Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 196 Soul Mutation Panda Girl

Mathews' Life Rule God clone stood beside this sanctuary where the soul was mutating. The sanctuary in front of him was undergoing soul mutation of both wind and earth elements.

Matthews did not expect that in the divine plane he created, he had witnessed a soul mutation that had not yielded any gain for a generation, and he actually met one today.


At this moment, Matthews' consciousness saw several holy realms flying not far away.

"Hurry, she can't escape, she has a space ring left by her father."

Now is a good time for him to study soul mutation, how could he let these worthless sanctuaries interfere with his good deeds. A wave of soul attacks emanated from his life god, and the chasing saints fell on the way.

After dealing with this potential trouble, Matthews began to carefully observe the soul mutation. This saint was obviously injured, so his soul weakened rapidly during the mutation process.

"You're lucky to have met me today."

Matthews took out a drop of soul gold bead from the space ring, relying on the power of his will. The energy controlling this drop of golden soul beads entered the sea of ​​souls in this holy realm.

With the entry of this drop of golden soul bead, the already extremely weak soul in the holy realm was like a drop of water suddenly appearing in the desert that had been thirsty for a long time, absorbing the power of the golden soul bead at an extremely fast speed.

Matthews also took the opportunity to carefully control the soul power and feel the soul mutation in front of him. Everything seemed cautious in this process. Because after all, his soul is at the peak Shura level, not to mention it has been cultivated by the endless power of will contained in the main godhead. If you are not careful, the soul of this soul mutation sanctuary that you finally encountered will be completely destroyed.

"Soul mutation is really dangerous."

Previously, he had also seen descriptions of soul mutation in the original work. But this is the first time to watch the soul mutation of a saint from such a close distance.

Matthews saw that the energy of a drop of golden soul bead was quickly consumed, so he took another drop from the space ring and fed it to the soul of the holy realm.

Now Matthews is like guarding a candle that is about to go out, adding wax to it bit by bit. The elemental power of the wind system and the earth element collided and merged in the soul of this holy realm.

It's as if all the things that usually separate these elements have disappeared. Although they have some confrontation, they are more blended and fused.

After all, Mathews's soul had been contaminated by the original power of the world. In the process, he discovered power fluctuations similar to the original power of the water system. Although this kind of fluctuation is almost too weak to be checked, Matthews still relies on the familiarity of feeling that kind of fluctuation to capture this power.

"The power of the soul has begun to increase."

Matthews stopped feeding the golden soul beads and began to wait quietly for the soul of this holy realm to successfully mutate.

"The original power of the world?"

Matthews murmured to himself that he didn't know why the power of the world's origin appeared during the soul mutation process of a saint.

You must know that even the master of life, Weiweiya, who ranks second in attack power, and the master of destiny, Auf, who ranks second in will power, cannot come into contact with this kind of power. Why is there such a level of power fluctuations in the soul mutation process of a sanctuary that can only be reduced to food in the divine plane?

"Could it be said that the original power of the world has no difference in attributes?"

Then Matthews denied his conjecture. After all, he had come into contact with the world's origin power of water attribute and the world's origin power of life attribute. Those two powers are incompatible in his hands, and they also have obviously different attributes.

"Is soul mutation a conflict between the origins of different worlds?"

Before Matthews traveled through time, as an Internet literature enthusiast, he had read a lot of books.

After thinking for a moment, he probably had a guess.

Panlong World is an affiliated world built in Hongmeng. The power of Hongmeng has been artificially divided into various attributes. Before being divided, it was all one kind of power.

It's like oil is black when it is first mined. After being heated at various temperatures, it turns into kerosene, gasoline, diesel, and other different things.

Perhaps the soul mutation is like the temperature reaching the dividing point of refining two kinds of oil, resulting in some kind of special fusion, and there is a conflict between the original power of the world.


The Sanctuary woke up and immediately thought of something. He stood up in a flash and stared at Matthews with a wary expression.

"Who are you."

Matthews looked at this silly panda girl from the sanctuary with two furry ears, and directly used his divine realm. After a while, Matthews released the Divine Realm, and in the surprised eyes of Hanhan Sanctuary, he calmly said: "From today on, I am your teacher."


Looking at her naive look, Matthews shook his head. If it weren't for this guy being useful to me and looking like a national treasure from his previous life. Matthews paid no attention to her.

"Get smaller."


Matthews appeared with the smaller Hanhan Panda in his arms, sensed it for a while, tore apart the space, and appeared in a canyon in the Warcraft Mountains of the Aika continent.

"Afu, I'll leave this sanctuary to someone to take care of it."

After Matthews returned to the metal life, he handed over the sanctuary bear to the care of his servant Catwoman Afu. Although he accepted this silly little bear whose soul had successfully mutated, he didn't have much patience to take care of and teach a sacred panda girl.

Seeing Matthews walking into the metal life, Matthews' cat maid walked out.

"Come on, you have to live in the Lord's castle and learn to follow the rules. I will teach you some rules today."

Ten years later, there was movement in the plane teleportation array that had not seen any movement in the material plane of Aika for a long time.


The new plane defender stood up with a surprised look on his face. Over a long period of time, the fact that the Aika plane was the home plane of the main god was no longer a secret that a mid-level god like him could know.

All he knew was that there was a powerful upper god living in the Warcraft Forest, and he looked after the tombs of the gods on behalf of the main god. Even his servant is a higher god.

In addition, Matthews doesn't care much about the affairs of the Aika plane, so he is better than the unlucky plane defender Huo Dan in the Magnolia plane in the original work.

"Someone from hell."

He drank the wine from the Aika plane and lamented that these gods who went out of the Aika plane were really rich. He also knew that the cost of transferring from the divine plane to the material plane was not something ordinary gods could afford.

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