Part-time BOSS

Chapter 348 For the alliance! For the tribe!

While the two of them were talking, the Alterac Kingdom's army had already moved over.

Lothar noticed a problem, "Prince Aidan, your Dragon Knights are indeed impressive, but the strength of the Alterac Legion seems to be too few, and the equipment seems to be average."

Murphy shrugged, "There is no way, because the nobles in the kingdom launched a rebellion because of the death of the king. The main force of the king is clearing the rebel nobles. These soldiers are all the troops that can be mobilized."

The veteran on the side showed his sword but was not happy.

"War relies on formation, training and coordination, but good equipment does not guarantee victory."

Lothar nodded: "That's true. Those orcs have crude weapons and broken armor, but they are also difficult to deal with with their bravery. Soldiers from the Kingdom of Storm often need two people to compete with one orc soldier. I heard that Ice In the Battle of Wolf Plains, the Alterac army defeated an almost equal number of orc troops. It seemed that it was an extremely powerful army.

Please don't pay attention to what I just said. "

Seeing Lothar being so humble, it was hard for the veteran to show his sword and say anything.

"Haha, you old man has some eyesight. Even though we are dispatched by militia troops, when it comes to tactical application, it is definitely second to none. But then again, you guys are both Dukes and Princes, don't you think so? Have you thought about who will be the commander-in-chief?

What matters in war is the execution of orders and prohibitions, and the smooth flow of military orders. It is impossible without a leader. "

These words made several people look thoughtful.

It is important for people to be self-aware. Murphy is very clear about his military command capabilities. It is better not to command randomly in such a large-scale war.

Destroying enemy armies single-handedly is his strength.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Grand Duke Lothar, Prince Trollbane, the furious Master Gandalf, and Master Voldemort. When the army goes to war, it must have someone to lead it. Although the four of us form a coalition, I I think it is necessary to have a commander with sufficient military experience, and infantry, cavalry, mage troops, and flying troops all need to be commanded by professionals in order to better display their combat effectiveness. Do you think this is the case?"

Lothar nodded, "Does Prince Aidan have any suggestions?"

"I recommend that Duke Lothar serve as the overall commander of the left coalition forces and command all infantry and long-range troops at the same time.

Prince Trollbane commanded the cavalry force, and the two archmages commanded the mage force. As for me, I was responsible for commanding the air force.

In this way, the combat effectiveness of each arm can be maximized. "

Prince Trollbane had no objection to this. Duke Lothar participated in the First Orc War and won many victories in the war, and his status was transcendent enough. Lothar was the only direct bloodline inheritance of the Arathi Empire. From the perspective of noble status, he is not inferior to other kings.

The two archmages also nodded.

The position distribution has been decided, and knights are immediately dispatched to inform the entire army.

Trollbane gathered the cavalry together, the rangers were sent out as scouts to conduct reconnaissance, and the heavy cavalry was used as a decisive assault force. Duke Lothar also reorganized the infantry formation and took command personally.

As for Murphy, he gained command of all flying units.

This is exactly what he needs. When fighting, he will definitely transform into a dragon. The infantry and cavalry are not easy to command anyway, so he might as well change into flying troops.

Seeing that he had entered the predetermined battlefield, Mo Fei no longer covered up, transformed into the Storm Dragon King, and let out a roar, and the dragon knights in the army immediately responded.

Looking at the giant dragon Lothar and Trollbane in front of them, they were dazzled.

Is this the power of the dragon? I am still amazed.

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Skywatchers of the Dragonsorrow Knights, giant eagle hunters of the Stromgarde Kingdom, and Storm Griffin Cavalry of the Stormwind Kingdom. Now, listen to my orders and attack!"

With a wave of his wings, he soared into the sky, followed by the Dragon Patroller, the Giant Eagle Hunter from the Stromgarde Kingdom, and the Griffin Knight from the Stormwind Kingdom.

There were more than a thousand flying troops, and the shadows of their wings almost covered the sky.

The collective action of such a large air force immediately caused a burst of cheers from the soldiers marching below.

Murphy sent dozens of gryphon knights and giant eagle hunters to conduct reconnaissance, while he led the main force to fly over the army.

Soon the scouts brought something unexpected to him. A black dragon appeared in the tribe's army.

This made Murphy a little surprised. Why did the black dragon get involved with the orcs again? Historically, Deathwing did use the orcs to steal the dragon's soul, and then used the dragon's soul to control the Red Dragon Queen and her heirs. , fighting for the tribe.

Could it be that history is repeating itself again? But why the black dragon? Could it be that the orcs used the dragon soul to capture Morpheus?

That kid can't be that good, can he?

Murphy was not in a hurry to launch an attack, but used the advantage of the air to observe the situation on the battlefield.

At this moment, the armies of the Alliance and the Horde have entered the vast swamp area of ​​the wetland and are gradually approaching each other.

