Part-time BOSS

Chapter 501 Shadow Devourer

Murphy was sitting at the desk on the balcony of the castle, admiring the beautiful night view of Lordaeron with its bright golden light, while reading the information in his hand about the ancient dragon he wanted to hunt this time.

This is an ancient dragon that Mo Fei has never heard of. It is not recorded in any existing information, not even in the information provided by the Dragon Worship Cult.

‘Shadow Devourer’ Midir (Dragon King of the Void), a world-class fifth-level BOSS, with a health value of 479,500 and a level of 95.

Body shape: Wingspan 125-140 meters.

Skills: Void Dark Wave (ultra-long distance breath), Calamity Fire (large-scale AOE breath), Activated Shadow Flame (group AOE skill with tracking effect), Void Summoning (randomly summons void creatures)...

Murphy looked at the information in his hand and couldn't help but frown. The world-level fifth-level BOSS was already equivalent to the level of the five dragon kings. It was strange that he had never heard of it.

According to the information, when Godwin planted the golden tree and summoned the Church of Light to infuse the golden tree with holy light, he somehow attracted this ancient dragon that controlled the power of the void. A mouthful of shadow dragon breath almost killed the golden tree. The newly born golden tree was destroyed, and Godwin united with the entire Knights of the Silver Hand and the defenders of Lordaeron to repel it.

This void dragon named Midir fled all the way to the south of Lordaeron and hid in a void rift in a dangerous mountain range.

In the main material world of the Sky World, the boundaries between some places and other planes are relatively weak, and sometimes plane cracks will appear, such as the cracks leading to the Fire Land deep in the Blackstone Mountains. The Dark Iron Dwarves are He accidentally dug that fissure and was enslaved by the Fire Demon King.

Some weak alien creatures sometimes enter the main material world from between plane rifts, but usually, creatures that are too powerful cannot pass through the plane rifts.

However, if you use the summoning spell near the crack, it will be easier to succeed.

Judging from the data and skills panel alone, this Midir is quite powerful. It is really difficult for Mo Fei to challenge him in a one-on-one battle. The higher the rank, the higher the strength of each level is a qualitative change.

Fortunately, this time he was not alone. He had made an agreement with Godwin. Each side would send five heroes to lead the team. After defeating the BOSS, the dragon's heart would belong to him, the dragon egg would belong to Godwin, and the equipment drops would be divided equally.

Murphy closed the document and looked at the golden tree in the distance. Even though it was already night, the city of Lordaeron was still illuminated by the holy light spread by the golden tree, brilliant and sacred.

It has to be said that this city now has some of the magnanimity of a city of kings.

It's just that the occasional shouts and roars in the silent night add a bit of a strange atmosphere to this sacred city. It's because someone has fallen into the shadows again.

Although Mo Fei has long understood the setting of twins of light and shadow, it is a bit strange that such things happen frequently under such a magnificent golden tree.

Just thinking about it.

[World Announcement: After two days of fierce fighting, the Alterac coalition forces united as one and successfully repelled the dragons that invaded Dragonshang Castle. This incident was called [Alterac's Third Dragon Disaster].

Deputy Captain Roland of the Dragon Knights showed his excellent commanding talent in this battle, and the five kings of the Alterac Federation also proved to the world the bravery and strength of the Sons of the Mountain.

This event has been recorded in the Chronicles of the Sky.

Based on your performance in this plot event, you receive 100 plot points. 】

Hey, the Dragon Legion gave up just like that?

He has been paying attention to the battle in Longshang Castle these two days. Although it was said to be a fierce battle for two days, in fact, the dragon attack was not very fierce, and none of the five dragon kings showed up.

He was originally worried that the battle would escalate over time, but he didn't expect it to end like this.

Murphy breathed a sigh of relief, now Longshang Castle was finally out of the way.

But then he thought again. He didn't think that the guardian dragon would give up troubles with him. Most likely, seeing that he didn't show up, he felt that there was no point in attacking Longshang Castle. In this case, they should attack directly. Come on your own.

When he came to Lordaeron, his whereabouts must have been exposed. If a dragon player tipped him off, he might be found...

But looking back at the golden tree, Mo Fei laughed.

Come if you want, I want to see whether the golden tree is stronger or the guardian dragon is stronger. If the dragon army fights Lordaeron, I can fish in troubled waters.

Murphy tried his best to fight, but unfortunately after one night, the dragon army showed no intention of showing up.

Mo Fei is not in a hurry. If the other party doesn't show up, he will just continue to slay the dragon.

