Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 94 Visiting Nasta Island

Matthews looked at the serious-faced Assolan and calmly explained to him via soul transmission: "Of course I know that they are related to the seven-star demon who wants to kill us."

"Ah! Then let's stay here."

"Now many people have seen that we are staying here, and the identity of Labelle's main god family members has been exposed. So it is safe for us to stay here now!"

"But, boss, I still don't understand."

"If we die on this island, Labelle's family will definitely cause trouble for the island owner, so if we stay on this island, they will protect our safety."

After hearing Mathews' soul-transmitted explanation, Asolun didn't ask any more questions.

Matthews and his group stayed quietly on the island to practice. They neither went shopping on the island nor went out to visit other attractions on the island.

One day fifty years later, Kagaro accepted his father's order to test Matthews' identity and found Matthews and Asolun who were practicing in seclusion in the room.

"You have been on the island for a while, let me take you around!"

"Then it's hard work!"

Nasta Island is not as orderly as the city blessed by the Lord God. There are also stalls selling openly on the street. When passing by a stall, Matthews saw shining pearls, but he didn't expect that there was such a thing here.

"Hey, there is such a thing here."

Kagaro explained with a smile: "This is a kind of pearl produced by sea clams in the Xingchen Mist Sea Sanctuary. Some residents on the island cultivate them. You can pick some if you like!"

Matthews used pearls as facial masks when he was in the previous world. The cosmetics he made using dream butterfly powder in Rennes City gave a shiny dreamy color to his face, which was very popular among gods.

Although the gods can change their appearance at will, women's nature of loving beauty has not changed, and it is easiest to make money from them.

Just when Matthews squatted down to pick out a few good qualities, Cagaro pretended to be casual and asked: "I don't know which city in hell you live in. If you like it, I can have someone send a batch to your city. "

"Forget it, we don't live in hell forever."

Matthews thought that Cagaro wanted to give La Belle a favor through him, so La Belle owed him a favor, so he politely rejected Cagaro's kindness.

Kagaro heard from Matthews's words that he did not live in hell. This allowed him to get a very useful information, Matthews and others came to hell from other planes.

After Matthews picked some, he paid the stall owner the ink stones and stood up.

Seeing this, Kagaro didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he smiled and said to Matthews and Asolun, "Let's go. There are some pretty good restaurants ahead. I'll take you to try them."

Just after Kagaro took Matthews around the corner and entered a restaurant. On the highest floor of a restaurant opposite, Psilio Shura was receiving a messenger from the Lord God.

As the main messenger of the Redbud God, Corotea was Psilio's good friend before. This time, her friend's grandson was getting married, and she naturally had to come to support it.

"Hey, they're actually here."

As a Shura, Psilio naturally noticed that his son took Matthews and others to the restaurant opposite. Hearing his friend's surprised voice, he followed his friend's eyes and looked.

My friend was also looking at his son Kagaro, Matthews and others, and asked curiously: "Oh, do you know them?"

Cordia nodded, pointed at Labelle and said, "That girl is a member of the Suzaku family of the four divine beasts."

Then he pointed at Matthews and said, "He is also a member of the Lord God family."

"you sure?"

“The Lord God I serve said it himself!”

Hearing what Corlotia said, Psilio concluded that Matthews was a member of the Lord God's family.

They Shura may not know the names of some main gods, nor do they know some low-key main god families. But if something is confirmed by the Lord God, it can basically be 100% confirmed.

After Cagaro took Matthews to the restaurant, he politely poured wine to greet Matthews, Labelle and others.

Under the influence of alcohol, Kagaro talked about his previous experiences.

"I have been wandering in hell before, and I just started taking part in the demon assessment mission, and I failed the first time."



After telling some details of his mission to test demons, Kagaro said casually: "Did you encounter anything similar at that time?"

"We just came to hell, and we succeeded in the first demon test."

As Asolun got excited about talking, Kagaro then poured him a glass of wine and asked with a smile: "That's good. Did you kill everyone in your plane like this before coming to hell?"

"Hahaha, we have never tested fire walkers in the fire god plane!"

Listening to his conversation with Asolun, Matthews gradually felt that something was wrong. Originally, he thought that Kagaro was mainly entertaining Labelle, but in the process, Kagaro, the seven-star demon, asked a lot of questions intentionally or unintentionally. Questions about them.

Matthews knew that although he now had the strength of a six-star demon, he and Asolon were not worthy of the prying experience of a seven-star demon from the Shura family. If something went wrong, there would be a demon.

Matthews immediately relied on his equal contractual relationship with Assolan and quietly reminded him: "Okay, the other side is trying to find out our details, so be careful."

Asolun also reacted after Matthews reminded him.

"Boss, these people are so insidious!"

Mathews also knew that he and Asolun practiced relatively quickly and achieved their current strength in a short period of time. Although there are dangers in the process of growing up, there is rarely any intrigue.

In front of a strong man like Kagaro who has experienced hundreds of millions of years to become a seven-star demon, their experiences are simply like a blank sheet of paper. They easily found out the details about Matthews and others. Fortunately, he reacted and did not let Kagaro get the information about them from the material plane from Asolon.

After Matthews reminded him, Asolun stopped quarreling with Kagaro. The scene was a little cold for a while, and Matthews said with a smile: "My brother seems to have drank a little too much, how about that end today?"

Kagaro also found out today that Matthews and others came from the fire god plane to wait for news. He also knew that god-level people can use their divine power to instantly evaporate alcohol. There is no such thing as drunkenness. Hearing the details of the other party cannot make them defensive. I see that today is no longer the right time to continue.

He smiled and said: "Hahaha, in this case let's go back."

After returning to his residence, Asolun said angrily: "I actually fell into his trap!"

Labelle comforted Assolun and said, "It's not your fault. It doesn't matter even if they know. Our Rennes City is in the Suzaku Continent, and they can't affect us!"

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