Part-time BOSS

Chapter 474 The Snowman King and the Sealed Prison

During the subsequent march, Murphy did not encounter any accidents.

In fact, even that night in the valley was just a small episode in his adventure, meaningless. He had no idea that he had just passed by Sal, and he had become a child. Sal is determined to kill his father-killing enemy.

At this moment, he has led his army to the destination this time, the Ice Rift Valley.

This is an icy wasteland. The old rivers were frozen into glaciers. Due to the huge fissures at its huge neutral fracture, fissures run through it. Some ice elements and ice rockworms appear in the fissures. Naturally, they are indispensable. The most common snowman.

The ice rift valley is composed of many huge fissures, which make the entire glacier's landscape extremely dangerous. There is the largest fissure in the middle of the glacier. The fissure is bottomless and extremely dark, as if it leads to an unknown abyss.

This is the origin of the Great Rift Valley.

However, in this seemingly desperate place for mankind, the presence of adventurers is indispensable.

"Quick, quick, get them out."

"I'll pull the monsters. Xuan Yue, prepare your magic. Don't blame the scattered group."

"I'll do this!"

Before reaching the entrance of the Great Rift Valley, I saw three adventurers working together to farm snowmen.

Three people, one hunter, one mage, and one warrior, work together very well.

The hunter pulled all the snowmen in the distance over, and the mage used fire magic to ignite the groups of snowmen together. The snowmen were weak to fire, and the fire magic dealt extremely high damage. Occasionally, if there were those that were not able to reach them, they would rush towards them, and the warriors would immediately attack them and chop them down in twos and threes.

The three of them went around in circles, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of snowmen around them were slaughtered. After a wave of monsters were cleared, the three of them skillfully began to drink water, take medicine, skin and touch the corpses.

Even when he saw Murphy leading the army, he didn't take it seriously.

Murphy glanced at the levels of the three adventurers.

Xuanyue (Mage) is level 67.

Feiyu (Hunter) Level 65.

Long Yuan (Warrior) Level 62.

All of them were large ones above level 60.

Murphy was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the level of adventurers is now so high. You can easily meet players of level 60+ in the wild. Once upon a time, those who were level 50 were already great masters.

It seems that the adventurers have benefited a lot from the war in the past two years.

Fighting in the battlefield every day, enjoying various battlefield BUFFs, the level keeps rising.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Good afternoon, brave adventurers. Do you often level up here?"

The three of them glanced at Murphy and noticed the army behind him and the ranks of heroes above their heads, and they didn't dare to mess with him casually.

Long Yuan (Warrior): "Of course, we are old gangsters in this area of ​​the Ice Rift Valley. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Do you know that there is a sealed prison in the Great Rift Valley?"

Long Yuan (soldier): "Sealed prison? Never heard of it."

Fei Yu (Hunter): "I haven't heard of it either. The most common people in the Great Rift Valley are snowmen and various ice monsters. It is said that some people have encountered blue dragons and prisons. That shouldn't be a city. Is there a copy that will only be released in?"

Xuan Yue (Mage): "I know about the sealed prison. Once I went down alone to spawn monsters. I was accidentally blocked by spawned monsters. I had to go deep down. The monsters chased me and jumped off an ice cliff. fell down and landed on an ice ridge,

Then I jumped several times, and finally landed in a huge cave. The map showed the sealed prison. There were many blue dragon guards there, and they killed me in one confrontation. "

Murphy was very happy. It really took no effort at all. What a good luck.

"Are you guys interested in making some extra money? Take me to that cave for 1,000 gold coins."

Xuanyue (Mage): "One thousand each."

Unexpectedly, this guy named Xuan Yue was quite loyal and didn't forget his friends.

Probably because he felt that he was a bit too loud, he then added, "The terrain in that place is very dangerous, and super soldiers like you can't carry them there. Are you going on a mission? Then you can help by taking the three of us." I won’t take your money for free.”

"make a deal."

Murphy was too lazy to talk nonsense. Once upon a time, ten thousand yuan was not a small amount to him, but now this small amount of money is nothing to him.

If you can get the job done as quickly as possible, it doesn't matter if you spend more money.

The three of them were quite surprised. They didn't expect Murphy to agree so easily. One thousand gold coins equals ten thousand yuan. How many snowman skins do you have to buy? This is a windfall.

Lead the way now.

Murphy was about to enter the rift when a private message suddenly popped up in front of him.

