Part-time BOSS

Chapter 495 A qualified guardian dragon

Mo Fei closed the private message, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this Jian Wuhen was quite efficient at work.

The information was sent back just two days after leaving.

However, the reaction of the five dragon kings surprised him. He expected that the other party had no time to pay attention to him, but he did not expect that the other party would come up with such a plan.

Let all the other ancient dragons hide. Fortunately, they can think of such a trick.

However, he is not very worried that this situation will delay the ancient dragon's way. Most of the dragons have arrogant characters, especially those ancient dragons that have lived for tens of thousands of years. If they are allowed to hide and become turtles, I am afraid it will not work. is an easy thing.

The more powerful a creature is, the more difficult it is for it to accept the behavior of fleeing without a fight.

And even if those ancient dragons can hide, the disaster dragon in the sealed prison cannot hide.

If that doesn't work, you can also go to the Wind God's Throne to get the dragon heart of Irudikon, the 'Collapse of the Earth'.

By the way, there is also Deathwing's wife Sinestra in the Dragon Tower, that's two of them.

If that doesn't work, the three ancient black dragons in the Obsidian Temple should not be considered. Since Morpheus took the main force of the black dragons to the Dragon Islands, the Obsidian Temple should be relatively empty. In addition, he has no interest in Obsidian. The temple is very familiar, and if you calculate it mentally or not, you still have a good chance.

However, these three goals are relatively risky. The Wind God's Throne is the territory of Al'Akir, the King of Wind Elements. What makes Murphy even more frightened is that the Wind God's Throne is also the entrance to the divine domain of the Storm God Anronus.

There, the power of the Storm God can interfere with the reality plane to a certain extent.

I don't have a good deal with the God of Storms, so it would be bad if I got messed with when I went there.

As for the Tower of the Dragon, although the Dragon Cult is currently an ally with him, Deathwing's wife seems to be quite respected there. If they use force, it's hard to say who the Dragon Cult's gang of magicians will help.

As for the three ancient black dragons in the Obsidian Temple, they are relatively strong, so there is still no confidence in one versus three.

Secondly, that old guy Sartario has a certain affinity with him, so he doesn't want to attack them unless he has to.

Let’s start with those alien dragon kings first.

Murphy took out the ancient dragon distribution map provided by the Dragon Worship Cult and thought that even if the guardian dragon notified these ancient dragons to take refuge, it would take a certain amount of time. Then the next step was to fight for speed. They must solve it before the guardian dragon. Dragonmaw Orcs collected the last three dragon hearts before.

Only then can we fully deal with the threat of the guardian dragon.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Roland, gather the troops, we are going to attack."

The target that Murphy chose this time was 'Ocean Disaster' Ureen, a water dragon that can control ocean currents. The target area of ​​activity is in the waters near the sea kingdom of Kul Tiras, which is not far from the eastern continent. , but there is no dragon nest location, you may need to search.

Soon the troops were assembled, and everyone was a little confused about Murphy's behavior of continuing the expedition after just two days' rest.

But Jaina was quite excited, as the target sea area for this trip was near her home.

No matter how confused they were, the subordinates did not object to Murphy's orders. Anyway, they were able to complete it successfully every time and gained a lot. have nothing to say.

Soon Murphy led the troops on a new journey.

At the same time—somewhere in the Dragon Islands—

Rexxar (Beast Master): "Lord Nekros, we should leave this sea and return to the eastern continent. We have captured enough dragons, there is no need to stay here anymore."

Lantrisso Fire Blade (Fire Blade Master): "Yes, Lord Nekros, those black dragons are not affected by the Dragon Soul. We failed to take advantage in the last battle. It will be very troublesome if we continue to delay. .”

Aguna Thunderbringer (Thunder Blade Master): "I feel the danger from the wind, Nekros, it is time to set off."

Bloodthirsty Crazy Blade (Chief Bladewind): "I heard that the tribe has once again launched a war against the Alliance. Ba Dao Qingrui led the orc army to sweep through those human kingdoms. We should also join the war chief. This is our tribe. duty of."

Several clan chiefs have given advice to Nekros. The failure of the last raid on the three dragon kings has made the orcs who have been gaining victories during this period all think of giving up when the situation is good.

After all, the dragon is the overlord of the sky, and the five dragon kings are existences with extraordinary power. If faced head-on, the Dragon Throat Legion will never be a match for the dragon legion, which has absolute air supremacy.

The reason why the Dragonmaw Legion was able to hunt so many dragons was entirely due to the suppression effect of the Dragon Soul.

Now with the participation of the Black Dragon Legion in the war, this advantage has been lost, and there is no point in delaying it.

Nekros glared at several clan chiefs.

