Part-time BOSS

Chapter 317 New expansion pack is online

Update announcement: The latest expansion pack of Sky World [Humans and Orcs] is officially launched today.

Introduction to the expansion pack: After experiencing the fall of Stormwind City, the Alterac War, and the assassination of King Tenaris, the countries of the Alliance finally united, assembled a huge army, and launched an attack on the orcs.

The tribe is also vigorously preparing its troops, and continues to drive the orc army to the front line. A huge war with more than one million people is about to be staged in the eastern continent. As a member of this world, you will witness it all with your own eyes.

New game system: military rank and military exploits.

By killing soldiers, adventurers, elites, and heroes of the enemy camp, you can obtain merit points, which can be used to redeem military ranks or purchase military-grade equipment.

The lowest military rank is Private and the highest is Generalissimo. Not only can you get exclusive titles, but you can also get corresponding welfare rewards for different military ranks.

New gameplay: mini campaign.

This all-out war between the Alliance and the Horde will randomly open a number of mysterious battles every day. The victory of each mini-battle can bring additional war advantages to your own camp.

Mini-campaign includes - jungle hunting, stronghold attack and defense, air raid, secret reconnaissance, and boss assassination. Adventurer players can sign up before 10am each day.

Alliance updates:

Added a new career quest line——

Knights of the Silver Hand quest line: Paladin players can obtain professional advanced skills, Silver Hand horses, and Paladin exclusive military equipment by completing tasks given by the Knights of the Silver Hand.

Dragon Sorrow Knights quest line: Knights and warrior players can obtain advanced professions - Dragon Thunder Knights by completing tasks given by Dragon Sorrow Knights. Dragon Thunder Knights are special advanced professions that combine combat skills with the power of dragon thunder. level occupation.

After completing the Dragon Thunder Knight legendary mission, you can also obtain the professional-exclusive flying mount - Storm Drake.

Violet Arcane Knights quest line: Mage and knight players can complete this series of quests, transfer to Arcane Knights, and obtain special magic combat skills (special combat skills that are a combination of magic and combat skills).

The Arcane Knight is a knight who uses magic combat skills. He is good at casting magic while riding. While he has powerful output capabilities, he can also use magic to strengthen his teammates and himself...

Tribe update content:

Added new optional race——

Gurubashi Troll: The Gurubashi Troll living in Stranglethorn Vale is brutal and warlike. The Gurubashi Troll has always been the mortal enemy of Stormwind City, and many wars have broken out with Stormwind City.

After learning that the tribe had defeated humans and occupied Stormwind City, the Gurubashi Trolls, led by Chief Tustin Dog, chose to join the tribe. These barbaric warriors in the jungle have now become new members of the tribe. For the sake of hatred and Blood declares war on humanity.

Booty Bay Goblins: The goblins living in Booty Bay have super high IQs that are completely different from their lower cousins. They were once as weak and stupid as ordinary goblins, but due to the influence of the radiation of the Kezan Crystal, they are now They have mastered extraordinary wisdom and technology.

But it also gave them a greedy character. When they learned that the tribe had won, the greedy Treasure Bay goblins immediately smelled the smell of money. After several negotiations with the tribe, they became employees of the tribe's army. Legion.

Highhammer Castle Ogres: The ogres living in Highhammer Castle were once remnants of the Ogre Empire. With the decline of Draenor and the deterioration of the living environment, the Highhammer Castle ogres had to follow the Horde army. Arriving in the new world, they began their road of killing and conquest.

New troops added——

Scorpion Ballista Chariot, Fel Dragon Knight, Flame Walker, Goblin Explosive Engineer, Ogre Wizard, Troll Headhunter, Troll Bat Rider...

Added new optional profession——

Flame Walker, Witch Doctor...

Monster template updates:

Added new optional monster types——

Draenor world monsters:

Hellboar, Burrowing Rockworm, Felguard, Swampstrider, Spore Spreader, Shatterer, Void Floater...

Northrend monsters:

Mammoths, seals, frost ghosts, aqirs, vrykul wild hunters...

Morpheus turned off the update announcement in front of him and returned his gaze to the tavern in front of him.

The game's update announcement allows him to obtain a lot of intelligence information that is difficult for ordinary people to obtain. This is a unique and exclusive benefit of being a 'transcendant'.

