Part-time BOSS

Chapter 55 The Reincarnation of the Creation God

Oh yeah! Finally arrived! Looking at the game cabin in front of him, Mo Fei felt excited. With its white shell, streamlined cabin, transparent hatch, and futuristic operating interface, this thing just looks interesting.

Wait until the staff installs the game cabinet in place and leaves.

Murphy couldn't wait to turn on the power of the game cabin.

Looking at the densely packed functional data on the transparent hatch cover, it looks very cool.

He was in no hurry to enter the game. This game always made people feel like they were lying in a coffin. He wanted to familiarize himself with the operation first.

The design of this game warehouse is quite user-friendly. You can set the alarm clock and the option to exit the game at a scheduled time. There is also a backup power supply to ensure that the player will not be in danger for any reason during the game. After some operations, Murphy can be regarded as relieved. .

Lifting the lid, Murphy lay down in it.

Finally it’s time to start the game.

Murphy turned on the game switch and his vision went dark. The first thing that appeared was an opening introduction.

[System: Welcome to use Cangqiong World Game to log in to the system, I am yours...]

Murphy has already seen this before, so skip it directly.

Finally, we came to the familiar character interface again. Because it is a new account, there are no game characters yet.

Murphy chose to create a new character, and dozens of game templates immediately appeared in front of him for him to choose from.

There are three rows of game templates. The top is the VIP template, the middle is the regular paid template, and the bottom is the free template.

Murphy has already thought about what kind of new role he will play this time.

He does not plan to play with the monster template anymore. From a first-level monster to a world-class BOSS, there is too much luck involved in this process. He is not sure that he can repeat his previous success.

He has no interest in directly spending money to buy a BOSS character. He has already experienced the identity of a world-class BOSS, and playing those low-level mini-BOSSs does not feel very satisfying at all.

He has no interest in the adventurer template, especially after having experienced personally participating in the game plot, changing the game plot, and leaving his own legend in the game, and then playing an adventurer that can only be used as a background board is really a bit confusing. Bored.

And considering that the 'ancient dragon rock statue' in his hand can only trigger the original plot of the hero template player, so Murphy is planning to play with the hero template this time.

Click on the hero template.

[System: Please select your hero template level. Note that hero templates require a large number of points to unlock. Please ensure that your account balance is sufficient. 】

There are three choices for hero templates.

Bronze Level 1 100,000 points.

Silver Level 1 500,000 points coupon.

Gold Level 1 2,500,000 point coupon.

The higher epic ranks and legendary ranks can only be climbed slowly by oneself.

It's dark, it's really dark. In the past, Mo Fei had only played the free mode, and even his world BOSS was slowly raised from monsters, so he always had the pleasure of having sex for free. Now looking at the string of zeros behind the price, he felt a rush in his heart. Tangled.

Don't be afraid, we are now rich people, this little money is nothing, we will get it back sooner or later. Murphy comforted himself in his heart.

You can't just rely on the hero template to be promoted bit by bit from the soldiers. It's better to just spend money.

Murphy thought, but when the time came, he still wasn't willing to spend too much money, so he only chose the cheapest one - Bronze Level One. This thing can be created with only 100,000 points. Anyway, as long as you participate in more plots Events can always be improved, and the biggest impact of hero rank is the number of hero feats and hero skills. There are no good skills available in the early stage, so the impact of rank is not very big.

[System: You have chosen the hero template (Bronze Level 1), please continue to improve the specific information of the character]

The character creation interface appeared in front of you. This process was not much different from ordinary online games. It was nothing more than selecting race, gender, face shaping, character name, etc.

Mo Fei had already prepared a draft. After a while, a human male who was sixty-seven percent similar to Mo Fei appeared in front of him.

Name: Aidan. This is the name of the warrior in Diablo 1. Diablo 1 is the earliest RPG game that Murphy has played. He was very impressed. He personally thinks that the best name for a game with such a magical background. Don't be too dramatic.

Race: human. Currently, players in the hero template only have four races to choose from, humans, dwarves, gnomes, and elves. Humans and elves are both large populations, but Murphy always feels that elves are a bit girly, and dwarves and dwarfs are basically not considered, so they should still be humans.

Gender: Male. There is nothing to say about this.

Click OK.

[System prompt: Since your character is a hero template, please select a background setting for your character. 】

1. Randomly generated.

2. Customization.

At this point, Murphy finally started to get serious.

‘Character background’ is a setting unique to the hero template. ‘Character background’ determines the player’s birthplace, as well as some deeper hidden settings.

If the player chooses to generate randomly, the system will randomly generate a background story of the character for the player.

Most of the backgrounds of such characters are relatively ordinary, for example - [Your father is a farmer and your mother is a shepherdess. Although you are of ordinary origin, you are gifted and have embarked on the path of a hero as an adult...]

Such a background is really just a background and will basically not have any substantial impact on the player's gaming experience.

But Sky World, as a game with a high degree of freedom, naturally has a lot of additional paid content.

Customizing character backgrounds is one of the most expensive items.

Murphy chose [2: Customize].

A writing document in the form of parchment immediately appeared in front of me, and there were various keywords that could be called next to it, such as creator god, demigod, favored person, prince, gifted, noble, born leader, cursed People, direct bloodline, demons, resurrection from the dead...etc.

Yes, in this custom mode, players can write character backgrounds for their characters. This design is somewhat similar to the function of creating self-created character cards in early tabletop games. In theory, players can design any character for their characters. background, and the settings of these character backgrounds will have a direct impact on the player's gaming experience.

Age, place of birth, family, ancestors, who is the father and who is the mother, all can be customized.

Having a special character background can bring you many benefits, such as rare talents, initial equipment, additional starting resources, hidden professions, divine skills, exclusive quest lines, etc.

For example, if your background is the son of a certain knight, then you will probably get a few basic combat skills at the beginning, a set of decent equipment in the bag, and maybe an old horse or an ancestral weapon. A sword or something.

If your background setting is that of a descendant of a certain god, that would be great. You will be born with extraordinary talents corresponding to the god, magical skills, and the identity of a person favored by the god. You may also be able to unlock hidden professions and so on in the future.

In short, the more exaggerated the character background setting, the more benefits, and of course, the higher the charge.

But no matter how high the cost, some people will buy it. There is no way, this thing has a much greater impact on the character's strength than the rank. After all, the rank can be improved by participating in plot events, but the character background cannot be changed. You You are what you are when you are born, so if you can have a more awesome character background, it is often the key to the character's ultimate growth limit.

Murphy clicked on the writing document and decided to see how high the upper limit of this thing was.

[Character background: Aidan.

Your name is Aidan. Although you appear to be just an ordinary human being, your true identity is actually the reincarnation of the Creator God. Your purpose in coming to the sky world is to save the world. When you The day you remember your true identity, your power will return...]

With a few clicks, the character background settings were quickly completed.

Click to generate——

[System prompt: 9090301928390 points are required to generate this character background! The current account balance is insufficient, please top up. 】

Mo Feixin said good guy, really good guy, how many digits is this?

He counted carefully and found that it was nine trillion, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

Murphy used to think that those domestic krypton gold games were deceptive enough, with the upper limit of krypton gold being tens of millions or hundreds of millions, but now he found that he was still too young.

I’m afraid Musk can’t afford to play a character like Nima.

But what surprised him even more was that this kind of character background could actually be generated, and he didn't know what it would be like to play such a character.

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