Part-time BOSS

Chapter 343 How to Train Your Dragon

Dragon Thunder Analysis (Passive) - A learned skill. By learning and analyzing Dragon Thunder, your Dragon Thunder combat skills will gain 1% additional real damage. Each time you learn a new Dragon Thunder combat skill, it will increase by 1%. , the maximum can reach 10%.

Learning conditions: Friendly reputation of the Dragon Knights, 10 gold coins.

Combat skill·Thunder Flash - Inject the power of thunder into the earth, release thunder and lightning to form a range explosion on the ground around you, causing 65 points of lightning damage to enemies within 10 yards.

Learning conditions: Reputation and respect of the Dragon Sorrow Knights, 20 gold coins.

Combat skill·Phantom Thunder Slash - Transform into a bolt of lightning, move up to 20 yards instantly, and cause 70 points of lightning damage to enemies along the way.

Learning conditions: The reputation and respect of the Dragon Sorrow Knights require the prerequisite skill ‘cleave’, 30 gold coins.

The ultimate combat skill: Aidandron's Dragon Thunder and Heavenly Punishment - Summons the Storm Dragon King Aidandron to come to the battlefield. After five seconds, Aidandron's phantom will fly through the sky and randomly attack with dragon thunder along the way. Enemy, lasts 10 seconds.

Learning conditions: The favorability of Storm Dragon King Aidandron reaches 100%, the reputation of Dragonsorrow Knights is revered, and 100 gold coins.

Come on, these combat skills are quite powerful. There is even an ultimate combat skill, named after myself.

Murphy looked at the skill system of the Dragon Thunder Knight and couldn't help but be speechless - there are several skills that I don't know myself, but I need adventurers to understand them first.

And it feels so handsome.

The damage of these skills is generally a bit low, but it is understandable, after all, it is the adventurer version of the skill.

Many skills are just superficial.

But in general, the skill system of the Dragon Thunder Knight is still very powerful, especially the last few skills, including displacement, group damage, and self-protection.

Although it is not as comprehensive as the Bright Knight and the Arcane Knight, in terms of damage output alone, it is definitely the first echelon in melee combat.

Coupled with the relatively high blood volume and survivability, it is definitely much more powerful than traditional melee professions such as berserkers, thieves, and dual-sword rangers.

The ultimate move can even summon the phantom of the Storm Dragon King to come to the battlefield, but the learning cost is a bit high.

If you want to gain reputation, you must complete the missions of the Dragon Knights. During the next period of time, you will have a group of free laborers to use. Although the adventurers are not your subordinates, as long as you guide them properly, they can also be Used by non-staff.

To increase your favorability, you need to name and work for yourself. You can use these adventurers to do any chores in the future, and these adventurers have to go up the pole to pick up the work - giving you the opportunity to increase your favorability. Take advantage of it.

at the same time--

So strong! Lancelot looked at the skill introduction behind the Dragon Thunder Knight and felt excited in his heart.

But even though he was excited, he had not forgotten that he had taken on a hidden mission.

Lancelot (Dragon Thunder Knight): "Great Lord Storm Dragon King, I heard that you are worried about the reproduction of the Storm Dragon clan, so I specially brought two dragon eggs to you."

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "You have done a good job young knight, with these dragon eggs, the group of storm dragons can finally grow.

I admire your selflessness. It seems that you are worthy of being chosen by fate. "

As he spoke, he raised his dragon claw to take away one of the dragon eggs, and then released a burst of electricity at the other dragon egg.

Dragon egg transformation!

With a flash of crimson light, a storm hatchling appeared in front of Lancelot.

Huh? Why is it a young dragon? Shouldn't it be a baby dragon? Lancelot was confused.

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "From today on, this little guy will become your partner. It will fight side by side with you and grow together. This is fate's favor for you. Take advantage of it, young warrior. I hope to see you flying with a dragon one day."

System prompt: Trigger hidden mission - [How to Train Your Dragon].

Mission content: Take this storm hatchling to fight together. This storm hatchling will share 30% of your experience points and gradually increase its level, up to level ten. After level ten, the storm hatchling can evolve into a storm hatchling. dragon. Once the Storm Hatchling dies during this period, the mission will be considered failed.

Mission reward: Storm Drake (exclusive mount).

He actually wants to raise a pet...but okay, it's quite cute.

The storm hatchling flew to Lancelot's shoulder, lying on his shoulder and stretching its limbs.

While stroking the body of the storm hatchling, Lancelot checked the hatchling's attributes, preparing to rush to upgrade the murlocs after returning.

Anyway, as long as you reach level 10, you can go to low-level maps and it won’t be that difficult.

Once you complete the mission, you will get a unique storm dragon mount in the game. It will be absolutely cool to ride it out for a ride.

He was thinking happily here, but someone stood up over there.

Percival (Dragon Thunder Knight): "Great Storm Dragon King, I also brought two dragon eggs. Do you think they are——"

Nani? When Lancelot looked up, he saw Percival holding two dragon eggs in his hands.

Not only him, but one after another, the players took out the prepared dragon eggs from their bags.

They lined up to pay tribute to the Storm Dragon King.

Lancelot was suddenly stunned. Wasn't it a hidden mission agreed upon? How come everyone has a share?

In fact, Murphy's triggering conditions for this hidden mission were perfectly calculated.

The triggering condition is to complete three job transfer tasks within 24 hours and collect dragon blood, dragon scales and keels respectively.

It seems difficult, but in fact, as long as you are willing to spend money and use the ability to withdraw money, you can definitely accomplish it.

And in order to ensure that players will not miss it, Murphy also specially added a 24-hour time limit to the Dragon Blood Blessing. In order not to waste the BUFF, players can only spend money crazy to complete the task. In this way, basically everyone can A hidden event is triggered.

And once a hidden event is triggered, with the player's mentality, how can they be willing to give up.

Sure enough, out of the one hundred players who came to change jobs this time, eighty-three brought double dragon eggs with them.

The rest either really have no money or the auction house can't buy the goods.

Soon the Dragon Thunder Knights all had their own Storm Hatchlings, holding them in their arms like babies, ready to take them back and train them.

Watching the Dragon Thunder Knights sitting on the Storm Drake disappear into the storm.

Mo Fei nodded with satisfaction. This time he turned over the materials vigorously.

On average, a Dragon Thunder Knight can provide him with about 25,000 yuan in material income, and he earns more than 2 million yuan in one day.

Of course, it’s all materials.

Murphy has no intention of selling it for cash. These materials can further strengthen his Dragon Knights and train three hundred more extraordinary soldiers. He currently only has more than a thousand Dragon Knights in hand, and the Silver Hand Knights already have There are more than five thousand, and with the support of the entire Holy Light Church, the efficiency of conscription is not a concept at all.

In the coming war, the more extraordinary soldiers there are, the better.

The next batch of 100 pieces of Dragon Language Graphite Fei has been prepared, but he is not planning to go online too soon. He also has to participate in the war between the alliance tribes, and cannot come to Tongtian Peak every day to perform job transfer ceremonies for adventurers.

Secondly, after this wave of consumption, the price of dragon scales, dragon bones, dragon blood dragon eggs in the auction house is obviously a bit too high. It is better to wait for the auction house to accumulate some materials and stockpile them before sending them out.

In addition, this can also have a certain hunger marketing effect, making the special advancement of Dragon Thunder Knight less cheap.

When the first batch of Dragon Thunder Knights' storm drakes are trained and build some momentum, then the wave of Dragon Thunder Knights changing jobs will definitely take off.

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