Part-time BOSS

Chapter 503 Shadow Egg

The holy light continued to fall on Mo Fei one after another, causing his wounds to heal and his blood volume to replenish.

Murphy was fighting frantically with the shadow dragon in front of him, thinking, "I'll go, this is so cool."

The three big breasts add blood, it's a pleasure.

At the same time, Kael'thas, Vivian Nightsong, and even Jaina began to cast spells and attacks.

Only the two warriors, Garises and Asona, could only stare at the battle in front of them.

The two giant dragons were still fighting hand to hand, breathing dragon breath at each other, releasing dragon thunder and black flames. They seemed to be evenly matched. However, if you look closely at the blood volume, you will find that only Midiel's health bar is constantly declining.

The Storm Dragon King's blood volume has always remained above the 95% safety line.

The battle lasted for more than ten minutes, and Midiel's blood volume quickly dropped to less than 50%.

Mo Feixin said that this was too easy. He originally thought it was going to be a hard fight, but as expected, group fighting was the way to go. The wet nurse was in the back to add blood, and the mage and minions were in the back to deal damage. All he had to do was resist.

No matter how strong Midiel is, he can't withstand such an assault.

However, at this moment, Midiel, who had been continuously hit hard, finally realized that something was wrong. Maybe it was the dragon's instinct, or maybe he finally regained some clarity.

He suddenly spread his wings, releasing shadow flames that filled the sky. Taking advantage of the moment when Murphy was forced to retreat, he began to release dragon language magic.

‘Shadow Devourer’ Midir (Dragon King of the Void): “The power of the void is for my use. Shadow Spirit, listen to my orders! Servants from all realms of the void, your master needs help! Come to me!”


The weird sounds of the teleportation gate being activated sounded one after another. In the void around Midir, void gates were opening and closing one after another, and void creatures were constantly being summoned.

The Void Walker, the Shadow Monster, the Void Dragon...

Void creatures are generally powerful. The monsters summoned by Midir in front of them are all big monsters of level 70 or 80, and each of them is an elite monster with a health value of over 10,000. These evil creatures are filled with shadow energy, or Exuding a dense black air, or flashing with a strange light, everyone on the Guangming Ship was alerted as soon as it appeared.

These void creatures have a natural hatred for life from the material world, and immediately joined the battle after being summoned.

Some void creatures attacked the Guangming, and some rushed towards Murphy.

The Void Walker releases a shadow blast, the Void Dragon breathes dragon breath, and the Shadow Demon flickers forward like a ghost shadow, releasing psionic lightning...

Godwin hurriedly allocated manpower.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Kael'thas, Ms. Vivian, you are responsible for cleaning up the mobs! Garises, Azona, you guard the deck and don't let the enemy destroy our warship, Uther, Mograine, continue to add blood to the Storm Dragon King!"

At this moment, facing the siege of Midiel and a dozen Void Dragons, Murphy also activated his ultimate move.

Thousands of thunders lead from the sky!

boom! The crimson dragon thunder instantly reflected the black background of the void in crimson, and crimson lightning bloomed wantonly in the void, draining the blood of those powerful void creatures. It stands to reason that void creatures have extremely high physical immunity and immunity. It is difficult to kill due to magic resistance, but Murphy's dragon thunder can cause real damage, and everything will be sent into the soul.

Those void creatures disappeared into thin air under the electric shock of dragon thunder, turning into shadow energy and returning to the twisted void.

Even Midir was twitching and retreating under the powerful dragon thunder attack.

"Oh my god, Prince Aidan is so powerful!" Jaina looked at the Storm Dragon King who was fighting with Midir, her eyes full of shock and admiration.

When Kael'thas saw it, he was immediately disgusted. He had been teaching Jaina for so long, but he had never seen her react with such admiration to him. Hum, it seemed that he could no longer hide his strength.

Originally, he didn't pay much attention to this action. After all, he was also the king of elves, but he was shouted at to be a thug. It was enough to be clear about the little monsters.

But at this moment, a fighting spirit arose in his heart.

Powerful magical energy began to gather around him.

Kael'thas (Great Elementalist): "The Elf of the Elements, the Immortal Firebird, the Phoenix King 'Ao'! In the name of the contract signed by the ancient kings and your tribe, come!"

The crimson flames illuminated the darkness of the void. First there was a dazzling fire, and then the flames extended into wings, flame tails, and claws made of flames. With the glowing bird head, Kael'thas actually summoned the Phoenix King. The flaming phoenix was not afraid of those void creatures at all, releasing scorching elemental flames to ignite and burn them.

