Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 177: fire in my heart

But right now, before Gu Qingyuan could say anything, the young man caught in the middle straightened his neck, and then shouted to the surrounding.

He seemed to have lost control of his voice, so that the words he said sounded harsh.

"Yes, but the official's master is here?!"

He can no longer see things now, but the pain on his body eased just now, and then he felt someone around him.

Naturally, those earthy monkeys would not be so friendly to him.

It didn't take long for him to hear a calm male voice coming from the side.

"We are indeed sent by the government, little brother, sit down first."

"Can I ask you to tell me later, before we came here... what happened here?"

Gu Qingyuan was the one who spoke. He knew the priorities of the matter, so he pulled up a chair and let the boy rest for a while before talking to everyone in detail.

This time, Wang Hao was wrapped up, and everyone present was staring at this slightly dazed young man.

This is a living person that they had been busy with all morning and finally found it.

Maybe some other important information can be found from him!

The young man was also unequivocal. Hearing Gu Qingyuan's reply, his face was a little excited.

It was as if he had been pressed on the tiger bench, and he stood up in a jiffy!

The strength was so great that even Yao Yueling, who was controlling him, was slightly taken aback.

I saw that this kid aimed in the direction of the voice just now, without any hesitation, he fell to his knees all of a sudden!

He opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse, his back was bent like a centipede, and he was about to give Gu Qingyuan a big kowtow.

"Master Qingtian, Master Qingtian..."

How could Jie Dan on the side just sit back and watch? The two Tibetan Sword Sect people stepped forward one after another, and held the crazy boy first.

"Little brother, say something! Don't be so eager!"

"Yes, we are all sent by the government, and this time is to conquer the barbarians."

The young man couldn't kneel and worship, and his mouth was crooked at this moment, and his whole body was paralyzed. He murmured, and finally seemed to remember something, and said quickly.

"By the way, my elder sister, where is my elder sister! She was sent with me, and she should be by her side by now."

The young man struggled to stand up, and he dragged the shirt of the man who hides the sword from left to right, and said eagerly at this moment.

"My elder sister, she is taller than me, eighteen years old, eighteen years old! Dad said that she has a thick waist, and she will definitely be able to find a good family in the future. Mr. Guan, where did you see her?"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and finally turned their heads and stared at the most advanced Han Bingtian.

The latter shook his head slightly, and then made a mouth shape to show that he had not seen other strangers.

'When I came in, he was the only one alive. ’

Where can this man go?

A group of people stopped talking at this moment, because they recalled some of the habits of these soil monkeys. At this moment, I have prepared for the worst...

I'm afraid that this young lady's elder sister is already out of luck.

And the young man couldn't hear the reply, and he didn't stop now. His lips trembled, and at this moment he kept breaking his mouth, and continued.

"My family lives in Yuewan Village. Three days ago, a group of soil monkeys suddenly broke into."

"They kill people when they see them, and burn their houses when they see them. The limbs are cut off, the belly is cut open, and the head is beheaded..."

"Mother-in-law, grandpa, they broke their necks directly."

"The village chief's daughter-in-law is still pregnant. I saw them forming a circle. The elder sister cried so badly, but she soon lost her voice..."

"I don't know much. Because of the chaos that day, my sister and I hid in the hole, and my father told us not to come out..."

"It didn't take long for Dad to be stabbed to death by two soil monkeys who rushed in."

"His neck was cut open and he was lying on the ground. The whirring sound was like a bellows, whirring and whirring, which made me feel dizzy."

"Father's blood flowed in through the hole, I'm afraid."

"But my sister told me not to cry, told me not to cry..."

He seemed to use this to sort out his memory, but the deeper he went, the more trembling his tone became.

It seems that as long as he thinks of this unbearable past again, he can't help trembling all over.

"We hid for two days, and there was no food in the burrow."

"My sister said she was going to find something to eat, so she went out... She didn't come back for a long time. I couldn't help it and went out too."

"They were caught."

