The woman cried and talked about her daughter's condition.

"She doesn't know what's wrong with her. She chews her hair as soon as it grows long, and won't let me cut it. She just cuts it randomly with scissors. After cutting it, she cries..."

"I heard from my neighbor that the kid who cuts hair here is very good at cutting hair, so I brought her here to have a look, but she was like this..."

"Tell me, what should I do?"

"I'm so hard!!!"

The crowd of people watching before pointed at the woman and cursed her, calling her a crazy woman.

How could you do this to your own child?

But after hearing her experience, she couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Feeling sorry for this poor mother.

Autism, also known as autism, rarely takes the initiative to initiate social interactions, has strange forms of social interaction, unique and stereotyped behavior patterns, and also shows difficulty in understanding other people's emotions and thoughts, and lack of understanding of social rules.

Simply put, she cannot communicate with others.

And there is no cure for autism.

Jiang Che felt something was wrong with this little girl from the first sight.

As the principal of a kindergarten, he stays in the kindergarten every day and often has contact with children.

Understand better the way they act and speak.

From the time this little girl appeared in front of everyone until now, except for the word "mom", she has not said a single word.

Normal children wouldn't be like this.

They express themselves.

For example, if Mo Xiaobei encountered this situation, he would yell: "You old man, I don't want to cut my hair..."

Instead of "two nine three", it can only be called mom, mom, mom.

Ignoring the woman crying on the ground, Jiang Che approached the little girl and said, "Why are you biting your hair?"

The little girl didn't answer. She just kept crying, holding her mother's hand and shouting: "Mom, mom, mom."

"You don't like this hairstyle, do you?"

Jiang Che asked again.

The little girl's eyes flashed.

There's drama!

Jiang Che secretly thought that although he did not understand psychology, the information revealed from the little girl's mother's mouth.

Girls chewing their hair and cutting their hair randomly should mean they are dissatisfied with their hairstyle.

She wants a hairstyle she likes, but she doesn't know how to cut it.

She went to a hair salon outside to get her hair cut, but she didn't know how to express it.

Teacher Tony cut it according to his mother's ideas.

She is not satisfied every time after cutting, so she is naturally unhappy.

Over time, I began to resist going to the hair salon to get my hair cut, and became accustomed to chewing my hair short with my mouth.

If the back ones couldn't be chewed, she used scissors to cut them off.

However, the effect is often very different from what she imagined.

So, she laughed again.

Such a vicious cycle led to her becoming extremely sensitive and resistant to haircuts to this day.

Seeing how he avoided answering his questions just now, the little girl was on guard against him.

After thinking about it, Jiang Che whispered a few words in Yang Xuelan's ear.

After hearing this, Yang Xuelan's eyes lit up and she nodded vigorously.

Jiang Che stepped aside and watched Yang Xuelan's performance quietly.

"Sister! My name is Yang Xuelan, you can call me Lanlan, let's make friends, right?"

Yang Xuelan stretched out her cute little hand.

Zhou Ziyu lowered his head and looked at the pair of small hands in front of him with evasive eyes.

Stare for a while, then look away, look for a while, then look away.

He seemed to be struggling with something in his heart.

Seeing this, Jiang Che gently pushed Yang Xuelan and motioned with his eyes to take the initiative to hold Zhou Ziyu's hand.

Yang Xuelan immediately understood and stretched out her little hand to hold Zhou Ziyu's hand.

Zhou Ziyu's body suddenly retracted, trying to struggle out.

But when she raised her head and saw Yang Xuelan's big smiling face, she slowly, slowly stopped moving.

"Then we are good friends?"

Girls mature earlier than boys, and six-year-old girls and six-year-old boys are completely different species.

In the eyes of six-year-old girls, boys who are several years older than them are still childish ghosts who only know how to play!

I know how to watch Pig Man and Ultraman all day long!

But they were different. They started watching The Boss and ancient puppet shows.

