Part-time BOSS

Chapter 448 The Spoils Sharing Agreement and the Heroic Warriors

Murphy looked at what was happening in front of him, but he couldn't help but feel funny in his heart.

Godwin really speaks in a bureaucratic context.

You see, it's not that I don't want to help the Elf Kingdom - although I really don't want to, but in fact, it's because I want to respect their principle of independence.

However, no matter how beautiful the words are, everyone will naturally know what the original intention is.

We are all foxes for thousands of years. We still understand when we see through things without telling them.

However, even though they knew it in their hearts, the leaders did not immediately raise doubts and objections, but instead started discussing with each other.

Without it, it is due to interests. It is better to be attacked by the Elf Kingdom than to be attacked by a dead Taoist friend.

Secondly, all countries actually don't like the Elf Kingdom very much.

This largely stems from the innate sense of superiority of the high elves.

It is not difficult to tell this just from the name of the race. High elves - also called upper elves. If any human kingdom dares to name the humans in their country high humans, it is estimated that they will be punished by a joint crusade from all countries immediately.

But this is the only family in the Elf Kingdom that has no semicolon. No one can call them names no matter what, so they can only tolerate it. Besides, there are historical reasons for this. At that time, the upper elves were actually night elves, but they belonged to the aristocratic class, and Tyrande, Malfurion and other lower-class civilians were clearly distinguished from each other, so in order to stand out, this group of elven nobles called themselves upper-class elves.

Later, after they separated from the night elves and moved across the sea to the Eastern Continent, there was no longer a 'lower elf' like the night elf to compare with, so naturally they, the upper elf, couldn't be called the same.

So it was later changed to 'High Elf', which still attracted a bit of hatred, but it was much better.

In fact, compared to the human beings who were still in tribal society at that time, and the troll clan who drank blood from their flesh and blood, this group of elves who mastered advanced magic technology and had extremely advanced cultural levels were not considered advanced races.

Not only is the name superior, the elves themselves also look down on other races, and they all look at people with two nostrils.

Even though he joined the alliance, he looked down upon the other races in the alliance. They were all primitive tribes (humans) who jumped out of the earth (dwarves) and hunted and skinned like savages, and there were even no goblins. The tall little dwarfs are as elegant, noble, wise, knowledgeable, magical and immortal as our elves.

The level of art and culture is so high that I don’t know where it is. Look at our magnificent Silver Moon City, and then look at your ruined castles, the gap is obvious.

The royal family of the elves have taken their sense of superiority to the extreme. We are advanced people in an advanced race, and our status is as high as the sky - does the Sun King understand what this means?

Other kingdoms usually allow all races to go freely, but Quel'Thalas is very xenophobic. Apart from occasionally receiving an ambassador or something, ordinary people still want to come to our place? Then you are overthinking.

The arrogance and arrogance inherent in the elves have been known to the world for thousands of years.

This makes almost all the countries in the Alliance not have a very good relationship with Quel'Thalas, even the Kingdom of Dalaran, which is also famous for magic - there are even two high elves in the six-member Dalaran Council (actually there are One is the red dragon Krasus in disguise), who is also not easy to deal with in Quel'Thalas.

In addition, Quel'Thalas withdrew from the alliance not long ago and stopped playing with everyone. This hostility can be even more blatantly displayed.

Now they heard that Quel'Thalas had been fucked by orcs and had a backdoor, and everyone was somewhat gloating about the misfortune.

Of course, there are also those who take the overall situation into consideration, such as Duke Lothar, who believes that they should not be affected by the conflicts between the country's races and should be rescued. After all, the orcs are the real enemies of the alliance.

However, after all, there are still too few such rational voices.

Falstad (King of Eagle's Nest Mountain): "I don't think there's a problem. Those pointy-eared women always look aloof and condescending. They asked for it."

Magni Bronzebeard (King of Ironforge): "You're right, let them have their own headache. They withdrew from the alliance because they thought the orcs couldn't reach their country. Hum, it's time for them to learn some human ways. .”

Antonidas (Speaker of Dalaran): "I suggest establishing a refugee settlement on the border of Quel'Thalas. If Quel'Thalas is destroyed by the orc army, we should at least receive and rescue the refugees."

Lothar (Storm Regent): "But what about those orcs? If they really break through Silvermoon City, it's hard to say what they won't do with the Sunwell. Don't forget that the orcs are servants of the devil. Maybe they will Summon a powerful demon lord like we did before.”

(Because Ragnaros the Fire Demon looks so evil, and his style of painting really matches that of a demon, he is considered by many to be a type of demon.)