Godwin: Prince Aidan, the war between the Alliance and the Horde is about to begin. As a member of the Alliance leaders, wouldn't it be bad if you don't come to join the war? I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation for why I didn't see you among Alterac's army.

Aidan: No time, leave me alone.

Godwin: Brother Aidan, I don’t mean to run against you. This battle is about the life and death of the alliance. I really need your help.

Mo Feixin said that any battle is not a matter of life and death.

Aidan: I said I don't have time. Besides, with your Holy Light, you are nothing in the tribe. I believe you can deal with those orcs. Come on, man, you can do it.

Godwin: Brother Aidan, I know our relationship is not very good, but we don’t have any personal grudges, right? This time the tribe is very powerful, but I don’t know what to do with it. Why don’t you come and give it a try? You can get in anyway. A lot of plot points? With your current rank, ordinary plot events can't earn you many plot points. Don't waste such a good opportunity.

Mo Feixin said, "Are you bothered?" But the other person said it so politely, so he couldn't be too rude.

Aidan: I really don’t have time. Let’s do this. If you need my help, just gather a large group of people and pray to me. I will throw map cannons for you. Okay, I’m going into the dungeon. The signal is not good. Let’s talk later. .

After saying that, he closed the private message channel directly.

Since he had to go underground, Murphy could only let the dragon knights stay outside and go down with the five hundred giant sword men.

Mo Fei had been to the Ice Rift Valley once before, but he didn't go too deep. As the three of them went down, they realized that the map below was surprisingly large.

Moreover, the monsters were quite dense and extremely powerful. Not long after walking, they encountered three groups of snowmen, an elite ice rock insect, and a nest of ice trolls.

Fortunately, the troops he led were very powerful. Five hundred giant sword men were lined up in a row. They could instantly kill anything they saw. Even if it was a big monster like an ice rock insect, a group of giant sword men would swarm up and chop at random. Into a pile of meat.

It was like chopping wood and melons all the way, but the march was not slow.

The further we walked, the darker and more cramped and depressing the environment became. From time to time, corpses and skeletons of various monsters frozen in the ice could be seen in the surrounding ice walls. Some glowing moss provided the only light source. However, this The dim blue light not only did not bring peace of mind, but made the environment even weirder.

Murphy didn't feel anything at all. Dragons were born with dark vision and could see everything clearly.

Coupled with his own strength, he has no fear.

But Jaina couldn't. She encountered such a battle for the first time when she ventured out. She was so frightened that she followed him closely. The staff in her hand summoned several light balls, which illuminated the surrounding area.

Suddenly, the vision suddenly opened up, and an open ice field cave appeared.

In a large open area, some igloos are scattered randomly. You can see many snowmen coming in and out, and you can even see the rare little snowman, which is furry and looks quite cute.

"Is this the Snowman Kingdom?" Murphy asked.

Of course, snowmen cannot build a huge kingdom like humans. The so-called snowman kingdom is just a larger snowman settlement, usually gathering hundreds of snowmen.

Usually a Snowman King BOSS will be spawned.

Xuan Yue (Mage): "Yes, did you see that particularly tall guy? That is the Snowman King, a level 74 wild BOSS. Generally, we have to form a large group of 40 people before we dare to fight.

The sealed prison you want to go to is in the direction of the passage behind the snowman settlement. We can go around it from the cliff on the right. "

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "It doesn't have to be so strenuous - Asona, kill it."

"It's the captain!" The Vrykul roared, and then he led the fierce man with five hundred giant swords to kill him.

"Hey, wait for me." Jaina was not to be outdone. She must seize this rare opportunity to express herself. She followed after him and kept throwing ice arrows at the snowman.

It's a pity that the damage is so low. The snowmen all have high ice resistance. Jaina, who specializes in freezing magic, has absolutely nothing to do against these rough-skinned guys.

On the contrary, the fierce men with giant swords killed them very cleanly. Asona seemed to be particularly familiar with these fur coats with thick blood and low defense. A pair of battle axes chopped with a loud click, cutting out corpses all over the ground in the blink of an eye.

Several snowmen bypassed the siege of the giant sword man and rushed toward the crowd. A trace of murderous intent flashed in Vivian's eyes.

Raise your hand - a chain of lightning!

In the crackle of violent thunder and lightning, four or five snowmen fell down.

This move surprised Mo Fei slightly. The snowman's combat power was average, but her health was very thick. Each one had more than a thousand health. She could do it in seconds. She didn't even use a hero skill, which was a bit interesting.

