Part-time BOSS

Chapter 298 A professional family with a loving father and a filial son

(Yes, why do I just not like that boy Godwin? He is obviously very good.) Tenaris was also a little confused, (Is it because of something he did when he was a child? So what is it?)

Tenaris tried to recall the past with Godwin, but was horrified to find that his mind went blank, as if nothing had ever happened between the two.

He couldn't even recall any scenes with Godwin.

(No, it must be wrong. He is my eldest son. I must remember something.)

Tenaris dug deeply for a while, and finally some memories emerged in his mind, very few, strictly speaking, just a few fragments.

Tenaris vaguely remembered.

When he was seven years old, Godwin seemed to often listen to an old man telling stories. The strange thing was that he had no memory of such an old man in the palace.

When he was ten years old, Godwin began to practice swordsmanship, and his talent was extraordinary.

When he was twelve years old, Godwin had a dream. When he woke up, he gained the power of the Holy Light. He merged swordsmanship with the Holy Light and learned a combat skill called Holy Light Slaying Evil.

When he was fifteen years old, Godwin used holy light to purify a village polluted by an evil spirit, and killed the powerful evil spirit alone.

At the age of eighteen, Godwin became a senior priest of the Holy Light Church and began to officially participate in the affairs of the kingdom.

These memories were engraved in his mind like oil paintings, but apart from that, he had no memory of Godwin. The more Tenaris thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. Everything was so strange. He tried his best to Trying to dig out more memories was completely in vain. His expression became more and more distorted and more ferocious. Arthas on the side looked horrified and couldn't help but pat Tenaris on the shoulder.

Tenaris suddenly came to his senses, gasping for air and covered in cold sweat.

"Father, what happened to you just now?"

"Nothing." Tenaris also felt a little strange, what happened to him? He instinctively didn't want to think about this problem, he just shook his head, and the weird feeling in his mind just now disappeared.

He suddenly felt much more relaxed, but fortunately he had not forgotten his previous plan.

"In short, I have decided to leave the throne of Lordaeron to you to inherit." Tenaris said decisively.

Then he looked at Arthas earnestly and said, "Although you were the last born among all the children, I have always had a feeling that you are the one who can truly inherit the king of Lordaeron. Promise me, Arthas, that you will not let I'm disappointed."

Facing his father's expectant gaze, Alsace could only nod with difficulty no matter how reluctant he was.

"I promised your father, but what about the elder brother?"

"He will understand... Of course, in order to avoid accidents, don't mention this to anyone. Just let it be a secret between you and me. When all conditions are ripe, I will announce that the throne will be passed on to you." Here you go, before that, you have to grow up as much as possible, and you have to gain enough people's hearts.

I will hold a dinner party tomorrow. At that time, you will have to communicate more with envoys from various countries. This time, the people attending the alliance are all powerful figures from various countries. You have to win over more people. The king is a heavy burden and must have enough power. Your communication skills will do the trick, don’t let me down. "

Arthas nodded, turned and left.

The next day, Tenaris began to arrange a dinner and sent invitations to the envoys of each kingdom.

Of course Murphy also received it.

In the evening, Murphy and the other four came to the banquet hall together.

Players still enjoy things like dinner parties. Firstly, they can eat, drink and have fun, and enjoy the food and wine at this palace banquet. Secondly, they can also take the opportunity to get to know each other and make friends with royal players from other kingdoms. The faces are familiar, and if you are lucky, you can get to know a few historical celebrities, relax at a close distance, and feel the feeling of participating in history firsthand.

What surprised Murphy was that as soon as the four of them entered the living room, they immediately became the focus of the audience. Although his perception was a little low, he could already see the princes, princesses, generals and lords around them with his eyes. , all looked at them, especially the players, almost blatantly, not only looked but also whispered and pointed at them.

"Hell, what's going on? Why do you feel like you're being targeted?" Darabengba said in surprise.

Sigret picked up a glass of wine and took a sip, "Be confident and get rid of the feeling. We are being watched."

Several people were a little confused.

As the bottom force in the Alliance, the Kingdom of Alterac has always been a make-up existence. Naturally, their group of loser princes have no sense of existence. This was the case when they were fighting the Horde in the Kingdom of Stormwind. When did they receive so much attention? .

At this time, a person walked up enthusiastically and greeted the four people.

"Hey, have a good couple of nights, brother. I am Prince Proudmoore from Kul Tiras. I am very familiar with you. I am honored to meet you today. I am honored to meet you."

As he spoke, he shook hands with the four people one by one, with an excited expression, which really made Murphy speechless.

