Part-time BOSS

Chapter 470 Sunwell Comprehensive Development Plan

At this moment, Silver Moon City has completely fallen into chaos.

The magic towers around the city that have not yet fallen are still resisting, but they are of no help to the war situation.

Some of the elf heroes who saw the situation was not good had already teleported away and fled the battlefield, while others like Alpha and Galadriel, who were more responsible, were still trying to rescue more civilians.

Some even became red-eyed and led their troops to engage in brutal street battles with the orcs in the city, fighting to the last moment.

But in the city, the adventurers who invaded the city were completely caught up in a looting frenzy.

This is a great opportunity to make a fortune. Just drop a few weapon merchants and skill trainers, and the dropped treasures will be lost in the sea.

Auction houses, blacksmith shops, jewelry stores, and magic scroll shops have all become fat in the eyes of adventurers.

Not to mention that there are many mansions and compounds of elven nobles, which contain countless treasures. Even some gold and silver tableware can be sold for a lot of money.

When Stormwind City was first captured, many people made a fortune.

Now that the wealth of Silvermoon City is far higher than that of Stormwind City, such a good opportunity cannot be missed.

The orc adventurers broke away from the command of the warlord chiefs and dispersed. Some attacked noble compounds in groups, while others intercepted and killed lone elf NPCs in groups.

There are also master players who work alone, trying to open the hidden maps that are usually not allowed to be entered.

Not only the adventurers of the tribe are robbing and making a fortune, but the adventurers of the alliance are also joining in the robbing. Anyway, Silvermoon City is a neutral force, so if you rob it, you will rob it.

I have put so much effort into defending the city for you, so what does it mean to grab a few things?

From time to time, adventurers from the tribe and alliance would have a fight.

It even happened that adventurers from the tribe and alliance cooperated to break into the elven mansion.

Since those elf adventurers were natives of their hometown and were familiar with the terrain of Silver Moon City, they even acted as the guide.

Ba Dao Qingqing looked at the chaos in front of him, but his brows furrowed. Damn, these bastards are really not polite when they grab equipment.

I spent hundreds of millions to conquer Silver Moon City, but this has become an opportunity for you to make a fortune.

But there's nothing you can do about it. Don't expect adventurers to obey orders unless there is a greater benefit.

The top priority is to capture the most important points to avoid being harmed by these bastards.

The kingdom's treasury, the royal palace, the royal library, and of course the most important thing is the Sunwell.

Ba Dao Qingqing led the main army and began to advance towards the interior of Silver Moon City. These important locations were all deep in the city.

When the good team arrived at the Plaza of the Sun, they were blocked by a series of magic explosions. The Sun King was seen waving his staff, exuding dazzling golden light. The power of the Sunwell continued to vent through him. Coming out, terrifying magic spells were blasted out one after another.

Elf nobles have always been famous for their magic, and the Sun King's magic strength is even more top-notch. Coupled with the blessing of luxurious equipment, he was able to block the attack of the tribe's army by himself.

Adventurers from the tribe kept rushing forward to start a group, only to be defeated in disgrace by a magical bombardment.

However, the number of adventurers participating in the war has never decreased.

Everyone knows that this thing is a big fat piece of meat, a majestic Elf King, and the equipment on his body is absolutely luxurious. If he can eat it, it will be awesome.

However, it is not easy to take down the Elf King. After all, he is the king for thousands of years. At this time, he is connected to the Sunwell, and his powerful magic is almost unrivaled.

The Sun King looked at more and more orcs, goblins, ogres, and trolls around him, and felt his body gradually collapse. He knew that he could not hold on much longer.

"Sunwell, lend me your power!"

Floating sun!

With a sudden wave of the staff, another forbidden spell-level magic blasted out.

A huge fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters rose slowly, emitting hot flames and light like the sun. With a thought in the Sun King's mind, it flew in the direction of the densest crowd.

Seeing this floating blazing sun floating towards them, the adventurers around them were frightened and fled wildly.

The adventurers were now starting to fear death.

The reason why you are not afraid of death when attacking a city is because you haven't entered into the stage of dividing the interests yet, but this will be a good time to harvest and rob. If you die, it will be no good. It will take at least half an hour for the zombies to come over. Good things will come by then. What else is left?


