Part-time BOSS

Chapter 291 Empty City Strategy and Street Children

Looking at the dark Frost Wolf territory in front of them, the princes looked at each other.

Victor (Prince of Alterac): "What do you think this is? Could it be an ambush?"

Darkseid (Prince of Alterac): "Ambush, I think it's just a bluff, an empty city strategy."

God of War Lu Bu (Prince of Alterac): "This orc will still use the empty city strategy? This is too ridiculous."

First-generation strategist (Prince of Alterac): "Orcs can't do it, but players can. Maybe some orc player came up with this trick to trick us."

Darabonba (Prince of Alterac): "I think the orcs have all run away. Durotan is dead. If they don't run away, why are they waiting?"

Sigret (Prince of Alterac): "Brother Aidan, what do you think?" Sigret said and looked at Murphy.

Everyone also cast their gaze over.

Players respect each other based on their strength. In today's battle, the reputation of Storm Dragon King Aidandron has been completely demonstrated. In the past, everyone had a meeting together and there was no distinction between high and low.

But with this move today, you can see the level of his level.

Among these princes, Mo Fei is undoubtedly the strongest. Regardless of their rank, they are not much different. But in the game of Sky World, the difference in strength between heroes is often very huge, and there is no balance at all. , Murphy's account is undoubtedly so strong that it affects the balance of the game.

If you are strong, your words will naturally carry weight.

Murphy doesn't care much about whether there is an ambush. An ambush also depends on strength. They have brought an army of 60,000, and the remaining strength of the orcs is at most 10,000 or 20,000, and their morale has received a heavy blow. Even if there is a sudden There is absolutely no chance of winning even if you fight out.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac: "It doesn't matter if it's an ambush or not, just rush in and take a look. Brothers, I'll get in first, and you can follow later."

After saying that, he transformed into a storm dragon, causing the surrounding knights to retreat in shock.

Everyone was shocked when they looked at the gorgeous dragon with purple dragon scales and thunderous light in its eyes. Although they already knew that Mo Fei had the ability to transform into a dragon during the day, they had not witnessed the process of transforming into a dragon with their own eyes. In addition, the dragon has been flying in the sky, so the feeling is not so intuitive.

Seeing it with his own eyes at this moment still shocked the princes, and Arthas was even more envious. Only those with such power are truly strong.

But he was not bad either. He touched the Song of Ice and Fire on his back. If there was really an ambush, he could try the power of this two-handed sword.

At this time, Murphy had flown directly into the valley.

This is not because he is too big. The Storm Dragon King has more than 50,000 HP, so he is not afraid of an ambush. Moreover, the BOSS does not require control. Except for Durotan's extremely effective trapping technique that can forcefully control him, no one has been found yet. What skills does the Frostwolf clan have that can keep him?

Mo Fei didn't fly too high, it was completely parallel to the cliffs and arrow towers on both sides of the valley. However, there was no movement around him when he flew in. Mo Fei asked, could it be that all the orcs really ran away?

Thinking in his mind, he had already flown into the end of the valley, and landed directly on top of the tallest orc fortress in the valley. With a roar, a giant dragon with a length of more than thirty meters lay on the fortress, like a huge statue. .

Overlooking the valley, Murphy roared an invitation to the coalition forces at the other end of the valley.

Seeing that Murphy had not been attacked, the princes immediately sent forward troops to search, and then they also led the army into the camp in the valley.

However, as the army gradually approached the orc fortress, figures of orcs suddenly appeared out of thin air in the surrounding camps.

The man appeared almost instantly, and the torch lit up instantly, illuminating the entire orc camp. Shamans, hunters, and warlocks were revealed on the arrow tower.

Groups of orc warriors and orc assassins rushed out of the surrounding tents and barracks.


"For the tribe!"


The battle started in an instant. The orcs rushed towards the coalition forces from buildings in all directions and launched long-range attacks from the arrow towers.

The coalition forces that were attacked were briefly confused at first, but they quickly stabilized their formation and engaged in a melee with the surrounding orcs.

Murphy was a little surprised that there was actually an ambush.

He spit out a bolt of thunder, killing several orcs on an arrow tower not far away.

He swung the dragon's tail in a hurry and swept away the two orc thieves who had climbed up the fortress and wanted to stab him in the back.