"Brother Biao, we are just a few ordinary little princes. Do we need to be so excited?" 0

"Haha, don't be too modest, you guys. The feat you have done is really amazing. It has been spread on the Internet for a long time. You were able to kill your father while you were at war with the orcs, and then you took the opportunity to seize power. It's amazing. Don’t tell me, awesome!

——If you have the opportunity, can you pass on your experience? To be honest, our prince of Kul Tiras also has great ideas in this regard, but we have no experience and lack of opportunities. You can be regarded as seniors in this regard. Ah, I also hope that some of you will stop hiding your secrets and teach us more.

Let me tell you, we will definitely not learn in vain. If we can get a higher position, it will definitely be useful to call us Kul Tiras if something happens in the future. "

Murphy finally understood, and suddenly felt ashamed. He didn't expect that some of them were famous because of this.

Sure enough, good things don’t go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

Looking at the eyes of the surrounding players, I immediately understood why they had such strange expressions.

Murphy wanted to clear things up, but the God of War Lu Bu laughed proudly: "Hahahaha, it's easy to talk. We are all princes from the royal family. If there is any inconvenience, just give me advice or something. We can still exchange experiences. Well, I'm telling you, I planned this. Who is your king of Kul Tiras - Admiral Proudmoore, right? No problem, it's easy to handle, this can definitely be done. , let me tell you that you can do it this way..."

As he spoke, the God of War Lu Bu hugged Brother Biao and went to exchange experiences.

Then Darabengba and Sigret were also invited away. Generally speaking, the old king is still in power in various countries. Players can only build princes and princesses. However, according to historical development, most kings still have several years left. You can live.

If you want to succeed, you can only wait for a long time. At first, everyone was quite contented, but now they found out that the princes of Alterac had done such a trick and succeeded, and they suddenly had ideas.

Murphy looked at the enthusiastic attitude of the princes and princesses who came to them to learn from them, and was speechless in his heart.

It seems that the royal families of the alliance countries will not be calm recently, and I don't know which kings will be "loved as father and filial as son".

While Murphy was looking around, Varian walked towards him.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Brother, you are here too."

Murphy nodded, "Although I don't like this kind of scene, necessary communication still needs to be carried out. The war between the Alliance and the Orcs is imminent, and a tacit understanding must be reached between the countries. I think this is also the purpose of this dinner. .”

Varian did not answer, but said directly: "I am ready to leave Lordaeron."

"What? Where are you going?"

"Northrend, I am going to find the Artifact of Death with Master Kel'Thuzad. You are the person I trust most, so I hope you know."

Murphy was even more surprised now. This plot change was too big. Varian went to find the artifact of death? If he was found, wouldn't it mean that Varian would replace Arthas as the Lich King?

But that's not right. The Lich King in history was Ner'zhul, and Ner'zhul was crowned by Kil'jaeden, sealed in an armored ice coffin, and then thrown into Icecrown Glacier. Yes, but now Ner'zhul is still alive and kicking, and is assisting Orgrim in preparing for war.

In other words, the Lich King probably doesn't exist yet.

In this case, where should the current Crown of Dominance and Frostmourne be?

It's not even sure whether Murphy appeared.

This is because Glass Slag is too serious about eating books. There are several theories about the origins of Crown of Dominance and Frostmourne, and the game World of Sky is somewhat different from the world view of the original World of Warcraft. , which made him completely unable to judge the historical development of this timeline.

But one thing is certain, if Varian really goes to Northrend, there will be no good results. Frostmourne is a magic sword. Holding this sword will corrode the soul. After all, he is also Varian. My brother, of course I don’t want my brother to become evil.

Of course it doesn't matter if you are a player, but for these plot characters, whether it is blackening or death, it is real.

"Why don't you stay and fight with us? Now that the Alliance has reunited and gathered all its forces, this strength should be enough to defeat the Horde. As long as we continue to fight step by step, the Kingdom of Stormwind will be restored sooner or later. "

Varian shook his head: "I have my reasons... Brother Aidan, why don't you go to Northrend with me? There are three artifacts of death. Master Kel'Thuzad and I have already discussed it. The crown belongs to him, Frostmourne belongs to me, and the third one can be yours when the time comes, if you are willing to go with me."

Are there three death artifacts? No, there should only be Crown of Dominance and Frostmourne. So what the hell is the third one?

But since it is an artifact, it must be of the same level as Crown of Dominance and Frostmourne, and there are many dragons in Northrend, so maybe they can find the source of power, which is also an option.

While Murphy was hesitating, a voice suddenly rang.

"Good evening, you two. Are you still used to staying in Lordaeron? As the Crown Prince of Lordaeron, we cannot let our guests down."

When Murphy turned around, he saw a handsome blond guy looking at him and Varian with a sunny face.

‘Glory of the Holy Light’ Godwin (Knight of Light), an epic second-level hero, level 90. HP 12500.

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