Completely dissipated, it turns into a serious ghost, only the most primitive wildness.It is precisely because of this that after meeting Qing Cang, he found that there are still some people on this continent that can be exchanged.

  You can ask them about some secrets.Because of this, Lu Yu's firm heart was shaken at this moment, and they had also

  They are flesh and blood people, the key is that they are heroes!This made Lu Yu feel a little difficult to decide. If he were to kill these, he would have nothing to do with him.

  Hatred, even a ghost whose predecessor was a hero, to be honest, at this moment, he can't plant it.But at the same time, he also knows that the only one who can help them now is himself. If he doesn't help them, then they will drift over time, and those who still retain a trace of consciousness

  The ghosts were also assimilated into those lonely ghosts.It was torture for them, and this was what Lu Yu didn't want to see. She was standing here at the moment.

  A boundary, to kill or not to kill?

  Because this matter of Qingcang had a deep impact on him, and this would make him unable to do anything.Seeing that the two of them are about to lose the battle, no matter who wins or loses, it will be against Lu Yu.

  It was said that it was a problem that gave him a headache, but at this time, he fell into contemplation, thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of it, what is it?

  To help or not to help?However, at this moment, Qing Cang and the three-legged Jinwu didn't know that Lu Yu was in a difficult situation.

  In fact, they don't have the time to pay attention to Lu Yu.At this time, they looked at each other across the air, their eyes were constantly looking at each other, and they all wanted to be in their own aura.

  At the same time, their energy is gathering frantically, and both sides want to make the strongest blow.

  Give the other party a joy because the conditions of both parties are not very calm at the moment. The three-legged golden crow is formed by the energy condensed by the body in Lu Yu's body, so the previous consumption is not enough to continue the lasting battle. , so I plan to use my last bit of energy to burst out its strongest at the moment.

  attack.As for Qingcang, it was because he felt that he could not last long, because he felt that

  But this is not the strongest posture for him. He still has a hole card that he has not used. At this time, because he does not want to leave regrets in this battle, he

  Going to use this hole card.

Chapter [-]: Dharma Body Fusion, the Power of the Demon King

  And the owner of this figure naturally knows the current situation, because this is his long-awaited wish.

  No matter how long he was trapped, he still firmly believed that someone would come over there, and at the same time he could not help but sigh that he had not much time left.Without a feeling of sadness.

  During this long period of time, he slowly discovered that there is a problem in this space, and it is still a fatal problem. This problem is related to whether they can exist in this world.

  That is the yin qi they are absorbing now. As time goes by, he hears that some people at the bottom often report that their temperament has changed greatly, conflicts often occur, and no matter how much they suppress it, it is useless.

  When there is really no other way, it is useless to suppress them, and we can only temporarily build some dungeons to detain these people, and try to cause the riots to spread.

  And the reason why he didn't eradicate them was because of the person in front of him, he didn't want to kill them, because he knew that these people, like them, were all victims, and it was unfair to them to kill them.

  At first they thought that these people were imprisoned here, and after learning that they would never be able to get out again, as time passed, their temperaments changed greatly. 873

  And they have become like this. Now, as their leader, he can't bear to persecute them. He can only imprison them, trying to ease their negative emotions through adjustment.

  But what gave him a headache was that no matter how much they tried to persuade him, it didn't work, and it even got worse.During this period, some good people also began to change their feelings, and they all realized something at this time.

  They gradually felt that this matter was not simple, but they could not find any clues, proving that there was something strange about this matter, which made him feel pressure.

  At the same time, those who followed him before gradually realized that things were not simple, and fear spread among them.

  After a while, the former Sect Master of Soul Sect and the people around him also had such problems, which made him feel decadent.

  Because he is the leader of this group of people and a soul cultivator, he should find the problem quickly and take action to stop it, but he has lived up to everyone's expectations.

  As there are fewer and fewer normal people around him, he has already recognized this fact, and he has no way to stop this situation.

  At the same time, although he did not find a solution, he also found a problem as more and more people changed their temperament.

  That is these people whose temperament has changed greatly, their energy has become extremely violent, and they seem to have no consciousness, that is, the people closest to him stand in front of him and call him, but they will not get any response.He just kept trying to break free from the shackles that restrained him and kill everyone in front of him

  Until the end, this soul cultivator had no choice but to ask people to detain a person whose temperament had changed drastically. He wanted to use the simplest method to find out the truth of the matter, but this method was also the most dangerous, because a little If he is not careful, he will fall into a doomed situation.

  Et al


  After being escorted up, he was silent for a long time in the first seat, struggling inwardly, thinking about the pros and cons.

  Until the end, he silently looked at the remaining people and horses in front of him, exhaled a turbid breath, and then said calmly.

  "Everyone has worked hard these days. It was my incompetence and my negligence that made the situation develop to this level."

  "Now, I decided to take the risk and find the culprit of this incident!"

  "Let's go out first, big guy. If you hear me shouting, you can take a look later. If it takes a long time, call me, and if there is no response, hey~ You should escape, escape from here, maybe this problem will be solved."

  The people below, when they heard this soul cultivator say these words, their hearts (cedd) couldn't help but stand there, without a single word, their eyes revealed infinite sadness.

  After they learned that they could not escape from this space, it was this soul cultivator who led them to regroup and gave them a little hope for life.

  At the same time, he did not have any stinginess, and shared the exercises he cultivated, which was of great help to them.

  Because the cultivation method of this soul cultivation is to cultivate the soul, and their current state is the most suitable for this cultivation technique.

  At the same time, he can always patiently explain to everyone where he doesn't understand, and help them clear their doubts.As time went by, everyone saw him as a leader, and he was the master.

  I just don't know, when this incident suddenly occurred, some of them were disrupted and fell into chaos.