By the next morning, the heroes Godwin had summoned finally arrived.

Murphy also gathered his people.

In the military camp outside Lordaeron, the heroic armies of both sides gathered together.

The two sides got to know each other first. Murphy looked at the heroes gathered by Godwin and couldn't help but sigh. The true lineup is really luxurious.

‘Glory of the Holy Light’ Godwin (King of Lordaeron), epic level 5,

‘Lightbringer’ Uther (leader of the Silver Hand), epic level four.

Kael'thas (Great Elementalist), third level epic.

Mograine (High Lord), level 3 epic.

Garises (War Lord), second level epic.

Among the five epic heroes, except for Godwin himself, the remaining four are all well-known figures, which can be called luxurious.

But his side wasn't bad either. Murphy glanced at the four men behind him. Except for Jaina, who was a bit of a catch-up, the other three were not weak either.

At this moment, Godwin and Murphy stood side by side, looking at the heroes gathered around them with excitement on their faces.

With such a luxurious lineup, not to mention dragons, even bosses of Archimonde, Kil'jaeden, and the Ancient Gods can take a chance.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "This time I have called everyone together, and the goal is to hunt down an evil dragon that brought trouble to Lordaeron - 'Shadow Devourer' Midir. It almost caused the destruction of the Golden Holy Tree. Even though the golden tree has grown up now, it is still a scourge, often peeping around Lordaeron with the intention of destroying the golden tree.

And it doesn't know what method it used to open a void crack. Some void creatures are entering our world through that crack. If left alone for a long time, there may be more serious harm.

We must not turn a blind eye to such a threat; we must kill it completely.

In order to accomplish this goal, this time I found Grand Duke Aidan of Alterac. He will help us. He is very good at slaying dragons and will be the key to this operation. "

Mograine was a little puzzled, "Your Majesty Godwin, are you making a big fuss? You can call adventurers to do things like slaying dragons. As the lord of Hearth Castle, I also need to defend against the orcs in the south..."

Mograine's idea is very simple. I am a great lord and a commander leading an army. What's going on if you call me to be a thug?

Godwin smiled and ignored the dissatisfaction in his tone.

"No, this is necessary. Lordaeron shoulders the important task of maintaining the world. We will inevitably encounter more powerful enemies in the future. It is also necessary to practice cooperation in advance. Defending against the orcs is indeed very important, but compared to The orcs, those truly powerful enemies are what we need to focus on.”

Kael'thas' face was a little solemn, "Your Majesty Godwin, how do we enter the void rift? According to the information you provided, the rift does not seem to be on the ground."

"Of course it flew in. Please look at the sky."

Mo Fei looked up, Wo Cao, that was - Potian? Troops, the Skybreaker is a flying battleship built by Stormwind City, and it was only built during the Northern Expedition against the Lich King. It is still very early in that timeline.

I saw a huge ship slowly flying over the city.

This was obviously modified from a battleship. Four huge propellers were arranged on both sides of the battleship. The rotating blades stirred up violent airflow, allowing the battleship to float in the air.

The giant ship is dotted with forts and cannon muzzles, like a castle in the sky.

To be honest, this thing is absolutely unscientific in reality. It is absolutely impossible to fly with this weight alone. How much power does it have, let alone four large propellers, unless there is an anti-gravity engine.

But in this magical game world, there are not so many boundaries.

Engineering can often create miracles.

Godwin proudly introduced to everyone, "This is the Light, the prototype of the Alliance's flying battleship. This giant ship combines the naval shipbuilding technology of Lordaeron, the weapon system of the dwarves, and the engineering technology of the dwarves. It consumes the resources of Lordaeron." It took three million gold coins to build and can carry a thousand soldiers for combat at one time."

After saying that, he winked at Murphy and said, "Don't you think that only the guy with the ruthless sword can develop the final weapon?"

Three million gold coins, that's 30 million soft girl coins.

Murphy silently calculated in his mind, 50 million to buy mission items, 30 million to build a ship, and probably spend a lot of money on the original mission. Sure enough, ordinary people and rich people are playing two completely different games.

"We will enter the void rift on the Guangming. Now, everyone, prepare to board the ship."

Soon the troops were assembled and boarded the ship. Since Murphy had no long-range troops under his command, most of the ground troops were provided by Godwin.

There are not only dwarf musketeers, high elf ranger shooters, but also army priests and battle mages. The firepower is absolutely powerful.

Relying on the combat platform of Guangming, we can directly fight against the giant dragon.