He looked at the fighting around him and was not in a hurry to join the battle, but as he looked at it, he realized that something was not right. These orcs who were suddenly killed were all adventurers, not a single plot character.

Mo Fei casually sprayed a few more orc adventurers to death. He looked at the experience points and found that each one was only over 100. Now he was too lazy to take action.

In less than half an hour, thousands of ambushed adventurers were killed.

There were buildings ignited by the flames of war everywhere. Soldiers rushed into the orcs' tents, fortresses, and barracks, grabbing everything they could.

Most of them are nothing good, just some building materials, iron ingots, furs and other junk.

In the middle of the camp, several orc adventurers were dragged up.

The humorous and handsome guy is a level 17 shaman, the cute monster is a level 19 warrior, the professional jungler is a level 24 hunter, and the Broken Blade is a level 23 assassin.

Most of these orcs refused to retreat, and only a few of them could be caught.

Arthas picked up an orc and said, "Tell me, where have all those orcs gone?"

Cute-faced Monster (Warrior): "Hahaha, I won't say that. You despicable alliance dogs like you, come on me if you want to kill or behead them. If I frown, I'm not a real man."

Darabonba (Prince of Alterac): "You're not a fucking man, you're an orc."

Cute-faced Monster (Warrior): "It's all the same thing. I won't say it anyway. The men in our tribe are all real men, real men! Kill me if you can, and I'll be a good man again in five minutes."

Murphy watched it interestingly and thought to himself that he was actually quite good at acting.

He stepped forward slowly, his huge body casting a huge shadow in the flames, followed by a faint dragon power, and the strong sense of oppression made the orc warrior puff out his chest.

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Little orc, your courage surprises me, but are you really as brave as you say?" Murphy said, slowly scratching with his huge dragon claws Passing over the chest of the orc, the sharp dragon claws split open the breastplate in an instant, revealing the orc's strong green chest. A single stroke of the sharp dragon claws was enough to disembowel the beast.

Even though the orc warrior knew that this was just a game, he still couldn't help but tremble.

Cute-faced Monster (Warrior): "Evil dragon, you can't scare me. I have no fear of death, and don't think you can torture me. At worst, I will be offline."

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Haha, it seems you are very smart. Don't worry, I won't threaten you in these boring ways. Maybe we can make a deal."

In the huge dragon claws, there was a handful of gold coins.

"One hundred gold coins. As long as you tell me where those orcs have gone, the money will be yours."

The orc warrior just sneered.

Mo Feixin said yes, it was quite principled, but he looked at the other orcs.

"Well, this condition also applies to you. We only need one source of information, so whoever speaks first will get the money. If you are late, you will have nothing, just a hundred gold coins."

Broken Swordsman (Assassin): "Damn, you want to bribe us with a hundred gold coins, who are you looking down on?"

Professional jungler (Hunter): "What I'm saying is, one hundred gold coins is absolutely not enough."

Just when Arthas had some admiration for the orcs in front of him——

Professional jungler (Hunter): "You have to pay more. You have to get a thousand gold coins no matter what. Give me a thousand gold coins and I will tell you where they went."


Murphy was not surprised by this at all, but he didn't want to be taken advantage of. One thousand gold coins was equivalent to ten thousand yuan.

Ten thousand yuan to buy a piece of information is still too much, especially in a buyer's market.

He looked at the other orcs.

Cute-faced Monster (Warrior): "Wocao, you traitor, you betrayed your tribe for 1,000 gold coins, are you still shameless?"

Professional jungler (Hunter) "Sorry, man, I play this game mainly to make money, and I have a family to support."

Humorous Handsome Pot (Shaman): "Five hundred gold coins, I only want five hundred gold coins."

Broken Swordsman (Assassin): "Fuck, you bastards, do you have any principles - three hundred gold coins, I only need three hundred gold coins. Give me the money first, and then I will tell you what happened."

After several orc adventurers competed with each other, Murphy finally bought the information for 100 gold coins.

It turned out that three hours ago, after the Young Wolf Lord returned from the frontline defeat, he immediately found Draka who was left behind in the camp and asked for the complete transfer of the Frostwolf clan.

Draka was still hesitant, but Drek'Thar and Samuro also ran back and brought news of the tribe's defeat. So they hit it off and the entire Frostwolf clan took action.

