Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 59 The Gods of Aika Arrive

Time has passed quickly for more than a hundred years. During these more than a hundred years, Matthews's degree of integration of the laws of lightning elements and the mysteries of electromagnetism has improved a lot, but there is still a long way to go before he can become a middle-level god.

Asolun also managed to find the compatibility point between the element of water and the mystery of the mist, just after the two of them had another discussion.

On top of the snow-capped mountains on the highest peak of the continent, the teleportation array connecting the planes lit up. Since this is a period when the main gods compete for faith in the material plane for the power of faith, there are no plane defenders in the original work.

The Plane Defenders are the existences that manage the material plane after the Lord God's Meeting Agreement after the War of Faith. Now that everyone is competing for the power of faith to increase their strength, how can it be possible to reach an agreement and send plane defenders to the material plane?

After the light of the teleportation array lit up, Mathews felt the coming alien face god level. Considering that he didn't know that the god of that force was coming this time, Matthews said directly to Asolun: "Let's go to the imperial capital quickly."

Even if the god who came was not a god from the Four Divine Beast Sect, he and Asolon could still resist one or two with the middle god Freeman. At this time, grouping together is the wisest choice.

Just when Matthews and Asolon went to the imperial capital, what came this time was the army of the Lord of Light. After a moment of sensing, they flew directly towards the Empire of Light.

"Sir, it seems that the god of the Illuminati sect is coming this time."

Freeman also sensed it and nodded towards Matthews.

"Get ready, our god is coming soon!"

Sure enough, the gods of the Four Divine Beast Sects arrived soon after, as did the gods of the Dark Empire.

The army composed of warriors also started a state of war. Since the empire ruled by the Divine Beast Sect had more contact with the Dark Church, they were the first to go to war.

The Bright Empire and the Divine Beast Sect were only bordered by a gap in the Warcraft Mountains. The Divine Beast Sect quickly captured that gap and blocked the attack of the Bright Empire's army.

Mia and Winter's family is the closest to the Dark Empire, and Mia and Winter, as their Uttridge family's sanctuary, went to the small town ruled by the Falile family. This is the frontline of the battle between the Dark Empire and the Divine Beast Sect. It is ruled by the Falilai Principality, which has joined the Divine Beast Empire.

In the Dark Empire, the strong man who became the lower god of death asked the kneeling men in front of him: "Have you checked clearly?"

"Sir, it's clear."

"The sister of the murderer who killed the young master is in the Principality of Falilai, which is at the forefront of the battlefield."

He sat in his chair, drumming his fingers on the table and thinking. After a moment, he said: "You personally lead people to defeat them, and I will ask Matthews to come personally to save his sister."


Mia and Winter, who were at the forefront of the battlefield, felt the determination of the Dark Empire's army to attack. Wave after wave of attacks that did not care about human life.

Soon, with the arrival of the strong men from the Sanctuary who accepted the instructions from the lower god of death, Mia and Winter had the strength as mid-level Sanctuary. Soon defeated, Matthews quickly received the news of the defeat of the small town, along with the news that his sister Mia had failed and been captured.

"What, Mia was caught!"

Matthews rushed to the small town without saying a word. When he arrived, the lower god of death was waiting for him.

When Matthews saw the lower god blocking his way, he understood that it would not be so easy to find his sister.

"Where's my sister Mia!"

"Don't worry, she is probably about to die. But her husband Winter couldn't resist the torture and was killed by me."


The lower god of death looked at Matthews' livid face and said, "Compared to the pain you feel when you kill my son, this is nothing."

"Hehehe, you should have offered the Pearl of the Dead obediently in the first place, and then be killed by my son obediently."

Matthews looked at the crazy lower god in front of him and understood that this old man was the father of the necromancer he had killed before. He was actually talking nonsense about being killed by his son. At first glance, he was a lunatic who had been aloof for a long time.

Seeing this, Matthews no longer planned to answer the conversation, and shook his head directly and said, "Then please go and accompany your son."


The slash that contained Mathews' thunder-type divine power was blocked by the lower god of death with his sword. After a few exchanges of blows, the undead lower god had his arm chopped off by Matthews.

He stepped back and looked at Matthews resentfully, and while recovering his divine body, he used soul attacks. Even if he becomes a god, this kind of soul attack is of no use to Matthews.


Just when he thought Matthews would be defeated by his soul attack, when he attacked Matthews, half of his body was cut off by Matthews' knife.

"Impossible, I am a weak soul after being nourished by the souls extracted from the slaves of the Maple Leaf Slave Group to become a god. How can you, a god with no nourishment, ignore my soul attack."

Well, it’s better not to mention the Maple Leaf Slave Group. Mentioning this Matthews strengthened his determination to kill him. He was originally sold to the auction house by the Maple Leaf Slave Group.

"You'll know when you die!"

Matthews' whole body flashed with electric light, and he directly killed the lower god of death again. He was unwilling to use the soul attack again.


This was his last voice before death, after Matthews received his godhead into the space ring. He immediately sent out his spiritual consciousness to find the location of his sister Mia. When Matthews came to Mia's side in a flash, he found that she had been tortured to death.


Matthews hugged his sister in pain. He recalled that it was this little girl who picked him up from the river and tied an ugly bow to him to bandage the wound.

"Sister, don't worry. I will kill all his relatives to avenge you!"

Matthews directly killed all the Dark Empire people in this small town and used the Pearl of the Dead to collect their souls. After that, he took the bodies of his sister Mia and Winter to the small mountain village where she was born.

Just after Matthews left, a god from the Dark Empire came here. Seeing the direction Matthews was going in, he didn't choose to catch up. Instead, he went back and reported to the powerful middle god of the Dark Empire.

"You said that Sac was killed in the capital of Falilai Principality?"

"Yes, sir. The one who killed him should be Mathews, the newly become god of the Divine Beast Empire!"

"Sark is a loser who succeeds more than he fails!"

The middle god of the Dark Empire cursed for a moment and then asked his subordinate to retreat. Originally, he was quite optimistic about Sark. His other subordinates had all refined their godhood into gods, and only Sark had independently broken through to the god level.

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