Part-time BOSS

Chapter 491 Perfect Life

After taking in another younger brother, Murphy felt quite satisfied.

Now the lineup of the Dragon Knights is quite luxurious. Counting their own three heroes of epic rank, they can already be regarded as the overlord of the party based on the number of top heroes.

As the saying goes, a thousand armies are easy to get but a general is hard to find. In this world where strength is respected, the quantity and quality of heroes undoubtedly greatly determine the development potential of a force.

However, what really determines the upper limit of a force's strength is the level of power that this force can reach.

With the protection of the golden tree, Godwin can defeat all the heroes. Even though the Shenwu Emperor has advanced to the level of a legendary hero and has countless heroes under his command, he still dare not say that he can control the Night Alliance. After all, although the number of night elves is smaller, the foundation they possess Deeper, with the protection of the moon god and the dragon as an ally, the upper limit of the power that can be reached is higher.

This cannot be changed by a few high-level heroes.

Thinking of this, Mo Fei suddenly had an epiphany.

He already knew which hero feat he was going to choose.

The incarnation of the wind god!

He is already very powerful now. At his level, simply strengthening attribute skills does not make much sense. It just makes him stronger within the existing framework. Choosing Dragon Nemesis will certainly allow him to easily complete it. The remaining three ancient dragons did not contribute much to the overall strength.

Only by touching the power of the law can he truly improve his mastery and understanding of power.

Although the old enemies of the tribe can quickly increase the size of their forces, whether they are monster forces or neutral forces, if they are not strong enough, they will be nothing more than a mob no matter how many they gather.

In contrast, improving personal strength is the most important thing.

As long as you are strong enough, everything else can be easily accumulated. If you are not strong enough, your huge strength may be wiped out in an instant.

Making a choice in his mind, Murphy immediately pressed on the hero specialty.

[System prompt: You have obtained the new hero specialty 'Incarnation of the Wind God'. Your mastery of the power of storms has become more profound. Your god category has been transformed from 'Wild Demigod/Evil God' to 'Secondary Storm God/Weak Divine Power'. You have mastered the power of the law of the real storm, and you have gained the ability to create divine spells. You can train the Storm Dragon Priest in the temple you control. 】

Murphy discovered that there was a new function of magical transformation in the belief system.

[Divinity transformation: Convert the power of the storm you control into specific magic. You can give magic to priests who believe in you. Since your divine power level is weak, you can create up to third-level magic. 】

It's only the third level of magic... it's a bit weak. The highest level of magic is fifth level, and only a very few people at the archbishop level can use it. For example, the Archbishop of Light, Faao, can use this level of magic.

As for fourth-level magic, it is probably the upper limit of the level of the Silver Six Saints. For example, group resurrection is a fourth-level magic.

He can only create third-level magic. In other words, the career limit of the Storm Dragon Priest is very limited. As a soldier, he is good, but as a hero, he is unsatisfactory.

It seems that compared with the true god, my strength is still not good enough.

There is also a new legal type of unit in the unit system of the Dragon Knights.

[Storm Dragon Priest (Level 46).

Upgrade cost: Priest/Priest ×1, Elemental Qi ×4, Activated Storm ×1, Gold Coin ×500.

Characteristics of the unit: Lightning Bolt, Wind Creation, Thunder Drop, Summon Wind Element, Faith Spreader (Storm Dragon).

Weapon equipment: Wind Dragon Staff.

Introduction to the arms: Priests who believe in the storm dragon Aidandron accept the magic given by the storm dragon, so they fanatically spread their faith for it, claiming that the doomsday storm is coming, and only by believing in Aidandron can we survive the doomsday. , the Storm Dragon Priest can summon the power of wind and lightning to attack enemies on the battlefield, and can also help spread faith in peacetime. 】

Finally, there is a legal unit. Murphy was quite pleased when he saw the introduction of the units. Unfortunately, the skills he mastered were still few. He could only unlock the unit, not the adventurer profession or the hero profession.

If you want to start the adventurer career, you probably have to wait until you advance to the Ancient Dragon level, and if you want to start the hero career, you have to wait until you become the Dragon God.

