Part-time BOSS

Chapter 377 New expansion pack [Clash of Kings]

Draenor—Hellfire Mountains—Demon Throne:

This was once the holy land of the orcs. Five years ago, it was here that the orcs drank the blood of demons and launched a war to cleanse the entire world of Draenor. It was also here that the orcs completely degenerated and became the vanguard of the destruction of the world.

Now, after years of silence, the Demon Throne once again welcomed a new visitor.

The orcs' torches lit up the night, and in the desolate mountains surrounding the Demon Throne, warriors from various clans almost surrounded the place.

After returning to Draenor, the orc clans attacked in all directions and occupied a large amount of territory. Now with the call, the chiefs of these clans gathered here with their most loyal warriors.

The orcs are all watching, because it is said that a great ceremony will be held here today.

The tribe's chief, Ba Dao Qingwu, and the high-ranking warlord of the evil orc army, Grogo Evil Eye, will decide the future of the tribe here.

Orc Infantry A: "Have you heard that Grogo Evil Eye successfully summoned an Abyss Demon King? He invited the chiefs to make the orcs drink the blood of the devil again."

Orc Infantryman B: "Is this guy addicted to COSPLAY Gul'dan? He still does this."

Wolf Knight: "Demon blood is so good. When we first arrived in Azeroth, our tribe was so fierce. We hung up the Alliance and beat them. If Gul'dan ran away later and lost the supply of demon blood, we wouldn't have lost." It’s so miserable.”

Revenant: "But if you drink the blood of the devil, you will be controlled."

Orc Warlock: "What are you afraid of? Working for someone is not a job. It's not bad to be able to hug the Burning Legion. How cool is the Burning Legion."

An adventurer: "Hush, it's coming."

The crowd slowly parted, and the tribal chief Ba Dao Qing Wu led a group of Kor'kron guards towards the Demon Throne.

And Grogo Evil Eye has been waiting there for a long time.

The towering rocks stood like the backrest of a throne. On the stone platform, Grogo's evil eye held a bone cup in his hand. In the cauldron on the side, green demon blood was boiling, exuding a fishy smell of sulfur.

Ba Dao Qing Wu stopped in front of the altar and looked at Grogo Evil Eyes.

"Warchief, you are finally here." Grogo Evil Eye said, showing a sinister smile.

Ba Dao Qingqing was speechless, "Wo Cao, Grogo, what are you doing here? You invited me here to meet, just to show me this?"

"Of course, this is the demon's blood puree. I spent a lot of effort to get it. With it, we orcs can gain strength again. Come on, Ba Dao Qingqing, drink the demon's blood, and let's make the tribe together. Great again.”

Ba Dao was ruthless but didn't buy it, "Hahaha, are you kidding? Don't think that I don't know what you are planning. Don't you just want to share the money because I got the investment? Use the blood of demons to seize control of the tribe. What good things do you want?"

Grogo Evil Eye's purpose was revealed, but he was not angry. Instead, he laughed.

"That's right, I want to share some of the investment. That's 300 million. Can you spend such a large amount of investment by yourself? Other investors invest in the entire tribe, and you are not just a mere chief. The investment requires What is important is for the tribe to rise again and reopen the door to darkness, instead of being a local emperor on this insignificant planet.

And to reopen the Dark Portal, my demon blood is the key to it. What could be easier than to gain strength than hugging your thighs? With the unlimited supply of demon blood, our tribe will definitely be able to rise. .

Besides, when you became the chief, you relied on my support to get to the position. Why, now that you have just secured your position, you have forgotten about my old brother? "

Ba Dao Qingqing snorted coldly, "So what? I've given you lots of territory. I've given you the entire Shadow Moon Valley and the Dark Temple. What else do you want? Don't be too greedy."

"Then how can I count it as what you gave me? The Dark Temple was defeated with great difficulty by me and the evil orc army. Besides, what's the use of a large territory if I can't monetize it? I'll just leave it here. If you today Drink the devil's blood and we will still be good brothers, otherwise——"

Grogo Evil Eye suddenly waved his hand, and many orc soldiers suddenly emerged from behind him, including a group of warlocks from the Shadow Council and their demonic servants.

"Hmph, do you want to start a war? Come on, I'll accompany you." As he said this, Ba Dao Qingqing raised his hand, and a group of Kor'kron guards behind him immediately surrounded him. The two sides were at war, just like a gang negotiation, but no one could Don't dare to make the first move.

The chiefs who were watching the excitement gathered around with their men, but no one helped, and instead started making noises.

"Come on, don't be a coward."

"Just do it and that's it."

"If it's a man, just Makgora!"

"Yes, Makgora! You two can fight one on one."

He turned a deaf ear to the noise around him, and Ba Dao Ruthless turned a deaf ear to it. Isn’t it a free gift for a soldier to play Makgora? We are the chiefs, do we deserve to take this risk?

