Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 8 Loli takes away her big brother

Matthews understood this sentence, but he shook his head. He had drunk river water since he came to this world. That time he had a stomachache and fainted. Nothing will survive here now!

Matthews went to the river to pick up some dead branches and made a fire. He caught some fish, cooked them and handed them to the little girl who saved him.


Looking at the grilled fish handed over by Matthews, the little girl ate it with big mouthfuls and shed tears.

The little girl used to be the apple of the family's eye, and her parents were also magicians. So she has been taught a lot of etiquette and mainland knowledge since she was a child, but her parents died in a mission not long ago.

Since her parents had no relatives, she, a seven-year-old girl, naturally had no ability to live alone, and she gradually ended up living by the river.

The little girl fell from heaven to hell before, but now she is treated tenderly by Matthews again. She threw herself into Matthews's arms and cried, "Brother, Mia has no parents anymore, can you be my father?"


Matthews didn't understand and could only helplessly comfort the little girl who was in tears.

The little girl was crying and said: "Mia is so stupid, she actually forgot that you can't read. You can't understand the words!"

Matthews finally put the little girl to sleep who was tired of crying, to be honest. Now he doesn't know where his future lies. As a college student in the new era, he has naturally read novels.

All the previous novels on the Internet had all kinds of awesome protagonists. He has been killing all the villains instantly since he appeared on the scene, but now he is much unlucky.

First I was full of food, then I thought I had met a good person, was betrayed, and lost the only possibly valuable sickle I had picked up. Later, it was auctioned off. Have you ever seen the protagonist being auctioned off as a slave as soon as the game started?

Although I didn't know why I was rescued later, I was knocked unconscious by a dead tree while escaping and fell into the river. Although he was saved by this seven-year-old girl, he was not sure whether he could survive with this dragster.

After this series of blows, Matthews also came to his senses. This is a dangerous reality, not a novel world where the protagonist can escape from the sky every second.

The next morning, a coercive lolita sound came from the cliff beside the river.

"伱, I, he——"

Matthews read: "You, I, he—"

Matthews was a little ashamed at this moment. He was a good young man of twenty. At this moment, being taught how to read by a seven-year-old girl holding a tree branch in front of her, she looked a little embarrassed.


There was a sound of branches hitting the ground, followed by a milky voice: "Be serious!"

The two-hour teaching task passed quickly. Matthews was taught literacy by the little girl in the morning, and then practiced the crop-handle martial arts he had practiced before, and continued learning in the afternoon.

After a month, Matthews can probably understand most languages ​​​​in the world.

"Do you have somewhere to go?"

Seeing Matthews asking questions, Mia thought Matthews was leaving her.

He directly took Matthews' arm and said, "Don't abandon me. You promised me back then."

"When did I promise you?"

Mia said confidently: "You obviously promised me at that time!"

Seeing this little lolita crying if she disagreed with her, Matthews immediately said, "Okay, I swear I won't leave you behind."

Seeing that Matthews was willing to swear, Mia let go of her arm.

"It's already a bit cold at this time of year. Do you have a place to stay?"

Seeing Mia shake her head, Matthews asked unwillingly: "What about your previous home?"

"I can't go back. I don't have anything at home."

Matthews asked Mia uncertainly: "You really didn't lie to me?"


Matthews still asked unwillingly: "Didn't you say that both your parents are magicians?"

When he was rescued on the ship before, he saw the gorgeous magic from a distance. So in Matthews' consciousness, magicians are all top-notch existences, and they can't be so miserable that they can't even get into a room.

After that, Mia took Matthews to the village where she lived before. Matthews took Mia and started to clean up the grass growing in the yard and the spider webs all over the house.

This is a relatively backward small mountain village, hidden among the hills behind the river. The scenery is quite ghostly and the environment is relatively secluded. Suitable for a secluded place!

Matthews and Mia lived here. In the morning, Matthews will also teach Mia some of his martial arts, and then Matthews will be taught by Mia the knowledge she knows about the mainland.

"The continent we are on is Osia. The west is ruled by the Light Empire controlled by the Light Church. The far east is ruled by the Dark Empire controlled by the Dark Holy See."

"We live in the Frio Empire. The emperor of the empire is a powerful ninth-level warrior who believes in the great master of the four divine beasts."

Matthews was thinking about some details while reciting the knowledge Mia told him. When he came to this world, he passed through a turbulent space. Later he got the body of an unknown beast with a golden crown on its head, and a death scythe.

Now combine the Church of Light, the Church of Darkness, and the Four Divine Beast Lords. Matthews had to suspect that the beast he got when he came was the corpse of the Lord God in the turbulence of space, but he didn't know if there was still the Lord Godhead in it.

If we find out the name of the master of the four divine beasts, we can be very sure that he has come to the Panlong Universe.

Then the Death Scythe he lost is the main artifact, and as for the corpse that may have the main godhead. Most likely still inside the golden lotus that brought him here.

Seeing that Matthews was distracted again, Mia seriously hit Matthews on the back of his hand with the branch pointer in her hand.

"It's class, don't get distracted."

Looking at the little girl who was pretending to be dignified, Matthews pinched her face.

"I hate it. If you don't take it seriously, Teacher Mia will slap her palms!"

"Okay, okay. Brother, I listened carefully to the lecture, Mia, continue!"

After speaking for a while, Matthews then asked: "You just mentioned the four divine beast masters. Who are they?"

Mia shook her head and said in a milky voice: "The master of the four divine beasts is the master."

"I mean what are their names?"

"Mia doesn't know either."

Lucas thought for a while and didn't ask again. In the original work of Panlong, the main gods spread faith in the material plane, but they would not let such weak mortals know their names. Just like if Beirut, the main god, had not appeared in the Magnolia Plane, it would be impossible for the protagonist to know who his real enemy is until he becomes a god.

So how could a little girl like Mia, who was not even a magician, know the names of the main gods of the four divine beasts.

"Does Mia know magic?"

Mia said emotionally: "No, my father only taught me some knowledge about the mainland before."

"Then seeing that I was in a young age, they didn't teach me the knowledge of magic."

Matthews sighed after hearing this. Although he was probably sure that he had arrived in the world of Panlong, he just didn't know which material plane it was.

When you come to this world, why can't you practice magic? You can gain immortality by becoming a saint. This is the lifelong pursuit of many novel protagonists. What's more, no man can refuse this temptation of immortality, nor can he refuse the gorgeous magic.

The most important thing now is to make money. Matthews remembers that in the original book, testing talents requires ten gold coins. Just like if I don't help the poor, you can't play magic if you don't have money.

Just like in the original work, the protagonist's family is a noble family, and they all sell their property to make a living. Now that he has traveled to this place, he obviously has no money.

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