But no matter what, he is now considered an officially established god.

There are many individuals called 'gods' in the world of the sky, but most of them are powerful individuals like the wilderness demigods, or extraordinary creatures like the elemental lords. Because of their powerful power, they have attracted a group of believers and control the With a little power of faith, the specific abilities it possesses all depend on the believer's imagination.

And once transformed into a domain deity, it is truly incorporated, even if it is only a weak divine power.

There will be multiple gods in different areas, such as the three gods of light, the god of light, the sun god, and the moon god.

I am now in the same unit as the God of Storms, but I don't know how the other party will react.

Murphy couldn't wait to complete the Dragon Feast Ceremony at this time. The stronger he became, the more he thirsted for more power.

But before leaving, he still had some things to arrange.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "This time our operation was very successful. Although there were some twists and turns, we finally successfully completed the dragon-slaying operation and killed three ancient dragons!"

What! Everyone was shocked, there were three ancient giant dragons! real or fake?

Murphy didn't say anything on the way back. Although his performance seemed to be successful, everyone felt that he had just killed a dragon.

Unexpectedly, three heads fell off at once.

Unfortunately, they didn't do anything during this trip, they just took care of themselves outside the volcano...

"Therefore I will reward you."

"But Lord Aidan, we didn't do anything." Jaina said a little embarrassed.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "You follow me to take risks together. This is the sacrifice. If you are willing to fight for me, this is the merit. Those who are willing to follow me will be rewarded. Those who dare to disobey me will be rewarded." Mine will definitely be punished. As the leader of the Dragon Knights and the incarnation of the Storm Dragon, I must make clear the rewards and punishments.

Mortals, don’t be uneasy, come forward and prepare to receive the gift you deserve. "

"Sir Roland, during this period of time, you have held fast to the Dragon Shang Castle, eliminated the infiltrators, and guarded my rear very well. I give you this Dragon Fang Blade. I hope you will continue to work hard."

As Mo Fei spoke, he took out a dragon tooth sword. He now has four of them in his hand. This was a very good thing in the past, but now because too many dragons have been killed, it can be mass-produced. Why are these dragons so poor and always drop these things?

Although Dragon Fang Blades are produced in batches, they are all epic-level weapons, and they are all top-grade epic-level weapons.

In fact, every attribute is different.

Roland didn't expect that he would be the first person to receive the equipment, and he was quite touched. He thought that he would lose all the equipment if he didn't participate in the operation.

Roland (Deputy Captain Long Shang): "Thank you, Lord Aidan. I never thought you could still remember my small contribution."

He took the Dragon Fang Blade with both hands and stood aside with a calm expression.

Murphy checked the loyalty, which was already as high as 90 and increased by 2 points.

"Second, Asona, there is no doubt about your bravery. This dragon tooth amulet is given to you. I hope your power will continue to be strong.

[System prompt: The loyalty of your subordinate Asona (War Messenger) has been improved and is now 88/trustworthy. 】

After improving by 3 points, you can upgrade to loyal if you try again. However, giving away equipment is not just a random thing. There must be a reason for it, otherwise it will not be easy to increase.

The Dragon Tooth Talisman was also a purple-quality ornament. Asona happily took it and hung it around his neck.

"Third, Vivian Nightsong, I give you this bottle of well water from the Sunwell. I know that your thirst for magic has been tormenting you, and I hope it can relieve your hunger for arcane magic."

The water from the Sunwell is naturally not as good as the Well of Eternity, but it is better than nothing.

Vivian accepted the reward with great gratitude.

After looking at the favorability score, it only increased by 2 points. Mo Feixin said that the cold elves were difficult to deal with.

"Jaina, I'll give you this dragon crystal necklace. You are too young and have too little magic power. With it, you will be able to fight better for a long time."

Jaina also happily took the things away.


Angus suddenly became excited - it was finally my turn.

"Considering that you are a member of the Dragon Worship Cult, in order to avoid misunderstanding by Archbishop Griffith, I will not give you a reward. Please convey my gratitude to Archbishop Griffith for me."