"Everyone in the village is dead, all dead..."

Between the small words, including Wang Hao, the faces of the cultivators in the formation of pills became more and more ugly.

Earth monkeys have no humanity.

But that's just a concept. Without actually experiencing such a catastrophe, no one can figure it out... What kind of means are these barbarians.

But now that they heard it, they finally had a general understanding, just like the content in the literal sense...

Burn all, kill all, rob all, eat all.

They are like locusts passing through, and wherever they go, almost nothing grows.

Wang Hao saw that Gu Qingyuan listened, and his eyes blushed, and his fists were clenched tightly at this moment, so that the knuckles began to turn slightly white.

The faces of several Tibetan Sword Sect people were gloomy, and even Yao Yueling was trembling with anger.

When Wang Hao heard this, he couldn't help but recall the chaos he once described when Qian Fang was still alive, because of forbidden things.

The same is the end of ten death and no life, but this earth monkey's approach only makes people feel outrageous.

But...for these ordinary people.

What is the difference between the so-called taboos and barbarians?

What kind of existence is a so-called monk?

Such emotional changes naturally failed to make the boy feel it. He was still talking to himself at the moment, but his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

"My sister and I were locked up. There were eight people in total. I looked around."

"They're all people I know, Ah Hua next door, Brother Fu, and Brother Tianguang's family..."

"They are all young people. Sister A Hua fainted from crying, and kept talking when she woke up."

"Because we have thin skin and tender meat, we can survive."

"But sooner or later you will die."

"Every day someone is dragged out, and it was Sister A Hua at the beginning."

"She cried for a long time. It took half an hour. I heard the earth monkey laughing."

"That sound is like Mr. Storyteller imitating the movements of a flower thief."

"Then I heard the sound of boiling water, and then... I smelled meat."

Speaking of which, the young man couldn't help but tremble.

"Later, it was Brother Fu and his wife who were dragged away."

"His wife was going to be dragged away, Brother Fu went crazy, and the soil monkey was sent to the chest with a knife."

"I heard their laughter again."

"Then it was Brother Tianguang's son, then his daughter..."

Before the young man could continue speaking, Yao Yueling who was beside him suddenly stretched out his hand and then covered his mouth.

Following the gazes of others, she lowered her eyes and said softly at this moment.

"I can feel that his mental state is starting to deteriorate. It's not good for him to keep talking."

"And we've all heard enough, haven't we?"

Saying that, Yao Yueling lightly raised her right hand and patted the head of the young man in her arms slowly at this moment.

"Go to sleep for a while and wake up."

The young man's neck suddenly crooked, and he fell asleep in Yao Yueling's arms.

Does she have the ability to hypnotize? Wang Hao blinked, then turned his head away - this is not the time to pay attention to Yao Yueling.

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At this moment, everyone around was silent.

But at this moment, Wang Hao, who seemed to sense something, stepped forward quickly. Then he lifted the cover in the corner of the kitchen.

The old canvas was completely lifted, and the smell of blood rushed up, causing Wang Hao's complexion to change slightly.

Not just because of the smell.

It's also because of... that thing that was placed on the ground.

Hearing the movement from Wang Hao, all the monks came back to their senses at this time, they stepped forward and approached, and their expressions changed greatly after seeing it clearly.

"This this……"

During the choking, even Gu Qingyuan couldn't say a word.

At this moment, Wang Hao slowly crouched down, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the thing spread on the ground into his hand.

It feels slightly smooth to start.

It seemed that I had touched a layer of greasy refining oil, but this feeling quickly melted away.

Wang Hao's fingertips exerted a little force, and then he touched a very tough hand.

It is a film similar to the inner layer of cowhide, which is somewhat delicate and smooth, and at the same time...

Also a little scary.

This is a complete leather product, if it is only like this, others will not be shocked.

But the most important thing is that there is an outline of facial features on the leather goods.