Yang Xuelan is like a little adult, knowing how to control emotions and communicate.

That little expression, that little movement, that language art.

He will be a social gangster when he grows up.

Zhou Ziyu nodded silently, like a dragonfly touching water.

Although the movement was very light, it was still fully visible to Yang Xuelan.

She turned around and came to Zhou Ziyu's side. The two of them stuck together and whispered in her ear.

After muttering for a while, Zhou Ziyu nodded heavily.

Yang Xuelan raised her head and looked at Jiang Che, and secretly gestured to him!

No one knew what Yang Xuelan and Zhou Ziyu said.

Perhaps it was Yang Xuelan who cast a restraining spell on Zhou Ziyu.

Yang Xuelan tied the scarf on her, but she remained motionless.

Yang Xuelan combed her hair, but she remained motionless.

Yang Xuelan took out the scissors to cut her hair, but she remained motionless, like an old monk in meditation.

Maintaining the same posture, her eyes started to move until Yang Xuelan stopped and whispered in her ear.

Facing the mirror handed over by Yang Xuelan, after much hesitation, she finally reached out and took it.

She stretched out her hand and slowly raised the mirror.

Saw another version of myself in the mirror.

At this time, the crowd was silent.

Everyone held their breath, expecting a miracle to happen.


She quickly put the mirror down again.

It seemed like he had been frightened by something.

His face turned red and he was breathing rapidly.

The tears in his eyes fell like small pearls with broken strings.

Silent crying.

"It's over."

"Still don't like it!"

Everyone's hearts suddenly sank to the bottom again.

"As expected, it still doesn't work?"

"What a beautiful little girl."

"She looks like an angel, isn't she so beautiful?"

When they saw Zhou Ziyu's appearance clearly, everyone took a breath of cold air at the same time.

The little girl has beautiful features.

Coupled with the long-term absence of outdoor activities, her skin is as white as snow, paired with a newly cut jellyfish hairstyle.

Cute and beautiful!

Coupled with its pitiful little appearance, people can’t help but want to take it home and raise it.

Just when everyone was sighing.

Zhou Ziyu suddenly laughed while crying.

She wiped her tears with her wrist, raised her head and smiled at Yang Xuelan, and said two words from her mouth: "I like it!"

this moment!

It's like parting the dark clouds to see the bright moon, illuminating the whole world.

Yang Xuelan also smiled.

Everyone present laughed, and their tense hearts settled peacefully.

Immediately afterwards, I don’t know who took the lead in applauding.

Everyone also applauded.

The applause is not only for Zhou Ziyu, but also for Yang Xuelan.

Zhou Ziyu's mother had already turned into a tearful person and couldn't stop crying.

He hugged his daughter and cried bitterly, releasing the long-suppressed emotions in his heart.

The friends in the live broadcast room went crazy when they saw this scene, and they were so impressed with Yang Xuelan.

[The moment she cried, my whole heart lifted. The moment she smiled, I burst into tears. 】

[It turns out that she always knew what she liked, but she just didn’t know how to express it. The children understood her, so she liked it. 】

[I really cried to death in the live broadcast room, what kind of magic operation is this!]

[Me too, I just watched the live broadcast and almost cried. 】

[I feel sorry for that mother, I feel sorry for the child, the autistic family cannot see this, and they feel very uncomfortable. 】

[She’s so good at being a kid! I really love this kid, she’s really great!]

[You call this a kindergarten kid? I think she is more mature than me. 】

[I was trembling with fear! I said nothing and knelt down for the children. Please accept my knee. 】

[Why can a haircut be so provocative? I, I, I, I... I will cry for a while...]

[Children are really amazing. Even children with autism can do it. It’s incredible. 】

【Amazing! Lebaobao is so amazing!】

【Did anyone hear what the child and the little girl said?】

【I also want to know!】

[Me too! Is there anyone who knows lip reading who can take a step forward? 】

[I understand! But if I don’t tell you, I’ll kill you...