Nekros (Chief Dragonmaw): "Hmph, what do you know? Do you think we can still leave now? To leave the Dragon Islands, we must take a boat. Once we are attacked by the dragon army at sea, the orcs will be completely unable to do so. If it doesn't work, I'm afraid it will sink into the sea to feed the fish.

But on land, we still have the advantage. The power of the dragon soul is unmatched. So what if the black dragon joins the battle? We have tamed so many dragons that we are enough to fight them.

The leader of the Black Dragon Legion, the Black Dragon King Morpheus, is just an ancient black dragon, far inferior to Deathwing back then.

Back then, we faced Deathwing without admitting defeat. Now that we have such a powerful force, we have to flee without a fight. Do you want to be a coward? "

These words immediately made several orcs speechless.

What the orcs pursue is glory, and the worst thing they can do is to have their courage questioned. They will fight if they can't beat them - this is politically correct.

Rexxar (Beast Master): "Then let's fight! The orcs of the Thunder King Clan are all warriors! They will never be afraid of war."

Lantrisso Burning Blade (Sword Master of the Burning Blade): "The Burning Blade clan will obey your orders."

Bloodthirsty Crazy Blade (Chief Bladewind): "The Bladewind clan will never retreat..."

boom! An explosion suddenly sounded.

what's the situation?

The senior officials of the Dragon Throat Legion rushed out of the fortress. As soon as they went out, they saw overwhelming dragons in the sky spraying flames and dragon breath towards the ground.

It can be said to be colorful, and all kinds of dragons are here.

Nekros (Chief Dragonmaw): "These reptiles just can't learn well!"

He suddenly raised the 'Dragon Soul', trying to make it bigger. Unexpectedly, the Dragon Soul, which had tried hundreds of times in the past, lost its effect inexplicably this time. The dazzling light lit up, but the giant dragons in the sky were... It was still breathing dragon breath and releasing powerful dragon language magic, with no intention of falling.

"Damn it, what's going on?" Nekros slapped the 'Dragon Soul' inlaid on the staff with an annoyed look on his face.

At this time, a wolf knight rushed under the fortress.

"Sorry, Chief, we were attacked by an enemy army."


Several people hurriedly looked outside the camp in the distance.

I saw a tidal wave of monster servants and an army of dragon guards attacking the outer defense line of the camp.

If it were just monster servants and dragon soldiers, the orcs would certainly not be afraid. After all, they had fought several battles, and the Dragon Maw Legion was considered a regular army. They were not afraid of these chaotic seas of monsters at all in such positional battles.

But what's terrible is that those monster servants are followed by tens of thousands of adventurers.

The monster servants in the front act as cannon fodder, and the adventurers in the back deal crazy output, adding blood to those who increase blood, and those who throw AOE, and those who throw AOE lose AOE. The defense line is about to be unable to withstand it.

Nekros (Chief Dragonmaw): "Aguna Thunderbringer, lead the dragon knights into the sky to fight!"

"Rexa, gather your tribesmen, set up the decoy ballistae, and prepare to deal with the enemy's air attack."

"Bloodthirsty Crazy Blade, lead your warriors to the front to block those adventurers."

"Lantreso Fireblade, lead your sword masters to the enemy's back. There must be a commander there. Kill the enemy's leader and make them lose their command. Go - for the tribe!"

"For the tribe!"

The chiefs agreed one after another and took action.

There was a strange smile on Nekros's face, and he looked up at the sky.

At this moment, the figures of the five dragon kings have appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

Kalecgos (Blue Dragon King): "Nekros is there! In his hand is the Dragon Soul. I can see him."

Kalecgos canceled the far vision magic and said excitedly.

After being suppressed by these damn orcs for so long, I can finally take revenge.

Alexstrasza (Red Dragon Queen): "We can only raid Morpheus here for you. Are you sure you want to face the power of the Dragon Soul alone?"

Morpheus (Black Dragon King): "I am the only one who can end this war now. I have no choice. Don't worry about a few of them. I will be fine."

After speaking, he flapped his wings and led several black dragons towards the target.

Looking at Morpheus's flying figure at high speed, Alexstrasza showed a trace of worry on his face.

Ysera (Green Dragon Queen): "Don't worry, sister. Although Morpheus is a little weaker than us, his flying ability is amazing. Even if he can't win, he should be able to run away."

Alexstrasza sighed, "I have great confidence in him. What I'm worried about is not that he can't win, but..."

The following words were not spoken, but several dragon kings showed understanding expressions.

Winning is good, but what happens after winning...if the Dragon Soul falls into the hands of Morpheus...

In the final analysis, the Black Dragon Legion has fallen for too long, and Deathwing's influence on the Black Dragon Legion has been too great. It is really hard to rest assured.

But now there is no other way. Who can let them be restrained by the dragon soul.

Although Morpheus and the others were a little worried, the orcs had made it clear that they wanted to take them down, so naturally they had to deal with the orcs first.