Jaina was even more stunned.

Dalaran's combat magic is mainly ice, fire, and arcane, while lightning magic is rare.

"Teacher Vivian, what kind of magic do you use? Why have I never seen it before?"

"This is the ancient magic of the night elves. It uses arcane energy to simulate the power of nature. It is somewhat different from the magic of Dalaran."

"Can you teach me?"

"If you can learn it." Vivian said slightly arrogantly.

In her opinion, the magic used by humans is much less powerful than ancient magic. It is quite sophisticated, but often lacks power.

This aspect is related to the accumulation of human magic. After all, human life is here, and most human mages have a limited upper limit, so the requirements must be lowered when creating magic.

Moreover, he is academically inclined and does not fully understand natural energy.

As for the high elves, they are far behind the original high elf mages. The high elf absorbed the magic power of the Well of Eternity, while the high elf absorbed the magic power of the Sun Well. The difference is not that big.

"Watch it, I'll only demonstrate it once."

As he spoke, he explained the spells and spell-casting actions in detail. The chain lightning was somewhat similar to the shaman's lightning chain, or the druid's natural wrath. It was a kind of natural energy, free and wild, and emphasized control and Stable Dalaran Academy magic is completely different.

Jaina looked at it carefully and followed the sitting movements with her hands.

Chain lightning!

Crack, a few sparks flashed from the fingertips, but no lightning shot out.

Jaina was a little frustrated, but Vivian Yege was a little surprised. This little girl's magic talent was so powerful. Chain lightning was a high-level magic, and she could learn it instantly.

Although it is only a trace, it is already valuable to a mage.

Chain lightning! Chain lightning! Chain lightning!

Jaina tried a dozen times in a row, and finally——

An arc of electricity shot out of her hand, shattering an igloo with a snap.

Although the power is a bit small, it already has the prototype of serial lightning magic.

"Teacher Vivian, how did I use it?" Jaina asked excitedly.

"It's okay. Let's practice more in the future." Vivian said lightly, but her heart was less condescending and more interested. She had previously persuaded Murphy to accept Gianna, saying that Gianna had amazing potential, but in fact it was just It's just a courtesy, the two of them are not familiar with each other at all.

But now she felt that she was right.

Murphy looked on coldly, not surprised by this situation. A figure like Jaina, who plays an important role in the history of Warcraft, is definitely not bad in talent.

In such a short time, the Yeti settlement had been slaughtered.

Asona chopped down the Snowman King and cut off the Snowman King's head and hung it on his waist.

This guy has a heroic specialty - Skull Hunter, which allows him to hang the heads of killed powerful enemies around his waist as an additional accessory, and gain a corresponding BUFF.

The stronger the BOSS you kill, the more powerful the buff will be.

It can be regarded as a quite unique specialty.

"Here it is, little girl." Azona threw a piece of snowman fur to Jaina.

[Avalanche (Magic Scroll)

Use: Cast an avalanche spell.

Transcription: Transcribe and learn the magic on the scroll. Requires intelligence 36 and introduction to Yeti language.

Item introduction: The magic scroll written on the snowman's fur is recorded in the simple writing unique to the snowman. The snowman is a spellcaster who is born with the ability to control the magic of ice and snow. Although his research on ice and snow magic is crude, it is extremely effective. This is what they most commonly use. A kind of ice magic.

To understand what this simple-minded creature is saying requires extraordinary intelligence. 】

"Yeah, thank you Asona, you're such a good guy."

Jaina said happily.

Azona didn't know what the good guy card meant yet, so he laughed proudly.

He delivered another trophy to Murphy, which Wang Mofei was very satisfied with.

【Yeti Walker's Reins (Mount)

Use: Summons a Yeti Walker for you to ride.

Item introduction: The Yeti Walker is a variant of the Yeti. It has wide feet and a high load-bearing capacity, and can be used as a mount. 】

Murphy looked at the reins and was speechless for a moment.

This snowman thing can actually produce mounts.

He used it and summoned a three-meter-tall snowman. How to ride this thing? It seems to be riding on the neck.

Murphy immediately shook his head. This look was too weird. "I don't want it anymore. Which of you wants it?"

Vivian shook her head decisively. Jaina wanted it, but she had just taken a piece of loot and it was obviously difficult to reach out again. As the weakest link in this team, she could still carry it clearly.

Angus didn't care, "Then I'm welcome."