[The cut of the jellyfish head is so beautiful. It should be said that at special times, the little girl looks particularly agile and does not have the sluggish feeling before. 】

[It’s not an exaggeration to say that this child’s skill is master-level, right?]

[Qiule Baby Kindergarten opened a hair salon studio, and I will be locked in it from now on for haircuts. 】

【Same request!】

Zhou Ziyu's mother took Yang Xuelan's hand and kept thanking her.

Yang Xuelan grinned and said openly: "You have to thank our principal, who taught me to tell my sister."


Zhou Ziyu's mother was stunned for a moment, then turned to thank Jiang Che.

Jiang Che smiled slightly and accepted her thanks.

"Little Lan Lan, can you tell Auntie what you said to Sister Ziyu?"

Zhou Ziyu's mother asked.

What words can make your daughter change her mind?

She was curious.

After hearing her mother's words, Zhou Ziyu was obviously a little panicked. She lowered her head, pinched the corners of her clothes tightly, and looked at Yang Xuelan with pleading eyes.

Yang Xuelan winked at Zhou Ziyu mischievously, smiled and said, "This is the secret between me and sister Ziyu!"

"I won't tell you!"

Until Zhou Ziyu left, Yang Xuelan didn't tell the secret between them.

However, they made an agreement that if Zhou Ziyu's hair grows longer, they will go to Lebaobao Kindergarten to find her.

After the mother and daughter left.

The atmosphere at the scene was rekindled.

Just now, they were afraid of scaring Zhou Ziyu, but now, they applauded and cheered without restraint!

I can't wait to sit on the stool and let the children change their heads.

An encounter like this may never happen again in the future.

A short episode passed quietly.

The charity scissoring activities are still in full swing.

There are more and more people queuing up, and most of them are young people.

It can't be finished, it can't be finished at all.

People are coming in a steady stream, and if this continues, the pruning will not be finished until tomorrow.

Jiang Che decided to call it a day and go home.

After explaining the situation to Secretary Zhou, Jiang Che announced that today's free scissors event was over.

There was a long line of people wailing.

No matter how they wailed, Jiang Che remained indifferent.

He said last Friday, first come, first served, and leave when the time comes.

We are here to do free haircuts, not to do hard work.

Before going back, in addition to packing their tools, the most painful thing for the children was to find ways to put the gifts piled up on the ground into their schoolbags.

"Director! It's really hard for me!"

Yang Xuelan stuffed her schoolbag so full that she couldn't close the zipper and screamed in panic!

Good guy 4.3, you learned Zhou Ziyu’s mother’s words right away, right?

"Director, look! Ke Zhenyu has made zero again

The food was hidden in my crotch. "

"Director, can you get some for me? Don't make me kneel down to beg you!"

"Teacher Lin, you are the most beautiful. Can you get a few for me?"

"Teacher Yun, you are the second most beautiful, can you get some for me too?"

"Who told you that I am the most beautiful?"

Lin Jinran winked at Yun Jinshu proudly, looking like he deserved a beating.

"It's the director!"

The two girls turned to look at Jiang Che at the same time.

A shy smile.

One gnashed his teeth.


The naughty kid needs to be cleaned up!

There is still too little work to do on weekdays, so we have to give them more work to do!

Douyin platform.

I don’t know who edited a video that attracted the attention of netizens.

in the screen.

Children won prizes for cooking in the King of Kitchen Competition…………

Children are digging the river... Famous scene of team battle involving tens of thousands of people...

The child in Yi………………the autistic girl smiled…………..

They all come from the same place.

Lebaby Kindergarten.

The video spread at an alarming speed. By the next morning, it had more than 10 million likes and 100,000 comments.

Looking at the hot search list again, it firmly occupies the first place.

Overnight, Lebaby Kindergarten became a hot search topic. .

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