking to himself, and shook his head. It was somewhat difficult for him to accept this gap, not to mention Brother Labelle who had always looked down on Asolon.

Assolan returned to Rengar Island happily. Matthews looked at his happy appearance and directly motioned for him to sit aside and fish together.

"How about it?"

"Boss, thank you. I'm happy this time and my heart is gone."

"Yeah! That's good!"

Asolun stretched out comfortably, and then began to narrate vividly: "Boss, you don't know. I just raised my foot and kicked that guy in the face——"

Just when Asolun was talking enthusiastically, Mia came over.

"Ah, is there any justice? Brother, you get married. Sister, I am very busy, but you two still have time to fish here!"

"If I show up, they will be a lot more reserved because of my status. They will always make mistakes when they are nervous, so it's better not to cause trouble!"

Mia thought about it and realized that was indeed the case.

"Okay, are the dream butterflies flying at the wedding ready?"

After Mia learned that Rain City in the fire god plane was also his brother's property, she learned about a kind of dream butterfly whose wings reflect the colorful light when it flies. After they also produced a particularly beautiful dream butterfly powder, they came up with a scene where thousands of dream butterflies accompany the bride when she appears.

"My clone of the main god of thunder has already gone to the plane of fire god in person, I promise to make it in time."

"That's OK!"

Mia said and left in a hurry, and Matthews also handed his fishhook to Asolun. He is also going to Bauhinia Continent now.

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