Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 190 The Star of Destruction finally appears

After Matthews' main god projection appeared in Muhua Mansion, he was not polite and asked Uhtred in a cold voice: "Uhtred, what are you looking for with my son?"

"Where is the thing that Lei Jing got from Master Muhua?"

"Hahaha, Uhtred, the Fist of Destruction is on me now."

Uhtred didn't dare to push too hard now. The water master was also the master of Dzogchen, and he also had two more powers of will than him. It was estimated that it would be easy to kill him, so he turned around and left immediately.

After Uhtred left, Lei Jing and Mo Si stood up. Matthews dispersed the projection of his main god, and said nothing to Lei Jing who did not go home and went to Muhua Mansion to have fun.

Seeing that his father's main god projection dissipated and did not care about his coming to Muhua Mansion, Lei Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

"That thing was given to my father. It's simply too dangerous."

"Yes, the pressure of the Lord God is too strong. The pressure they freely exude makes my soul tremble."

"Fortunately, the hot potato has been delivered. I'm going to enjoy Muhua Mansion for a while."

Mo Si had stayed with Matthews before, even though he knew how powerful the Lord God was. He has never personally felt the pressure of the Lord God, and now he wants to pursue power even more.

And he became even more obsessed with the soul mutation that Matthews told him. He felt that he could no longer follow Lei Jing's nonsense.

"Reis Jing, I'm going back to practice."

"Didn't we agree that we should go have some fun?"

"No, you will probably be here as the master of the palace during this period, and I will also go back to complete the tasks assigned to me by the teacher."

Lei Jing was silent for a moment, knowing that he would indeed stay in Muhua Mansion for a long time.

"Okay, practice is important."

Mo Si left Muhua Mansion that day, rushed back to his island, and started practicing in his Han Di Sai Castle.

The conversation between Matthews' projection of the Lord God and the Lord of Destruction was perceived by most of the Lord Gods, and they also saw that Uhtred, the Lord of Destruction, personally went to find the son of the Lord of Water.

After a little inquiring, they figured out what was going on. When they learned that Lei Jing had gotten a glove from the master of Muhua Palace. Combining the conversations between the Lord of Destruction and the Lord of Water, they immediately understood that a new round of the Supreme God's mission had begun.

Just after Lei Jing said goodbye to Mo Si, several more projections of the Lord God came to Muhua Mansion and went directly to Lei Jing. From him, he learned that Lei Jing only got a Glove of Destruction, not a Glove of Destruction. After the Supreme Divine Mirror, the projection dispersed.

"Husband, you said Jingjing got a token of the supreme god."

"Yeah, indeed."

Seeing Matthews take out the Destruction Glove, Zi Jing was still worried about Lei Jing's safety.

"Just let him roam around outside, there won't be any danger."

"Don't worry, I gave him a material defense master artifact through the Supreme God's token. His safety is not a problem."

"Then can you get the other two tokens of the Supreme God?"

Matthews shook his head: "I guess Uhtred must have obtained the Supreme Divine Vision, otherwise how would he know that Jingjing had obtained the Gauntlet of Destruction."

Matthews changed his position and lay on Zijing's lap. Then he said: "We don't know what the other two tokens of the Supreme God are. They are probably difficult to find. As long as we have this one in our hands, it will be fine."

"Although I can kill Uhtred now, other masters will probably unite to besiege me. Although I am not afraid. But I can't protect your safety now."

Zijing rubbed Matthews' head and nodded softly.

"Well, just don't let the Lord of Destruction complete the mission of the Supreme God."

After the Lord of Destruction returned to the Sea of ​​Chaos, he felt extremely agitated. The situation still developed towards the situation he least wanted to see. A supreme divine token was obtained by the water master.

Now his strength is no match for the water master. It is estimated that even Weiweiya, the master of life with the second supreme artifact, is no match for the water master now.

Uhtred, the Lord of Destruction, sighed and asked the messengers of the Lord God to help him find the last token of the Supreme God, the Star of Destruction.

In a mountain range in the abyss plane, a demon king obtained this final star of destruction. He found that the aura emitted by this star of destruction could help him understand the rules of destruction.

Because the Abyss Plane is not much smaller than the God Plane, and killings like the God Plane are carried out all the time in the Abyss Plane, the Abyss Plane is a material plane suitable for practicing the rules of destruction.

But the rules of destruction are not just about five kinds of killing, there are many ways of destruction. Affected by the killing atmosphere of the abyss plane, the beings in this plane can easily understand the rules of destruction from the aspect of killing. But if you want to become a strong person, you must break away from pure killing and wash away the negative effects of killing in your soul.

Some demon kings who want to continue to become stronger have stopped simply killing. This seven-star demon-level demon king obtained the Star of Destruction.

With the help of the Star of Destruction, in just 20,000 years, the rules of destruction that he had not improved for a long time had broken through to the Shura level. This demon king once traveled to hell, so he naturally knew that Shura was not the end of God, so he chose to continue in seclusion.

Thirty thousand years later, the Demon King Avatar feels that his strength has not improved much. Touching the Star of Destruction in his arms, he sighed: "Hey, it becomes difficult to break through at the Shura level."

Although things like the Star of Destruction can help the holder understand the rules of destruction, it also depends on the user's talent limit. This demon king obviously does not have the talent for Dzogchen, so it becomes difficult to improve to the level of Shura.

"My current strength is considered to be at the middle level among Shura. With this Star of Destruction, I can unleash the soul attack power of a top Shura. In this way, I can try to challenge the palace master. When I become the palace master, I can also Go and join the Plane War.”

"Last time I heard from a friend that by accumulating military merit in the plane battlefield, you can exchange it for the main artifact and the power of the main god. These two things can also enhance my strength, allowing me to easily secure my position as the palace master."

When he thought of these things, Shura Demon King Avatar's face became hot, and he immediately set off and rushed to the plane teleportation array.

Matthews' life-rule god clone stayed in the material plane of Aika, and asked the vampire vine Sophia to go to the abyss plane to capture special life for him so that he could continue to experiment with soul mutations.

Before the Shura Demon King Avatar left in the plane teleportation array, Matthews' servant from the abyss plane, the vampire vine Sophia, also came to the abyss plane.

The two met like this. Vampire Demon Vine Sophia looked at the speed of Shura Demon King Avatar flying over from a distance, and wondered when there was an Shura-level demon king in the abyss plane. However, considering the priority of the Lord God's mission, she left directly.

The Shura Demon King Avatar looked at the Vampire Demon Vine Sophia. He was going to hell to challenge the palace master, so he ignored this female superior god who came to the abyss plane, and instead rode the plane teleportation array to hell.

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