Parallel - A Virtual Reality.

Chapter 24 - 8. The Wishes. (Part 1)

We have been fighting against these humanoid creatures for days since we came inside this dungeon. Despite their high levels, they haven proved to be much of a challenge individually, but as if taunting us, these bastards are always in groups of at least 5.

The worst of it is that they are getting used to our attacks. They have been able to counterattack some abilities that they couldn't before, they tended us small traps during fights, gotten used to read feints, and their group formation has improved. And instead of becoming easier as we get stronger, the bastards follow suit and increase their levels too!

"There seems to be no end to this…" Says Zenith while slashing them away

"Well, we are surely getting stronger, but they are too much!" I say while waving my two swords relentlessly.

"This is known as the stage of monotony" Says Dei to us while sighing. The kids could even talk while fighting, that was no easy feat as it meant they have gotten used to the upgraded difficulty already.

"Practice makes perfect, right?" Says Arksen, repeating the words of his trainer while using every skill he has against these enemies to kill boredom and improve his skill proficiency. A satisfied expression shows on his face.

Bang bang bang bang!

"Desperado!" shouts Vladi as she fills a small group with her magic bullets, while adding a moment later "But they have multiplied since we started!", her guns never stopping fire as she casts her skills one after another.

"And they are getting used to our moves" Says Isa while moving her great shield around. I am pretty sure that shield has a lot of weight, but Isa moves it around casually. Thanks to that, we have been saved from quite a few close calls.

"But isn't it increasing the difficulty, I have seen that their levels are a bit higher than before" Says Peko slashing with her two daggers and inflicting negative effects on our enemies, her field control is astounding, helping out whenever a teammate is in peril or piling up timely curses on the enemy.

"Yeah, but it seems we are about to finish this place…" I say while concentrating my utmost. I felt my consciousness getting used to my body more and more, as I feel that each of my movement are hitting softly on the wall of my reaction speed.

"Only this floor, but don't be getting your guards down. The ending here is not really 'fun'… to know I would have to go through here again…" Says Dei as he goes silent again, clear despondency in his voice.

I laugh internally at my sword, but I do take note of his words. We tread on warily, our enemies becoming stronger, but even then, not only our levels are increasing, our skills and internal battle perception have grown a lot.

I think it is because they start increasing each other beyond what I can control and endure. As they say, being able to use it doesn't mean you are able to control it…

After a few days of long fights, we finally spot a gigantic creature, similar to the others in appearance. Easily sporting a height of over 10 meters. As if that wasn't enough, it had a small army of the smaller creatures alongside it. We conclude that this seems to be the last part of this stage as we ready ourselves to fight against that army.

Neutral Creature Level: 310

Health: 1.000.000

While its levels seem to be slightly higher than the rest, its health is in another category altogether. For some reason, it gives me a weird vibe. Just as I think about that, a sudden notification appears as we step forward cautiously.

- You have entered the probation zone!

Cannot escape from this area until it's cleared.

'Huh?' As I read the notification, I notice that each one of the creatures, gigantic one also, becomes aware of our presence. The big one roars while pointing at us, and like ants coming out of their nests, the regular creatures rush forward ferociously without a shred of hesitation

'Tsk! This is what Dei meant about not letting our guard down!' I think internally as we ready ourselves for combat, I didn't have to shout commands, as everyone was ready to wreak havoc.

As we clashed against the creatures, I notice that the big one isn't moving at all as it stays on its place while crossing its arms. I become wary of it, still feeling a weird vibe from this place as I continue to slash forward, squeezing Fast Recovery as much as I can as I fight without considering my stamina.

I could feel my refined battle senses kicking in, from one moment to another I had already finished an enemy, even when they many levels over ours, it felt that I could crush them without breaking a sweat. One of the reasons for that being that they had no skills at all, and the other is that I have become much stronger. I could feel my stats adapting to me instead of the other way around, transforming each creature that came to me in mincemeat.

Never taking my eyes off the boss monster, we took each monster out finally. It was still in the same position, crossing its arms nonchalantly as if overlooking the whole situation. I ready myself to charge forward at a moment notice and then something unbelievable happened.

The gigantic monster started shrinking! And a great amount of the regular sized one sprouted again!

I swear internally as we resume battle against them, I had to help the most this time as I could feel a bad premonition from the bastard that only just a bit more than 1 tenth of its size got reduced. My stamina depleted fast but also recovered fast, like an endless cycle of energy. My elemental enhancements were pushing my body to its limits for long periods of time.

