Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 185 Resijing’s Escape Operation

At this time, he heard the voice of his father's messenger Zorro: "Reis Crystal, stop. The Lord God has given an order and cannot let you leave the Amethyst Mountains."

Lei Jing secretly said: "Unlucky."

If he met Meg, who had just entered Shura, he could still rely on the uniqueness of his natural talent to get it done, but when he met Zoro, a top Shura who had participated in many plane wars. With his current strength, Leisijing is determined not to escape.

"Zorro, how about letting me out secretly? My father will not blame you."

Zorro shook his head, he did not have the guts to disobey the Lord God's order.

"Zorro, don't you only have one main artifact? How about we go find my father's other main god messengers and join forces to hunt Shura on the plane battlefield in exchange for the main artifact."

Zoro shook his head firmly when he heard this. Are you kidding? He doesn't have the guts to take the Lord God's only son to a dangerous place like a plane battlefield.

"You'd better go back. You can't do it without the Lord God's order. What's more, I don't think any palace master would dare to take you to the plane battlefield."

"Okay, I get it."

Lei Jing turned around and returned to the Amethyst Mountains.

Just as angry as Les Crystal was the Lord of Death, because of the last agreement between the gods. He suffered the hatred of many Lord Gods, and most of them did not dare to openly retaliate against the Lord of Death. However, in this plane war between Death and Fire, many Shura participated in the Fire God's plane.

Time passed quickly, and the final result of the plane war was that his death rule plane lost this plane war. The Lord of Death glanced around at the main gods present with a cold face, and left without saying a word.

In the following time, it was exactly as Matthew thought. As long as one plane wins eight games in a row, the main gods will start to unite to stop them in the ninth and tenth games.

Almost an era later.

On this day, the Lord of Light and the Lord of Destiny found the Lord of Death.

"Saya, I need you to lose this war between heaven and the underworld."

The Lord of Death looked at the Lord of Light with a look of disbelief. The current God of Destiny has accumulated eight victories in plane wars. Before, she was still trying to unite some master gods to stop the plane of destiny, but now the master of destiny actually wants her to admit defeat in this plane war.


The Lord of Light explained calmly: "I owe the Lord of Destiny a favor."

"Lord of Death, don't forget what you and the Lord of Thunder promised me back then."

The eyes of the Lord of Death shuttled back and forth between the Lord of Destiny and the Lord of Light, trying to see what kind of deal there was between them. Obviously she couldn't see anything from the faces of the two men, so she had no choice but to agree to the request of the Lord of Light.


So in the plane war between fate and death, except for Mia, the main god's messenger of the middle god, the main god of death, the main god's messengers did not appear.

Matthews' thunder-type main god clone was fishing on Rengar Island, and Mia flew over from a distance.

"Brother, something is wrong."

"what's going on."

Mia told Matthews that none of the other death gods sent messengers to participate in the plane war. After thinking for a moment, Matthew understood what was going on.

The Lord of Light and the Lord of Destiny are probably trying to replicate his previous operations and make the other gods of the plane of death give up their victory in this plane war. When it comes to the tenth game, they will use the angel army they have accumulated over the years to win the tenth plane war in one fell swoop.

"You go to Assolan and ask them to send the Lord God's envoys to the plane battlefield."


After Mia left, Matthews used the projection of the Lord God to inform his envoys and let them participate in this plane war! Lei Jing didn't know the news and went directly to Matthews.

"Father, I am going to the plane battlefield."

"No, the God Plane of Destiny Rules is planning the ninth victory. This time it is too dangerous."

"But, you promised me before. As long as I reach the Shura level, you will let me go to the plane battlefield."

Matthews frowned. He had indeed agreed to Les Crystal before, but now he couldn't go back on his word, so he threw him a token, a scroll, and a dagger.

"Okay, Zoro is still in the Amethyst Mountains, but he is not the master of the palace. You can find your own way to the plane battlefield."

"Yeah, thank you dad."

Lei Jing was immediately happy, like a wild horse that had escaped the reins, and disappeared into the Amethyst Mountains.

Zijin looked at Matthews' Life Rule God clone next to him and asked with some worry: "Just let him out like this, no problem."

Matthews smiled and signaled Zi Jing's peace of mind.

"Don't worry, I can still trick my own son. The dagger I gave him sealed three Dzogchen attacks."

"I'm just afraid that kid will do something random."

After Resijing left the Amethyst Mountains, she went directly to Zorro.

"Hahaha, Zoro. What a good thing!"

"Rei Jing, what's the matter?"

"Hahaha, my father let me go to the plane battlefield, and he asked you to go with me."

Zoro still didn't believe it, and Les Jing saw that he was confused. He directly showed the token Matthews gave him. Zoro immediately understood what was going on when he saw it.

"Brother, I want to go too."

Zorro heard that his sister Meg also wanted to go and wanted to refuse. Lei Jing patted her chest and said, "Okay, let's go together."

Zoro shook his head and finally agreed that his sister would come too.

The three of them set off directly from the Amethyst Mountains of the Bauhinia Continent and went to the island where Mo Si was. Since Mo Si came to this island, he has been studying the mission assigned to him by the Lord God. Because the Lord God did not summon him, he had not been back to Rengar Island for a long time.

"Have Mo Si come to see me quickly and tell Lei Jing to come to visit."

When the members of the Blood Patterned Titan Family saw the combination of three Shuras across from them, they did not dare to neglect and immediately reported to Mo Si who was practicing on the underground seabed.

When Mo Si heard that it was his teacher's son across from him, he immediately came out to greet him. Mo Si and Zorro knew each other, but they didn't have much communication. He didn't know Zorro's sister Meg at all before, so Lei Jing introduced them to her.

After a few people briefly greeted each other, Mo Si asked with emotion: "Leis Jing, we haven't seen each other for many years."

"Yes, senior brother."

"Did you bring any mission from the teacher this time?"

Seeing Lei Jing shaking his head, Mo Si sighed inwardly. Then I heard Lei Jing continue to say: "We are here to invite you to the plane battlefield."

When Mo Si heard that he was going to the plane battlefield, he quickly asked the same question as Zorro. After getting his teacher's consent, Mo Si felt relieved.

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