Angus was dumbfounded.

"Sir Aidan, but I..." The words reached his mouth but he still swallowed them. Angus knew that his identity was a bit embarrassing. An ally from the Dragon Worship Sect couldn't be so miserable.

Doesn’t that mean we have to work in vain every time?

He looked at the other people's eyes and became jealous.

Murphy said, let's see how long you can endure it.

He knew very well that Angus did not really believe that he was the reincarnation of the Dragon God. Although he was more fanatical than anyone else and shouted slogans louder than anyone else, just like Griffith, they were just for power and peace. In the Dragon Worship Cult that Yi Guai Guai joined, all beliefs are just tools to gain power and benefits.

I can't give him hero-level power yet, so I can only use benefits to lure him.

As long as the benefits are big enough, sooner or later Angus will have to be loyal to him.

"Okay, you must be exhausted after working for so long. You are repairing in the castle. I want to leave for a while."

Murphy almost couldn't wait to turn into a dragon and fly into the sky.

The more he fights other giant dragons, the more he realizes how powerful the ancient dragon is, resisting negative effects, immune to time spells, immune to gravity spells... these are just some of them.

If you can unlock all the characteristics of the ancient dragon, there is no doubt that you will become a perfect creature.

This is the most powerful thing about Gu Long, a life with no weaknesses.

Thinking of this, he flew faster.


The storm automatically avoided in front of Murphy, who circled without any hindrance and landed on the ancient rock ground of the Dragon Feast Ceremony Hall on the top of Tongtian Peak.

Mysterious voice: So you killed another ancient dragon?

"To be precise, it's three heads." Murphy said and took out three dragon hearts.

Mysterious voice: Haha, it seems you are very motivated, let me see.

The brave Arastaz - the loyal lackey of the Red Dragon Queen, the cunning Nalis - the master of gravity magic and soul magic, the insidious Lethorn - likes to use poison to silently destroy enemies .

Hahaha, it seems that you have caused a lot of harm to the guardian dragon. Aren't you worried that they will come to trouble you? "

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Of course I'm not worried. They are being hunted by the Dragonmaw Orcs right now, and they won't have time to pay attention to me in a short time. What's more, with the power of the ancient dragon, those despicable bloodlines that have degraded are not mine at all. Opponent, now that I can unlock three ancient dragon traits, my power will be even more powerful, so what if the five dragon kings come."

Mysterious voice: Don’t be too confident in the people of Dragon Feast. The guardian dragons are indeed degenerated and inferior dragons, but they are still dragons with strong bodies and strength. What’s more, they control the power of guardianship. This is the dragon god. Part of the stolen power.

Now that you have attracted their attention, they will attack you soon. I suggest you either make a quick decision and complete the promotion and evolution of the ancient dragon as soon as possible.

Or hide first, avoid this burst of limelight, and operate quietly and secretly.

Otherwise, once the Aspect Dragons unite, you have no chance. "

Murphy couldn't help but nodded after hearing this. He was indeed a little arrogant, but he was not arrogant enough to fight against the five dragon kings.

The reason why he speaks so loudly is more to maintain his own personality.

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Maybe, but what makes me more curious is, do you care about me so much?"

Mysterious voice: "No, I'm just concerned about the Dragon God's resurrection. You are the Dragon Eater closest to success in these thousands of years. Once you fail, the Dragon God may never have a chance to be resurrected."

"Oh why?"

Mysterious voice: "Have you not noticed? The number of ancient dragons is limited, so the number of ancient dragons that have degenerated from ancient dragons is also limited. Every time one dies, one will be permanently reduced. Every time the dragon feasts, Failure means that a large number of dragons have lost their lives. If there are less than ten ancient dragons left, then the Dragon God will completely lose the chance of resurrection.

And for those ancient dragons that have died, their sacrifices will become meaningless.

So do me a favor and don't die. "

Murphy heard the solemnity and solemnity in the other party's words. He had a feeling that this mysterious voice showed disdain for the ancient dragons that he had slaughtered, but in fact it was not as indifferent as it appeared.

