Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 16 Successfully absorbing the thunder element

Now it seems that there is a reason why magicians should be trained from an early age. On the one hand, they lose their advantages when they grow up. On the other hand, grown-up people have experienced the baptism of life and are more thoughtful.

Especially people like Matthews, who have lived through the information age, have too much knowledge and distracting thoughts in their minds. It’s not easy to achieve that state of trance!

After a night of trying, Matthews was unsuccessful.

The next day in the evening, he meditated successfully for the first time. He saw colorful light spots. Some purple light spots and blue light spots slowly entered his body as he breathed.

Matthews jumped out of his meditative state when he was excited.

"Brother, have you succeeded?"

Mia has been teaching for a day, and the child's mood is already unstable. Seeing that Matthews has been unable to successfully meditate for a long time, he is now a little anxious!

"Hahaha, your brother and I are a genius. Of course we succeeded!"

Hearing Matthews say this, Mia finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tch, I succeeded in meditating within an hour. You've only been around for a day, and you're still a genius. I think you're the stupid brother!"

"Yes, my sister is a little genius. My brother is a big genius."

Mia gave Matthews a look that you can understand by yourself, and then said: "Brother, let me teach you to absorb magic elements."


Matthews nodded excitedly, and then he heard his sister Mia's stomach growling.

"Yeah, it's already evening, let's eat first."

Matthews got up and went to cook, after dinner. Mia continued her teaching duties, and after Matthews had a successful experience with meditation the first time, he quickly succeeded the second time.

The absorption of magic elements was quickly completed. After his spirit entered the interior with the absorbed magic elements, his meridians were filled with lightning. The incoming water elements were directly expelled from the meridians, while the thunder elements were directly integrated into these tiny lightnings.

As the lightning sank directly into his dantian, there was a ball of lightning in his dantian. His spirit was shocked by the lightning.

"Hahaha, I just said how could I not die?"

"Brother, what are you so crazy about? What is hanging!"

Looking at Mia's concerned eyes, Matthews smiled and said, "Your brother is so happy that he succeeded in absorbing elements."

"That's good. I also went to the thunder magic class during this period to record a first-level magic thunder ball technique for you. Now I will tell you about it."

After Matthews heard Mia's words, he also stopped looking excited. His sister, who was not related by blood, was actually willing to delay her practice for him and waste her time attending classes and recording magic in a class where she had no talent.

"Don't do this next time?"

Looking at Matthews's cold face, Mia asked in confusion: "What don't you want to do?"

"Hey, don't go to the thunder class next time. You will only delay your practice, and you will be worthy of doing this again."

"But, brother, you don't have magic..."

Matthews hugged this lovely sister, patted her shoulder directly and said: "My brother will not be happy if you do this. Don't go there again. My brother is waiting for you to become stronger and protect me. If you do this, you will delay your ability to become stronger." .I can no longer protect my brother properly!"

"Yeah, I remember."

Matthews once again hung up the little guy's nose and told him to go to sleep. Tomorrow we will continue learning magic!


In the quiet night, the bright moonlight illuminated the floor through the window. In the quiet night, Matthews' mind was not very calm. A bright light shone in the dark heart of his hesitant and uneasy heart again because of arriving in this world.

No matter how stupid he was before, how happy he was. All shrouded in the fear of not being able to control his own life, now he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Brother, I'm going to school."

"Well, go ahead. But don't go to the thunder class again. I don't lack magic at the moment."

Mia waved her hand: "I know, Brother Nasty has said this at least ten times."

After Mia left, Matthews suddenly lost his previous cold attitude.

"The omnipresent element of thunder, witnessed by the great thunder gods. Please listen to my call, Thunder Ball Technique!"

As Matthews finished chanting the magic spell, a thunder ball the size of a fist glove appeared in the open space in front of him.

"Hahaha, I am indeed a genius. I succeeded in using magic for the first time!"

When his sister Mia was here before, he didn't have time to try his beginner's magic. Matthews was like a curious child getting a toy for the first time. Play wantonly with this only magic!

This kind of getting what you want is very addictive, within a month after Mia left. Matthews often spends a lot of time meditating and absorbing elements.

Now because he has tiny thunder and lightning in his meridians, he doesn't need any fighting qi skills. You can absorb the thunder elements and become stronger. This feeling is very refreshing.

"It's been a long time since I've made iron. Let's clean up some."

Matthews now has a way to become stronger, so he no longer needs to forge iron to prepare for an adventure in the Warcraft Mountains. Now he only needs to absorb the elements step by step to become stronger, and because there is a ball of thunder and lightning in his Dantian. There is simply no threshold for liquefaction of fighting spirit from level six to level seven.

The ball of thunder and lightning in his body was probably the lightning that struck him before, and it was probably due to the change in the world. The laws of Panlong World compressed the thunder and lightning directly into his body before it had time to dissipate from his body. Now this ball of thunder and lightning has almost become substantial.

Now this ball of thunder and lightning is like his Warcraft crystal core. As long as it absorbs elements, it will become stronger.

Matthews' broom swept the pile of sand on the ground, and he was dazzled by a bright light in front of him.

"Well, something."

Matthews pushed aside the pile of sand and saw a small glass-like object stuck to some black and burnt things.


Matthews held it in his hand and examined it for a moment, and realized that it was caused by not heating the sand with the molten iron solution in the sand pile when he was making the weapon.

"Pa, that's right. I have never seen glass products in this world, and this thing is easy to make."

"Now that I can practice and become stronger, there is no need to take risks for money in the early stage. I can make a few glass products and sell them. It is enough to survive the early period!"

"Brother, why are you so happy today?"

Matthews smiled and said to his sister Mia: "Nothing, how are you studying recently?"

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