Whether it is the size of the troops or the quality of the troops, this battle will exceed the first and second battles of Black Gate. It can be said to be an unprecedented battle.

Even compared to the battle between the Centaur Empire and the Night Elves, it was even more grand.

But unlike the two battles of Black Gate and the Battle of Ashvale, due to the complex terrain of the wetlands, the armies of both sides were divided by rivers, swamps, and hills, and were scattered over a huge cross-section of hundreds of kilometers. superior.

The armies of different kingdoms and clans were sparsely connected together, forming a long and uneven battle line.

As the two fronts continued to approach, fighting broke out.

First, there was a small-scale conflict between the flying units of both sides, and then the cavalry units acting as scouts launched a series of chases. Then, the infantry units that advanced the fastest also encountered each other's opponents.

The long-range troops on both sides began to project firepower on each other, and the spellcasters blasted all kinds of destructive magic towards the opponent's dense military formation.

The infantry launched a charge, but was limited to the muddy swamp and could not break through quickly. Instead, they became the target of the enemy's long-range firepower.

Even if you defeat the opponent, it will be difficult to pursue them. The constant appearance of muddy areas and rivers makes the battle become encounters in small areas.

Murphy originally thought that this battle would be an extremely heroic battle, but to everyone's surprise, the war began to unfold in a slow and struggling way.

Because the swampy area was inconvenient for rapid advancement, and the dense rivers made pursuit after the confrontation even more difficult, so that the battle lasted for more than an hour, and neither side was able to make any substantial progress.

It's just that the battle lines have become closer.

Looking down from high in the sky, a sparse army of one million soldiers formed two huge groups of troops, squeezing each other.

Murphy couldn't help but shake his head when he saw it. He was originally planning to send a wave of divine soldiers from the sky when the battle between the two sides was at its fiercest, but now it was no longer possible.


At this moment - the army in the tribe -

Saurfang (High-ranking Warlord): "Warchief! Those Alliance scum are in trouble. Three attacks launched by our left wing were repelled again. The muddy ground makes it impossible for the Wolf Knight to run at all."

Orgrim was not surprised by this situation. "It doesn't matter. I had expected all this. The war with the Alliance will never end so easily. I have already prepared Ner'zhul to become the Balrog." The moment the lord is summoned is the time for our counterattack, but before that, all we have to do is hold back the momentum."

This is Orgrim's real ultimate move. Ragnaros was successfully summoned when he attacked Stormwind City. With the experience last time, it should be possible this time. Even if it can only exist for a few minutes, it will be enough. The situation of the war has changed.

"Have you seen that hill? Ner'zhul and his shamans are performing rituals there. We must protect this key point - by the way, let the chiefs of those clans climb up for me. If this happens again, If they dare to be cowardly, they will be chopped down and fed to the wolves.”

Saurfang immediately sent someone to convey the order.

Soon the messenger came to several troops ready to go.

The Wolf Clan, the Saber Clan, the Warhammer Clan, the Beast-Blooded Clan... these were all deliberately selected by Orgrim. In previous battles, each of them preferred to preserve their strength. Today, they had to make some efforts and sell some blood.

Several chiefs were gathering together and discussing something in whispers, which made the orc captain who was responsible for delivering the order very unhappy. The orcs didn't like the feeling of secretly whispering behind their backs.

"Hey, you guys, the chief has issued an order to lead the soldiers to the front line immediately. If you dare to be cowardly, we will kill them all and feed them to the wolves."

These chiefs were very straightforward. After hearing this, without saying a word, they immediately shouted and led the soldiers to the front line and joined the front-line battle.

Orgrim was a little surprised when he heard the news brought back by the messenger. Didn't he expect that these chiefs were also quite brave?

He was not completely reassured and continued to pay attention to the battlefield. At this time, battles between the Alliance and the Horde were happening all the time, and battle reports continued to come from the front line.

Orgrim will allocate troops and deploy troops based on battle reports.

On the huge sand table, five or six flags representing the clan have been placed.

In the sky, Murphy also noticed the movements of those clans.

The large-scale mobilization of thirty thousand troops was obviously preparing to launch a wave of fierce attacks.

Murphy judged the location of their attack and immediately prepared to lead troops there to add more troops.

However, when he was leading his flying troops to hover over that position, ready to join the battle at any time, a strange private message suddenly appeared in his address book.

Lawrence: I said brother Aidan, don’t grab monsters.

Murphy was speechless for a moment. What the hell was going on in his mind? If I came to help out of kindness, why would I be trying to steal monsters? This isn't fucking killing mobs in the wild, this is fighting.

The opposite side is full of elite soldiers and generals of the orcs. What you said is a bit of a joke.

Aidan: A large force of orcs is attacking your position. Let me support you.

Lawrence: No, we are responsible for the defense here. No help is needed. Please give me a thank you.

