Part-time BOSS

Chapter 44 Sleepless Night in Dalaran

When everyone rushed out of the Violet Castle, they saw a jaw-dropping scene. Thousands of black dragons were hovering in the sky like an overwhelming sun. Flames fell from the sky, explosions came and went, sirens sounded, and the magic tower fired magic missiles. There was a roaring sound, and the reckless mage who came from nowhere actually opened portals directly in the square, and heavily armed adventurers were swarming out, shouting various lines that they couldn't understand.

What kind of explosive equipment, fighting BOSS, top-quality materials, Brother Qianlong, etc.

This chaotic scene made Antonidas's veins stand out and his white beard almost stood up.

"Admiral Dai Lin, please stay in the castle with your daughter. This is the safest place. Others, prepare to fight immediately. Master Kel'Thuzad, activate the city's protective barrier!

Prince Kael'thas, leading the battle mage to the mage tower, must not let these black dragons do whatever they want.

“Crasus—Hey, where is Crassus?”


Breath of fire - scorching the earth!

The towering magic tower was instantly engulfed in flames, and the magic barrier failed to protect the mage inside. The burning air wave blew up the tower, and the mage inside flew into the sky like fireworks.

Morpheus finished spraying three sections of charged dragon's breath, and looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction. A dozen magic towers on the northern periphery of Dalaran had been destroyed in the first wave of attacks.

Morpheus (Ancient Black Dragon): "Well done, brothers, destroy the enemy's defenses and follow me into the city!"

boom! The city gate was smashed open by a giant siege dragon. Groups of monsters swarmed in and rushed into the streets of Dalaran, killing people and setting fires everywhere. Dalaran had been peaceful for too long, and the defenders in the city unexpectedly Failed to respond immediately.

Seeing the citizens screaming and running away, the Demon Swordsman Legion in the city has not yet completed its assembly. Instead, some adventurers who received the news joined the battle.

However, in front of the overwhelming number of monsters, they were all quickly killed.

Morpheus (Ancient Black Dragon): "That's it, kill them all! Crush them! Attack, keep attacking!"

Morpheus roared, boosting the morale of the monsters, but his eyes were searching around the city. Dalaran City has four large treasure houses, among which the one in the Violet Castle is the most eye-catching. There is no doubt that the best treasures are stored in it. Treasures, the Book of Medivh, the Scepter of Sargeras, the Eye of Dalaran...the most powerful artifacts are all hidden inside.

But Murphy is not planning to attack there. The defense of the Violet Castle must be the tightest, and he will probably be killed before he can rush in.

The target he aimed at was the ancient treasure house located in the old city in the north. This treasure house was the earliest treasure house established in Dalaran. Generally speaking, in the fantasy world, the older things are, the more powerful they are.

A purple rainbow magical ray shot out, and an unlucky black young dragon was instantly pierced through the heart and fell down.

Murphy's heart trembled as he looked at the magic towers being activated in the inner city, knowing that his chance was fleeting.

Morpheus (ancient black dragon): "Follow the black dragon lords with me! Victory is at hand."

Terhorason (Black Dragon Lord): "Come on Morpheus, we will support you."

Summerfield (Black Dragon Lord) "I am right behind you, Morpheus, let us fight side by side!"

Morentresha (high-ranking black dragon lord): "For the black dragon army!"

The black dragon lords behind them roared one after another, and their momentum was overwhelming for a while.

Antonidas's face was livid in the distance. He didn't expect Dalaran to be attacked by the black dragon army. Why is this happening? Dalaran has not provoked many black dragons in recent years. At most, he has hunted a few lone black dragons. It's just a magic experiment. Do you deserve to be so excited?

"Let the magic gryphon knights attack, and all the magic towers focus on attacking the black dragon lords."

Hundreds of magical griffin knights rushed out from the tower, and the black dragon army pounced directly on them. A fierce air battle began instantly. The black dragons had an absolute numerical advantage. The combat effectiveness of the large black dragons was far stronger than that of the gryphon knights. However, The Griffin Knights are also supported by magic towers. They wave their magic wands and shoot lightning and magic rays of various colors.

When Nefarian saw this, he also had the idea of ​​​​competing, and suddenly rushed into the sky, using dragon language magic - meteors and fire rain!

Agnes also showed off her magical power, dragon language magic - the storm is coming!

The wind howled, huge tornadoes raged in the city, and rain of fire continued to fall from the sky.

The black dragon danced wildly, the griffons floated, the magic tower shot out a brilliant light of destruction, the monsters roared and roared and joined the adventurers in a massacre, it was like a tragic scene of a dragon disaster coming.

Morpheus (ancient black dragon): "Hahahaha, that's it, that's it, let this world burn and destroy it!"

His eyes scanned the battlefield, and suddenly, a huge Violet Eye mark appeared in his eyes. It was a tall building with a rather strange shape, square and without any windows, more like a fortress.

Morpheus (ancient black dragon): "Yes, the ancient treasure house in the old city, follow my brothers!"

He put his wings together, dived, descended rapidly, and rushed towards the target. A griffon knight rushed over bravely. The dwarf on the griffin roared and fired a lightning bolt. The black dragon resisted the blow, and the two A dragon claw grabbed both wings of the griffon at the same time, and with a slight tug, the wingless beast fell down.