Although they planned to retreat, they were not ready to leave the Alterac Mountains.

Several orc leaders discussed it and decided to retreat in separate groups. They dispersed into many small teams of one to two hundred people and retreated towards the surrounding valleys.

Anyway, the Alterac Mountains stretch across thousands of miles, and there are ten to twenty thousand Frostwolf Orcs scattered and hiding in the mountains. It would be difficult to catch them in the sky.

Before leaving, the Young Wolf Lord also called on the adventurers to stay and ambush to buy time for the Frostwolf clan to evacuate.

As a result, his impassioned speech actually inspired many adventurers to stay and ambush him.

It was the wave of battle they encountered before.

After Murphy got the information, he slapped all the adventurers to death with one paw.

First-generation strategist (Prince of Alterac): "What should we do? Do you think we should pursue him or not?"

God of War Lu Bu (Prince of Alterac): "Of course we have to chase them. Since they are scattered, we can defeat them one by one without any risk at all. Don't forget that the Frostwolf clan also has Draka, Drek'Thar, and As for the three heroes of Samuro, these are all plot points."

Darkseid (Prince of Alterac): "By the way, there's Thrall."

Darabonba (Prince of Alterac): "Yes, yes, Thrall must not let him go."

"Brother, who is Thrall?" Alsace asked curiously.

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "A young orc, he is the son of Durotan. He has great potential and is likely to become a powerful leader of the orcs in the future."

Arthas was a little confused. What kind of orc could be such a threat?

And how does the elder brother know what will happen in the future? Is it possible that he can still predict the future?

Sigret (Prince of Alterac): "The enemy has been running for several hours. It is estimated that it will be difficult to catch up. I suggest that we split up and act separately. Those who want to continue the pursuit can receive an army of one thousand or two thousand. Those who don’t want to pursue us can lead the militia back to Alterac City.”

All the princes thought it was good, and everyone was very enthusiastic about the risk-free job of chasing down the remaining enemies.

Soon a dozen princes set out with their troops.

at the same time--

"Brother, where are we going? What happened to father? Why doesn't mother go with us?" The young Thrall sat on the Young Wolf Lord's warg and couldn't help but ask again. .

Young Wolf Lord (Frostwolf Warlord): "Don't worry Go'el, mother will be fine. She is with Uncle Drek'Thar." The Young Wolf Lord looked at the dark snow-capped mountains in front of him and said casually.

He hasn't yet decided what to do with this cheap brother. Thrall - still called Go'el at this time, is undoubtedly a person with the aura of the protagonist in the history of World of Warcraft.

The future of such a character is bound to be limitless. Even if history has changed, it will not prevent this from happening. The Young Wolf Master is very sure of this.

Of course, history can also be changed. If he chooses to use black hands now, he can easily strangle this future world in his hands.

This feeling of holding the fate of the future protagonist in his hands made the Young Wolf Lord a little excited, and even temporarily forgot about the fiasco during the day.

He hadn't yet figured out how to use Thrall, but in any case, he decided to keep this card in his own hands first.

His heart suddenly trembled, and his expression suddenly changed drastically.

The Young Wolf Lord has a heroic specialty [Death Omen], which can predict possible death risks in advance. At this time, he felt the danger approaching.

Young Wolf Lord (Frost Wolf Warlord): "Quick, hide quickly!"

Fortunately, the area they were in was dispersed. There were many tall cedar, spruce, and birch trees around them, and they even found a cave not far away.

The Young Wolf Lord said hello, and the wolf cavalry rushed into the cave nearby. The dark cave exuded the smell of animal fur. It was very deep. I don’t know where it leads. It may be the residence of some kind of wild beast. The Young Wolf Lord did not No need to worry, even though they have been reduced to pieces, he still has a hundred elite cavalry in his hands, and ordinary wild monsters don't take them seriously at all.

Soon the sound of flapping wings sounded in the sky.

It's that storm dragon! The young wolf said in his heart that it was very dangerous, that dragon was not easy to deal with, and it would be troublesome if it was really discovered.

Fortunately, he hid in time. Looking at the giant dragon disappearing in the sky, the Young Wolf Lord was a little envious. The flying unit was a bug. When could he train a group of dragoons?

Speaking of which, it stands to reason that the orcs should also be joined by dragon units.

