Part-time BOSS

Chapter 484 Shadow Island

The three demon lords stood together, and a dark wind of hell blew towards their faces.

Among the three big demons, Diapineapple is obviously the boss. He stands in the center of the team and has the highest rank. He is dressed in a red demon complexion and looks extremely eye-catching.

Diapineapple (Eredar Demon Lord): "Hahahaha, after more than two years in that hellish place in the Twisting Nether, I can finally dominate the world. Well done orcs, you have served the Burning Legion well. good."

Ba Dao rolled his eyes ruthlessly, "You're welcome, just remember to pay."

Diapineapple (Eredar Demon Lord): "Of course I will give you the money, but... tell me orc, if I spare your life now, how much will it be worth?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became stagnant.

The sense of oppression brought by the three world-class BOSS is indeed very huge, especially the existence of the Demon Lord with a relatively high background, which is a bit more terrifying than the local BOSS.

Ba Dao Qingqing cursed secretly in his heart, damn, these drama queens are still acting, but he really doesn't dare to be careless. Anyone who can train a BOSS like the Demon Lord is definitely a rich man. This kind of person There is absolutely nothing to worry about when playing games. It’s really hard to say if something happens.

Fortunately, he had already taken precautions and snorted coldly.

Ba Dao Wu Qing (tribal chief): "Devil, put away your face. What you are facing is the entire tribe. I can summon you and send you away. If you want to be an enemy of the tribe, , I don’t mind letting you understand what real power is!”

As he spoke, he took a step sideways without leaving a trace, which happened to reveal Grom Hellscream behind him. The latter had already held Gorehowl in his hand, and looked like he was about to go up and kill someone if he disagreed with him.

This person was the one who jumped and split Mannoroth. The appearance of Hellscream immediately made the faces of the three demon kings stiffen, especially Baal, who had a toothache expression. He looked at the boss and then at Ba Dao Wuwu.

The surrounding Kor'kron guards were also getting into trouble, and further out, there were wolf knights, dragon knights, catapults, and Scorpion ballista carts, all on alert.

With this formation and configuration, even if they fight three world BOSSs, they can't guarantee victory.

Mephistopheles (Dread Lord): "Hahaha, don't be nervous orc, we are just joking with you, we demons are very disciplined."

Baal (Abyss Demon King): "You are right. The Alliance and the Night Elves are our common enemies. Boss, don't you think so."

Diapineapple (Eredar Demon Lord): "Hahahaha, you are right. At least before the alliance is destroyed, we do not need to go to war. However, the sword is ruthless. When the Burning Legion comes to this world, you must do Make a choice, surrender to the legion, or be crushed by the legion, think about it carefully, this is the opportunity I give you because of our cooperation, don't waste it."

Ba Dao Qingqing immediately received the system prompt.

[System prompt: Your account has received a transfer of 100 million coupons, please check it in time. 】

Ba Dao Qingqing checked his account and suddenly felt happy. This trip was a huge profit.

"Brothers, let's go."

However, the three demon kings had no intention of staying. They opened the portal and ran away without any intention of staying to join the battle.

Grom walked up to Ba Dao Qingqing, looking a little uneasy, "What do these demons want to do? What do they mean by legion?"

Ba Dao Qingxin said what else he could do, it must be to help the Burning Legion.

Yes, Grom doesn’t know about the Burning Legion yet. Most orcs only know that evil energy is the power given by demons. As for the purpose of these demons, the orcs do not fully know. The ones who really know the inside story are led by Gul’dan. The Warlock Group.

Even Ner'zhul only learned the truth later.

Ba Dao Wu Qing (the chief of the tribe): "I don't know, and I'm not interested in knowing. Let the Alliance have a headache. It's time for us to leave. Grogo Evil Eye, let your people take action. We should retreat." ”

The Sunwell had been plagued by various disasters from the tribe before, and today three more demon lords were summoned. At this time, the Sunwell's energy was only one third left.

These energy tyrants were ruthless but still had no intention of wasting it. The retreat he arranged for the tribal army was to use the energy of the Sunwell to open a super-large portal and withdraw the entire tribal army from the portal.

The connection points are all ready-made, just connect to the Dark Portal directly.

This ultra-long-distance portal is so huge that it consumes no more mana than summoning the three demon lords. It cannot be used under normal circumstances, unless there happens to be a space rift, like the Dark Portal.

But now with the power of the Sunwell, everything is no longer a problem.