Another group of griffon knights rushed towards them. Mo Fei opened his mouth and spit out surging dragon flames. The flames lit up the sky. The griffins either fled in panic or were burned into coke.

Three hundred meters, two hundred meters, one hundred meters, getting closer and closer to the ground.

Suddenly, a huge fire tower shot a huge flaming meteorite towards the black dragon.

With a dexterous dodge, Murphy avoided the meteorite and hit the giant fire tower at the same time. Boom! The huge tower shattered directly in the air and collapsed.

Murphy flew over low altitude on gravel, some mages on the ground shot fireballs and lightning, and the black dragon opened its mouth again.

Flame Dragon Breath—Bone-eroding Dragon Flame!

The flames spread all the way down the street, and those moments when there was no time to escape turned into screaming burning people.

Morpheus (ancient black dragon): "My black dragon lords, the target is right in front of us!" He shouted, but did not get any response. When he turned around, he found that all the black dragon lords who were following him were gone. Looking up, they found their figures hundreds of meters in the air without any suspense, breathing out flames one after another.

These bastards! Murphy cursed secretly in his heart, but it didn't matter, he had already expected this possibility.

He went straight to the treasure house. In order to avoid the attack of the magic tower, he simply landed on the ground and ran rampant on the streets of the city. Everything he passed was crushed into ruins. As soon as he turned around a street, a group of adventurers appeared in front of him. .

Murphy was too lazy to fight with them, "Get out of here, you little buggers!"

"It's Brother Long, the wind is blowing hard!" The leading knight shouted, and the adventurers dispersed in a hurry, watching from a distance.

There were also a few who didn't know what was good and they fired arrows and threw magic from a distance. Mo Fei sprayed them with dragon breath and burned them all into cinders.

As they were about to approach the square where the treasure house was located, a group of soldiers suddenly appeared in front of Murphy. The robes worn by these soldiers were not the symbol of the Violet Eye, but a noble coat of arms with a boulder pattern.

The leading lord has a mighty beard and looks quite familiar—Ned Stark? Murphy was immediately happy. Isn't this the supervisor's number?

Ned Stark (Earl of Rock City): "Murphy, I know you want to destroy your account. Don't be impulsive. We have something to discuss. Leave Dalaran immediately, immediately, otherwise you will regret it."

Morpheus (Ancient Black Dragon): "Hahahaha, despicable bastard, vicious maggot, are you ordering me? Look at everything around you. It was your arrogance that brought this disaster. Now everything is impossible. You want to save me, but you still want to order me? Stupid mortal, you are completely unaware of your situation, tremble in front of Morpheus's dragon fire!"

Seeing that the black dragon was about to attack him, the supervisor was suddenly shocked.

Ned Stark (Earl of Rock City): "Are you crazy! I spent hundreds of thousands to train this number. If you dare to kill me... please protect our soldiers!"

The soldiers behind him immediately formed a fighting formation, with the spearmen in front and the crossbowmen behind.

Mo Fei didn't care. Lord-type players are very powerful in the later stage. They have blood volume and basic attributes that are not inferior to hero players of the same level. Although their skills are not as many and powerful, they can lead troops. If they have money to support them, they can lead troops. Elite, even the dragon demon can defeat it.

But the premise is that you must have high-level soldiers. Even if you don't have the ultimate unit of the five books, you can still get some storm knights, lion guards, silver mist ranger shooters and so on.

You brought a group of second-level mercenary crossbowmen and levy spearmen to come to trouble me. You are just rushing to die. If I don't kill you, I will be sorry for such a poor configuration.

The black dragon sprayed out dragon fire, and the flames instantly engulfed the soldiers in the front row. The crossbowman fired a row of crossbow arrows, which landed on the black dragon's scales, not even dealing single-digit damage.

The spears pierced the body and broke off one after another. Murphy went on a rampage, destroying the opponent's formation with a dragon attack.

He rushed to the supervisor in an instant. The supervisor was also anxious and waved the two-handed sword in his hand to cut down with all his strength.

Heroic strike!

Click! -375!

The damage is quite high.

Murphy sneered and grabbed the supervisor in front of him in his hand. Looking at the supervisor struggling in his hands, Murphy felt a cruel pleasure in his heart.

Ned Stark (Lord of Rock City): "Don't eat me, don't eat me!"

Morpheus (ancient black dragon): "Eat you? How could I possibly eat trash like you! But you reminded me..."

The black dragon bit the supervisor in his mouth. The huge dragon teeth bit up and down. The supervisor screamed like a slaughtered pig. Even if he only had 30% touch, the feeling of being torn apart still made him miserable. Fortunately, the pain did not last. It took too long, and Murphy chewed Ned Stark into a pile of mosaics in three mouthfuls, then spat it out on the ground.

It turns out that breaking the system rules is so easy! A flash of understanding suddenly flashed through Mo Fei's heart. After he defeated the Dawn Divine Sword, he tried to copy this operation that broke through the system rules several times, but failed. Unexpectedly, he had just performed it unintentionally, and he vaguely figured out a pattern. Maybe this can become his unique secret skill in the future.

But now, it’s more important to find the treasure first.

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