Part-time BOSS

Chapter 27 Electronic Ghost

Murphy felt excited when he saw this. This feeling sounded quite similar to his own.

No, it should be said that it is more serious than him. At least he has not been affected by the black dragon when he is awake. Only in dreams and games can he not be able to distinguish reality.

Murphy: "What happened next?"

Shadow Fang: "I was afraid that I would get sick after eating raw meat, so I went to the hospital. After the examination, it was very incredible to find that I had digested all the raw meat, and there was no abnormality at all. Even after the doctor checked my body, he said that I was in poor health. It's amazing. I don't have any of the work-related illnesses of ordinary office workers. They even asked me if I run regularly for exercise or something.

But I’m actually quite a homebody. Apart from going to work, I just go home and lie in bed playing games. "

Murphy: "How did you feel at that time?"

Shadow Fang: "I'm scared and excited at the same time. I feel like I'm undergoing some kind of evolution. Maybe if I continue, I won't be able to gain superpowers. But at the same time, I'm also worried about whether my mind will be affected by the game. Will he really turn into a beast in the end?

Because I can really feel that my mind seems to have undergone some changes, and I have begun to become more aggressive. Sometimes when I take the elevator at work, I will look at the neck of the person standing in front of me and imagine What would it feel like to suddenly pounce and take a bite?

I went to see a psychiatrist, but it was of no use. I tried my best to maintain human living habits, but I was still uncontrollably affected by the game. To be honest, I was a little scared, and I didn’t even dare to enter the game for a while. "

Murphy: "So how are you doing now? Are you still like this?"

Shadow Fang: "No, I have recovered now."

Murphy: "Ah, how did you do it?"

Shadowfang: "Because my character died, does Nesingwari Hemet know this person?"

Murphy: "That legendary dwarf hunter?"

Shadow Fang: "Yes, it's that bastard. This guy heard that a powerful black panther appeared somewhere, so he ran to my territory and started a plot event called [Hunting 'Shadow Fang'] .

Originally, I could survive by hiding a little, but who knew that many adventurers came to take over the hunting mission and helped the dwarf search for me. After searching for me for three consecutive days, I was so frightened that I immediately logged off. I thought I would survive for another three days. It should be safe in five days, but as soon as I went online, I was blocked. Damn, this guy didn't even use the animal taming skill. He just shot me in the head with one shot. He's a rare elite at level 50, right away. You can advance to the BOSS, and it’s all gone at once. "

Murphy: "Then you'll be fine?"

Shadow Fang: "Almost, that night I dreamed about the 'Shadow Fang' for the last time. I dreamed that it was standing on the edge of a jungle, looking at the dark forest in the distance. I knew at that time that this might be my last dream. The first time I saw it, I thought it would say goodbye to me, nuzzle in my arms, or stare at me, but no, it just stood there, not even giving me a face. Looking at the forest in the distance.

When I couldn't help calling it, it suddenly ran into the jungle without looking back and disappeared. This heartless bastard...

I haven't dreamed about it since.

After that, I felt empty and uncomfortable for a long time, but then I slowly looked away. If I hadn't died at that time, I don't know what I would be like now. "

Murphy keenly grasped the hidden meaning in the other party's words.

“So you think ‘Shadow Fang’ is an independent individual, not your own incarnation?”

Shadow Fang: "Yes, although it is strange to say this, I have never thought of this before, but it was not until that moment that I suddenly realized that it and I were not one, maybe at first, but as time went by , the difference between the real me and Shadow Fang is getting bigger and bigger, and gradually we become two people, or one person and one beast.

Although we usually overlap, that night, I saw its true form. "

Murphy: "Then what do you think it is? Is it your subconscious?"

Shadow Fang: "No, definitely not. At first I thought maybe I was too involved in the drama. You know the clown actor, what is his name?"

Murphy: "Phoenix?"

Shadowfang: "No, I'm talking about the Joker in The Dark Knight."

Murphy: "Heath Ledger?"

Shadow Fang: "Yes, yes, that's him. It is said that he committed suicide because he was too deep into the drama and couldn't get out. I began to wonder if I was also too deep into the drama, and really thought of myself as a black panther.

But later I discovered that this was not the case. I knew very well that I was a human being, not a black panther. I could clearly distinguish between the two. When I acted like a black panther, it was more like I was being controlled by some kind of program or spirit. The body is possessed. This spirit was controlling me to do those things, and I actually became a bystander. But because I could feel the Black Panther's emotions and reality feedback simultaneously, I couldn't clearly distinguish the difference between the two. . "

The more Murphy heard it, the more frightened he became. This description was almost exactly the same as his own at that time.

Murphy: "Are you still playing this game now?"

Shadow Fang: "I'm still playing, but I can't help it. This game is so fun that I can't put it down at all. But I recreated an account, a thief leader, and I found that as long as I don't deliberately role-play, I won't be affected. Now that I am over level 30, I have never dreamed of this new character even once.

So I guess this phenomenon may be related to role-playing. We deliberately play a virtual character in the game. After playing for a long time, the virtual character becomes real. "

Murphy nodded secretly. This theory can barely explain the conditions for the birth of this 'virtual life'. He has indeed been playing the role of the black dragon lord Morpheus. Its behavior, habits, speech and behavior are completely different from his real self. , seems to be given by myself during the live broadcast.

But this still doesn't explain what the black dragon is.

Murphy: "What do you think these things are?"

Shadow Fang: "Who knows, I have made many speculations and conjectures. It may be some kind of intelligent AI simulated by a computer program based on our previous behavior patterns. It is loaded into our brains like a program and affects our behavior. Thinking, change our behavior habits.

Or maybe it's some kind of supernatural electronic ghost...

Or perhaps I have awakened my second personality...

But these conjectures cannot explain why the body changes accordingly.

To put it bluntly, it might be some kind of system. If Shadow Fang hadn't died, maybe I would have awakened my superpowers or something...

This game is so evil that it may not be confirmed in the future, and I don’t plan to delve into it any further. I’ve actually given up on the matter.

The reason why I tell you so much is mainly because I feel uncomfortable hiding this matter in my heart. Being able to tell this to people who have had the same experience can be regarded as a reconciliation with my past self.

But for you, your matter is much more serious than mine, so you'd better be careful. "

Murphy: "I'm not as serious as you. At least until now, I haven't been affected in reality."

Shadow Fang: "That's what I said, but what troubled me at that time was just a beast, a rare elite. Now what troubles you is a black dragon, a world BOSS. Although there is no such creature as a dragon in reality, according to the According to the game’s official monster introduction, shouldn’t dragons be cunning, cruel, and good at disguise?

Maybe there is some kind of supernatural power.

You said that it has been communicating with you in your dreams. If you tried to trick you, it might have been able to control you long ago, but it was just hiding itself.

So I think you'd better be careful. My experience can be a reference for you, but you'd better not take it completely seriously.

Whether it's good or bad, I feel like whatever's happening to you is going to be far more serious than what's happening to me. "

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