Part-time BOSS

Chapter 515 The Orcs of Northrend

Broadsword King Five (Stormwind City Guard): Wocao, King Wa actually lost to Goudan? This is intolerable. The game company should come out and explain. How could King Wa lose?

Jack Ma (Western Wilderness Farmer): That’s right, that’s ridiculous. King Wa even defeated the chief of the tribe, and how could he let a mere orc warlock be killed?

Green-Winged Bat King (Disaster Gargoyle): You can’t say that. Historically, it was Gul’dan who killed King Wa.

Broadsword King Five (Stormwind City Guard): Who killed Gul'dan in history?

Anna (Huntress of the Holy Tree Legion): It seems to be Illidan.

Young reporter (citizen of Lordaeron): Yes, let’s rescue Mr. Dan and let him help fight against the Scourge, right?

Glimpses (Night Elf Adventurer): It’s hard to save, that old girl Maiev is too tough. Last month our guild formed five groups to go to Black Crow Castle to open up wasteland, but they gave up to the group before they even touched the prison door. Went out.

Anna (Hunter of the Holy Tree Legion): She is the leader of the camp. She has a bunch of elite watchers and wardens under her, who are more difficult to deal with than the BOSS.

Broadsword King Five (Stormwind City Guard): What should we do? Isn't Gul'dan going to be invincible now? Is King Wa just dead?

Varian actually lost?

Murphy sat in front of the computer, looking at the content introduction of the new expansion pack, and watching the players' discussions about this plot event in the game forum, and couldn't help but sigh.

Although the original sworn sworn relationship with Varian and Arthas was more for gameplay exploration in the game.

But it is absolutely impossible to say that he and Varian have no feelings at all. Even if they are just an NPC, they are the second brothers who have fought side by side after all. They have been through life and death so many times. The friendship between the two is even better than in reality. Friends are deeper.

When he thought of Varian disappearing like this, Murphy felt a sense of sadness that things had changed.

No, it won't end like this.

Murphy firmly thought in his heart that Sky World is a game with the theme of heroic epics after all. In the background plot of the grand narrative, the protagonist's aura is real, and there is absolutely no way that Varian will just disappear.

Even if he is going to die, he should die vigorously and be worth the price of admission.

Such a silent death is definitely not the way such an important character should die.

Just thinking that it was Gul'dan who killed Varian made Murphy feel a little unsure.

Because historically, it was Gul'dan who killed Varian on the Broken Shore.

Now Varian has launched a soul battle with Gul'dan. Could it be said that this is his fate?

No! Even if it’s fate, you have to ask me before you tell me!

Murphy has decided at this time that he must find out the matter. As long as there is still hope, he must save it. Maybe Varian's soul has not completely disappeared and is hidden somewhere deep in the body. The movie Isn't this how it is usually played in movies? As long as family and friends shout loudly from the side, Varian's consciousness may be awakened.

Since gaining the power of arcane guardianship and the wisdom of the ancient dragon, Mo Fei has once again gained the ability to cast dragon language magic. He should be able to recreate the soul magic he learned from Deathwing, which might also give him Varian is summoning his soul.

But it's not easy to do this.

After merging with Varian, Gul'dan completely mastered the power of Crown of Dominance and Frostmourne. The power of death plus the fel magic he originally mastered, plus the warriors brought by Varian's body Skills, Gul'dan has now become the BOSS of the second level of world destruction.

This kind of strength is almost on the same level as Ner'zhul back then.

Not to mention, as the final BOSS of the version, the Lich King has received huge system enhancements, with a 50% increase in all attributes, a 100% increase in blood volume, and immunity to critical strikes.

Moreover, the scale of the Scourge Legion was not comparable to the tens of thousands of orcs from the Shadowmoon Clan. There were countless powerful soldiers under the Scourge Legion, which made Murphy give up the idea of ​​challenging the Lich King alone.

Even if he transforms into an ancient dragon, he doesn't dare to say that he is 100% sure.

Murphy is not very interested in the title of savior. He cares more about the power of death in the hands of the Lich King. If there is a chance, he can also see if Varian can be saved.

Judging from these three points, he must participate in the battle against this undead natural disaster.

You must unite with other heroes to be completely sure.

Thinking of this, he opened the private message channel on his computer.

Looking at the row of names above, Murphy sent private messages one by one.

Aidan: The Scourge is about to invade in a large scale. As the version BOSS, I am afraid that none of us can face the strength of the Lich King alone. I suggest that we all unite to deal with this crisis of annihilation, uniting the Alliance Tribes and the Dark Night Alliance. , act together, not only can we share the same hatred and save the world, but we can also collect event rewards.

