Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 167: Guanyue Building

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The situation where everyone in the thirteen states is in danger today is not a child's naive night talk.

"It seems that I can't think of a good way for the time being, I can only..."

Focus your attention first, so that you can devote yourself to the goal of advanced Nascent Soul.

After all, as long as you really advance to Nascent Soul, many of the current problems can be solved easily.

Thinking like this, Wang Hao was sorting out his thoughts, but suddenly he heard a movement outside. After a while, there was a sudden knock on the door, followed by an unfamiliar voice.

"Your Highness, my young master has a request. May I ask you this side..."

Wang Hao raised his eyebrows slightly at this moment. He raised his head and glanced briefly at the mark on the oil lamp.

It was about seven o'clock at night.

According to common sense, ordinary people have already fallen asleep, and now they are in the war zone in the sky.

There should be a curfew rule anyway.

But this Gu Qingyuan wanted to find him...

I don't know what the purpose is.

After thinking for a while, Wang Hao finally decided to take a look first.

Instructing Li Huanhuan to help someone open the door, Wang Hao answered, and then two guards entered, one left and one right on top of the sedan chair, and pushed the door out.

"You go over your homework first, and I'll come back when I go here."

Leaving Li Huanhuan in the room, Wang Hao and the two guards went straight and quickly walked out of the barracks.

Passing through the camps, Wang Hao couldn't see the light of the fire at all. Except for the few figures who were still on the night patrol, everything Wang Hao saw... it was pitch black.

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Thinking like this, Wang Hao, led by the guards, went straight to the side of the block.

This place is called 'The Pass', but in itself is a majestic and unusual city.

There are many vendors on the street.

Wang Hao walked all the way, and even caught a glimpse of several casinos and restaurants. And these stores are much larger. In comparison, Jingdecheng is like a small county town on the third tier.

On the other hand, there is a general gap between provincial cities.

It's just... It seems that because of the war, more than half of them have been closed now, and it seems to be a bit more depressed.

Wang Hao just walked around like this, went all the way down, and finally arrived at the destination——

It was a towering building with a height of five floors. At this time, the lights were bright and the light was transparent.

This architectural style is quite peculiar, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. At first glance, it has a bit of a 'pyramid' connotation.

And Wang Hao's eyes went from top to bottom, swept a circle, and caught a glimpse of many people leaning on the sidebar...

The girl who was teasing and playing, at the same time, Wang Hao also saw many people in military uniforms having fun.

Laughter and laughter, Yingge and Yan dance.

A gust of cold wind came, but it was not the bitter cold of the frontier.

Wang Hao just twitched his nose, and he could smell the mellow fragrance and rouge water that filled his nose.

Such a scene... It really seems to be a bit out of tune with the name 'Tiankou'.

"Your Highness, my young master is inside."

Wang Hao nodded slightly when he heard the words, his eyes narrowed, and finally fell to the door. I saw that between the two red lanterns, there was a huge plaque with gilded edges.

Moon Tower.

Can't wait for Wang Hao to think about it, the two guards put their strength together, and walked towards the inside.

A waiter in front of the door saw the person coming and stepped forward politely at this moment.

He greeted him a few words and found out the origin, and then he put on a smile and shouted loudly.

"A VIP on the fourth floor, here's an invitation!"

Entering the building, the tables, chairs and benches in all directions are arranged in a complete and neat manner.

Wang Hao looked around and saw a table full of people. There were only about 30 tables in the lobby. At the moment, they were all topless, burly men drinking and teasing.

these people……

Seemingly seeing the look in Wang Hao's eyes, the servant boy on the side approached him and said at the right time.

"This young master looks at his eyes, is this the first time he has entered my Guanyue Building today?"

Wang Hao didn't feel any embarrassment, and nodded slightly when he did.

"It is indeed the first time."

"Then I have to tell you, there are five floors in the Guanyue Building. The first floor is to open the door to do business, people come and go, but anyone who wants to eat and sleep will not refuse. !"

His mouth was broken, and his eyes were even slightly brighter at this moment.