A small mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the shock wave directly blew away hundreds of adventurers.

"Quick, quick, he's out of blue."

"Let's all join in while his skills are cooling down."

"Everyone from the Blood God Guild, follow me. Let's eat Bo Fei today!"


Ba Dao Qingqing didn't take action, he just watched. Since he became the chief, he has rarely taken action personally. His account is worth over 100 million, so he can't risk his life.

Besides, as a warchief, there is no need to do it yourself. You can just let your subordinates beat the monsters to death and then pick up the ready-made ones yourself.

Of course, you can also show off if conditions permit.

This plot point must still be collected.

Ba Dao Qing Wu (tribal chief): "You go and attack the palace first, and I will deal with this Elf King."

All the orc warlords showed admiration. The warchief was worthy of being a warchief. Not only was he unparalleled in strategy, but he was also extremely brave. Such a powerful elf king actually dared to challenge him alone.

The players showed disdain. Damn it, you want to eat alone and you still sound so fresh and refined.

However, everyone had no choice but to obey the orders of the great chief, and soon the orc hero warlords dispersed and left to attack various key points in the city.

Only Ba Dao was ruthless, leading a group of Kor'kron guards and thousands of adventurers to lay siege to the Sun King.

Anyway, adventurers cannot get the heads of plot characters.

In a plot battle, if a plot character is killed by an adventurer, the system will automatically attribute the credit to the plot character who contributed the most in the battle.

Now he is the only plot character in the Plaza del Sol, so in the end it is all his credit.

But to be on the safe side, Ba Dao Qing Wu still threw a few flying axes from a distance, causing some damage...

[World Announcement: In 1441 of the Sky Era, the tribal chief Ba Dao Wu Wu Qing led the tribal army to attack Quel'Thalas. They broke through Silvermoon City in one day and killed the Sun King Anasteria with his own hands. With the death of the Sun King, Silver Moon City completely declared its fall.

Ba Dao Qing Wu also won the unanimous respect of the tribal chiefs with this military exploit, and his reputation within the tribe was further enhanced.

With the capture of Silvermoon City and the death of the Sun King in battle, the political factions within the elves have completely lost their balance, and it seems inevitable that the elves in Quel'Thalas will be divided.

This battle also became an important node in the Third Orc War. This battle made the alliance countries realize that the orc army that was driven back to the Dark Portal had returned to the world again, and a more bloody war was inevitably coming. .

The event has been recorded in the Chronicles of the Sky. 】

As soon as the world announcement was released, everyone in the game was shocked.

"What, my father is dead!" The princes and princesses who were defending the retreating civilians from the palace looked at each other, and they all saw each other's helplessness and sadness.

Alpha said: "Let's withdraw too!"

Everyone nodded, and after the last wave of elven civilians were sent away, Alpha immediately led the remaining palace guards into the portal. As the portal closed, the palace's resistance also collapsed.

boom! The gate of the palace was directly blasted open. Garrosh rushed in with a group of orcs and began to loot important treasures according to Ba Dao's ruthless instructions. He sent soldiers to guard the entrance of the palace to prevent adventurers from looting.

Take randomly.


"What! The Sun King died like this?"

At this moment, on a giant ship on the Endless Sea, Emperor Shenwu looked at the text of the World Announcement with a look of disbelief.

The Dark Night Alliance began discussions after receiving the request for help. Although the elf messenger threatened the safety of the Sunwell and claimed that the orcs attacked Silvermoon City in order to use the power of the Sunwell to bring the Burning Legion back to this world, Tyran After some discussion, De and Malfurion decided not to get involved in this matter.

How powerful the Well of Eternity was ten thousand years ago, how could it be compared to the Well of Eternity? What created the Well of Eternity was just a small bottle of Well of Eternity water.

It is simply impossible to use this thing to bring the Burning Legion over. At most, we can only bring in a few demon lords and demon troops.

It’s entirely possible to let the humans from the eastern continent take the lead.

The Dark Night Alliance is currently recuperating after the war with the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, and it is not appropriate to send troops.

Emperor Shenwu seized this opportunity and volunteered to bring troops to reinforce.

His centaur is good at producing other things, and can spend money to rush troops without any need for repairs.