In order to coordinate the dynamics, let’s hold an offline meeting to discuss it. What do you think?

Godwin: Okay, brother Aidan, of course I agree. Naturally we can’t miss this kind of thing...

Emperor Shenwu: Now that brother Aidan has spoken, of course the elder brother must give you face. Tell me, when the meeting will be held, I will definitely be there.

Jian Wuhen: Boss, is this the second mission?

Ba Dao Qingqing: I said Aidan, you are too embarrassed to ask me for help after you almost killed me last time?

Aidan: It’s okay if you don’t want to come. The alliance plus the Night Alliance are enough, but in that case, the tribe will really have no sense of existence in this world-ending crisis? I'm not looking for help, I'm giving you a chance to join in the great event.

Ba Dao Qingqing: Okay, I will be there too.

Morgan Lisa: Do you want to unite to deal with the Lich King? No problem. By the way, Dalaran is currently conducting the Guardian Project. There are ten candidates in total. Do you want me to find a few more mages here?

Aidan: That would be perfect.

Midnight Dharma God: Prince Aidan? Do we know each other?

Aidan: Of course we know each other. We fought side by side in the battle at Broken Spear Peak.

Midnight Dharma God: Damn, don’t mention Broken Spear Peak to me.

Aidan: Your level is not too high now, so it would be good to get some plot points. By the way, you can find all the heroes from the Dark Portal battle. Varian is like this now. Don't you want to save it? After all, they are comrades who have fought side by side.

Midnight Dharma God: ...Okay, for the sake of King Wa, I will tell others.

Kaya Windrunner: Aidan, what do you want from me? What, if we want to jointly fight against the Lich King, then I will definitely participate. This time I can’t let my second sister be transformed into a dark ranger by the Lich King again...

Grab the root treasure: Convene a hero meeting to crusade against the Lich King? Brother, you have some ideas. We brothers must support you...

After a long chat, Mo Fei suddenly discovered that he had quite a wide network of contacts.

The three major camps, as well as various semi-independent forces, including Quel'Thalas, Dalaran, the Night Alliance, and even the Horde, have all joined the group.

Basically covering the most influential group of hero players.

If you want to have a good discussion, it is best to have an offline gathering.

Mo Fei sent everyone the time and place of the meeting - see you in Jinghai City in three days.

The list for the Heroes Conference has been finalized.

Murphy had some confidence in his heart, so there should be no problem. With such a luxurious lineup, it doesn't matter if it's the Scourge Legion. It's just a Lich King, but you can't win it.

I just hope that Gul'dan won't act too fast and give them some time to prepare.


Boom! A sound.

The ancient blue dragon with a wingspan of more than 70 meters crashed into the icy snow, gasping for air as it died.

All the defeated dragons fled away, and the other ancient bronze dragon ran away in advance as soon as he saw that the situation was not going well.

The ancient blue dragon desperately wanted to get up and continue fighting, but - death coil!

A green ball of light containing death energy suddenly shot into its body, taking away the last trace of power.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Hahahaha, Wyrmrest Alliance—isn't that all."

Gul'dan looked at the lifeless body of the blue dragon and said proudly.

The huge behemoth was defenseless against the power of the Lich King, and all the fancy magic was defeated by the power of death.

He looked up at the sky. The gargoyle army was dragging the last few young dragons down from the sky. This battle could be described as fruitful.

After gathering an army of hundreds of thousands of undead in the Frozen Throne, Gul'dan's first target was the Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight.

His target is the corpses of the dragons buried in the Wyrmrest Temple. If these corpses can be used to resurrect an army of bone dragons, then the Scourge Legion will surely be even more powerful in the coming war.

Originally, he thought it would be a tough battle. After all, it was said that the Longmian Alliance Army was an elite force stationed here by the Dragon Legion, especially the several ancient dragons guarding the temple. They were powerful.

Unexpectedly, the fight was not difficult at all. There were only two ancient dragons in total, and one escaped shortly after the battle began. The final result was an easy victory. Hundreds of dragons participating in the battle were beaten to death by thousands of gargoyles. Escape to death.

The majestic Titan creation of Longmian Temple has now fallen into his hands.

Gul'dan jumped off Boleleus's back and walked towards the blue dragon.

The dying blue dragon struggled to open his eyes.

"Filthy undead... dare to desecrate the dragon clan's sacred burial ground... You will pay the price for your rudeness... Lord Kalecgos..."

The ancient blue dragon was full of unwillingness. Damn it, if Nalis and the other three hadn't been transferred away, how could the Longmian coalition with five ancient dragons be defeated so easily.