Murphy was almost angry, he was really desperate for his life.

But he didn't bother to pay attention to it. Since he is so confident, you can just carry it yourself.

He turned around and took the dragon knight to support other areas.

Seeing the groups of dragon knights and griffon knights in the sky flying elsewhere, Lawrence couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Turning around and looking behind him, seven or eight heroes were looking at him.

Lawrence (Prince of Lordaeron): "Okay, that Aidan has left, let's get started, just as we agreed before."

Sean (Prince of Lordaeron): "Copy that, I'll call the soldiers to retreat."

Mia (Princess of Lordaeron): "Should we pretend a little bit? It wouldn't be good if the NPC sees it if we act too poorly."

Earl Wilson (Lord of Cliff Castle): "Don't worry, I will leave some militiamen to break up the rear. Then I will say that the casualties are too heavy, and there are corpses to prove it, and they can't find fault."

Seeing the orc troops on the opposite side attacking fiercely, a few people with their troops put up a symbolic resistance, and then retreated leaving hundreds of militiamen behind.

This suddenly exposed the flanks of several Lordaeron noble troops nearby.

After occupying the Zeyi position, the Orc Legion immediately attacked the flank of the Alliance army on the right without stopping.

The Hell Boar Knight of the Tyrannical Blade Clan did their job, took the lead in charging, and directly inserted into the rear of this army. Unfortunately, this army was fighting fiercely with the orc infantry in front of them, and was suddenly attacked from the side and rear, and their position was immediately disrupted.

The wolf cavalry of the Wolf Clan, the evil orc berserkers of the Beastblood Clan, and the green-skinned raiders of the Warhammer Clan all rushed forward to surround the exposed Alliance legion. , in less than half an hour, more than 10,000 alliance troops were killed.

Military information was constantly passed back to the central army in the tribe from the front line.

The Ba Dao clan surrounded the retreat of a human legion, forming a double-team on the enemy.

The Beastblood Clan captured an enemy makeshift camp and destroyed twelve dwarven cannons.

The Wolf Warrior Clan killed a human count and more than three hundred human knights.

The Warhammer clan is launching a fierce attack, and the enemy is fleeing in panic...

Orgrim and Saurfang became more and more surprised as they listened. They didn't expect that these small clans were very capable of fighting. They were really good at fighting.

The two sides had been fighting each other for so long before, but they had reached a breakthrough only half an hour into the battle.

Orgrim quickly checked the situation of the war on the sand table, and was surprised to find that the breakthrough of the troops of these small clans actually gave an opportunity for the war.

If we continue to follow up, we may be able to expand the tribe's advantage and completely tear apart the alliance's central army.

Orgrim is also a decisive leader, "Let the Shattered Hand Legion attack, immediately expand the gap, and let the follow-up troops follow up. Maybe we can defeat the Alliance's center army before dark."

At the same time - the alliance's central army had a completely different atmosphere.

Godwin (Regent of Lordaeron): "Asshole! How did they manage to get defeated so easily? Take back our position immediately, right now!"

All the princes and princesses looked embarrassed.

"Brother, it's not that the brothers are ineffective, it's that those orcs are too fierce. With so many troops, we don't even have a mage unit, so how can we fight them?"

"Yes, brother, send us some mages to support us, and we promise to regain our position."

Godwin sneered and said, "Okay, I will give you the mage army and a hundred royal battle mages. But if you can't get back the position, don't blame me, my brother, for being ruthless in military law."

"Don't worry, brother, we will never let you down."

The princes and princesses turned around and left the military camp, making announcements in the chat group as they walked.

Lawrence: Get ready for us.

Ba Dao Qingqing: It has been prepared for a long time. Hurry up, Kargas will be here soon. This is a big fish. Can you do it? Kargath is one of the Seven Heroes of Draenor. Although he is just a make-up, he is not weak.

Lawrence: You don’t have to worry about it. Just remember not to mess up the performance.

"Kill! For the alliance! For the sake of Azeroth, kill these beasts." The human army shouted and rushed to the front line. When they saw the human troops coming towards them, the orcs who had already occupied the position were not willing to fight.

"There are too many humans, retreat, retreat immediately."

"Quickly retreat! Don't be obsessed with fighting."

The orc captain who had just brought the new military order was dumbfounded, "But Lord Chief, the Chief said..."

"There is a saying in the art of war. The generals will not accept military orders abroad. The chief knows nothing about him. Get out of here."

Kargath Bladefist was leading the Shattered Hand Legion in a fierce charge when he suddenly discovered that the friendly troops in front were gone, and then the friendly troops behind were also missing, and the friendly troops on the left and right were also missing.

The orc armies that had been shouting and fighting bravely 'for the tribe' just now all disappeared as if they had agreed upon it.

Instead, a large number of human troops surrounded them from both sides.

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