Kael'thas activated his magic power to the maximum and blasted a series of extremely effective pyrotechnics into the air. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen void creatures were killed.

Jaina looked shocked. This was the first time she saw Kael'thas so powerful.

"Wow, Professor Kael'thas, such a powerful magic, it turns out that you have such powerful power!"

Kael'thas felt so comfortable in his heart, and it felt so good to be admired.

Godwin couldn't help but feel a little angry when he saw it.

"Uther, you protect the battleship, and I will help Prince Aidan."

Uther looked confused and thought to himself, "We are fighting well. What are you doing here?" Can't we just add more blood here?

But of course it is difficult to say this. The king must show his bravery and naturally cannot attack.

"Your Majesty, you are the king of Lordaeron. You should not put yourself in danger. You should let me go!"

"No, this task can only be completed by me."

Godwin thought to himself that if you go up and show off, how can I still fool around?

No more nonsense, just release the power of the Holy Light.

Wings of Light!

A pair of huge golden wings condensed by the power of holy light gradually formed behind Godwin, making him look like an angel.

Heavenly Arms!

The holy light condensed into the shape of a battle armor, and the big sword in his hand was also covered by the holy light, forming a lightsaber more than two meters long, with a golden shape and a very gorgeous look.

Godwin was in good condition and rushed towards the battlefield ahead.

Holy beheading!

The lightsaber was swung out, and a void walker was split in half and dissipated into the power of shadow.

The Holy Saint Continuous Cut!

Another void dragon was pierced through the chest by Godwin.

But this is not enough. How can the pure monsters bring out his own power?

"Brother Aidan, let me help you!"

He shouted and attacked from behind Midiel, but Midiel immediately felt the threat. Holy light and shadow were mortal enemies. Midiel's remaining consciousness made him instinctively choose to deal with this glowing birdman first.

Turning around, a breath of shadow dragon breath was sprayed towards Godwin, and the shadow flame almost engulfed Godwin's figure.

However, the dazzling holy light suddenly bloomed. Godwin was like a meteor, breaking through the shadow flames. He swung his sword fiercely and struck Midir's face solidly with the sword, leaving a clearly visible slash on the dragon's face. of wounds.



Looking at Godwin's blood volume, he took a mouthful of dragon's breath, and his blood volume dropped only a little.

Mo Feixin said that this kid is quite strong, but it’s not surprising. The biggest weakness of heroes compared with BOSS is too little health. In terms of skill damage alone, it is not worse than BOSS, especially in single combat, but as a hero King of Lordaeron, leader of the alliance, Godwin has a tenfold health bonus, so his health is close to 200,000, which is completely BOSS-level vitality. He can already fight Midir head-on.

He also took the opportunity to take a deep breath to accumulate energy - Dragon Thunder Breath!

boom! It knocked out thousands of Midir's HP, and even knocked Midir backwards, causing his shadow to appear.

good chance! Murphy and Godwin took a big move in perfect harmony.

Mo Fei stretched out his dragon claw, and the dragon thunder gathered in the claw into the shape of a blade, and he swung it out with all his strength.

Storm splits the air and slashes!

Godwin held the sword with both hands, gathered the power of the holy light, and swung the sword. The power of the holy light condensed into a half-moon-shaped light blade and flew out.

Holy light destroys evil!

The two ultimate moves hit the target at the same time, hitting Midiel's chest firmly. The dragon scales shattered, and the dark dragon blood splashed everywhere. The power of shadow on Midiel's body continued to erupt from the wound, like a A terrifying monster whose whole body was burning with pitch-black flames struggled in vain in the void, as if it had completely lost its fighting power.

Seeing Midiel lying on his back and the empty door exposed, Mo Feixin said it was a good chance!

He was about to go up and deliver a fatal blow, but unexpectedly Godwin shot out like a meteor, trying to snatch the head.

Although the loot is intended to be divided equally, there must be someone who chooses first and someone who chooses second. Although it is not stated clearly, but based on the tacit understanding between the players, the person with the greatest credit must be chosen first, and who has the greatest credit? Of course it's the one who delivers the fatal blow.

Not to mention, taking the leader of this BOSS will definitely give you a lot of plot points.

Damn, this kid is quite good at grabbing monsters.

When Mo Fei was helpless, Godwin had already fallen on Midir's body, and he was about to plunge the big sword into his chest.

