"Dear parents, can you please listen to me?"

Lin Jinran stood in front of Jiang Che and took over his explanation to his parents.

It has to be said that being beautiful does have advantages. As soon as Lin Jinran opened his mouth, the chattering office immediately fell silent.

As parents, they may not give face to the principal, but they still have to give face to their children’s teachers.

"Our principal means that building a vocational and technical college for children is a new teaching concept. Although I just heard the news, I was personally very shocked after hearing it."

"Traditional early childhood education evolved from nurseries. Babies grow up healthily under our careful care. However, there are also big disadvantages."

"Which family's baby is not their parents' sweetheart? They hold it in the palm of their hands for fear of falling, hold it in their mouth for fear of melting, and are reluctant to let them do any work."

"As a result, their hands-on skills are extremely poor."

"Some children still need to be fed by teachers at the age of five, and even poop their pants at the age of six. Is this education model really good?"

"The principal proposed a new educational concept, which completely subverted the traditional education model. It cultivates children's hands-on skills and interests from an early age, allowing children to find their own fun..."

Lin Jinran said a lot in one breath, and Jiang Che secretly praised her.

She said a few words casually, and she understood it thoroughly. She was worthy of Teacher Lin, who is passionate about preschool education.

If we want to build a vocational and technical college for children, Teacher Lin’s ox and horse must be firmly tied up.

"...After saying so much, it's still not as good as seeing it with your own eyes, right?"

"Then let me give you another example?"

"You guys saw the dumplings I made this morning. How happy my baby is."

"Even though it doesn't look good, it can still be eaten, right? Besides, it has such an effect for the first time. Isn't it something we should be proud of?"

"As far as I know, there are still many parents who don't even know how to make dumplings..."

"Actually, babies are smarter and more capable than we thought. Is it really okay if we just treat them like flowers in the greenhouse? If there are better conditions, why not let them release their nature and give it a try boldly?"

The scene of making dumplings is vivid in my mind.

The words spoke to the heart and silenced the parents present.


Excessive pampering makes their children lawless, unable to be beaten or scolded. Usually when they come home from school, they either play with toys or watch TV.

Some parents are so busy that they just throw a mobile phone to them and let them play with it as they please.

Children do not have any hobbies that are truly their own.

If there was something they really loved, maybe it would be different?

After hearing what Jiang Che and Lin Jinran said, Yuhang’s father was the first to stand up and raise his hands in approval.

"Principal, Teacher Lin, I support the establishment of a vocational and technical college for children. I won't say much else. Just because Yuhang showed off three bowls of dumplings, I support it with both hands and feet."

"Tell me, how much do I need to pay?"

"Children today are just too delicate."

"When I was this old, I could go up to the mountains to herd cattle and cut pig grass, feed chickens, raise ducks and dig sweet potatoes."

"I used to wonder why today's children have turned into industrious waste. It turns out that the problem is here, they have the disease of wealth."

"Director, I support you too."

The speaker was Grandpa Zhixin.

The old man spoke with great force and force, and had a majestic look on his face. He must have been a leader before retiring.

I went through hardships when I was a child, and I can’t stand how dignified children are today.

In his opinion, children should be raised rough, allowed to jump around and grow up amid bumps and bumps.

Only children who grow up in this way can be wild, creative, imaginative, and have a strong character, instead of crying when the skin on their fingers is broken.

He often had conflicts with his son and daughter-in-law about how to raise his children.

The director's idea was exactly what he wanted and he spoke his mind.

This is how kindergarten should be run.

"It sounds pretty good. I don't care. As long as Lebaby can continue to run it, it's fine. The environment here is much better than other kindergartens. I think it's appropriate to pay more money. We can't let the principal continue to lose money, right?"

Another young mother stood up and expressed her agreement.

Some people spontaneously took the lead in agreeing, and other parents began to be moved.

Most of the parents are young people, under the age of forty, and the vast majority of them are born in the 1990s.

Speaking of which, they are miserable. They are known as the chicken baby generation.

I have grown up in competition since I was a child.

Reading papers, work papers, looking for my wife to return papers.

Exhausted, they finally got married and had children. With a sweetheart, will their children really want to follow their own old path?

The shadow of childhood shrouded by nightmares has not yet dissipated.

No, we must not let the child continue like this.

Those born in the 1990s know better how to lie down.

My children will grow up healthy, safe and have enough to eat.

Chicken baby, please stay away from death, okay?

It is a good thing to cultivate a skill at an early age, a great thing.

"I agree, director, is it enough to pay an extra five hundred a month?"

"If it's not enough, you can add eight hundred. It's much cheaper than those so-called aristocratic kindergartens."

"I agree."

"I agree......"

To Jiang Che's surprise, more and more parents came forward to express their support.

He originally thought it would be good to retain half of the students, but he did not expect that most parents agreed to build Lebaobao into a vocational and technical college for children.

And they are also willing to take the initiative to increase the kindergarten fees.

What should I do if I feel a little moved?

Since his parents are so supportive, he doesn't intend to hide it.

"If the garden fee does not increase, it will still be one thousand per month."

That garden fee is not enough to see it, okay? Far water cannot quench near thirst.

Take a longer view and enlarge the picture.


The reason parents were most resistant at first was that they thought Jiang Che was trying to increase money in various ways.

He never dreamed that kindergarten fees would not increase. He really wanted to start a career!

Damn it, I blamed him wrongly.

The group of people who shouted the loudest lowered their heads in shame.

"So what do we need to do?"

"That's a good question." Jiang Che smiled and replied, "Just don't feel bad."

“Start processing refunds now, who wants to leave and who wants to stay?”

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