Rinse and repeat. Once we wiped out every monster in our path, more came out from the gigantic one without rest. Resolving ourselves for a long battle, we charged forward with renewed vigor.

Hours of fighting went by, losing track of time as we just had to focus on killing them as fast as we could, as efficiently as possible. Becoming battle machines, we held on and we held on…

But just how long? These damned bastards are infinite! Spamming again and again, I couldn't even split my attention to the big one anymore as my stamina was always bordering the red mark, so each moment I could rest I focused only on recovery. I could sense that everyone was very tired already, be it physically or mentally.

Slashing legs, cutting hands, kicking bodies and so on and so forth. Getting ready for a new batch, we didn't notice that the giant had finally become the shape of a minute person floating in midair.

Before we attacked it reflexively, as we have done all this time, it talked to us.

"What is your reason to keep doing the same?" Asks the 'creature' before disappearing and a path opened to us to the next floor

What is our reason…

"Because we have a mission to accomplish" I state while moving forward to the next floor without realizing what I just said, I only knew that it has finally ended.

Probation zone completed!

Neutral Zone has been finished!

What Dei said came to mind, this isn't really 'fun' as it is mostly to let us go and keep doing the same over and over again without end and without rest. Even when the turns to change for resting came, they didn't feel like that.

It was as if we had to control everything repeatedly doing the same without slacking against the same enemy again and again, never stopping at all.

"Boy, are you still there?" Dei's question makes me snap out from my thoughts and realize that I was moving along with everyone subconsciously.

"Yes, sorry Dei…" I inhale and lifts my hands for everyone to stop.

"Guys, let's rest a bit before continuing" and as I finished speaking, suddenly all our energy plummeted to the ground as if it was never there to begin with

"What was that!?" Asks Arksen while gasping for breath.

"It was as if we were in a trance" Says Isa

"It was as if…"

"We were becoming like those creatures" Completed Zenith the words of Peko

"Haaaaaah, at least it is over! How much time did we stay here?" Asks Vladi a crucial question and I checked the time log

- 3 days, 1 hour and 22 minutes ~ Parallel Time

"Holy… we were fighting for 3 days straight?" I ask while not believing what is in front of me!

"What!?" Surprised at my answer they check the time too, and they now have a baffled look on their faces too.

"I have to log out!" Says Arksen while disappearing and everyone started doing the same. When it was just Peko, Zenith and me, I looked at them with and said while apologizing.

"Sorry, but we have to go for a little while"

"Don't worry~ we are plenty tired, and it seems it is safe here" Says Peko while dozing off as if she bȧrėly could stay awake.

"Yeah… I am going to rest for a bit" Says Zenith before going to sleep.

I logged out to see the real world that I forgot everything about for roughly 18 hours.

When I got to RL, I felt my stomach growling for food, so devoured sumptuous meal, took a shower and went straight to bed. I could bȧrėly stay awake anymore.

The next morning, while watching something on the news as I was eating breakfast, I spot something that surprised me.

We won the war against Da Dragons! Well, Eliana and Kagito won, and the latter got some weird nicknames. It also looks like the negotiations went really well as Eliana managed to get a lot of profit from the losing guild and even recruited the people that were on their (Da Dragons') army.

I send them a message to congratulate them and another to my group that I am going to log in.

As I log in, I see that Peko and Zenith are eating a pre-made meal I left before, and they greeted me.

"Yo~ *nom**nom*" Says Peko while eating.

"Long time no see, when will the others arrive?" *nom* Asks Zenith while eating nonchalantly.

"They should come in a bit, what did you guys do when we were out?" I ask intrigued to the both that are having a weird atmosphere around them, especially Zenith.

"Nothing~ We slept and ate" Answers Peko with a smile while Zenith shuddered a bit.

Before I ask more questions, the others started logging in too.

"Uff, I got nagged quite a bit for being inside the game too much" Says Arksen while greeting us.

"My dad scolded me…" Says Vladi in a downcast manner.

And then we look at Isa that isn't saying anything.

"What? I am the boss in my house" She says in her usual unfazed way

'That's right…' My childhood friend and I thought at the same time while nodding at it.

"Let's eat now as Peko and Zenith had started already" I say while sighing, there was no need to rebut Isa.

"Okay~" Says Arksen with clear gluttony showing in his eyes

As we finished eating, we moved forward on the staircase to the next floor. Once we reached it, a notification came in.

- You have entered the Elemental Zone!

'Thought so' I bitterly thought.

The same creatures start appearing but with different shapes, what it made them different is that they consisted of elements.

Fire Creature Level: 310

Health: 250.000

Mana: 10.000

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