But compared to those cold words, he still prefers to experience the changes in the world personally.

The cold rain beat on the tiles on the roof, making a ticking sound. During the continuous rainy season in the wetlands, the port city of Menethil Harbor was always covered in heavy rain.

The house was crowded with adventurers, and adventurers broke in from outside the door from time to time. Even in this season that was not suitable for travel, there were always adventurers in the wilderness.

Morpheus sat alone behind a table in the corner, looking at the 'human beings' around him with great interest. When he stayed briefly in reality, he once stopped to observe the humans in that world, but after all, the time was too long. It is short-lived, and in that world, people always seem to wear a hypocritical mask to hide their inner feelings.

This made him always have an elusive feeling towards these 'human beings'.

On the contrary, in this world, these 'human beings' have all taken off their disguises and revealed their true colors.

They may be brutal and bellicose, or they may be decisive in killing, or they may be enthusiastic in helping others, or they may be plotting. Many traits that are difficult to see in reality can be seen everywhere here.

Once human beings in these civilized worlds are free from restraints, what they do is often astonishing. From Morpheus's point of view, it is interesting.

"Haha, I had a great time fighting that dungeon yesterday. The last BOSS exploded with three pieces of purple equipment. I took advantage of those few people not paying attention and sent them all away with a chain of lightning. In the end, I had to hack all the equipment alone. Oh, those idiots still want to spend money to arrest me, they are so naive..."

"I heard that the alliance army is about to attack. Do you think the tribe will come here to fight? I saw a group of tribe scouts in the wild yesterday. Unfortunately, there were no teammates around. Otherwise, it would have cost at least 500 combat points... …”

"I heard that the price of war supplies is going to skyrocket. Are you guys interested in doing something big together?"

The noisy voices of the adventurers did not weaken Morpheus's perception. His eyes suddenly looked at the door. The door of the tavern opened, and a night elf in a green cloak walked in from the door, although the night elf did not Join the Alliance, but because the heroes of the Kingdom of Storm once aided the night elves, the relationship between the Human Alliance and the Night Alliance is relatively friendly.

Recently, many night elf adventurers have come to the Eastern Continent to hang out. This person's appearance is not too eye-catching, but when he sees his title, he will be somewhat paused.

The night elf had a rather decadent temperament, with a hint of melancholy, and was shrouded in a hazy mist. He passed through the crowd silently, came to Morpheus, and sat down.

Summerfield (mysterious night elf): "Morpheus, why do you want to meet in a place like this? It's not safe here. There are adventurers everywhere."

Morpheus (mysterious human): "Oh, my dear Summerfield, on the contrary, this is the safest place. What do you want to drink?"

He said, snapping his fingers at the beautiful waiter, and soon there was a bottle of wine and two glasses in front of Summerfield.

Somerfield picked up the wine glass and took a sip. The corners of his mouth could not help but turn up slightly, "Good wine, Dalaran black wine. I didn't expect you can drink it in such a remote port - what are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at the 'humans'."

"What's there to see? Besides, they're not all humans. There are dwarves, elves, hey, there are even night elves. No wonder no one cares about my appearance."

"You don't understand, they..." Morpheus sighed, but he still didn't say it after all.

The two were silent for a long time, Summerfield drank one glass after another. He was a little confused about the new leader of the Black Dragon Legion. Although they were once friends, Morpheus always seemed to be hiding something, and his personality There have been great changes. In the past, it seemed that Morpheus was obviously a very public person, but since the Battle of Dalaran, he has become more and more deep and secretive.

After finishing the bottle of wine, Summerfield finally couldn't help it anymore, "So what are we doing here?"

"Waiting for someone, don't worry, they will be here soon."

It turned out that Morpheus was right. A moment later, the door of the tavern was opened again, and a group of adventurers walked in dusty.

Their equipment looked tattered and they had obviously been through hard adventures and battles.

But his spirit was excellent. When the leading human warrior saw Morpheus, he immediately waved excitedly.

Asura's Wrath (Warrior): "Ah, Mr. Morpheus, here we come!"

Several adventurers sat down around Morpheus, including a bearded human warrior, an elf hunter, a human mage, a dwarf priest, and a female paladin.

Seeing the female paladin Summerfield winking at him, she sat down directly next to him. This made Summerfield very uncomfortable. As a black dragon lord hidden among humans, adventurers always made him feel uncomfortable. uneasy.

