Parents Are Panicking About Building A Vocational And Technical College For Children

Chapter 013 If You Are Late, You Will Not Be Able To Catch Up With The Achievements That Fall From T

Not to mention the steady stream of students that cooperation can bring, the monthly research funding alone is huge.

Not to mention a little-known kindergarten, even some influential tertiary hospitals have no chance of cooperating with Union Hospital.

After all, the Concord brand signifies authority.

This made doctors from several local hospitals who came with him envious and jealous.

"No, I have to report it to the director quickly. Xiehe needs to cooperate with Lebaobei, and our hospital cannot lag behind others."

"When the time comes, we will also establish a cooperative unit. Rounding things off, our hospital is also a cooperative unit with Xiehe."

"Not only can it improve the reputation of the hospital, but it can also steal the company's expertise and kill two birds with one stone. It's not too pretty."

Several doctors seemed to have thought of going together. After looking at each other for a while, they turned around and went to make phone calls in silence.


Naturally, Jiang Che would not refuse to cooperate with Union Hospital.

The top medical team in China has settled in Lebaobao, which is equivalent to hiring a team of top doctors for your own kindergarten for free.

Both parties had a strong willingness to cooperate, and it took only half an hour in the conference room to reach a preliminary sense of cooperation.

Feng Tang does not need to worry about the specific implementation work next, his assistant will arrange it.

Jiang Che also left the matter to Lin Jinran.

I took a group of people to visit Lebaobao Kindergarten.

An empty classroom was designated for the incoming collaborative research team.

Lebaobao has a beautiful environment, the house is neat and clean, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant downstairs, and there are cute children.

It's much better to work here than in a noisy hospital.

Feng Tang and his party became more and more satisfied as they watched.


Mayor's Office.

Moyang Mayor Wang Qingsong finally escaped from various meetings and returned to the office.

He hurriedly took a sip of tea, suppressed his voice that was about to catch fire and asked Secretary Gao Yuan: "Secretary Gao, how is the progress of Mr. Feng's seminar?"

"Are you ready for the meal I asked you to arrange?"

"Mr. Feng is an authoritative expert that I invited here after all the hard work and three visits to the thatched cottage. You have to be well received. If something goes wrong, I will only ask you."

"Let's go to the seminar to meet Mr. Feng."

Cold sweat suddenly fell from Gao Yuan's forehead as he hurried back from the seminar.

Mr. Feng was not at the seminar at all. He went to a kindergarten, which Gao Yuan never expected.

Wang Qingsong invited Feng Tang over. Feng Tang was not at the seminar. He was the main person in charge of the seminar. He had to take the main responsibility for this, but he couldn't stop it!

That's Mr. Feng. He can go wherever he wants without giving anyone's face, even if Wang Qingsong is present.

Gao Yuan hesitated and said: "Mayor Wang, Mr. Feng is not at the seminar. He...his old man went to a kindergarten."

"Kindergarten? What are you doing there?"

Wang Qingsong was very surprised and vaguely angry.

Generally speaking, Mr. Feng was invited by him, and the itinerary was arranged by him according to the rules.

Some companies and organizations that want to move this mountain to build Meimei must obtain his consent.

Which kindergarten has the heart of a bear but the courage of a leopard and dares to disturb Tai Sui?

"Said he was going to do some research."

Gao Yuan told Feng Tang about going to kindergarten in detail from beginning to end.

The information after going to the kindergarten came back from the people he arranged to be around Feng Tang.

The more Wang Qingsong heard, the more surprised he became. It was Mr. Feng who took the initiative to go, so the person in charge of the kindergarten cannot be blamed.

When he heard that Feng Tang said that he would arrange for the research team to settle in Lebaobao Kindergarten, Wang Qingsong was so angry that he slammed the stainless steel thermos cup on the table.

"You, you, are confused!"

"Why didn't you tell us such an important thing in advance? Hurry up and call the driver. Let's go to Lebaobao Kindergarten."

An anxious Wang Qingsong hurriedly got into the car, urging the driver to hurry up, hurry up, hurry up...

If it's too late, you won't be able to keep up with the political achievements that fall from the sky.

Immediately, he took out his mobile phone and dialed his son's number: "Send Pingping to Lebaobao Kindergarten now, immediately, immediately."


At the end of any important meeting, visit, etc., a procedure is indispensable.

That's the big group photo.

Feng Tang and his group stood at the door, lined up in two rows, waiting for a group photo.

Jiang Che stands to the left of Feng Tang, occupying the C position.

Lin Jinran, the leader of the team, was also pulled to his right by Feng Tang. The girl was the counterpart of the research team. She was beautiful and efficient at work. Feng Tang had a good impression of her.

Lin Jinran was excited to be able to take a photo with Feng Tang and stand next to him, and his face turned red.

I thought to myself: "Hmph, when the photos come out, show them to my family and see who dares to say that there is no future as a kindergarten teacher."

Lin Yuhang was held in front of him by Feng Tang, in the C position among the C positions.

The staff arranged by Gao Yuan held the camera in hand and directed everyone to adjust their posture to look at the camera.

Just when he was about to press the shutter, an Audi A6 suddenly stopped next to it, followed by a motorcade and police cars clearing the way. There were more than a dozen cars.

Before the car stopped, Wang Qingsong pushed the door open from the back seat and got out, shouting: "Wait a minute, wait a minute..."

"Wait for me, I'm Mayor Wang Qingsong."

It was close to the end of school, and many parents were waiting to pick up their children. They were shocked when they saw a motorcade and police cars coming to the entrance of the kindergarten.

I thought something big happened in the kindergarten.

They all ran over to take a look and were immediately dumbfounded.

"Why is the mayor here?"

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