"My brothers are all here, how can you fight with me?"

"Hmph, it's no use relying on brothers alone - Barr, it's up to you."


Heavy footsteps slowly approached, and behind the altar, a huge demon more than ten meters tall slowly walked out.

With its thick four legs, majestic arms, dragon-like wings and tail, its domineering appearance is full of oppression.

Baal (Lord of the Abyss): The first-level BOSS in the world, level 84. HP 185,000.

The appearance of the Abyss Demon King immediately caused a commotion among the orcs. The huge size and the powerful evil exuding from his body made the orcs feel great pressure and instinctively retreated.

This is the side effect of drinking the blood of demons. You will have an instinctive fear when facing high-level demons.

Even the Kor'kron guards of Ba Dao Wu Wu took a few steps back, but Ba Dao Qing Wu was stunned.

Grogo Evil Eye suddenly laughed triumphantly.

He scooped a cup of demon blood from the pot and slowly handed it to Ba Dao Qingqing.

"Drink, Ba Dao Wu Wu, this is the fate of the orcs."

Ba Dao Qingqing gritted his teeth and took the cup. Just when everyone thought he was going to drink it, he suddenly smiled and poured away the demon's blood.

Grogo Evil Eye was finally angry.

"The Tyrant Sword is ruthless. I have to say that you are really stupid. Since you don't cooperate, then I will destroy you and become the chief myself! - Barr, do it!"


The huge spear in the abyss lord's hand penetrated deeply into Grogo's evil eye's chest, and he lifted him up with a slight lift of his hand.

Grogo Evil Eye covered the spear blade on his chest with a look of disbelief on his face, "What, Baal - why!"

There was a hint of apology on Baal's ferocious face.

Barr (Lord of the Abyss): "Sorry, brother, Ba Dao Wu Wu has given me too much."

"I'm so happy!"

Poof, the ruthless blade of the domineering sword slashed across the top of Grogo Evil Eye's head, and Grogo Evil Eye's head rolled down with a look of death.

Ba Dao Qingqing looked at the head on the ground and laughed, "I have an investment of 300 million in my hand now, am I still afraid of you?

So what about the Lord of the Abyss? I spent five million to buy it. Speaking of which, I would like to thank you for helping me summon the Lord of the Abyss, just in time to add another general to the tribe.

You are right about one thing. The easiest way to gain strength is to hug your thighs. In the future, with the unlimited supply of demon blood, the tribe's combat effectiveness will surely be further improved.

But you can't drink this devil's blood randomly, you must drink what you can control. "

As he spoke, he looked at Grogo Evil Eye's men, waved his hand suddenly, "Kill them all!"

The battle was very short. When they saw Grogo Evil Eye being killed, the chiefs immediately transformed into loyal warriors of the war chief and rushed forward to kill them, annihilating all of Grogo Evil Eye's men in an instant.

Ba Dao Qingqing stood on the demon throne, "Dear clan chiefs, Grogo Evil Eye intended to cause chaos, and now he has been killed by me. Give me the order to attack the Dark Temple. From now on, Draenor can only have this great leader. Chief One Voice.”

After saying that, he suddenly frowned. It's strange. Why didn't he get plot points for killing Grogo Evil Eye?

at the same time------

Shadowmoon Valley—Dark Temple:

In the deepest part of the Dark Temple, in a prayer room, there is a skeleton altar displayed.

Around the altar, blood outlines huge runes, and in the middle of the altar, a human corpse lies there quietly.

Llane Wrynn, the king of Stormwind City, was killed by the orcs in the battle of Stormwind City. When he led the evil orc army to retreat, Grogo Evil Eye deliberately took the body out.

At this moment, the corpse was holding a soul stone tightly in its hands—Grogo Evil Eye's soul stone.

Suddenly, the soul stone burst out with dazzling light.

After a moment, strands of spiritual power gathered into the figure of Grogo Evil Eye, and the image of Grogo Evil Eye appeared in the soul stone.

Several orc warlocks surrounded him immediately.

"Quickly, perform the reincarnation ceremony for the master!"

The five orc warlocks skillfully began to cast evil spells, while on the side, there was an orc warlock watching all this with cold eyes.

The soul stone gradually cracked, and the power of the soul spurted out, pouring into King Ryan's body from the five senses and seven orifices. When the ceremony was completed, the next second, King Ryan suddenly opened his eyes.

Of course, strictly speaking, this corpse has become the shell of Grogo Evil Eye at this time.

Grogo Evil Eye walked down from the altar and inspected his new body. Grogo Evil Eye nodded with satisfaction.

Grogo Evil Eye (Death Knight) is a fifth-level gold hero with level 72 and health value of 8450.

Then I became a little scared.

“Damn, I was almost tricked to death, damn Barr, how dare you betray me!

