Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 27 Observing Church Baptism

The only pity for Matthews is that he does not have the talent of the earth element. After all, the original work describes many methods of cultivating the laws of the earth and the laws of the wind. If he had these two talents now, he might be able to learn from them.

Seeing that Matthews was looking at it very seriously, Kelly came over and took Matthews' arm and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Mia, who was following behind, saw this situation and thought to herself that her brother was really in love, otherwise the feast she had promised her today would be gone.

Matthews looked at the stone carvings and asked, "Is there a school of stone carving where you carve with just a flat knife?"

Kelly explained to Matthews seriously: "No, stone carvings have many places with variable textures. A flat knife is not enough!"

After hearing what Kelly said, Matthews understood that there was no stone carving style like in the original work.

When you come to the second floor, you can see the works of some painters. Most of the paintings here are Western-style paintings, which are abstract after all.

Before, because his grandfather was a beam painter. He was a master who painted beams in scenic spots and temples, so he also learned some painting techniques of that school when he was a child, as well as some modern sketching techniques. From his current perspective, the masters of paintings here are still not as good as his grandfather, and they have not reached the prosperity of his world where hundreds of flowers are blooming.

This also aroused Matthews' interest in painting and bought some painting materials. It's just that most of the pigments here are refined from ores, which is why they are not as cheap as chemically synthesized materials that are used in the world. The painting cost Matthews several gold coins!

When she got home in the evening, Mia held her tongue and said to Matthews: "The guy who values ​​sex over girls!"

"Hey, what you said is too much. Just tell me whether I will take you to a big dinner today!"

"Tsk, it's just that I value sex over girls!"

Matthews is now a seventh-level warrior, but his soul strength is only that of a fifth-level magician. This does not meet his requirements. The improvement of warrior level represents combat power. However, it is easier for magicians to understand the laws than warriors. The reason is that the soul strength of magicians is generally higher than that of warriors.

Mathews also wants to understand the laws and become a god, so the strength of his soul cannot be weak. Now he can't improve his soul through the protagonist's stone carving, but he can try painting. Painting, like stone sculpture, requires concentration. It is also estimated to have a similar effect to stone carving!

After that, Matthews started his regular life, getting up in the morning to practice martial arts and absorb thunder elements to improve his fighting spirit. In the afternoon, I started painting to improve my concentration instead of meditating. I meditated for a while in the evening before going to bed.

"Brother, how come I haven't seen this painting pattern before!"

"Well, this is my new genre."

Mia looked at her brother's painting of Kelly and said, "Then can you draw a portrait for me?"


After that, Mathews carefully drew a picture of an innocent girl for her sister, a sketch of a cute girl with a wink right hand. A cute thirteen-year-old girl with long sleeves and good dancing appears on the page, smart and cute.

Mia took away her portrait with great satisfaction, and also secretly took away several ancient Chinese landscape paintings.

Matthews had just finished practicing this morning when he heard Kelly's voice outside the door.

"Brother Matthews, are you at home?"

After Matthews walked out of the door, he saw Kelly's carriage parked at the door.


"Well, I came to see you for an outing."

When Matthews and Kelly came to the city gate, they found that the people he saved last time were all there. Except for the magician named Wood who looked a little unnatural towards him, the others were fine.

Matthews and Kelly sat together by the river outside the city.

"Brother Matthews, I saw you flying so cool last time. Can you take me to fly once?"

Matthews nodded, walked over and picked up Kelly. Kelly blushed and put her hands around Matthews' neck. Matthews said to her: "Are you ready? I'm going to start."


As Matthew's feet flashed with lightning, he soared into the sky with Kelly on his back.


In a flash of lightning, Matthews took Kelly flying. Kelly also experienced flying for the first time and screamed with excitement in Matthews' arms.

Soon they flew across the river and flew to the stone cliff of a small mountain peak.

After landing, Kelly excitedly hugged Matthews' face and kissed her, and Matthews kissed her too!

An hour later, Nina saw her best friend coming back and asked, "Where did you just go?"

“We went shopping around!”

Nina looked at her happy besties and asked, "Are you together?"

Kelly nodded happily, and Nina asked: "No such thing!"

"How is that possible? I am a measured person!"

"That's good!"

Kelly reluctantly separated from Matthews that night. In the days that followed, Matthews was just like an ordinary couple who just fell in love. After another date every now and then, Matthews took the polished portrait of Kelly and went to see her again.

The two watched the rice-sharing activity of the Divine Beast Sect together. The Pope on the high platform was preaching the greatness of the four sacred beasts they believed in. And it exudes intoxicating mental fluctuations. Matthews' level 5 mental power can also resist the spiritual guidance of this kind of sanctuary-level group.

It seemed to Matthews that this kind of spiritual guidance appeared at the sanctuary level. His soul cultivation level of a fifth-level magician was almost baptized just because he stood close to the front. Looking at the civilians around them, they couldn't resist this baptism at all. It seems that I will give my sister a serious warning in the future and not allow her to participate in this kind of baptism.

The strong people who become gods are those who are firm in themselves. Although it is said that you cannot become gods if you have not heard that you believe in others. But this kind of blind faith that comes from baptism is always bad!

"Brother Matthews, how are you?"

"It's okay, don't do this kind of baptism in the future!"

Kelly frowned in confusion and asked, "Why? Isn't it bad to believe in great mythical beasts?"

Seeing that Kelly, who had been looking obsessed just now, looked a little unnatural, Matthew explained: "No, I'm just not used to it!"

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Matthews then went to visit some other places in the imperial capital with her. Kelly said to Matthews: "I haven't seen anyone taking care of your daily life these days. Let me take you to choose some slaves!"

Matthews was taken by Kelly to a slave distribution center in the imperial capital, where Matthews saw the sign of the slave trader who had previously bought him to the auction house!


Matthews immediately became angry. He was detained by this slave force in the first place. Although someone later rescued him inexplicably, it was also because they lost the main artifact, the Death Scythe.

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