Antonidas (Speaker of Dalaran): "It is not easy to use the power of the Sunwell. I have done some research on this. It requires sufficient preparation and the support of arcane knowledge, so there is no need to worry too much. I think an army can be formed in advance. Once Silvermoon City is breached, the Alliance should intervene immediately. Of course, as a non-Alliance member, Quel'Thalas will have to pay a price for the help and rescue they receive - a very high price. "

Blaze Greymane (King of Gilneas): "You are right. Since you are not a member of the Alliance, whether you are helping them fight against the orcs or rescuing refugees, you should charge a corresponding fee. If they are unable to pay the fee, If the cost is incurred, then the debt will be paid with the treasury of Quel'Thalas."

Mo Feixin said, "Hey guys, the fight between Quel'Thalas and the orcs hasn't started yet, let's make clear arrangements for the post-war division. Sure enough, they are all professionals."

But he doesn't object to this. It would be good to share some money.

Among them, Antonidas of Dalaran is the most enthusiastic, and he also studies magic. Although the people of Dalaran have always regarded themselves as the city of magic and the center of magic academics in the eastern continent.

However, the mage academy in Silvermoon City was established a thousand years earlier than humans, and the history of elves studying magic can be traced back to the ancient Night Elf Empire more than 10,000 years ago. Who knows whether these remnants of the Night Elf Empire have any What ancient forbidden spell, or sealed precious knowledge.

If you have the chance, you must get it.

There is also the Sunwell, the source of high elves' magic, which can provide nearly endless magic power to mages. For mages, it is a divine object that surpasses all treasures.

Even if you take a few bottles of well water and study it, it’s still good.

However, the elves cherish the power of the Sunwell extremely much and have never shared it with Dalaran. If they really have a chance to 'conquer' Quel'Thalas, they must get a few tons back to study it.

Many other kingdoms are also interested. Most of the human kingdoms have court mages, and they also have great ideas about magical power.

If you can get a bunch of magic books back, build your own magic academy, and train a large number of magicians, it will undoubtedly greatly enhance the country's strength.

Dwarves have little interest in magic, but the elves' treasury has hoarded countless precious gems and rare enchanted metals, which are all good things in the eyes of dwarves.

There was only one person who remained silent and just recorded something with a pen. It was the Ogad scholar.

Murphy was a little surprised. What was this guy doing? Why did Godwin arrange a historian for himself?

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost agitated, Godwin finally stood up.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Everyone is right. It is not certain when the orc invasion will stop, or it may not stop at all. Just in case, I think it is necessary to establish a coalition army to fight at any time. Prepare for the orc threat.

Considering that Lordaeron is the only kingdom bordering Quel'Thalas, I think that the gathering point of the coalition forces should be set up in Stratholme, the important northern town of Lordaeron. What do you think? "

No one objects to this. This is in line with military common sense. Stratholme is located on the border of Quel'Thalas, separated only by a mountain and forest. Even the local army of Stratholme once fought with Quel'Thalas. The rangers fought against Zul'Aman's trolls together.

Originally, no one had much interest in sending troops to fight the orcs, it was just a necessity, but now there is the treasury of the Elf Kingdom as the expected military expenditure.

Everyone's enthusiasm immediately became much higher.

So this family contributed 50,000, and that family contributed 60,000, and soon an army of 300,000 was recruited. This was only the first batch.

"Prince Aidan, how many troops are Alterac preparing to dispatch?"

"Alterac will dispatch 50,000 troops to participate in this war."

There are five countries in the Alterac Federation. A family of 10,000 people is enough. Anyway, Alterac is lacking everything now, except for troops. Because of the civil war, the five brothers all held back a wave of troops. , rather than leaving it at home and wasting maintenance costs, it is better to take it out to fight.

An army of fifty thousand is not too small.

The leaders of various countries were a little surprised. They didn't expect Alterac to be so aware of the overall situation and send so many troops despite how poor they were.

Godwin nodded calmly, but felt slightly disappointed in his heart. He originally wanted to test the reality of Alterac from here. It seems that although Alterac's national power is weak, it still has some strength.

"I'm glad that you are willing to support my plan. I have a good news to tell you in advance. I think you will be very surprised as to why the meeting will be held at the foot of the golden tree."

What else could it be for, to show off your strength?

"Because I have prepared a great gift for everyone. In order to boost morale and prepare for the coming war, considering the large number of casualties that the war will inevitably bring, I sent a prayer to the great Holy Light, and the Holy Light responded. Got me.