In addition, Godwin also dispatched five hundred gryphon knights, and Murphy also brought all five hundred dragon-riding sky patrollers with him.

The long-range troops boarded the battleship, and the air force guarded the left and right. The dragon-slaying team flew in the direction of the void rift.

at the same time--

On a peak in the Alterac Mountains, thousands of dragons are gathering here.

The ancient red dragon that led the team to attack Longshang Castle fiercely descended from the sky with a team of dragons, but it itself fell directly in front of several dragon kings.

"Why do you want to stop attacking? As long as I work harder, I can crush those mortal armies and reduce Longshang Castle to ashes."

"No, this castle is meaningless to us. Capturing it will only make the other party less worried. Besides, we have already discovered the target."

"Agnes sent information from Lordaeron. Someone saw the Storm Dragon King appearing in the royal capital of Lordaeron. Once he leaves Lordaeron, it is the time for us to take action."


The Guangming, with its mighty flying army, passed through the fertile fields, open plains, and dense forests, and gradually entered the mountains in the north. This is the home of the trolls. Since they were defeated by humans and elves, After losing most of their territory, some trolls fled to this remote mountainous area to avoid being hunted.

However, I didn't see any trolls along the way. Instead, I saw many adventurers collecting materials from some void creatures.

Wherever there are dangerous maps, there are often adventurers. Fly all the way in the direction where the adventurers spawn monsters, and soon the target will appear in everyone's sight.

Murphy stood on the bow of the ship and looked at the void crack in the distance. Was it a huge black crack that appeared in the sky? From time to time, some void creatures emerged from it.

Everyone looked at the crack with solemn expressions.

Different planes have completely different natural environments. For humans, almost all other worlds have harsh environments.

Not to mention a chaotic and lifeless place like the Twisting Void.

Even the most experienced mages dare not get involved easily.

Only astral mages who have mastered the ability to travel to the astral plane can occasionally set foot in it.

According to the research of the mages, there are turbulent energy seas floating everywhere in the twisted void, dark areas filled with shadow energy, and terrifying void storms.

Only demons and void creatures can survive in that environment.

Kael'thas, as a member of the six-member Dalaran Council, naturally knows this very well.

"Your Majesty, I have to remind you that the Twisting Nether is not a place where ordinary people can survive. Once we enter the Twisting Nether, we will be corroded and invaded by various terrible energies, and mortal flesh and blood can easily be buried in it.

Once the troops are exposed to the influence of the power of the void, they will continue to suffer shadow damage. Once they die in the void, they will be automatically transformed into twisted void ghosts. "

Godwin said, "This is not a problem. I will use the power of holy light to protect this ship from threats. According to the news brought back by the adventurers, Midir is hiding on a floating island behind the rift, not far from the entrance of the rift. It’s not far away, we don’t need to go too deep, we want to win as quickly as possible.”

[System prompt: Trigger the plot event [Exploring the Void], and you are about to enter the Twisting Void, a terrifying plane that has never been explored by anyone. Your plot identity in this plot event is the leader of the expeditionary force. 】

Murphy heard the system prompt and realized that this time he was going to play for real.

"Get ready everyone, we are about to go in. There may be danger inside, so be ready to fight."

Azona waved his battle ax excitedly, "Come on, my ax can't wait any longer."

Garises looked very ugly. Although he had joined the Knights of the Silver Hand, he was not a paladin, and there had been little progress in understanding the Holy Light.

Although he is an excellent warrior, he instinctively feels nervous about a place like the Twisting Nether that cannot be understood with common sense.

However, several mages were both nervous and looking forward to it. It was a rare opportunity to be able to inspect the Twisting Void on the spot, even if they just walked around the entrance of the rift.

The spacecraft moved forward slowly, flying towards the entrance of the rift.

It quickly submerged.

Murphy has always subconsciously felt that the Twisting Void is an extremely dark space, just like space.

However, when I actually passed through the rift, I found that this was not the case. There were brilliant light groups and bands everywhere. It is extremely gorgeous, with strange light shining against the dark background, and huge stars floating around, like a dream.

According to the game's data, the tangible matter in the universe forms worlds, and the formless dark energy forms the twisted void. The entire Twisting Nether connects all worlds. The Twisting Nether is the birthplace of evil filled with chaotic energy, but it is also the source of arcane energy, and countless evil creatures reside here.

Looking at this wonderland in front of me at this time, it really feels like a dream. It is much more beautiful than the dark outer space in the real world.

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