Parallel - A Virtual Reality.

Chapter 54 - 13. Scardi. (Part 1)

"Peko, I need you to go help at section 3 now!" Shouts Eliana using the long-distance communication that Peko developed, its range over the year has increased quite a bit too, so it has made it a lot easier to control the situation now.

- Roger that!

Hearing the answer of Peko, Eliana starts revising the whole situation while reading the piles of messages. As she was personally overlooking the situation at Gardan, she told her subordinates at another places to PM her only when it was absolutely necessary. If something less important than that, they would have to notify her secretary first, which in this case was Arthur.

Eliana looks at the situation grimly, as she thinks 'The waves of mobs are endless! While their levels are low and relatively easy to manage, everyone is already quite fatigued from constantly fighting again and again'

Because of the massification of the quest, many players that were in different regions of the Earth Realm came to 'help'. While they were useful, they usually liked to act on their own, making them extremely erratic.

Eliana swore into herself to give them a lesson after all this is done.

She received notification of the other sections while thinking that. The Barbarians with Azalea were giving their all, becoming the main pillars of protection of the village. The beautiful lord demonstrated that, despite having a seemingly lithe body, under those garments of her were powerful muscles and a very toned body. With a sword in hand and the Barbarians under her command, the hordes of monsters were reduced into meat paste.

Even Aren didn't look that imposing while wielding his sword!


'She seems very fired up…' thinks Eliana amusingly, then, she glances behind and says, "Are you waiting for something, or will you help?"

The same unassuming man that tried to ambush her when Kaiser fought against Prinny Brigade appears, a faint smile on his face, as he answers in an easygoing manner, "Don't worry about me, you can do your job calmly."

Eliana frowns at him, but before she says anything else, he says helplessly, "I am not that good at these kinds of situations, I am well versed in surprise attacks and setting traps, but frontal ȧssaults against so many enemies isn't my way."

One of Eliana's brows goes up, and says, "So says the man that almost killed me one time, I think your surprise attacks are lacking compared to your frontal ȧssault strength," at the same time, she PMs, "Squad 4, 9 and 10, go to section 5, NOW!"

Rainbow smiles wryly at that, the only person who could say that was the woman in front of him, he was always proud about his ȧssassination skills along with his powerful stealth abilities, but they seemed to be all for naught when against Eliana, so he says, "You can choose to trust me or not" and shrugs his shoulders.

Eliana just glances at him and then asks, "Then why didn't you go with your leader? Your abilities would be more helpful with where she is going that here."

The man looks at where Peko is fighting, a wave of monster were cursed and bȧrėly fighting against the onslaught of the people guarding Gardan, and says "Well, I was curious to see the power of the one who killed me," then he shudders slightly as he sees Peko suddenly killing more than ten monster in an instant, bȧrėly breaking a sweat, "and she is more terrifying than I thought…"

Eliana looks at them same direction and smiles lightly, while Peko's arrival did bring her a few headaches, her power in big battlefield was truly favorable for them, and then she says while viewing the messages the messages she got from the battle, "But that shouldn't have been your only objective, right?"

Rainbow looks at Eliana, and with a sharp look he says, "Indeed. While I am not sure yet, I have come to tell you that maybe it would be a good idea to keep those new groups of players away from the main posts of defense"

Eliana's eyes turn sharp for a second and then relaxes the next moment, saying with a nonchalant expression, "Oh? Is that so? I will take note to that" and nods at Rainbow, then she notices the monster are dwindling.

Rainbow gives an eased smile and says, "Well, I am going to take my leave, keep up the good work" and disappears swiftly.

Eliana looks at the battlefield, her expression cold, 'So I am not the only one with that thought… he is more reliable than I thought...'

After a few more minutes, the wave finally stopped. From what It looked, no more should come for today. Moments after that, Peko arrives besides Eliana. Beautiful specks of darkness floated on the air before dispersing, seemingly coming from the one-piece dress of Peko which was enshrouded of that element – though it looks more that the dress was made of darkness, instead of simply being shrouded by it.

"How are the others doing?" Peko asks Eliana, worry visibly in her vibrant green eyes.

