"Lu Yu?"

  Wu Ping was a little surprised.

  Zhao Tao and Zhang Ze were also a little surprised, but soon, their faces collapsed.

  Because the two of them clearly felt that the eyes of the girls around them looked at Lu Yu with a little more light.

  "What a coincidence!"

  Lu Yu chuckled lightly.

  "Exactly, you are here, and our entire dormitory is complete."

  Wu Ping patted Lu Yu on the shoulder

  Lu Yu nodded his head: "What are you doing here?" "My wife and these beauties want to come and see the God of Wishes here, and by the way, come here for a trip.

  tour. "

  Wu Ping said with a smile.

  A strange look flashed in Lu Yu's eyes when he heard the words, "Boss, I suggest you don't go to see the God of Wish, this time I'm here to do it.

  for it. "

  Lu Yu's words made Wu Ping's faces change.

  They will not forget the incident at Shengli Primary School not long ago.

  It was the first time they met the Specter.Of course, the most important thing is that Zhao Tao and Zhang Ze reacted the most. After all, they faced each other directly.

  Exceeded ghost.

  "You mean, there is something wrong with that God of Wish?!"

  Wu Ping's tone became solemn. "The big problem, according to the information, since the appearance of this god of bastard wishes, Ning County has been separated.

  Some people will go missing every few minutes. If you don't want to disappear, just leave. "

  After speaking, Lu Yu patted Wu Ping's shoulder and turned to leave Wu Ping, and suddenly became serious: "All the beauties of artistic characters, it is not safe here, there may be swelling.

  Stuff, we're not going to see what the god of desire is. "(cebf)

  "Ah? Are you leaving now?"

  Wu Ping's decision immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of other women around.

  "What else did you say to accompany us to travel and sketch? I just wanted to run when I got there?

  "Hmph, a group of cowards, just because of someone else's words, they want to run away, are they still men?"

  A few girls said a word, I said a word, and suddenly the three Wu Ping brows frowned, "Wu Ping, let's stay here for one night, just leave tomorrow, we won't be out for a night.

  questionable. "

  Wu Ping's girlfriend also persuaded.

  Wu Ping suddenly softened.He glanced at Zhao Tao and Zhang Ze, the three discussed it, and decided to stay here for one night.

  After all, there are so many people in the entire county, even if there are ghosts, it is impossible for them to harm them.

  Thinking of this, the three of them suddenly felt relieved.

  Then agreed to stay.

  Now that they are ready to stay, they will let go of their worries and have a good day.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  And Lu Yu found the headquarters of the so-called Mirror God Society.

  This is a five-story building, and many men and women come and go here.

  It seems that they are all looking at the mirror god.Lu Yu stepped in, his eyes narrowed immediately, he could see the hall, which was worshipping

  An ordinary mirror, although the mirror was decorated with a special mystery, it couldn't fool Lu Yu.

  This is an ordinary mirror, but there is a strong Yin Qi left.

  Obviously, this mirror has been in contact with some evil spirits recently.

  "Aren't the ghosts here?"

  Lu Yu frowned slightly.His spiritual sense quickly swept across the entire county, as long as in this world, all ghosts will be captured by him

  The Divine Intent can be seen clearly.

  "No? It looks like it's been a ghost in another dimension again?" Lu Yu had a little understanding in his heart. If a ghost hid in a different dimension, as long as it didn't run out

  Come on, it's hard for Lu Yu to notice where the other dimension is.But once the ghost came out of the other dimension, Lu Yu could determine its location and at the same time be able to

  find the space directly

  Being able to determine the location, then how to enter the different space is as simple as drinking water for Lu Yu.

  "Forget it, I'm too lazy to look for it, just wait for it to come out by itself."

  Lu Yu turned around and took Xiao Huang back to the hotel to rest. He didn't believe that this ghost would hide in a different dimension all his life, as long as he moved to be Lu Yu.

  To prepare for a thunderstorm.

  Soon the day will pass directly.

