Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 155 The birth of son Lei Jing

After hearing this, Weiweiya, the master of life, thought for a moment and said: "We really have to make a plan so that the master of destiny, Auf, cannot increase his strength!"

So the Lord of Death and the Lord of Life discussed their plans. Matthews didn't know that his battle with the Lord of Destruction had aroused the covetousness of other Lords. Even the Lord of Life and the Lord of Death were also interested in him.

In the days that followed, Matthews was just like the last time the Lord God's projection came to the Thunder God's plane. This time, the soul was directly projected to the water god plane, and his main god's messengers were selected, and they began to go to the material plane to spread the power of faith as usual.

The days after Matthews and Zijin held their wedding were relatively peaceful. Matthews and Zijing were fishing leisurely that day, and a law of heaven and earth came to the central island of Rengar Island.

After Mathews' main god consciousness dispersed, he discovered that his sister Mia's death rule had broken through to the level of a higher god.

"Mia has broken through to the level of a higher god. When do you plan to get the Death Lord Godhead!"

"She has just broken through to the realm of upper gods, and the refining main godhead is relatively weak. Let's wait until she understands the rules of death more deeply!"


Matthews has a lot of happy events these days. The weapon he used before becoming the main god, the cold light and shadow, has also been developed into the main artifact, and the main artifact of the water element, the spear, has also been developed.

"Brother, I have become a high-level god and I want to experience it!"

Matthews looked at the blood-patterned titan Mosi and the wind beast white fox Anna who were following Mia, and nodded.

"Okay, it's time for you to go practice some more!"

After Mia and the others left, Matthews put away the fishing rod.

"They went to practice. Assolun went to the water god plane. The place suddenly became a lot cleaner!"

"Don't you still have me accompanying you?"

"How about that? We have to work hard. Come and fight with me for three hundred rounds -"

Three hundred years later, the Lord God Bauhinia gave birth to a son to Mathews.

That day Matthews looked at the tiger-headed guy in Zijing's arms, with a little purple horn on his head.

He sighed secretly: "My genes are still relatively strong!"

"What are you muttering about?"

Matthews thought that the physical characteristics of the offspring born from his union with Zijin would be more like Zijin, the amethyst beast, but he did not expect that his son actually retained most of the human characteristics.

"Nothing, I just lamented that my son actually retained most of the physical signs of a human being!"

Zijin was also curious: "Yes, logically speaking, my son should have more of the characteristics of my amethyst beast, but I didn't want to beat my son and only retained part of my characteristics!"

Matthews is just an ordinary human being in this universe, and logically speaking, he shouldn't have any special bloodline. So he said: "I don't know either!"

Zijin shook her head and then asked: "What are you going to name your son?"

Matthew thought for a while, since his son was already born to him and Zijing. Naturally, he couldn't call him Lei Jing. Although he had wanted to be Lei Jing's father before, that was because Zi Jing was not his wife yet.

"How about calling me Steve!"

"No, it's better to call it Lei Jing!"


Zijin looked at Matthews who looked surprised and said directly: "I have decided, my name will be Lei Jing!"

"No, can you change it to another one? Even if you call it Goudan!"

"No, just call me Lei Jing."

Matthews looked at the firm-looking Bauhinia and thought that this was not the power to correct the fate of the damn world, so he raised his head and looked at the sky.

"What are you looking at?"


While Matthews and Zijin were resting with their children, Asolun tore through the turbulent space of hell and came over.

"Boss, sister-in-law, I'm back!"

Matthews asked, "How was it?"

"Boss, none of the main gods of the water system are willing to submit to us."

"This is normal. After all, you have only been a master for a short time. After the death of the previous water master, most of them probably secretly defected to other masters."

After listening to Zijin's words, although Matthews felt that the truth was true, he was still a little unhappy.

"It seems that the plan to hunt down the Bone Lord God has to be prepared in advance!"

Lei Jing, the son of Mathews and Bauhinia Lord God, has been tested to have three talents: destruction, earth and thunder. In the original work, there seems to be no record of Lei Jing's lightning talent. It seems that his fate is not static. He, a butterfly, has changed many nominal rules of life.

"Come on, stand firm. Bend your legs, straighten your arms, and don't spill a drop of water."

Twenty years later, Les Crystal was supervised by Matthews and was squatting in a courtyard on the small island of Rengar.


"Don't be distracted!"

As a being born in hell, Leisijing was born in the realm of the holy realm. As a super beast, his physique is even more abnormal, so Matthews specially found Zijin to make some martial arts equipment from his previous life, and began to hone his son's will and body coordination.

Matthews did not want his son to become the heart-shaped bald man in the original work, and as a child of the Lord God, he would kneel down and lick others. He must be given an all-round development of morality, intelligence, body and beauty from an early age.

"Okay, don't practice too hard!"

Matthews looked at Zijing, who came over and felt sorry for his son, and said sternly: "A loving mother often loses her son, let's continue. In the afternoon, I will learn a wave of carving and take the opportunity to understand the mysterious laws of the earth system. If I want to master the mysterious laws of fusion in the realm of the Holy Realm, Foundation."

While Matthews was educating his son, Asolun flew over from not far away.

"Boss, I have found out clearly that the Bone God is staying in the underworld now."

"Okay, I'm going to the underworld right now."

Just when Matthews came to the underworld, the Lord of Death had already detected Matthews' arrival by relying on the induction of the heart of the underworld.

"Lord Lord Ren, what are you doing in the underworld?"

"I have met the Lord of Death. I came to the underworld to find the Lord of Bones. I have some grudges with him that need to be settled."

The Lord of Death, Saya, and the Lord of Life, Weiweiya, had already made a plan to seize Matthews' secrets, and now they were worried that they would not have the chance to test Matthews' combat power.

"Ren, there is no way I can just sit back and watch you kill my Lord God of the Underworld!"

Matthews frowned after hearing the Lord of Death's words. He had begged the Lord of Death before, and nominally served as the messenger of the Lord of Death for a period of time. Matthews believed that he had no conflict with the Lord of Death.

"Shaye, Lord of Death, what do you mean?"

"Of course I can't just sit back and watch you kill the main god of my underworld, not to mention that the main god of the Bones is the middle main god of my underworld."

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