Parallel - A Virtual Reality.

Chapter 61 - 20. Fight! Draconic Spatial Orb! (Part 3)


A powerful roar…


…and a deafening boom soon accompanying.

Both of which exuding destructive power on their wake.

The whole battlefield had changed quite a bit from its previous majestic impression. The beautifully carved cavern had become disfigured and broken apart.


The Dragon was thrashing on the ground, destroying it even more. Growling and roaring fiercely while smashing anything on its way. The only thing that seems to be okay is a small podium that was behind the Dragon at the beginning, but now it is shining beautifully, and each time the Silver Dragon thrashed again, its shine increased.

Confusion and disorientation swell up in me as I think, 'Am I okay?'

Despite feeling weak, I didn't feel any damage on my body besides the one I had on my fight against the dragon previously to our last clash. The elements are coursing in my body and soothing the pain and weakness along with Fast Recovery.

My head clears up a bit from its wobbly state. I remember the soft touch at the end, and soon, I distinguish someone breathing roughly behind me as my senses start recovering bit by bit.

I look behind me and I find Kagito kneeling in the ground wheezing with a pale face, his body trembling slightly from weakness.

Realization finally strikes me as I know that Kagito possess the Teleportation Skill.

'He must have struggled a lot to keep close to me after I clashed against the Dragon…' while thinking that I reach with my hand to Kagito's back and start using Elemental Enhancing and slight healing to help him recover.

I keep a close watch on the crazy Dragon convulsing and wreaking havoc. Its body losing its shine in some parts and Elements taking over. Sometimes its wings were replaced by fire, or its head by gusts of wind.

I didn't rush to attack as I felt that I would be blown up to bits if I get too close now. The waves of Elemental Energy are ridiculous, but it also feels as if the environment is getting back to normal. Driving my power along with the changing atmosphere, it became similar to the outside of this pocket space, a bit more intense even.

"Thanks" Kagito's voice interrupts my thoughts and I look at him, his complexion better than before, but still a bit pale, then he looks at the Dragon and quickly pieces together the situation, "It's losing control"

I nod at him and I turn to look at the Dragon again, "It's going to die at this pace, it seems the core of its space energy has been damaged beyond repair. Utilizing space to hold together the other elements… really inspiring."

Kagito stands up and picks up his sword. His hand trembles softly, but becomes firm soon after, "But it is not going to go down just like that, is it?"

I nod as I feel a stabilization on the elemental outage of the Dragon. Soon, different elements start forming its body, losing its beautiful silver shine, becoming a rough outlook of its previous form. The only thing that retained its silver color are his eyes, filled with rage.


'Focus! Focus! Focus!'

No slips would be forgiven by this monster. If I don't focus enough, I am going to be shredded to pieces in seconds. While its current state is deplorable and its health is going downhill even at this moment, it would still endure more than enough for my overflow to dissipate if I keep still, and once that happens, I would become mincemeat anyways.

"One strike…"

I hear a faint whisper behind me.

"If I can land one good last strike, I'll be able to kill it once and for all" Kagito whispers again behind my back, his power starting to coalesce together.

Hearing that, I close my eyes and exhale. Despite not being able to "see", I am able to sense everything in my surroundings, every movement of the Dragon is registered my head, my concentration to its utmost planning ahead.

'Yes… in this environment I can fight more freely' A small smile escapes me as I finally feel the freedom of being able to use the rest of the elements with ease.

"When I signal, you will have to attack, if not, we are screwed" I warn Kagito, and without waiting for another word from him, my eyes open, stepping hard and dash against the Dragon. We didn't have any time to waste, as my Overflow would wear out soon and the Dragon clearly knew that in terms of endurance it would hold out more time than me if it just keeps in place.

Its fierce glare focused on Kagito for a second, but before it even moved, I slash hard.

A thunderous sword wave instantly reaches the Dragon, but it evades the slash swiftly, focusing on me.

'I know… you want to get rid of Kagito…' A fiery claw strikes against my sword, high amount of heat radiating from it. I absorb the power of its attack and my body creaks from the pressure of such amount of energy, but I swiftly release it against the incoming tail attack from the Dragon.

The now Elemental Dragon is pushed back a bit and growls in anger.

'But… you can't teleport anymore, can you?' I attack again, this time stomping on the ground, creating huge pillars of stalagmite appear below the Dragon. Despite it previously being able to blink from place to place, it tries to evade while swaying around, but its enormous body doesn't let it go unscathed as a few struck its body.


An epiphany comes to my mind and I immediately inhale hard with my mouth and absorb the powerful gusts of wind. Adding my own power, I release everything using my very own roar.


A deafening sound comes from my very own mouth as the ground in front of me explodes towards the Dragon.

It uses its wings made of stone to protect itself as it is pushed slightly backwards. Small fissures forms on its wings and not letting it a time to waste, I push hard my body with Thunder and Fire Element to appear in front of the Dragon.

'Because of our previous clash, you…' I put my everything in my two swords as I slash against its wings with the force of a Titan.


The sound of stone breaking apart along with a growl of pain filled the room.

"… you have to use the Space Element to keep everything in place" I whisper at it, I feel both of my hands trembling a bit because of the clash but I can't let it go, victory is so close!

Extreme anger shows on its gruesome face as the heat starts condensing, close to blowing up.

'Finally!' I grit my teeth hard as I know it will change elements to blow me away. I drive Overflow, Raze Body and my Three-Elemental Enhancing to its very limit, my wind element overclocked beyond its limit as everything comes to a stop.

No�� it wasn't as if everything had stopped, my focus was so extreme that every small movement and flow of energy was registered in my brain at a speed so high that it is unbelievable.

Just as it goes through that pattern of Change, I shout with all the force my concentrations let me while grabbing hard on its wing.



After my shout, quietness resumed but for only an instant. Wild energy exploded from the Dragon as I am blown away, but not from its planned attack, but because it lost control of its elements for a moment…

But that moment was enough for the fastest person I know.

And without letting me down for even a brief moment, a quiet flash of silver appears in that mass of wild energy.

A blinding slash of the most beautiful silver shine, so fast that it almost seemed a hallucination.

After that, of course, a magnificent explosion ensued.

'Concentrate…' I exhale slowly as I put my everything to prepare for that one last attack. I didn't even bother replying back to Ardha as every second wasted could be our demise.

I simply entrusted everything to Ardha as he has entrusted everything to me. Neither of us would dare slack even for a moment as the sake of our mission depended on this.

Explosions and clashes filled the entire room, but I didn't pay attention to any of that. Pieces of debris were directed at me but they were being deflected by the space surrounding me.

As if I am getting into a space bubble, my whole concentration resided in manipulating this into my sword. Despite using it for years, I still couldn't grasp it so well, but thanks to this fight I have gained a bit of insight into a more proficient way of using it.

It truly was worth all the effort I put in it before, as I feel thing falling into place… soon, I could feel it, that illusive element, even more ethereal than Space…


As if responding my call, or maybe as if the coincidences were piling up, I felt time and space froze for the briefest of moments. My focus entirely on Ardha, as I knew what would come next.

Truly, this friend of mine never disappointed.


Even before He even shouted, I had already stepped in, truly, Space is a wonderful thing, as I shrank the distance between that lump of energy and myself in an instant.

'Slash it'

Just one thing was in my mind, as if I was praying to it religiously, nothing else registered besides that one word and my sword going doing.

I could feel a slight resistance as my sword went down, but it was fruitless as my sword cut through everything until it touched the core.

I couldn't even sigh in relief as an explosion occurred at just that moment.


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