  But now, the people they believe must try their best to find the problem, which makes them involuntarily raise their hearts.

  Now he is their backbone, if he also has an accident, then they will not know how to choose after that.

  But if it is stopped, the truth of the matter will not emerge, and at that time, none of them will be able to escape!

  At this time, they felt the helpless mood of this soul cultivator at the moment. This is also forced to do nothing. Otherwise, who would want to feel this matter in such a way of taking risks.

  None of them expected that things had developed to this point, so in a sense, no one could be blamed for this.

  And now they were thinking about the only important question, whether to do what he said.

  As for the soul cultivator in the seat, after waiting for a while, he saw that they did not respond or act, so he could not help but pull his face down, so he pretended to be angry and shouted.

  Well, my words don't have the power anymore, do they?Who brought you and who taught you, now a "can't call you now, think back then

  Now, this soul cultivator has issued the final order, no matter how much they don't want to go, they have to go.Because they know the temper of this soul cultivator, after all they have been together for so long

Chapter [-]: Dharma Body Fusion, the Power of the Demon King

  Besides, they knew that as long as he decided to do something, no one could stop him.

  And at this moment, he has already made up his mind to do this thing, they can't stop no matter how dark they are.

  In addition to himself and others, if he stays here, it will also have an impact on him.Because he doesn't know what the final result of this experiment will be, will it become the same as them, and at that time no one will be able to restrain him from hurting them.

  Waiting for myself, it doesn't make any sense to stay here. Instead of distracting him, it's better to go outside and wait now is the best solution.

  So, after everyone looked at each other, they each sighed silently, and then said with a fist to the soul cultivator in the first seat.

  "Following Sect Master, how could I possibly disobey your order, we will withdraw now, and please pay more attention. If you don't withdraw for a little while, you can call us, and we will be waiting outside.

  After speaking, the group of them bent over and slowly retreated. When they reached the door, they turned and left the hall and waited outside the hall.

  At this time, the next sect master on the first seat, he saw that everyone had obeyed his arrangement and retired, which made him involuntarily relieved, and said with a hint of apology at the same time.

  "Everyone, I didn't do it on purpose. I know your good intentions, but because of this, I can only drive you away!"

  "What I'm going to do next is quite dangerous. I don't even have full confidence in myself. I'm afraid that if I don't succeed, it will involve you.


  When they learned that they had been imprisoned in this space, he led his disciples to gather other scattered people, forming the only sect with people in this space.

  And as time went on, the number of people they received became more and more, and slowly the sect became bigger and bigger.

  The expansion of the territory step by step is because there are more and more people, and there are more and more places where they want to live.

  In addition, there are no other people around here, and the land has become an ownerless thing, and there is no problem with them expanding at will.

  Slowly, this place changed from a sect to a square city, and then from a square city to a city.

  And they will naturally become the supreme commander of this city, in charge of all the order of life, as well as their cultivation method.

  Because of this, they were very convinced of this Ji Mingwen, and slowly, because he was in charge of this city, he was called Jicheng Lord, Sect Master and so on.

  Although he is in charge of the entire city, he is quite good at dealing with people, without the slightest arrogance.

  On the contrary, he treats everything very seriously, and his attitude is fair, impartial and open, without the slightest bit of falsification.



  Even if the people around him make mistakes, he will punish them severely.Because of this, everyone was extremely convinced of him, which also laid the foundation for a peaceful coexistence environment.

  And all of this has an inseparable relationship with this Ji Mingwen, and it is precisely because of this harmonious coexistence environment that everyone has an inseparable feeling.

  So this also explains why the previous group of people were reluctant to leave when they learned that Ji Mingwen was going to take these out of control people to explore the problem.

  Because they are worried about Ji Mingwen, because at the moment he is doing something extremely dangerous.If he is a little careless, he may be assimilated by these out-of-control people, which is undoubtedly a disaster for them, and they may lose the backbone of their hearts.

  At this time, he was sitting in the first place and staring at the person who was constantly yelling at him, and he couldn't help but sighed inwardly.

  At this time, he only felt sad for these people who had lost control.He hated this world in his heart, because it was this world that imprisoned them here and made them become such a human being and a ghost.

  At this moment, he took a deep breath, then stood up and slowly approached the one in front of him.

  When approaching, looking at the scarlet eyes in the eyes of the person in front of him, he felt an inexplicable sadness.

  He was running the energy in his body, forcibly controlling the emotions of the people in front of him, and temporarily calming him down.

  And what he did was really effective. The man who was constantly roaring at him became quiet at this moment, and the violent will in his eyes was also comforted a little.

  Despite this, this person did not recover because of this, but as if he had lost his soul, he stared at the ground with his eyes lowered and his head lowered.

  And this Ji Mingwen looked at the person in front of him, temporarily quieted down, and put his hand on his head without any hesitation.

  The next moment, Mingwen's spiritual power poured into his body crazily, and when he saw his spiritual power entering, that person's body began to tremble constantly, and it seemed that he was very resistant to the power of his nerves entering.

  There was no error in it, and the power of Ji Mingwen's spiritual sense entered his body logically.

  At this time, he really felt the situation inside, and his face showed a trace of solemnity.

  Only because of this moment he saw that everything in this soul body was shrouded in Yin Qi, and the spiritual sense in this soul body had long since disappeared.

  This can't help but startle him, because at this moment, the danger he perceives, and at the same time, his spiritual sense feels a creepy feeling, and he seems to be very resistant to the yin around him.

  Although he felt a little doubt in his heart, he also knew that now is not the time to think about this problem, and now it is time to think about how to solve these yin qi.

Chapter [-]: Dharma Body Fusion, the Power of the Demon King

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