Historically, the Dragonmaw clan cooperated with Deathwing and successfully used the artifact Dragon Soul to control the red dragon queen Alexstrasza, and made the red dragon clan a war weapon for the Horde army.

The Red Dragoons once caused tremendous air pressure on the Union.

Now that the dragon soul has not yet been born, should you think of a way to snatch it? If you can grab it, you can form your own dragon cavalry legion, so you won't be tortured by a dozen storm dragons.

He was thinking to himself and suddenly felt something was not right.

The giant dragon has obviously flown away, but the [Omen of Death] warning has not disappeared, and it seems that the danger is still nearby.

The Young Wolf Lord decided to hide for a while longer.

However, after hiding for half an hour, the feeling still hadn't disappeared.

Go'ir (orc boy): "Big brother."

Young Wolf Lord (Frost Wolf Warlord): "What's wrong?"

Guyir (orc boy): "There seems to be something in the cave."

An orc wolf knight suddenly threw a torch deep into the cave. The torch flew over the icy rock formations and fell straight into the depths of the cave, on the fur of a huge monster.

As a red letter of -15 floated up, an extra long health bar appeared in front of the Young Wolf Lord.

Roar! The earth was trembling, and deep in the cave, a huge figure slowly emerged.

Guyak (ancient snowman), the third-level disaster BOSS, level 88, health value, 160,000.

withdraw! The Young Wolf Lord roared, grabbed Thrall and rushed out of the cave.

He couldn't afford to offend the big BOSS at level 88.

As soon as a group of wolf knights rushed out of the cave, they saw an alliance army in a loose formation searching this way.

The Young Wolf Lord secretly screamed for his life, but it was too late to turn back at this time. Fortunately, the opponent's formation was not very dense.

"Kill over!" With a loud roar, a hundred wolf knights fought bravely.

The leader of the alliance army was probably Darabeng, and he was overjoyed when he saw this group of orc wolf cavalry.

Haha, now there is someone to take away.

Darabonba (Prince of Alterac): "Surround us, don't leave any of us."

Then in the next second, a huge creature rushed out of the cave. Dalabengba was shocked, - why is there a BOSS! My day turned out to be the legendary ancient snowman!

Even Alterac players have only heard of legends about the Ancient Snowman. The main reason is that this thing is a wild BOSS that refreshes randomly and can only be encountered but not sought.

I didn't expect to meet him tonight.

Do you want to deal with the orcs or fight the BOSS first? An idea came to mind, but before Dalabengba had time to figure it out, the wolf cavalry had already entered the formation.

This wave of charge was very decisive, without any hesitation, and directly penetrated the alliance's formation at the cost of losing more than twenty cavalry.

As soon as he broke out of the siege, the Young Wolf Lord found that there was suddenly nothing in front of him, and Thrall on the warg's back unexpectedly fell down.

My day! The Young Wolf Lord cursed secretly and wanted to go back to search, but the shouts of human cavalry came from the distance. He could only grit his teeth and lead the cavalry towards the vast wilderness.

It’s over, it can’t be blocked anymore!

Darabengba looked helplessly at the fleeing orcs, and could only turn his attention back to the ancient snowman.

That's fine, it doesn't matter if you can't stop the orcs from trying to make amends with you. If I have two thousand troops, I will kill a wild BOSS like you.

"Kill me!"

The next day, when the sun shone on the snowfield again, the land had returned to calm.

Suddenly, a bulge formed in the snow, and then, a young orc boy emerged from the snowdrift.

Go'ir looked around cautiously. The blood of the Frostwolf clan made him not afraid of the cold, otherwise he would really freeze to death that night.

But even though he was not dead, his heart was filled with fear at this time.

He looked around. There were corpses of humans and orcs everywhere. There was undoubtedly a big battle here before.

"Brother!?" He shouted twice to the surroundings, but received no response at all.

Guyir felt a sense of despair. His father was dead, his eldest brother was missing, and his family was gone.

For him, who is nearly five or six years old, it is undoubtedly a desperate situation.

However, extraordinary people have their own extraordinary qualities.

No, never give up! He remembered his father's past teachings: the more desperate the situation, the stronger one must be.

As long as you persist, there is always hope.

Gu'ir thought resolutely and walked slowly towards the vast snowfield.

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