"Look, it's a black dragon!"

an orc soldier yelled.

Rows of decoy ballistae were immediately aimed at the sky.

This new type of ballista has been modified and equipped with a huge barb, which can drag the hit target to the ground. It is a powerful weapon against flying units.

Rexxar personally directed the release of these ballistae, and several of his beast companions were also ready. The orcs of the Thunder King clan are very good at taming and hunting wild beasts. Almost every Thunder King hunter brings a beast as a combat partner, like A master hunter like Rexxar has a special advanced profession like Beast Master, who can control multiple beasts at the same time and strengthen the beasts.

Morpheus also noticed the movement below.

Morpheus (King of the Black Dragon): "Agnes!"

Agnes, who was flying behind him, understood immediately.

Dragon language magic——Darkness is coming!

Suddenly, a dark cloud filled the sky and covered almost the entire battlefield.

Rexxa's eyes suddenly lost traces of several black dragons.

"Not good!" Lexa was shocked, how could he fight if he lost his vision.

I could only stare at the black cloud.

At this time, another roar of dragons and the screams of orcs came from the camp behind them.

A dragon-riding orc rushed out from behind and shouted.

"No, those dragons, they are out of control!"

"What? Damn it!" Lexa screamed in his heart that something was wrong, but at this time.

But he didn't have time to focus on the back.

The next second! The figures of several giant dragons suddenly appeared in the black clouds.

Breathing dragon breath like crazy, the ballista chariots were destroyed on the ground row by row.

Rexxa had no time to react and could only dodge in panic.

"Fire the arrow! Fire the arrow!"

The orc archers fired arrows desperately, javelins and flying axes rained down, and the shaman released streaks of lightning. However, for the lord-level black dragon, without the decoy ballista, such anti-aircraft firepower was meaningless.

At this moment, Morpheus pounced directly on Nekros.

At this time, the 'Dragon Soul' in Nekros's hand was finally usable again. A dazzling golden beam shot towards Morpheus in the sky, but Morpheus rolled sideways flexibly to avoid it, and took a breath of dragon breath. Sprayed over.

Nekros released a magic shield in advance, blocking the raging flames.

He fired back another wave of evil energy flames.

A black dragon and an orc immediately fought together.

Not to mention, he is worthy of being the leader of the Dragonmaw Legion and the chief of the Dragonmaw Clan. This Nekros keeps releasing all kinds of evil magic, and he actually fights the Black Dragon King back and forth.

From time to time, he also used the dragon soul to shoot a golden beam, which seemed to be quite deadly, but Morpheus evaded it flexibly every time.

Morpheus's dragon breath is also amazingly powerful, and the Black Dragon Bomber is not called for nothing.

The guards around Nekros were in serious trouble. Nekros's magic shield could not protect them, and they all turned into burnt corpses in the blink of an eye.

The battle soon became the focus of the battlefield.

Breath of flames - scorching the earth!

A raging dragon's breath spurted out, and the flames almost engulfed Nekros' figure.

But when the flames dissipated, Nekros still stood tall, with the charred ground beneath his feet. His robes were burned to pieces by the dragon flames, but he still faced the Black Dragon King without fear. The orcs watching around couldn't help but give a thumbs up secretly. He is indeed a brave orc!

But on the frontal battlefield, without the support of the Dragon Soul, the monster army and adventurers had already penetrated the frontal defense line.

With an army of monsters as cannon fodder, the adventurers behind them could do crazy damage. Coupled with the dragon's air fire suppression, the orcs were completely suppressed. The orc dragon knights desperately discovered that the servers that had been tamed by the dragon soul in the past were The obedient dragon mounts will all attack all living creatures nearby like crazy, completely uncontrollable.

The front was penetrated, the rear was disrupted, the army lost its formation, and several clans had to fight independently. The Dragonmaw Legion was completely in a desperate situation.

He just fought hard with his bravery and barely managed to hold on.

Morpheus slowly landed in the center of the battlefield and roared in a voice that could be clearly heard by the people around him.

"You have lost to the orcs. Put down your weapons and your lives will be spared. Otherwise - die!"

"No! The orcs will never give in. Black Dragon, do you have the guts to challenge me to a duel? Let's have a showdown between kings!" Nekros also shouted in a voice that could be clearly heard by the surrounding orcs.

"Just you? A mere orc."

"That's right, I'm just an orc - warriors of the tribe, please listen to me!"

Nekros looked around, "Fighters, you fought very well and were very brave. It was my arbitrary actions that led to the current outcome. The failure of this battle can only be shouldered by me - if I fail, you Just put down your weapons and don't sacrifice your life in vain.

Black Dragon King, if I lose, please be kind to my warriors. "

Morpheus (King of the Black Dragon): "The dragon is merciful. If you lose, their lives will be saved, but they must bear the consequences for their crimes. The orcs will serve the dragon. In my life, the King of the Black Dragon fight under his command until their sins are expiated.”