"I understand, don't worry, I will never fail."

Mysterious voice: "I hope so, then let's start the dragon feast now, Storm Dragon King. May the last power of this ancient dragon help you succeed."

As the voice spoke, majestic singing also sounded.

Hey-ho-ha! Ho-ho-ha!


Murphy sat in front of the altar, swallowing the dragon heart in his hand along with the singing.

Three dragon hearts, this is definitely a big meal. A normal person would be exhausted, but he has gained the power of a dragon, no matter how much he eats, food is just a performance, it is truly meaningful. It is the original power contained in the dragon's heart.

Soon all three dragon hearts were swallowed, and three completely different forces echoed in Murphy's body.

Mo Fei closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the phantoms of three giant dragons appeared around him at the same time, and at this moment, Mo Fei also transformed into the form of the Storm Dragon King.

Elastaz: "Dragon Eater! Who are you, and what is your relationship with Lesajes? Why do you do this?"

Lethorn: "No, I will never accept this fate. This is not my fate."

Nalis: "Dragon Eater, you have been deceived. Once you destroy my soul and seize my original power, you will fall into a trap. The power of the ancient dragon is not a gift, but a curse and a conspiracy. When The moment you become an ancient dragon is also the moment you lose yourself."

Murphy couldn't help but be startled when he heard Nalis' words, but then he realized that the black dragons were all born liars and conspirators. This bitch was clearly struggling to survive. She knew she couldn't be beaten, so she wanted to use conspiracy and tricks to save her life.


Murphy was too lazy to talk nonsense and just blasted out the dragon thunder.

Lethorne was instantly shattered, and Arastaz struggled a little, and then lost. It turned into light spots all over the sky and dissipated in mid-air, leaving only a simple mass of original matter.

Unexpectedly, the most difficult person to deal with turned out to be Nalis. This ancient black dragon, who was only at the second level of the world, seemed to have a high degree of research on the soul. Her soul image was also the most complete one, and she even seemed to maintain complete sanity.

He kept using words to try to get Murphy to stop the ritual.

But Mo Fei was unmoved. He had been in the Black Dragon Legion for a long time. If what the Black Dragon said could be believed, he would be haunted, especially at this critical moment.

A few mouthfuls of dragon thunder shattered Nalis's soul.

As the three original powers were absorbed by Mo Fei, these three powers circulated continuously in Mo Fei's body.

Murphy tried to control it at first, but soon found that he couldn't control it at all, so he simply gave up.

Anyway, the ten ancient dragon traits are fixed and must be unlocked sooner or later. It doesn't matter which one is unlocked first.

Soon, some changes occurred in his body. The original power reshaped his flesh and blood, filling in the remaining defects of the storm dragon one by one.

His eyes burst out with dazzling light, and then the light weakened and gradually dimmed. Finally, the light seemed to be sealed in the pupils. A pair of dark golden dragon eyes, smooth and restrained, containing ancient wisdom, seemed to be able to see through everything. .

[System prompt: You have gained the power of origin, and the progress of your Ancient Dragon Road mission has been improved. The current progress is 50%. You have unlocked a new Ancient Dragon trait-Eye of the Ancient Dragon. 】

boom! The crimson dragon thunder was released crazily from his body. For a moment, the entire sky was illuminated by the dragon thunder, and electric current flowed on the surface of the rock-like body.

[System prompt: You have gained the power of origin, and the progress of your Ancient Dragon Road mission has been improved. The current progress is 60%. You have unlocked a new Ancient Dragon trait - Ancient Dragon Thunder and Lightning. Since you have mastered Ancient Dragon Thunder and Lightning, your The ancient dragon thunder and lightning has undergone a qualitative change and advanced to - Super Ancient Dragon Thunder and Lightning. 】

An invisible aura suddenly spread around, and for a moment it seemed as if the air was frozen.

[System prompt: You have gained the power of origin, the progress of your Ancient Dragon Road mission has been improved, the current progress is 70%, and you have unlocked a new Ancient Dragon trait - the power of the Ancient Dragon. 】

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