The great holy light and the supreme will tell me that he will bless those warriors who fight for justice and light. He will protect the souls of those who died in heroic battles and use the power of holy light to save them from the other side of death. Summon back. "

He pointed to the golden sacred tree behind him, "Look, that is the miracle of holy light coming from the supreme will."

Everyone looked up one after another. At this time, the golden tree's holy light was in full bloom. Golden spheres suddenly condensed on the crown of the golden tree, like golden bubbles, and like fruits, slowly. Falling from the sky.

A total of five spheres fell in front of everyone, and as the golden sphere gradually dissipated, the things inside were revealed.

They were actually five knights exuding holy light.

If you observe carefully, you can see that these knights are shining with golden light and have a translucent texture, like ghosts. However, they have no cold aura of ghosts at all. Instead, they exude a sacred light.

Baron Drake (Holy Spirit Warrior), silver level 3 hero, level 64, health value 5200.

Count Oliver (Warrior of the Holy Spirit). Silver first-level lord, level 67, health value 5450.

Bill Knight (Holy Spirit Warrior). High elite, level 70, health value 2800.

Lord Odebek (Holy Spirit Warrior). Silver second-level lord, level 59, HP 4950.

Red Wildhammer (Holy Spirit Warrior). Bronze level 3 hero, level 58, HP 3860.

These five holy warriors include humans, elves, and dwarves. They all look familiar, especially the last one, who is King Falstad's cousin and a captain of the Griffin Knights.

"Odin's beard, what on earth is this?"

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "These are the Holy Spirit Warriors. They are all warriors who died in the war with the orcs. Some were knights of the Knights of the Silver Hand, and some were believers in the Holy Light. The Golden Tree Feeling the devout faith of the souls of these war dead, they were transformed by the Holy Light into Holy Spirit Warriors and continued to fight for the Alliance."

"Everyone, as long as the soldiers participating in the coalition are willing to believe in the Holy Light, they can enjoy the gift of the Golden Holy Tree and obtain a sacred mark. This mark can ensure that the soldiers will be transformed into holy Holy Spirit warriors after they die in battle."

As soon as these words came out, the leaders were shocked.

This is the resurrection ability.

Even though resurrection is very common among adventurers, it is extremely rare for heroes. When you die, you are truly dead, unless you have the power of the gods, or something like Mo Fei's ancient dragon body. , it is possible to avoid death.

As for resurrecting others, it's even harder.

Of course, if you are an adventurer, it would be easy. You can directly learn the adventurer version of the resurrection skill. However, the life of an adventurer is not valuable in the first place, so the value of the resurrection skill is not that great. It just saves the time of running away. .

But this is the plot version of the resurrection ability.

Although real warriors are not afraid of death, it would be better if they could not die. Of course everyone wants it.

Especially for those lords and nobles who have families and businesses, so much of their property will be wasted if they die. People will die before the money is spent. It is such a loss.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many lords and nobles colluding with cults, and even studying evil spiritualism, just to rule their territories for a long time.

However, whether it is spiritualism or the 'immortality' granted by various evil gods, they usually have strong side effects, and they can even directly turn into monsters that are neither human nor ghosts.

But the method of resurrection in front of me is at least more decent than necromancy.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "I announce that the first batch of sacred marks will be distributed later, a total of 18 pieces. Everyone can freely choose whether to accept this mark.

However, considering the rarity of the sacred mark, only those true warriors are eligible to receive the blessing of the golden tree, and they must believe in the holy light. If the belief is not pious enough, you will not be able to receive the blessing. "

[System prompt: After triggering the plot event, [Gift of the Golden Tree], you have obtained the qualification for the Golden Tree Mark. You can choose to accept or reject it. After obtaining the mark, your faith type will be automatically converted to [Holy Light Faith]. This The effect does not affect the type of your ability, but it will change the deity you believe in. You need to pray to the Holy Light every day to keep your belief valid.

[Mark of Holy Light: After the player carrying this mark dies, he can be reborn with the power of Holy Light and transform into a [Holy Spirit Warrior]. The Holy Spirit Warrior can retain your rank, level, and maximum health value during your lifetime.

However, you cannot inherit any skills except combat skills. You will receive an additional set of Holy Spirit Warrior exclusive skill modules.

Note 1: The Holy Spirit Warrior is a ‘summoned creature template’. It cannot increase its level through normal means, but it can participate in battles and gain experience by accepting summons.

Note 2: The camp of the Holy Spirit Warrior will be locked as [Guardian of the Golden Tree].

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