Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 64 Reaching the Fire God Plane

As the teleportation array from the material plane to the divine plane was activated, Mathews and Asolon disappeared into the material plane of Aika.


The teleportation array on the fire god plane lit up, and a member of the main god's army smiled and said to his companions: "Another unlucky guy has come to the god plane!"

After a burst of light, Matthews and Assolan appeared there. Seeing that they were two lower-level God Queens, the two members of the Lord God's army directly yelled and cursed: "Get out of here and sit down there."

Matthews took Assolun to the seat designated by the members of the Lord God's army and sat down, and then he absorbed divine power to restore his combat effectiveness. Now due to the competition for the power of faith, there are very few gods coming to the god plane.

Because there are no plane defenders in the material plane, few sanctuaries come to the divine plane. Most of the sanctuaries are used as cannon fodder by the gods in the material plane.

More than ten days later, a captain of the Lord God's army came over. Ordered Mathews, Asolon and the gods who came from the god plane to walk into a knife-shaped metal life.


The metal life set off directly. The female captain stepped forward and said to Captain Matthews and others: "Welcome to the fire god plane. This is the Xuanya Mansion in the Suzaku Continent."

Then he asked his subordinates to give Matthews and others a fiery red stone, and explained: "This is the fire stone, the currency of the fire god plane. One piece for each god level. The lower gods in the god plane sometimes don't live for more than a few days. I wish you the best." Good luck to you!"

"You can move around in this hall and don't make any noise, otherwise I won't be polite!"

After the female captain finished speaking, Matthews and Asolun chose a place to sit down. Soon someone was thrown down, and half a month later Matthews, Asolun and a strong man were also thrown down.

Seeing that Mathews and Assolan knew each other, the strong man came over and said, "My name is Parelli, a subterranean god on earth. They said before that the divine plane is dangerous, and I don't know if I can form a group with you."


There is not much description of the fire god plane in the original work. From the name Suzaku Continent, we know that it is the territory of Suzaku, the main god of the four divine beasts. As for Hyuna Mansion, it is not mentioned in the original work.

Matthew saw that he also came from the material plane. He didn’t know where he was from here. One more god would bring more security.

Just after Matthews and he exchanged names, they saw several gods flying over not far away and surrounding them.

The leader of the middle gods came out, looked at Matthews and the three of them and said: "Seeing that you have just come down from the metal life of the main god's army, I will give you a chance. Hand over the fire stone and join us."

Parelli looked at Matthews and said directly: "You make up your mind."

Matthews stepped forward and asked, "I wonder who you are?"

"We are the Wall Bandits, and our boss is the high-ranking god Wall. This is our second leader, Bieber!"

A bandit group with only one high-level god is not very strong in the divine plane. Now he and Asolon are still low-level gods. It was not convenient to do anything in the divine plane, so I agreed after thinking about it.


Matthews finally handed over the Fire Stone, and then followed them to the mountain range called Pagaro.

The lower god who had just answered the question led Matthews to an open space and said: "My name is Zorro. You will build a residence here first. You were brought back by the second leader Bieber. After that, you will become the second leader's subordinates. What's the matter? If you don’t understand, just ask me and I will be responsible for your arrangements!”

Matthews and Assolan used artifacts to carve out two caves on the rock here, and Parelli also built the caves beside them.

"Boss, we really just stay here and become robbers!"

"There is no way now. We have no money here. We also have no strength. Let's keep a low profile for a while! We will wait until you and I have broken through to the middle god level before planning."


The structure of the bandit organization was relatively loose, and there was not much collective training at all, so Matthews quietly began to practice. Then he took out the space ring of the middle god he killed in the Aika plane. After recognizing its owner, he found that there were actually three thousand light stones in it. It's just a pity that they don't dare to use these light stones in the fire god plane. If they are found using them with their current strength, they are looking for death.

Although the fire god plane was built by the main god of the fire system, it is easier to practice the fire system laws. But after all, it is easier to understand the laws in the divine plane than in the material plane.

Matthews used speed when he integrated the laws of thunder elements and the mysteries of electromagnetism. He also had an idea about the law of lightning speed. Under the fluctuation of laws in the fire god plane, which is clearer than that of the material plane, Matthews started to learn the law of lightning speed that day.

Matthews was practicing attack moves that day, and Zorro also came over.

"Get ready. The second leader will lead the hunt tomorrow. It's also your first time. Just follow me then."


Matthews then summoned Assolan, fearing that he would not know the depth. During the robbery, he rushed up to Lian Zhan and made a special statement.

"When fighting later, don't rush to the front. Learn to observe the situation and run away if there is danger."

"Ah, why? How can you rob money without killing?"

"Those who robbed in the divine plane are usually caravans with metal life. Such caravans are usually protected by strong men. There is no need for us to lose our lives!"

Bieber was in a canyon in the mountains with three middle gods and a dozen of their lower gods. A metal life flew across the sky. Bieber scanned his consciousness and found three median gods.

"Unlucky, there are three middle gods. They haven't opened for several days!"

After hearing Bieber's curse, Mathews used his soul to send a message to Assolenkop: "This kind of metal life with multiple median gods is generally not the first choice."

Several days later, another metal life flew by. Bieber happily said to his men: "Young men, get ready to start."

After giving the order, he immediately flew out. He struck directly at the metal lifeform with a knife. After it stopped, a middle god and several lower gods got off the metal lifeform.


Matthews and Assolun chased the lower gods who were fleeing. Bieber faced the middle god. Matthews and Assolun quickly killed the two lower gods.


The second leader, Bieber, used his water-type move, and the ice formed by his divine power and containing the mystery of the ice edge spread towards the middle god who was fighting him.

"The sky is full of fire and rain"

The Fire Element Median God also used Fire Rain to deal with the spreading ice, and then he went straight towards Bieber. Bieber used Yuanrou Mystic to get rid of the Fire Element Median God's attack. .

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