Because he was afraid of long nights and many dreams, Emperor Shenwu gathered 50,000 troops and set off first. The remaining troops could be transported slowly behind.

Unexpectedly, it was still a step too late.

After a long time, Emperor Shenwu couldn't help but reveal a playful smile on his face.

Haha, does this ruthless Ba Dao have some abilities? I didn’t expect him to capture Silver Moon City in one day.

Fortunately, without the rule of the Sun King, he could easily absorb the elven refugees and bring the elves into the Dark Night Alliance camp.

The tribe is the life-and-death enemy of the elves, and the alliance is the force that the elves have just left. From this point of view, the Dark Night Alliance is the best destination for the high elves.

They were one family ten thousand years ago.

Use the army in your hands to recruit some high elf troops, just to occupy a stronghold in the eastern continent.

While thinking about it, he looked behind him and saw the mighty and huge fleet, cutting through the waves, moving towards Quel'Thalas.


Ba Dao Wu Wu succeeded! ?

Godwin was comprehending the way of Holy Light under the golden tree, but his thoughts were unexpectedly disrupted by the world announcement.

It seems that I have underestimated him, but it doesn't matter. The city can be destroyed and the equipment can be plundered, but the Sunwell cannot be moved. As long as you lead the alliance army to regain Silvermoon City, the power of the Sunwell will be yours.

And with the Sunwell, those high elves can naturally only rely on the alliance, or to be precise, on themselves.

This time they will not just be allowed to join, the high elves must be incorporated into the Kingdom of Lordaeron and become the people of the Golden Tree.

The prototype of the Empire of Lordaeron is about to be born.

Thinking of this, Godwin suddenly became very high-spirited.

"Pass my order - the Horde has captured Silvermoon City. In order to prevent the evil orcs from using the power of the Sunwell to summon the demon army to come to this world, we must launch an attack. Send a letter to the leaders of various countries. I will personally command the Alliance army. March into Quel'Thalas.

Send a letter to Prince Kael'thas and tell him that if he still wants to regain his royal city, he must come and pledge his allegiance to me immediately. "

The coalition forces of the alliance countries have already been assembled. A total of 400,000 troops are stationed in Stratholme, an important border town near Quel'Thalas. They can march at any time. If you include the elven army that Prince Kael'thas can muster, There were half a million troops.

Moreover, follow-up troops can be recruited at any time, and Silver Moon City can definitely be recaptured.


Silvermoon City was breached?

Mo Fei, who was catching a thief in Longshang Castle, was a little surprised. He destroyed the city in one day and left the army in three days. This tribe is a bit strong.

By the way, Godwin should be sending out troops again soon. Do you want to gain some experience and plot points this time?

"Lord Aidan, Lord Angus is here."

"Let him in."

The high priest of the Dragon Worship Cult walked in quickly, holding an ancient book in his hand and looking happy.

"Prince Aidan, good news. The bishop has compiled the information about the ancient dragon. According to the previous agreement, I brought the information to you."

Mo Fei was overjoyed. During this period, he had accumulated a lot of power of faith. Coupled with the enhanced strength of the advanced world BOSS, the power of the Disaster Dragon had been fully mastered. He was waiting to continue slaying the dragon and seizing the dragon's heart to carry out the ancient dragon. The road is over.

Now it's finally time to take action.

It seems that the task of attacking Silver Moon City has to be left to other brothers.


"Is this the Well of the Sun? Why is it a temple? I thought it was really a well."

In front of the majestic gate, Ba Dao Qingqing looked up at the towering building, somewhat puzzled.

The Blood Shadow Chonglou followed him, and after hearing these words, he hurriedly explained: "Of course the Sunwell is a well, but in order to protect the Sunwell from being contacted by outsiders, the people who were in the Sunwell thousands of years ago A temple and walls were built around it, and the Well of the Sun was hidden in the main hall of the temple.

Only the Sun Royal Family and a small number of high-ranking nobles can enter. "

Ba Dao nodded ruthlessly and impatiently ordered the soldiers to rush into the Sun Temple and clear the place.

At this time, the war in Silver Moon City had not yet been extinguished. Ba Dao Wuqing couldn't wait to leave the adventurers of the tribe to clear out the remaining enemies in the city. He himself led the elite main force through the northern gate and arrived at the Sunwell Highlands.