Anyway, free energy is not wasted.

The Devil's Gate was activated again, but this time the spatial coordinates led directly to the Dark Gate.

Teleporting in the same plane was much easier than summoning a demon lord, and the link was quickly established.

Grogo Evil Eye (Fel Knight): "Warchief, this portal is completely maintained by the energy of the Sunwell. According to the current efficiency, it can only last for a day at most. We may not be able to withdraw all the troops. .”

Ba Dao Qing Wu (tribal chief): "There is no need to withdraw all of them. Those adventurers can just stay and fend for themselves. They can run away anyway, and there is no need to bring back those cannon fodder troops. They are all garbage soldiers anyway." It didn't cost much.

Prioritize sending back the main force, various elite units, looted supplies, treasures, and elven prisoners, and proceed according to the retreat plan we made before. "

Grom Hellscream looked in disbelief, "You want to abandon those warriors who fought for you? All of them? An orc should not be afraid of fighting."

Ba Daoqingqing said angrily: "I am called to preserve the vitality. Besides, I am the chief. I have the final say on the code of conduct of the orcs. I paid for those soldiers. Why are you so anxious? Just listen to me. retreat!"

Ba Dao Wuqing gave the order, and the orc troops began to retreat in order.

A large number of cannon fodder troops were left behind as backup.

Naturally, the adventurers couldn't run away first, but the commotion here was too big, which still aroused the ideas of some adventurers. Suddenly, a group of people sneaked over and wanted to enter. Ba Dao Wuqing didn't refuse, so they just ran away. Yes, as long as it doesn't cause a big commotion.

Soon the orc armies began to retreat through the portal.

The fire in Silvermoon City was enough to delay the attack for a while, enough time to withdraw the main force.

As for the remaining hundreds of thousands of troops, let's use them as cannon fodder. They are all garbage soldiers spawned by the system anyway. As long as you have money, it won't matter.

During this trip, he sold well water, summoned the BOSS, injected energy, and forged artifacts. He made at least two to three billion, which can be said to be a huge profit.

Moreover, a new race was added to the tribe and a lot of good treasures were obtained. This war can be said to be a complete victory.

Although the Alliance and the Dark Night Alliance discovered the situation and hurriedly launched an attack, in the end they only ate up the hundreds of thousands of low-level troops left behind by Ba Dao Qingrui.

When night fell, Ba Dao Qingqing withdrew into the portal with the last main force, and then the portal was blown up by the remaining adventurers.

[World Announcement: In 1442 of the Sky Era, after briefly occupying Silvermoon City for less than half a month, the tribe used the power of the Sunwell to summon three powerful demon lords, and then retreated from Silvermoon City. , through the ultra-long-distance portal, most of the tribe’s troops successfully withdrew from the battlefield.

Despite this, nearly two hundred thousand troops and a large number of adventurers were still massacred.

The failure of this battle announced that the Third Orc War would end with the Horde's defeat.

The Alliance and the Night Alliance's armies invaded Silvermoon City and conquered the city. However, by this time, Silvermoon City had been brutally destroyed, and the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas was severely weakened.

And with the end of the war, the split of the high elves also became a foregone conclusion.

Prince Blood Shadow Chonglou led some high elves to join the tribe and became traitors to the elves. They called themselves Keldorei, which means survivors, people who are willing to survive at all costs.

Princess Sylvia led a group of high elves to join the Night Alliance. They called themselves Aindore, which means returners, and returned to the night elves' family.

Prince Kael'thas led most of the high elves back to Silvermoon City, which had become a ruin. After a secret conversation with King Godwin, Prince Kael'thas led the high elves to rejoin the alliance and became the leader of Lordan. A vassal state under the protection of Lun.

At the same time, the arrival of the three demons has also added more crises to the world.

The event has been recorded in the Chronicles of the Sky. 】

"What, the tribe ran away?"

When Murphy heard the world announcement on the ship, he was a little surprised. The tribe's plan was really very strict, one link within another, and the retreat had been planned since the invasion of Silver Moon City.

It just hurt the high elves, the royal city was destroyed, and the Holy Land was directly in trouble.

There was also a direct split internally.

But it’s not entirely a bad thing. In the future, the Alliance, Horde, and Dark Night Alliance will each have an elf branch, truly realizing cross-camp races.

Whichever camp rises will benefit.

And it is estimated that it will become the race with the most adventurers.

