Panther Commando

Chapter 102: Army General Hospital

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Commander Zhong glared at him and roared, "Damn, my people fought **** battles abroad, and when they returned to their own country, they couldn't even live in a decent ward, so let those people who are fussing and moaning get me out of the high-ranking ward. Go out! What is the matter for him to go to the Military Commission to find Zhong Hanrui!"

Seeing the general's anger, Vice President Zhang didn't dare to say a word, and quickly ordered his subordinates to put all the commandos, whether injured or not, on a stretcher, and drove an ambulance to the Army General Hospital.

On the way of the ambulance to the hospital, Vice President Zhang reported Admiral Zhong's order to President Jiang of the Army General Hospital. President Jiang hurriedly ordered the inpatient department to adjust the ward, and all the people who were admitted to the high-ranking ward by virtue of their relationship were adjusted to the ordinary ward, which caused some high-ranking or tough inpatients to complain, and it was not until the director personally came forward to apologize. There are 11 high-ranking wards, just enough for 11 leopard commandos.

When a long line of ambulances rang into the Army General Hospital, Dean Jiang, who was sweating profusely to adjust the ward, had already waited in front of the inpatient department with a dozen medical staff. The team members who were ordered by Li Dongsheng in the ambulance lay on the stretcher obediently regardless of whether they were injured or not.

The extremely tired commandos who had been fighting in Africa for more than half a month were now comfortably lying on the stretcher. Without Li Dongsheng's instructions, they had already fallen asleep amid the shaking of the ambulance.

Young and beautiful nurses pushed 11 commandos to the senior cadre ward on the 8th floor of the inpatient department. Seven or eight senior colonels and colonels who were kicked out of the senior cadre ward gathered at the elevator door, talking about "Damn, who is so arrogant, who dares to let the old men vacate the ward, I want to see who is the fairy" .

When I saw a few young lieutenants and captains in camouflage, lying on the beds pushed out from several elevators, there were also two young female lieutenants and a childlike middle-aged man with a tabby cat lying on the bedside. The school, these military gentlemen in the corridor have all exploded their nests.

"Damn, what kind of generals did I think they were from? It turned out to be some junior soldiers, the biggest one was no more than a colonel. Which **** let us vacate the ward!" , let us people from the General Staff, General Assembly (General Armament Department), and General Administration come out, and I will go to the dean. I'll see who has such great power"..., a group of people quarreled and hugged the hospital. long office.

When they just returned to China, the fully relaxed Chinese Leopard commandos were all lying on the comfortable hospital beds and fell asleep, completely unaware of the noise of these high-ranking officials.

The next night, the commandos who had slept for nearly 20 hours gradually woke up. When Wan Lin and the others opened their eyes, they saw that they were sleeping alone on a large double bed, with a room inside and a spacious room outside. In the living room, sofas, TVs, and bathrooms are all available, and they are all sitting on the bed.

Seeing that the patient was awake, the nurses in each high-ranking ward hurried over with the hospital gown in hand, and asked with a smile, "The chief is awake, please change into the hospital gown, do you need anything?" Seeing a beautiful girl of the same age as him calling him the head, Wan Lin, who was sitting on the bed holding the little leopard, jumped out of the bed in embarrassment, and stammered, "I...not...what head, I'm not a wounded." .

Seeing Wan Lin's embarrassed appearance, the little nurse smiled and pointed to -->>, update the latest chapter of the Leopard Commando as soon as possible!

Wearing the epaulette on his camouflage uniform, he said, "You are already a lieutenant colonel, and you are not yet the chief, otherwise you would not be able to live in the senior cadre ward. By the way, I saw that there are second lieutenants in the next wards. We are senior officers. I’m working in a ward, but I’ve never seen a lieutenant live in it, and for your group, several people from the Military Commission have been driven out.”

Hearing the little nurse's question, Wan Lin didn't know how to answer, so he quickly changed the subject with a blushing face and said, "Let's all live next to us, I'll go take a look." Then, he hurriedly ran out of the ward with Xiaohua in his arms and walked away. into the adjacent ward.

He knocked on the door, and a little nurse opened the door and glanced at Wan Lin, "Who are you looking for?" Before Wan Lin could answer, Zhang Wa's voice came from the house, "Please invite him in." Sitting cross-legged on the sofa unceremoniously, holding the fruit plate on the coffee table, he was desperately stuffing grapes into his mouth, and looked at Wan Lin, "Come on, eat, you're welcome, now I know that fruit is a good thing. Well, there are a few grapes in the desert that save lives."

Wan Lin threw the little flower over when he saw what he was eating. A hungry leopard came to eat the little flower in the air. His head plunged directly into the pile of grapes in Zhang Wa's fruit plate, so scared that Zhang Wa threw the fruit plate down. Jumping up from the sofa, "I have a little ancestor, all for you". The little nurse next to her covered her mouth and "giggled" happily.

Hearing the sound here, Xiaoya and Lingling, who had already changed into hospital gowns, also got in, and saw Zhang Wa's exaggerated expression, standing on one leg on the sofa, and Xiao Hua's head was stuck in the pile of grapes that fell on the sofa. The sight of eating, all pointed at Zhang Wa and laughed "giggling".

Xiaoya smiled and pointed at Wan Lin's camouflage uniform, "Why didn't you change into a hospital gown?" "I'm not injured or sick, so why wear it?" Wan Lin replied.

"What kind of hospital are you staying in when you are not sick, you are looking for a disease when you are not sick, you bastard!" He was kicked out of the senior cadre ward to find the dean. Just passing by Zhang Wa's ward with the door open, he pointed at Wan Lin's nose and shouted Wan Lin and the others heard the unceremonious accusation coming from the door, and turned their heads to see a few forty or fifty The old man stood in the doorway wearing a hospital gown, frowning and not answering. Zhang Wa and Lingling's two unforgiving mouths can't be done. "Who are you talking about? Do you care?" He ran to the door and closed the door with a bang.

"Bang", the door that had just closed was kicked open again. "Little bastard, who are you talking to?" The one who kicked the door was Colonel Mu Hongda of the General Armament Department. He stepped into the house with a few people behind him, shouting, "Which unit? What are you doing in Beijing?"

Xiaoya had worked in a military hospital and knew that those who could live in the high-ranking wards were generally high-ranking military officials. But seeing that several people were wearing hospital gowns and couldn't show their rank, they pretended to be stupid and said, "What are you doing, you don't have the right to question us, go out!"

Xiaoya said and pointed towards Mu Hongda and pointed out the door. Mu Hongda, who had been pampered in the office compound, had received such treatment, and immediately reached out and grabbed Xiaoya's wrist, Xiaoya's beautiful face suddenly suddenly Putting a layer of frost on him, he looked at him coldly: "Release, 1...2...3" He flipped his wrist and released Mu Hongda's hand, raised his right shoulder, and Mu Hongda staggered from behind. The two passed between them, banging hard against the door frame and sitting on the ground.

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