This highland was built just to the north of Silvermoon City. It can be said that the entire Silvermoon City was built to protect the Sunwell.

There is also a Sun Guard here to guard the Sunwell, but although the Sun Guard is powerful, their number is too small and they are easily eliminated.

After passing through the outer gardens and squares, Ba Dao Qingwu finally entered the main hall and came to the magic well.

Although it is called a well, it is more like a golden lake.

The elves built a magnificent hall around the magic well, and there were many meditation rooms around it, where the elven royal family and nobles practiced magic.

But at this moment.

There is only the Horde's army here.

Letting his men guard the perimeter at a distance, Ba Dao Qing Wu walked to the edge of the Sun Well, bent down, and picked up a handful of golden well water. The pure arcane energy blended into the well water, even for Ba Dao Qing Wu. This kind of powerful hero with no magic talent also felt a little trembling.

Grogo Evil Eye was even more excited.

"Such a powerful force, such a powerful force! Ah ha ha ha ha!"

He was so happy that he almost jumped in to take a shower.

Ba Dao Qingqing nodded with satisfaction, now he could get his money back.

"Don't get excited. According to our previous plan, let's start taking action immediately. Gather the warlocks and shamans and get ready to work."

Grogo Evil Eye was surprised, "In such a hurry? Don't we clean up the enemies around Silvermoon City first? There are still many elven troops around, and the city walls also need to be repaired and strengthened?"

Ba Dao Qingqing shook his head, "There is not so much time to waste. The Sunwell is a piece of cake. Do you think we are the only ones who want to take it? Be it the Alliance, the Dark Night Alliance, or maybe some monster forces." , the evil villains are all plotting this well.

They were just inconvenient to take action directly due to their camp tendencies.

Now that our tribe has become this big villain, if they send out troops to rob us again, there will be nothing wrong with us.

Although our tribe has a large army, we can't go deep alone without the continuous support of the Dark Portal. Therefore, we must develop the Sunwell as soon as possible and utilize it as soon as possible. We must destroy the value of the Sunwell before the enemy comes. Squeeze it all out. "

Grogo Evil Eye couldn't help but nodded to Ba Dao's ruthless analysis. This was indeed the truth.

He and Ba Dao Qingwu had already studied it before and had already prepared a package development plan for the Sunwell.

First of all, they sell well water. These are top-quality materials containing pure arcane energy. At least they are orange-quality materials. It's not expensive to sell you a bottle for 100,000.

This thing can be used to create magic equipment, or you can drink it directly. Drinking the water from the Sunwell can get the 'Endless Arcana' effect for one hour.

With nearly unlimited mana and a 50% increase in spell power, it is definitely a god for legal professions.

Good things that can be used to reverse possession at critical moments are worth the extra money.

Second, start a new career.

So far, the tribe does not have a large-scale mage, and adventurers have no way to choose a mage. The mage is the son's profession, which is indispensable.

Now that we have the Sunwell and the books from Quel'Thalas Magic Academy, we can finally give birth to the tribe's mage profession.

Third, energy infusion.

Different professions in the firmament world have different energy systems. Without the corresponding energy, the corresponding skills cannot be used.

The same is true for magic. If a hero player wants to learn magic, he or she needs to find the corresponding talents and expertise, or have sufficient intelligence attributes, and then go to a magic academy for further studies.

Just study like you’re actually going to school.

But with the Sunwell, it's different. Almost all elven princes know magic, even the agility and power professions. The reason is that they can practice with the help of the Sunwell.

Now, as long as you are willing to pay, you can give customers arcane infusion and gain spell-casting abilities. Even if it is just some low-level spells, it is very useful to assist in combat.

Pure warriors can never beat magic warriors.

The Sun Royal Family can only absorb the escaping arcane energy in the surrounding meditation chambers.

But Ba Dao Qingqing doesn't care about that. As long as he is willing to pay and pay enough, he can even take a bath in the Sun Well, let alone meditate next to the Sun Well.

The hero's expertise is determined based on the player's experience. If you soak in the Sunwell for a few days, you can definitely develop very powerful hero expertise.


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