Another thing that caught his attention was the three demon lords summoned by the tribe.

Before, he was still curious about how the Burning Legion would come. It seemed that it would fall on these three demon lords. The demons themselves were experts in summoning and teleportation spells. If they were allowed to obtain enough resources, they might be able to The entire Burning Legion was brought into this world.

But it doesn't matter anymore. When he gets the power of the Dragon God, all the Scourge Legion and Burning Legion will be scum.

At this moment, just in front of the fleet, the outline of Shadow Island finally appeared on the sea level, and a small island shrouded in dark shadow appeared in sight.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Soldiers, prepare to land on the island! Dragon Knights, send out reconnaissance troops to confirm the location of the target."

This time he brought a total of 600 dragon-riding sky patrollers, and directly sent 100 out for reconnaissance.

There were five dragon knights in a group, and twenty groups of reconnaissance troops flew towards the island.

The fleet was preparing to anchor off the coast.

However, a hundred dragon-riding sky patrols swept the island like a net, but they were stunned not to see any shadow of the dragon.

Shadow Island is not very big, and there are no high mountains and dangerous valleys. Some are just gray trees that grow twisted and twisted. Due to the influence of the power of shadow, most of the creatures on the island are semi-undead, and their number is very small.

Murphy was not too surprised after hearing the report from his men.

I see, that mysterious man wants to use this trick to force me to give him the current blow.

Find a way to get rid of the dragon you want to slay in advance.

Murphy was almost 100% certain that Fresanks, the Netherworld Death Dragon, must have been persuaded to leave by the other party with advance notice.

These ancient dragons all know each other, so it is not difficult to do this.

As for the purpose, it is nothing more than to make himself a target in the sealed prison.

But how did this guy know his destination?

Mo Fei had a feeling that unless he acted alone, as long as he led an army on an expedition, he would definitely fail the next time.

These ancient dragons can fly and will definitely run away as long as the notification is in place.

Of course, this may not be the case if it is the kind of dragon king that builds a nest.

However, those dragon kings with lairs and monster servants are relatively powerful and are very dangerous and troublesome to hunt. Moreover, they have to enter the dungeon. Once they enter the dungeon, they cannot transform into dragons, which makes them difficult to fight and requires a lot of time.

For example, when I went to kill Boleleus, I worked in Northrend for half a month and even built a city before finishing it.

I almost flipped over after entering the dungeon.

I don't have that much money and time to spend like this. If I want to complete the ancient dragon's way quickly, the best way is to attack those ancient dragons who are alone.

Just like Ankarad, no matter how strong he is, he can't withstand the encirclement and suppression of an entire army.

And when fighting in the wild, he can participate in the battle in the form of a giant dragon.

Murphy opened the map sent by the Dragon Worship Cult and looked at it. His eyes wandered between the Wind God Throne and the Black Stone Mountains for a while, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Master, the island has been searched, and no trace of the Netherworld Death Dragon has been found. However, many undead creatures have been found."

Undead monsters? There should be some oil and water that can be fished out. If you hunt rabbits in the grass, you can't come back empty-handed.

"Go to the island!"

The process of fighting the undead was lackluster. For Murphy, a second-level BOSS in this world, there was really no sense of accomplishment in killing these skeletons, zombies and ghosts.

There is not even a BOSS in the cave. These undead are probably derived from the rift in the Shadow Realm and have no sense at all.

The only ones that are more impressive are a few elite-level ‘soul herders’.

Murphy didn't even bother to join the battle and asked his men to clear it up.

However, Jaina fought very hard and followed the team and harvested many heads.

[System prompt: You have successfully purified the undead creatures on Shadow Island. However, due to the existence of a spatial rift leading to the Shadow Realm, affected by the power of shadow, these undead will still be born soon. Your efforts do not seem to have changed. What.

Based on your performance in this event, you receive 15 plot points. 】

Damn it, 15 o'clock... Murphy was speechless.

But there is nothing you can do. A world-class second-level BOSS comes to kill a group of undead monsters. There is really nothing to say.

However, Jaina's golden light flashed and she was promoted.

Mo Feixin said just think of it as a trumpet.

After giving the order to return home, when the fleet slowly left, a dense cloud layer gradually dispersed in the distant sky, revealing the figures of two giant dragons.

One was covered in dark black, exuding the aura of death, and its eyes were even ghostly green.

The other dragon's scales were azure, surrounded by slowly rotating air currents.

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