Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 181 Ten consecutive victories in the plane war

"I want to have two opportunities for the death rule plane and the thunder god plane to give up the chance to win the plane war."

Just after the Lord of Light finished speaking, the Lord of Death and the Lord of Thunder said in unison: "Impossible!"

Although they don't know what the water master has planned in the plane war, they don't want to stop the water master and let the light master get the same opportunity.

"Then I have to think about this matter carefully. After all, it is not easy to give birth to the Angel of Light. I haven't gathered much yet."

The Lord of Death and the Lord of Thunder discussed for a moment and reached a consensus.

"One plane at a time, this is our bottom line."

The Lord of Light thought for a while and felt that this could also guarantee the victory of the two plane wars at a critical moment.


Just after the Lord of Death and the others left the plane of the God of Light, the Lord of Light tore through the space and went to the plane of the rules of destiny.

In Auf's garden, Augusta, the Lord of Light, told Auf what had just happened, and they wanted to plan the follow-up events in detail.

Matthews borrowed the opportunity to owe the Dark Lord another favor and borrowed the Dark Lord's Fallen Angel Legion.

"Brother, are we still going to participate in this plane war?"


After the plane war began, Mathews' lightning main god clone hid in the golden lotus of merit in the soul space, and the holy realm deity merged into the life rule god clone.

The last time he dealt with the fire-type Dzogchen, he didn't let the main god's clone take action. This time is different. He must win the tenth plane war.

Sure enough, when Matthews' water master clone came to the viewing platform, his spiritual consciousness scanned the battlefield and discovered many Shuras.

Mohammed, the messenger of the Lord of Death, is on the battlefield. Obviously, the Lord of Death, the Lord of Life, and the Lord of Thunder have their messengers, and Matthews estimates that some other gods have secretly sent their messengers.

Mia and Matthews stayed at the edge of the galaxy and began to wait for the final battle to begin.

"Hey, after Matthews' Lord God's consciousness swept across the battlefield, he found that the angel army belonging to the Lord of Light also appeared on the opposite side."

It seems that the Lord of Death and the Lord of Light have reached some kind of cooperation. If he hadn't borrowed the fallen angels again, it would be hard to predict the plane war this time.

"Hey, the water god clone of the Lord of Death actually came to the plane battlefield."

After Matthew thought for a moment, he understood. They should be planning to have the water god clone of the Lord of Death entangle Mia's destruction god clone, and then concentrate all their forces to win a passage.

In this way, even if his Life Rule God clone uses a strength comparable to that of Dzogchen to win a passage, it will no longer have much effect. This plane war got the result they wanted and ended in a draw.

"Mia, after the war begins, go and entangle the water god clone of the Lord of Death."

After Matthews finished speaking, Mia nodded. Matthews then said to the other Shura: "Follow Mia and focus on capturing that passage."

"Brother, what about the passage you went to?"

"I'll do the other one myself."

"Ah, is it really okay?"

Matthews nodded, he now wanted to fight with the Life Rule Fusion Sanctuary himself. In this way, you can borrow the Perfect Level Thunder Law and the power of the Thunder God.

The Law of Perfection combined with 1.6 times the power of will is much stronger than Dzogchen. Then using the clone soul of the thunder god hidden in the golden lotus of merit to attack the fish that slipped through the net, he can fight a galaxy channel alone.


When the Lord of Death saw that the soldiers on the water god plane were all using the power of the Lord God, he stood up in surprise. He said with an unhappy face: "Ren, you are really shameless."

"Let's talk to each other. Didn't you also give the soldiers the power of the Lord God?"

Mathews' Life Rule God clone is fused with the Holy Realm himself, and uses a long weapon, the thunder-type main god's power spear. They took the lead and rushed into the galaxy channel. The soldiers who rushed over had no chance to get close under the long stick wielded by Matthews.

Five top Shura appeared around Matthews' Life Rule God clone. The five Shura who surrounded him all had material defense main artifacts and material attack main artifacts. Matthews estimated that they also had the main artifact of soul defense. It seemed that the Lord of Death and the others were ready to pay attention and let the five Shuras who had assembled a set of main artifacts entangle him.

On another passage, Mia's God of Destruction clone met the Water God clone of the Lord of Death, and most of the other Shuras appeared on that passage.

Matthews knew that he could not delay any longer, he had to show some strength. With a strength exceeding the Great Perfection, he shot at a Shura with one shot, and shattered the divine body of the Lord God's messenger through the material defense artifact.

"not good!"

Just when another Shura was about to alert his companions, Matthews' soul attack had already hit it. It shattered his main soul defense artifact and killed him from the soul level.

"Impossible, your Life Rule God clone can't be so strong!"

The Lord of Death looked at Matthews in shock, but Matthews ignored her.

The clone of the Rule of Life God once again killed the remaining Shura, and led the warriors from the water god plane to victory in a galaxy passage.

The water god clone of the Lord of Death also saw the light shining on another galaxy, and said with disbelief: "Damn, time shouldn't be so fast."

"Lord of Death, you dare to be distracted while fighting me."

Mia's God of Destruction clone wielded a long knife and slashed at the Water God clone of the Lord of Death.


The water god clone of the Lord of Death resisted Mia's attack, just as Matthews' life god clone rushed to another passage. They saw the Fallen Angel Legion belonging to the Lord of Darkness being suppressed and beaten by the Light Angel Legion of the Lord of Light.

"This Lord of Light is indeed hiding something. His legion is obviously stronger than the Angel Legion of the Lord of Darkness."

Matthews could be considered relieved, if his lightning main god clone was not hidden in the Golden Lotus of Merit and brought into the battlefield. With the strength of his life rules fused with the Holy Realm, it is impossible to instantly kill the five top Shura who have a full set of main artifacts. Indeed, they may be delayed for a certain period of time.

In this way, it would be possible to rely on the strength of the Angel Legion to win victory on the galaxy in front of them.


With the addition of Matthews' Life Rule God clone, the pattern of the war soon reversed. The second galaxy channel also shines with light, which means that the water god plane has won this war against the earth god plane.

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