And that bastard Keridome ran away without saying hello, so he knew these bronze dragons were unreliable...


Gul'dan thrust Frostmourne into the forehead of the ancient blue dragon Erecgos, interrupting Erregos' thoughts.

The power of death was instantly injected into the blue dragon's body, and the blue fire of the underworld quickly burned away the flesh and blood, turning it into a giant frost dragon with pale skin.

Pulling out Frostmourne and looking at the successfully transformed undead dragon, Gul'dan nodded with satisfaction. Now, the Scourge had two undead ancient dragons.

He glanced at the undead soldiers around him.

"Search this fortress to see what goodies are buried here."

After saying that, he looked at Eregos again, "Tell my servant, what secrets are there under this frozen wasteland, which is worthy of the Dragon Clan's garrison of so many giant dragons here."

Airey's conception (frost dragon): "This is the burial place of... Galakrond..."


Gul'dan used soul magic to search the relevant memories of Airei's conception, and was immediately surprised.

The ancestral dragon king Galakrond? It sounds very powerful. If it can be resurrected, it will be very powerful.

He couldn't wait to walk to the foot of Longmian Temple and thrust Frostmourne into the ground. His perception ability continued to spread around, sensing the power of death under the frozen soil.

Soon he sensed something.

What? Why is it so big! Gul'dan felt the huge corpse buried deep under the frozen soil. Its size was probably more than a kilometer.

Is this still a dragon?

Even the size of Deathwing back then was completely inferior compared to the one buried underground.

Gul'dan was shocked, surprised, and confused.

What is shocking is that there are such huge creatures in this world. It seems that Azeroth really has more secrets buried than Draenor.

Surprisingly, such a powerful creature, even if it has been dead for tens of thousands of years, still contains extremely powerful energy in its body. If it can be resurrected, it will be an extremely powerful war weapon.

The troubling thing is that it is not easy to resurrect such a big thing. Even if the Lich King has mastered the artifact of death, his power of death is not infinite.

To awaken such a large number of undead requires a lot of preparation and consumes a lot of time and resources.

Of course, it doesn't mean that it can't be done, but it will greatly delay his plan to conquer the world.

Otherwise, forget it. It takes too much time. If you have the time, you can conquer a human kingdom.

Gul'dan is very arrogant at this moment, and he can't wait to command the undead army, sweep across the world, and make those who have despised him pay the price.

By the way, he quickly completed the mission assigned to him by Kil'jaeden, so as not to arouse the wrath of the boss later.

After being tortured in the Twisting Nether, Gul'dan was filled with fear of Kil'jaeden deep in his heart. Even if he became the Lich King, he still could not get rid of this fear.

Just thinking about it.

Suddenly Conan the Barbarian King came running over on a group of skeletal war horses.

Conan the Barbarian (Lord of Death): "Boss, boss, the gargoyles I just sent out to guard discovered an army of orcs crossing the Dragonblight!"

Orc army? Gul'dan was stunned.

How could the orcs come to Northrend?

He was curious. He immediately released his power of perception and focused his attention on the surrounding ghosts responsible for investigation.

"Servant, give me your vision."

With a command, the pale vision of the ghost immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

The Lich King has the power to control the undead army. Through the Crown of Command, he can directly give direct instructions to any undead of the Scourge Legion. In other words, if he is willing and has enough concentration, he can Control all the undead troops like a real-time strategy game.

At this moment, through the ghost's pale vision, one could clearly see the ever-large orc army marching towards the north.

When he saw the legion's flag, he was stunned.

Twilight clan? It's Cho'gall's army.

This made Gul'dan very surprised and slightly surprised at the same time. Cho'gall was his apprentice, and the Twilight clan also followed him and followed him to the Broken Islands to find the Tomb of Sargeras.

He was attacked by the Black Dragon Legion at sea, the fleet was destroyed, and this army was separated from him. He didn't expect it to appear at this time.

And looking at the quantity, the scale seems to have become even larger.

Could it be that Cho'gall has taken refuge with someone else?

Hum, if he is sensible and willing to continue to follow her, then take him under his command. If he dares to refuse, then simply kill all these orcs and turn them into undead.

He had no sibling feelings for the orcs.

Gul'dan (The Lich King): "I'm going to meet my apprentice. If I'm lucky, I can add another army to the Scourge. Conan the Barbarian, winter is coming, Kel'Thuzad, bring me with you." Your troops, follow me.”

After saying that, he jumped on the back of Boleleus's dragon, pulled the reins, and flew towards the direction of the orc army.

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