He said and took it.

There was also a fur cloak of the Snowman King, which Asona happily put on.

The three adventurers watched eagerly as everyone here divided the spoils. Fortunately, they had the one thousand gold coins as a starting point.

"Guys, come this way." Xuan Yue led the way.

Passing through the snowman settlement, there is another downward slope in front of me. Follow the slope with many twists and turns, but Xuan Yue remembers the way.

Soon they came to a cliff, and a huge abyss appeared in front of everyone. On the opposite side of the abyss, another rift valley could be seen, and there were several ice bridges connecting the two sides of the abyss.

Xuan Yue pointed to the darkness below, "It's right below."

"Did you jump?"

"I used the slow fall technique."

Xuan Yue said and took out a few light feathers.

This is the casting material for the slow fall spell.

The Slow Falling Technique can be applied to teammates, but it is obviously impossible to apply it to all five hundred strong men. Mana and casting materials are not allowed.

Murphy thought about it and realized that it was not necessary to bring him with him. He was very confident in his current strength, and he brought the army just to ensure that nothing went wrong.

Even without an army, he is confident that he can do it.

"Take ten giant warriors and a few of us, and cast a slow fall spell on everyone, mage."

"I can also slow down!"

Jaina also took out a few light feathers to help, and soon everyone was under the slow fall spell.

Asona took the lead and jumped into the abyss one after another.

Just as Murphy was about to jump, the private message came out again.

Emperor Shenwu: Brother Aidan, what are you busy with? I am about to lead troops to attack Silver Moon City. Can you come and help me?

He should be much more polite to Mo Fei, the Shenwu Emperor. After all, it was a life-and-death friendship.

Aidan: It’s not very convenient. Let’s do this. If you need help, just ask the Dragon Priest to pray and I will fire the map cannon for you.

Only then did the arrangements for Emperor Shenwu become clear. There were private messages over there, but unexpectedly they were all crowded together.

Kaya Windrunner: Aidan, we are going to counterattack Silvermoon City. Kael'thas, the eldest sister, the second sister and the younger sister are coming. Will you come?

My second sister really likes you. She talks about you when she has nothing to do. I think she must be interested in you. If you can come and help, you can definitely catch my second sister. That’s Queen Xi. Don’t you have any ideas?

Aidan: Kaya, when did you become such a bitch? You are also the ranger general of the Windrunner family, so you should be a little more reserved.

Well, don't you already have dragon believers over there? Just pray to me and I'll fire map cannons for you.

Murphy was not being perfunctory. During this time, he had already understood the core concept of the power of faith.

I am actually a faith converter.

Believers provide the power of faith, and as the carrier of the power of faith, they release the power of faith as miracles.

Of course, there is also a cost of performing miracles. Believers provide 10,000 faith power, and you can give them a miracle of 5,000 faith power at most.

If you pray a lot on a daily basis, you can get credit on credit at critical moments.

Otherwise, it’s two prices for one product. The more you pray, the greater the miracle will be.

In this case, the more people there are, the greater the advantage. Even if a group of farmers are nothing, they can still make some splash by praying together.

Although the damage of the Storm Miracle is average, its advantage lies in its large coverage area. When released, it can at least have the effect of destroying the formation, slowing down a large area, or covering the retreat to assist the attack.

Especially effective on the battlefield.

This is also the reason why some people worship those evil gods, wilderness demigods, and Luo gods, and perform sacrificial rituals whenever possible.

These secondary gods can usually give back in time, and it doesn't matter even if you are not a believer, as long as you give them faith, they will give you a rebate.

In comparison, the Twelve Lord Gods are typical examples of shop bullies.

Murphy arranged for Kaya and finally jumped down.

It floated for more than a minute and finally landed on the ground.

He met up with the others and walked along the dark passage, then jumped twice more. When he landed for the third time, finally, an even bigger cave appeared in front of everyone. Murphy saw the huge one in the center of the cave at a glance. The magic circle is hundreds of meters in diameter on the ground.

That huge magic rune was obviously some kind of sealing magic.

And around the magic circle, there are many corpses of blue dragon people.

Um? Corpse?

Mo Fei was shocked, and when he looked carefully, he saw not only the corpse of the blue dragon man, but also the corpse of a blue dragon. His chest was disemboweled, and he died miserably in the corner. The walls were covered with dragon blood. It looked like It seemed that he was pinned against the wall and killed.

Someone has come!

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