But Morpheus didn't say anything, so he could only observe calmly.

Several adventurers ordered some food and started eating and drinking, but the leading human warrior took out a sheepskin scroll from his backpack.

Asura's Wrath (Warrior): "I brought the information you asked for, Mr. Morpheus. I have to say that this thing is not easy to handle. In order to find the place you mentioned, many of our brothers died..."

The human warrior spoke for a while, and a golden question mark immediately appeared on Morpheus's head.

Morpheus (mysterious human): "I understand this very well. As long as the information is correct, I am willing to pay the reward stated in advance. Now tell me, where is it?"

Asura's Wrath (Warrior): "We investigated all the ancient elven ruins in the eastern continent, including seven caves, five dungeons, eight ruins and four dungeons, and finally found the mark you mentioned.

That place is here, on an island near the Wailing Coast, where the remains of some ancient night elf structures can be seen.

There are many monsters on the island, and they are very fierce. There are many corrupted tree guards of level 60 or above near the ruins, and there is also a fallen ancient guardian BOSS of level 80. We gathered two groups but failed to defeat them. In the end, we relied on the lure. I wonder if Dafa allowed the thieves to sneak in...

Below the ruins is a dungeon, also filled with various high-level monsters. There is an abandoned altar in the deepest part of the dungeon. The mark is hidden on the altar. I used the method you mentioned to activate it. Mark, but we can’t go deep below because we are blocked by a powerful magical force..."

Morpheus listened quietly to the stories of several people, with an unpredictable expression on his calm face.

Morpheus (mysterious human): "You did a good job. That's exactly where I was looking for. This is your mission reward."

As he spoke, he lined up several mission reward weapons.

Several adventurers suddenly heard a burst of rapid breathing. This is epic equipment. Fortunately, my team spent half a month on this task. Hey, there are also flying mounts. This one is good and this one is good. .

Asura's Wrath immediately took his eyes away from the equipment and shifted his attention to the mount's reins.

[Reins of the Black Young Dragon (Flying Mount)

Use: Summons a black young dragon as a mount.

Conditions of use: Advanced riding skills.

Item introduction: A completely tamed black young dragon, which can be specially summoned when needed using a special magic rein, and can carry people flying. 】

Flying mount! That's a good thing. You are the only one who has it.

Several other people also selected their own mission rewards, and several people left happily.

Summerfield had been watching all this, and finally couldn't help but ask, "So what exactly are you talking about? What is the thing you are looking for, and is it worth spending so much money to hire someone to find it?"

Morpheus took a sip of dwarf liquor and calmly spit out four words - "Soul of the Dragon."

"What! Dragon Soul!" Summerfield opened his mouth in surprise, even though he was very deep in the city, he was also shocked.

"Didn't that thing disappear after the Ancient War? It is said that it fell into the maelstrom when the earth collapsed."

Morpheus shook his head, "In fact, it was hidden by Malfurion. Neltharion thought it was hidden somewhere in Kalimdor. When he led the black dragon army to Kalimdor, it was probably It was for that thing, but in fact it was on the eastern continent, and then with the Great Breakup, the earth was torn apart, and now it finally appears again."

"We must get it!" Summerfield said excitedly.

Although the Black Dragon Legion has rejoined the Dragon Clan Covenant, this does not mean that the dragon clans have completely reconciled. After all, the Black Dragon Legion has been darkened for so long, and it has stabbed the other four dragon clans in the back. Although this blame has been dumped Although given to Deathwing, the black dragon lords can feel that the four major dragon clans are still vigilant and wary of the black dragon army.

The Dragon Soul is a powerful artifact, and it has the power to suppress and control other four-color dragon clans. It is natural to hold such a thing in your hands. This way, even if the four major dragon clans turn against the Black Dragon Legion in the future, they will have checks and balances. weapons.

"We really have to get it, but it can't be done by the Black Dragon Legion. Once the other four-color dragons know about our actions, the little trust we just established will be completely destroyed.

Moreover, when Malfurion united with the four dragon clans to seal the dragon soul, they would definitely set a ban on us, the black dragon clan. If we go looking for the treasure, there is a high probability that we will be discovered. "

"What should we do?"

Don't worry, I've got the right person.

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