"Then come Black Dragon! I will show you the true glory of an orc!"

One orc and one dragon decided the stakes of this war in the blink of an eye.

The orcs around him all looked stunned.

what's the situation?

What a great chief to take responsibility for everyone's lives alone.

But the problem is that we can still fight!

Do you have to admit defeat now?

And you, an orc, are fighting against the black dragon alone. Are you too confident?

But this kind of courage is really "orcish" and feels so glorious.

When the orcs were at a loss for this bet.

Nekros had already roared and launched an attack. He actually gave up his best fel magic and leaped into the air brandishing a giant axe.

The orcs around were dumbfounded. When did our chief become a warrior?

Then - Scandium took a bite, and was bitten by the black dragon in the air. After several bites, it turned into a ball of minced meat.

Uh-that's it?

There was silence all around, and all the orcs looked at the black dragon and the chief in the black dragon's mouth in disbelief, with anger and speechlessness intertwined in their hearts.

The air was unusually quiet, and the orcs exchanged glances with each other.

(Do you really want to surrender?)

(Do you want to check again?)

(Should we avenge the chief?)

(Why does it feel a little wrong to surrender like this?)

(But I feel like I can’t win!)

The atmosphere was very subtle, like the calm before the storm, as if a bloody battle was about to break out in the next second.

at this time.

Bang! A battle ax was thrown to the ground by an orc.

This sound made all the orcs calm down.

This suddenly seemed to be a signal.

The fighting spirit that the orc warriors had originally brewed seemed to be deflated all of a sudden.

Everyone wants to follow the herd, and the orcs are no exception. It was impossible to win in the first place, but now someone took the lead, and suddenly——

Bang! Bang!

Weapons were discarded on the ground one after another.

More and more orcs gave up resistance.

There are also those who are more clever and sneak away, such as the few orc sword masters who went to carry out beheading operations.

When all the orcs put down their weapons, Jian Wuhen's figure suddenly appeared on the periphery of the battlefield.

He looked at the orcs who had put down their weapons with some surprise, and thought that they actually succeeded.

Morpheus had given him a special task before, asking him to use the disarming skill on an orc warrior at a specific stage and throw the disarmed weapon to the ground.

I didn’t expect it to actually work?

Is all this within Morpheus's calculations? This guy is too calculating.

The battle ended as the orcs laid down their weapons.

The only ones who are unhappy are the adventurers. Such a good opportunity to spawn monsters ends like this? They haven't killed enough yet.

However, they didn't dare to make a mistake. They were still counting on the reputation gained in exchange for rewards. They didn't dare to offend the guardian dragon at all.

At this moment, the four dragon kings finally landed.

"Morpheus, you succeeded."

"Yes, I succeeded." Morpheus looked at the dragon soul in his hand and didn't know what he was thinking.

Ysera hurriedly said: "This weapon should not be left in the world. Give it to me and let me hide it in an unknown place."

"Haha, are you talking about the Emerald Nightmare?"

"how do you know?"

"This is not a secret at all, otherwise those orcs wouldn't have snatched it away. I'm sorry that I can't trust you. In view of your previous dereliction of duty, leaving the Dragon Soul to you for safekeeping is really not a wise choice."

Alexstrasza thought so. She looked at Morpheus expressionlessly, "Then how do you think we should deal with it?"

"Of course it is safe enough for me to keep it."


"Why, Lord Alexstrasza can't trust me?" Morpheus looked directly into the eyes of the Red Dragon Queen and asked calmly.

Alexstrasza said to herself, of course I can't trust you.

But these words cannot be said, especially when the other party holds the dragon soul in his hand.

Now everyone is still in harmony, and they are still colleagues of the Dragon Legion, but if the situation is forced and the Black Dragon Legion rebels again, it will not be good.

Morpheus suddenly laughed, "Don't worry, Queen, in these troubled times, our guardian dragon must have enough force to face all kinds of powerful enemies.

This weapon was created by Deathwing to defeat the Burning Legion and protect the world.

Now it can finally carry out its mission. I will use it to repair the trauma that Master Neltharion has brought to the world and to repay the mistakes made by the Black Dragon Legion in the past. I think you will not object. "

Alexstrasza sighed. "Of course not. You did a great job, Morpheus. It seems that you are indeed a qualified guardian dragon."

PS1: Originally, the plot of Morpheus should be written in detail, but I thought it would be bad to write too many plots that are not the protagonist, so I just finished it in one chapter, and then started the plot of the protagonist.

PS2: I recommend a friend’s new book, “When I Perfected My Cultivation of Immortality”.

PS: I recommend a friend’s new book, “When I Cultivate Immortality to the Ultimate”

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