"They are doing well, don't worry. Zenith and the rest went through the Dungeon of Death already and are in Warsaw valley now," answers Eliana composedly, but she sighs internally while looking at Peko. The girl from before had turned into a beautiful woman with long, brown hair. Her body well matched with the dress, making her complexion a bit fairer that normal, no sign of pregnancy appeared on her, but she got to know a few secrets of how her race bear children, so she didn't think much of it. Peko has turned into a very, very beautiful woman.

Relief washed over Peko, and she smiles brightly, "Well, well, they are putting quite a bit of effort! Ardha must be carrying that slacker of my husband forward, Zenith only knows how to complain and sleep, after all."

Eliana gives a rare chuckle and says, "I am pretty sure he is doing his best. Now, you should rest, let them work what they haven't worked all this time" and glances at where the others left. A complex expression appears on her face briefly before she regains her poker face.

Peko smiles and then looks at the same place Eliana was looking, longing in her eyes as a faint mutter is heard, "Zenith…"

Eliana gives a glance at Peko, the longing beauty for her lover.

'That Zenith is quite a lucky man.'

She smiles and start walking at the conference hall to meet with the others and talk about the battle reports.

"Time to keep working"


We couldn't help but stop to watch the landscape of the Valley of Warsaw from where we were. The sight was a mesmerizing beauty. Different environment could be seen, some that were physically unimaginable, explainable only with magic.

'We should explore this place thoroughly once we finish this, it seems the Valley of Warsaw isn't reduced to just being the Scardi's haven' I think while we keep on track with the Scardinians guiding us.

This time, there were variation of monsters along the way, not just reptiles. Though, the lizards we saw this time had more intelligence than the ones we fought on Gardan and the Plains of Gauder – except of Cha Cha and his entourage.

Their power was also no joke, while also setting traps to ambush us sometimes. If it wasn't because of our sheer difference in power, we might have had a casualty already. Thankfully, we could dispatch them with ease, but the enemy may already have grasp of our power and our numbers, so that became a bit of a headache.

Not that it would be troublesome, but… "Let's get rid of all of them on the way" I tell the other as I sense a group of enemies relatively close to us.

We separate our group and start obliterating as many of our opponents as possible. I grouped with Grudell, Sili and Jun. With the four of us, we could take out a group of ten enemies with ease, and coincidentally, we were battling one right now

Using my elemental magic, I encase the enemies with vines, helping them out slightly. Soon enough, I wave my swords again, splitting a couple in two. By the time I notice how the others are doing, they had already killed the rest.

I smile and tell them, "Good job, quick and swift!" We couldn't stay in one place for too long for the case of reinforcement arriving. At first, the enemy tried to ferociously attack us, we had to dispatch of groups of 40 at a time when we were all together, but by now, they had decreased considerably.

Sili grins, his fangs showing with joy, "Hanging with you guys is quite fun"

Jun nods and says, "And dangerous"

Grudell shakes his head and smiles calmly, saying "It seems the others have killed the other groups, too. By what I can see and feel, no more should be coming"

I nod at him, arriving to the same conclusion.

'Still, it seems our effort to lure another guardian was in vain' I think while looking at the corpses becoming lot.

I shake my head at that thought and think, 'Well, if they came just like that, it would be too easy,' while I hear footstep. Soon enough, the other appear and we get together to rest for a bit.

As we are resting, Grudell stands up and start drawing with a branch on the ground, a rough map of where we were and our destination soon is done as he says, "No more than a day of travel and we will arrive to our place"

Then he points at another spot, further away from Fors, detailing another region of Warsaw Valley, called The Iceblue Waterfalls.

"Here is the place where Dorek is" I could see how everyone's expression harden when they hear that. Grudell then says, "We don't really know the state he is, as no scout has been able to get so close to him, but that's the place he was sealed."

We all nod at that, and then Grudell proceeds to tell us a general outlook of where the other Scardi tribes are scattered, how they were affected the last time they saw them, and the overall landscape of where we would end up battling.

Sadly, for us, we only had one choice, but at the same time it would help us a lot in uniting against one front.

I look at everyone in the eye and nod at them. Everyone shows determination as we start packing our stuff to set off. I look at Grudell and I ask him.

"Shall we bring some mayhem to Dorek?"

Grudell gives me a rare toothy smile, a grin shows up on everyone, even Isca smiles slightly. Thus, Grudell says confidently,


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