Midir suddenly opened his eyes, stretched out the dragon's claws like lightning, and caught Godwin in the dragon's claws.

Holy Shield!

The golden shield instantly protected Godwin.

Midir held two dragon claws together, squeezing crazily toward the middle. There were shadow flames burning crazily between the dragon claws. The Holy Shield Technique was supposed to be invincible, but under the constant melting of the power of shadow, , there are faint signs of disintegration.

Godwin was so frightened that he waved his sword wildly, trying to cut a path of blood.

But it's useless. After all, Midir is a world-class BOSS with four to five million health. Even if he only has one-third of his health left, he is not so easy to kill.


There was a crack in the golden holy light, as if it was about to shatter.

However, at this moment, Murphy had completed charging up his energy again.

Destruction dragon thunder!


The red dragon thunder that seemed to be able to tear everything apart knocked Midir backwards, and the dragon scales shattered at the wound where he was hit, causing another huge wound.

Midir screamed and leaned back, his huge body being crushed under the bombardment of Super Cologne's thunder and lightning.

Godwin took the opportunity to escape from the dragon's claws and quickly flew to the side, suspended in the air with some fear.

Before he could say thanks, the Storm Dragon King immediately pounced on Midir.

Now is the best time to kill!

The dragon claw aimed at the wound that was shattered by the dragon thunder and grabbed it. The sharp dragon claw pierced the flesh and blood, penetrated the dragon bone, and penetrated into Midiel's body.

Midiel struggled hard, and at the last moment of his life, his eyes finally regained some clarity.

‘Shadow Devourer’ Midir (Dragon King of the Void): “Is this… my ending… Yamahamut… save us…”

It finally closed its eyes. The huge body stopped struggling, and only the shadow flame was still burning on its body.

[World Announcement: In the 1440th year of the Sky Era, the Storm Dragon King Adandron and the King of Lordaeron Godwin led the heroes to join forces to kill the ‘Shadow Devourer’ Midir who was hiding in the void rift.

This giant dragon with mysterious origins was completely terminated and could no longer threaten the safety of the Golden Tree.

The event has been recorded in the Chronicles of the Sky. 】

[System prompt: Based on your performance in this plot event, you have obtained 1550 plot points. You gain 1 legendary point, your reputation in the alliance increases by 10,000 points, and is now worshiped. 】

Murphy looked at his blood volume which was still at full value and couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, more people means more power.

If he and Midiel were duel, the outcome would really be unknown, and even if he won, it would probably be a miserable defeat.

But having so many strong teammates is different.

At this moment, with the death of Midir, those void gates finally no longer appeared, and the remaining void creatures were successfully cleaned up by Kael'thas and Vivian Nightsong, completely ending this battle.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Thank you, Brother Aidan." Godwin looked at Murphy taking the last head, feeling scared and helpless.

Still didn't get it.

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "We are teammates, you don't have to be polite. Now, it's time to share the spoils."

As Murphy said this, he moved towards the dragon's body without hesitation, preparing to touch the dragon's heart first.

Although the rank is as high as World 5, the number of drops from Midir is not large. There are only six items dropped in total, but each item is of the highest quality. Just the drops of legendary quality are enough. There are as many as four.

The first thing that catches the eye is Dragon Heart.

[Dragon Heart of Midir (Legendary/Core Material)

Use: Can be used to create legendary equipment or artifacts.

Item introduction: Lost in the Twisting Nether, Midir was forced to swallow the shadows and use this power for his own use. The power of the shadows permanently changed its flesh, its will, and even its soul.

Midir swallowed the shadow, but his heart still remained pure. This is where the dragon soul resides, and it is also the only reason why he avoided corruption. 】

Without saying anything, Mo Fei first took the dragon heart into his pocket.

The second item was a strange egg, more like a bead than an egg, but it was about the size of a basketball, and its pure black texture was like a black hole.

[Shadow Egg (Legendary/Quest Item)

Item introduction: An egg condensed from the pure power of shadow, which seems to be pregnant with some kind of indescribable and grotesque existence. 】

Um? Mission items?

Murphy was stunned for a moment, but Godwin had already stepped forward.

"We agreed before that the dragon heart belongs to you and the dragon egg belongs to me." He said and picked up the egg of shadow directly.

Murphy couldn't help but guess that this thing was not as simple as a dragon egg.

Most of them should be mission items that Godwin needs, and most likely they are the original plot missions he is doing.

But he didn't say anything. Everyone took what they wanted and there was nothing to say.

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