And some of the scars and folds on the top will not be unfamiliar to everyone present. Because this is the appearance of the joints, and it is also a unique mark as a 'person'.

Wang Hao pressed the button silently, then opened his mouth and said softly.

"This skin... it shouldn't take long to peel it off."

Gu Qingyuan's teeth were tight behind him, so he asked.

"How can you see it."

"Because it's still warm."

There is still heat.

Just hearing this, Gu Qingyuan couldn't bear it anymore.

He trembled all over, gritted his teeth at this moment, and hit the wooden beam behind him with one punch.

The strength like a bull spit out in an instant, and directly smashed the wooden stakes as thick as the thighs into powder!

The majestic strength remained unabated, and finally swept out directly, knocking over the cauldron hanging outside.

With a bang.

The soup splashed and stewed until the crispy flesh fell to the ground, and a chubby, white skull.

Then he rolled into the room.

It shouldn't be the skull of an adult... It looks small in size, and it's obvious to people in an instant.

Stewed cauldron, crispy flesh, warm leather...

Even if it didn't need to be said, everyone present knew what happened to the elder sister.

"Too deceiving!"

Gu Qingyuan was pacing like a mad bison, his eyes were like fire, and at this moment a terrifying red glow appeared.

But at this moment, no one responded to Gu Qingyuan's remarks.

Because their expressions are the same gloomy.

The first to break the silence was Han Bingtian, who was born in Tibetan Sword.

His expression was indifferent to the extreme. At this moment, he didn't even bother to say hello to his brothers and sisters.

"Brother Gu! Forgive me, Han Bingtian, I can't abide by the above instructions today."

"I originally thought that these barbarians were just swept across the border. They wanted money, and they wanted safety."

"It seems that I'm naive now... The master told us not to meddle in our own business. I just thought it was the filth of the government and didn't care anymore."

"But I just heard about it... I, the people of Muyun Prefecture, have suffered such pain, and my heart is really unbearable. I don't want to spy on any more information today."

"I just want to kill him with blood!"

"Brother Gu, I have fire in my heart!!!"

At this point, Han Bingtian let out a loud snort and pulled out the heavy sword behind him.

But seeing him flick his hand, this giant is floating in the air! Han Bingtian jumped lightly and jumped directly over the epee.

"Yueping! Bring your junior sister and follow Brother Gu's life today. Don't lose my reputation for hiding swords!"

As soon as I gave the order, I saw Han Bingtian slashed on the epee with a ruthless The black light visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared, and then he carried Han Bingtian and went straight up!

However, after a few breathing pauses, he actually scurried out a few hundred meters away. Just looking at such a posture, the speed is probably not lower than the high-speed rail!

Seeing this scene, Wang Hao's heart moved even more.

He remembered the contents of the previous notes, and now he turned his head halfway, and looked at the two Tibetan swordmen who were beside him who were looking at each other.

These two also carry heavy swords on their backs, perhaps that's how useful they are...

This epee might be a relic.

While Wang Hao was thinking like this, Gu Qingyuan on one side was breathing heavily.

Like an anxious bull, he blushed at this moment. He seemed to want to say something, but he stopped.

In the end, he had to look left and right for half a circle, and then stared at Wang Hao.

Gu Qingyuan walked over quickly, a pair of big hands grabbed Wang Hao's shoulders directly, and said with a serious look.

"Brother Wang, I have something to ask for, please don't shirk it."

Wang Hao suddenly had a bad feeling.

"The fire in my heart is no less than that of Brother Han! It's just because of my status, I can't do anything without authorization. Brother Wang! Today, please bring back all this information and send it to the military for life!"

Gu Qingyuan beat the handbook he wrote before, which made Wang Hao open his mouth and reply.

"how about you?"

"Of course I went with Brother Han! One village and one town is not enough to calm the anger in my heart! Today I want to slaughter these earth monkeys into rivers of blood, and let them know that my prosperous Tang people..."

"It's not all the old and the weak!"

Chapter 177 Fire in my heart

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