Fortunately, when I upgraded the hero's skills, I chose to upgrade the soul stone, and also learned the technology of making a death knight from Gul'dan, otherwise I would really have to send it this time. "

Yes, in the original history, the first generation of death knights was created by Gul'dan. Different from the death knight that most people later knew, the first batch of death knights created by Gul'dan were more Like a necromancer, and is formed by combining the soul of an orc with the body of a human.

The first of these death knights is Talon Gorefiend, who was created by combining the soul of the orc warlock Taron'gor with the body of a human knight from Stormwind.

In this life, Gul'dan did not have time to use this technology, but Grogo Evil Eye enjoyed it.

The strength of the reincarnated death knight is closely related to the body used, so Grogo Evil Eye specially obtained the corpse of King Lion as a container.

Just in case, but I didn't expect it to actually come in handy.

The orc warlock who had been watching with cold eyes walked out of the darkness. With every step he took, his body grew larger. By the time he approached Grogo Evil Eye, he had transformed into the look of the Dread Lord.

Mal'Ganis (Dreadlord): "It seems that your operation failed, Warlock."

Grogo Evil Eye hurriedly bowed his head and saluted, "Lord Mal'Ganis, it's all the fault of that Abyss Lord Baal for betraying me and joining the Tyrant Sword Ruthless. You have to make the decision for me."

Mal'Ganis (Dread Lord): "What, there is such a thing, the legion will never tolerate betrayal, huh, okay, it seems that I have to take action personally, the ruthless sword will definitely attack the Dark Temple next, what do you plan to do? How to do?"

"There's nothing more to say. Starting today, the Evil Fire Clan will go to war with the Ba Dao Clan! I want to seize the tribe's orthodoxy."


The new expansion pack of Sky World [Clash of Kings] is officially launched.

Expansion pack introduction: As the tribes retreated, internal conflicts gradually emerged in the alliance, which had lost a common enemy. Gaps gradually emerged between the leaders of various countries in the struggle for power. Although they could not directly resort to force, overt and covert struggles were inevitable.

At the same time, cracks also appeared within the tribe due to the failure of the war, and in the distant continent of Kalimdor, the Dark Night Alliance was equally at odds with each other.

The entire world in the sky fell into the "Conflict of Kings".

New content in the expansion pack:

Content 1: Added the king function. The lord player can declare himself king after he has sufficient strength. When he declares himself king, there is a high probability of triggering a [counterinsurgency plot], and he will be declared a war by the original force he belongs to. If he wins the war, he can get the official king's title.

Content 2: Added the civil war system. Affiliated factions within the same force can launch a civil war against the ruling faction. If they successfully defeat the dominant faction, they can successfully ascend to power, become the orthodox faction of the camp, and obtain the corresponding titles and territories.

Content 3: The first world-destroying plot event - [Call of the Abyss] has been added. Ner'zhul leads the abyssal orcs in an attempt to excavate the ancient god sealed deep underground. Once he succeeds, the world will fall into a crisis of world-destruction. , this event is the first annihilation plot event. The heroic player who participates in this event and prevents the annihilation will receive the title of [Savior], as well as the corresponding legendary expertise. This event is an open plot event that can be shared by multiple people. Finish.

Content 4: Added new paid content in the mall - unlocking the love action module.

Players can spend points to unlock the love action module. After unlocking the module, players can have in-depth communication with NPCs of the opposite sex whose favorability reaches 100%...

Murphy looked at the introduction of the new expansion pack and was a little speechless. What have been updated? The front ones are relatively normal, but the love action module at the back... By the way, aren't game companies afraid of lawsuits?

But let’s not talk about it, this thing really has the potential to attract a large number of new players.

After reading the introduction of the new expansion pack, he picked up the phone and dialed the familiar number.

"Hey, Shadow, how's it going? How's the sales going?"

"Don't worry if I take action. The last batch of equipment has been successfully released. I've transferred your account to your account, and I've also transferred Balrog's share to him. Remember to check it."


"Don't forget about brother if such good things happen in the future."

"Don't worry, I will definitely not forget you."

Murphy hung up the phone, opened the bank card APP to check his income, and couldn't help but whistle as he looked at a series of numbers.

What he was looking for help from Black Shadow was to sell the wave of equipment that Laglios, the Flame Demon Lord of Broken Spear Peak, exploded. At that time, a full seven heroes were killed, leaving Murphy with a lot of money, but this time This kind of thing was somewhat disgraceful, so naturally it was difficult to take action personally, so as usual, I asked my old friend Black Shadow for help.

Not bad, a total of more than 20 million was sold. Excluding Laglios' half and the commission given to Black Shadow, it was a full profit of 10 million.

However, the game company probably makes more money. If those seven unlucky guys rebuild their accounts, they probably won’t be able to get the same template + background without tens of millions.

Don’t panic when you have money in your pocket, it’s time to get some Taikoo Dragon.

Murphy thought and entered the game.

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