"It's just today, our restaurant has been reserved by nobles from Xuanzhou! Hey... If it wasn't for your two guards having a hand letter, I wouldn't be able to let you in."

"So today, on this floor, the top soldiers of our Muyun are sitting, and they are all good players who have to go to battle tomorrow to kill the enemy."

Been booked out?

Or someone from Xuanzhou...

Could it be that Eunuch Li?

When Wang Hao thought about it, he saw that the two guards had brought him up to the second floor.

The scene here is obviously a little more particular than the first floor - the table is a treasure of finely carved stone, with a milky white halo, transparent and shiny.

There are more than 20 sets of tables and chairs on this floor, and now it is full of seats. At first glance, Wang Hao could see some drinkers with different armors.

The waiter also followed upstairs at this moment, and said earnestly at this moment.

"The second floor of ours is usually a place for merchants to hold banquets. It seems to be a marriage of a daughter and a wife, weddings and weddings. Anyone who can hold a banquet on the second floor is a well-known person."

"Today... Those who can go to the second floor are all non-commissioned officers in our army."

as predicted.

When Wang Hao heard this, he just nodded silently. He caught a glimpse of several dancers walking through the banquet.

Heavy makeup, blush and white powder.

It seems that this kind of makeup seems to win the joy of the people in the army. At this time, these dancers are scattered, and they are changing the cups, and they are drinking very lively.

Wang Hao didn't stay here for long, and soon, the two guards took him around again to the third floor.

Once here, the atmosphere changed again.

There are only three sets of guest seats here, which can accommodate more than ten people sitting around a jade table, and now there are a few people with Confucian faces and smiling faces.

These people were wearing robes and drinking wine. The smell stained their chests and wet their beards, but it made them more wanton and flamboyant.

The cold wind outside the window blew a few blushes that were not clear, and then chokes out a few nonsense.

Wang Hao looked around and looked at a few people for a moment. Those Confucian scholars were also lavish, and at this moment, they laughed a few times, and then shook the glass to Wang Hao.

"This place on the third floor is not open to the public. On weekdays... if it weren't for the regular customers of our Guanyue Building, we wouldn't be able to use this building at all."

"The people who have gathered at this moment are the nobles who came from Xuanzhou. It is said that they are all famous monks!"

In fact, even if the waiter didn't need to remind him, Wang Hao had already reflected it to some extent—

Dozens of people gathered together, and the strength that belonged to the cultivator was crawling into a group. When he was just downstairs, Wang Hao already felt a little bit.

Originally, I was still a little confused, but after seeing it, Wang Hao lost interest.

Nodding slightly with these people, Quan Dang said hello, and Wang Hao did not make any other movements.

Let the two guards detour for half a circle, and finally step on the steps, and then go straight up to the fourth floor.

Between the third floor, several scholars saw Wang Hao's appearance, and they seemed a little resentful at this moment, so they held up the drink and snorted twice.

"What character is here? Why can you go straight up to the fourth floor?"

"Yes, I just said hello to him just now, and this person didn't respond very much. Could it be that he looked down on me and waited?"

The leader was a middle-aged man with a goatee. He was sipping the warm liquid from the wine bottle. Hearing this, he couldn't help laughing bitterly and put down the copper bottle.

"Did you look down on it? Heh... You wait for a mere foundation to build a foundation, what qualifications do you have to let a Pill Formation look down on you?"

Hearing this, the expressions of the two who had just spoken changed slightly. They murmured a few words, but after a while, they asked softly.

"This... Senior Brother Wu, the person who just passed by, but the senior who has formed a pill?"

The Taoist is the first, and this principle is most prevalent among Confucian scholars. Now even if the age gap is placed in front, they recognize Wang Hao clearly.

All have to respectfully call the senior.

The goatee pursed his lips and smiled, his eyes fell on the empty steps, and he couldn't help muttering.

"I've never seen such a young Jie Dan. If I hadn't deliberately put a lot of effort into it, I would have almost missed it..."

"I didn't expect such a genius to be born in such a bitter and cold frontier land. I don't know... Is it a good thing or a bad thing."

However, when Wang Hao went up to the fourth floor, the surrounding environment was a little cramped again.