  "Ah? Do you pray to the God of Wishes in front of the mirror?" Zhao Tao's eyes widened. At this moment, in a homestay, Wuping was with a few girls.

  Play board games.

  When it was almost twelve o'clock, several female cows from the art department finished and wanted to make a wish to the mirror god.

  This made Wu Ping three people a little embarrassed

  "Yeah, it's hard to come here once, it's impossible to do nothing, right?" "And we heard that the God of Wish is very effective, as long as we are sincere, and it is

  It's just a ceremony, not a pen fairy or something. What are you so worried about?A long-haired girl said with some displeasure that she had just eliminated her wish to make a wish to the Mirror God, and she was caught by this.

  Several male cows objected, and she was extremely upset about this plan.

  "However, it will be very dangerous, what if that mirror god is a dirty thing!"

  Zhao Tao frowned slightly.

  "Hehe, so many people have made a wish to the Mirror God, and they are all fine! When we have a problem, the woman casts a disdainful glance at Zhao Tao: "Are you Zhao Tao?Hmph, so timid to come out and do it

  What?No wonder he doesn't have a girlfriend, he's not timid, and he's quite a dick. "Nu Niu's words hit Zhao Tao's sore spot: "Who are you talking about!"Isn't it just a prayer?Come!Whoever doesn't play today is a puppy!Damn, I hate people who say I'm timid, my nickname was Zhao Dan

  A mere mirror god is a fart, and I am also a man who has faced the devil directly! Wu Ping's mouth twitched at Zhao Tao's words: "Let's play anyway, so many people have played it, I

  They should be fine too! "Soon, according to the rumors, several people found a mirror, a few candles and then put the whole

  All the lights in the room are turned off.

  Just light a few candles. "The ceremony requires a person to sit in the candle, with his forehead on the mirror, and constantly pray to the mirror god.


  The female cow finished the ceremony, and then glanced at Zhao Tao: "You are the first!"

  Zhao Tao was stunned: "Why am I the first?!"

  "You're bold, Zhao Daren."

Chapter [-] Zhao Tao: I'm so witty

  This content m.htzyk.com debut!Under everyone's gaze, Zhao Tao sat calmly in front of the mirror with his forehead pressed against the mirror and closed his eyes.

  "Yo, I'm quite courageous. Now I just need to silently recite the God of Wishes in my heart. If the God of Mirrors hears it, I will connect with you through the mirror and fulfill your wishes.

  The long-haired girl chuckled and said something

  Zhao Tao looked indifferent: "It's simple, back off, I'm going to start!"

  Wu Ping and Zhang Ze looked at each other, they didn't know what kind of virtue Zhao Tao had.

  Saying that he is timid is not wrong at all, and after the incident at Shengli Primary School last time, he is most afraid of such mysterious things.

  Last time there was a fog in Jiangbei, there were demons and ghosts all over the sky, this guy was going to be scared to pee.

  Fortunately, a sun god finally appeared.

  However, the sun god always felt a little familiar.

  Wu Ping and Zhang Ze didn't think much about it, although they thought that Zhao Tao was acting abnormal, but when they heard that this guy was about to start praying, they all looked at him intently.

  The same is true for several other women. Now in this world, supernatural events have been publicly confirmed, and the official has not denied them, and they are in the default state.

  In this case, any rituals involving gods and ghosts are extremely terrifying.

  Of course, they also have some fears, otherwise they will not let Zhao Tao be the first person

  As long as there is no problem with Zhao Tao, then there should be no problem in the future.

  Several girls thought.

  Then I saw that Zhao Tao had closed his eyes

  seems to be praying

  Everyone was shocked.

  Unfortunately, this is what they see on the surface

  In fact, after Zhao Tao heard that he had to recite the Mirror God devoutly in his heart, he was relieved.

  It's a big deal, can't you think of something else by yourself?

  I'm so smart!

  Zhao Tao thought so and did so.

  With his forehead pressed against the mirror, he began to think that the girl around him was one of abcd, and gradually a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  Five minutes later, Zhao Tao opened his eyes with a smile.

  "Have you heard the voice of the Mirror God?

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