Right now, there are only two tables left. At this moment, there are about a dozen people sitting on the left and right sides.

Also on this floor.

Wang Hao's expression became somewhat solemn.

Because in his perception, the only monks who can sit in this building are monks, and...

The strength is all in the realm of forming a pill.

The waiter who was following behind stopped on the third floor. In his own words, it seemed that they also had rules in the building.

Wang Hao's head was twisting around and he didn't know, and he was not interested in knowing, so he nodded and thanked him twice, and then gave out a few pieces of silver - it seems that this type of tip is also popular in this world.

The environment on the fourth floor was relatively quiet, and it seemed that only three or two acquaintances were whispering to each other.

Now that they saw Wang Hao coming up, they stopped talking and then stared at him.

Dozens of extremely oppressive gazes swept across, causing the expressions of the two guards carrying Wang Hao to change drastically.

Although they are family guards, they are not as extraordinary as monks.

Now that I have been swept away like this, I only feel that my thighs are starting to sway slightly. If you continue to see and see for a while, I am afraid that you will not be able to help your knees soften.

He sat directly on the ground and made a fool of himself.

Also at this moment, between the seats on the left, someone stood up and then raised his hand to say hello.

"This way, Brother Wang! You are here."

A group of people turned their heads, and then saw Gu Qingyuan dressed in casual clothes, who was facing Wang Hao with a long smile.

"Come on, brother, this is your seat."

Since it was "recommended" by someone, there is naturally nothing to pay attention to.

Except for some people who are still gazing at Wang Hao, the fourth floor has returned to calm.

The two guards who were carrying Wang Hao were already sweating profusely. They hurried forward and quickly placed Wang Hao on the chair.

"You two go back first. Later, I will bring Brother Wang back by myself."

Hearing the opening of their young master, these two fierce men grinned and hurried downstairs.

And this time over and over again, this also made the two rough men a little bit more knowledgeable.

As soon as Wang Hao sat down, he heard Gu Qingyuan hurriedly speaking beside him.

"Brother Wang, today Eunuch Li is hosting a banquet, and all of you are invited to talk. Logically speaking, you should also get together, so I specially asked Eunuch Li for instructions, and then I hurriedly called someone to carry it. come here."

Hearing this, Wang Hao also nodded slightly, and then showed an expression that was not surprised at all.


It was the handwriting of Eunuch Li.

He raised his eyes and stared at the other people seated.

Compared with the layout on other floors, the few people sitting here can clearly see some sharp differences——

The three who sat closer were all people in dark green robes, two men and one woman, both carrying a wide and long heavy sword behind them.

Aware of Wang Hao's gaze, the leading man turned his gaze and nodded slightly to Wang Hao.

"Han Bingtian, the hidden sword, is polite."

Hearing this name, Wang Hao couldn't help but look slightly moved.

Hidden Sword, Hidden Sword... Is that one of the three famous sects in Muyun?

You must know that earlier, Wang Hao had heard of these names from Gu Qingqing's mouth.

Wang Hao's expression moved slightly, and now he was facing the gazes of the three people who had hidden swords, and it was not good to keep his face stern. He clenched his fists with both hands and bowed gently.

"Gu Jia Keqing, Wang Hao."

This statement is really a bit of a doorway.

Because the few people next to him, hearing Wang Hao's words, turned their heads one after another, and then cast their eyes on Gu Qingyuan.

A solid core, is actually a member of the Gu family?

The names of the children of the aristocratic family are on the outside, and now they cannot be ignored by others. Gu Qingyuan, who was beside him, was a little surprised when he heard this.

He obviously never thought that Wang Hao would actually say this name.


Gu Qingyuan didn't really care about these things.

Right now, he was only slightly stunned, but he quickly adjusted his mood. With a smile, he patted Wang Hao on the shoulder, he opened his mouth, and said again.

"Yes, this person is Keqing from my family, and a monk from Muyun. If I can meet you today, I am familiar with each other, and everyone can be familiar with it."

Wang Hao, who was beside him, heard this and became interested at this moment.

Chapter 167 Moon View Building

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