Part-time BOSS

Chapter 529 The Coast of Death

The biting cold wind blew against the huge warship, coating the sails and cables with a silver-white shell of ice and snow. Ice skates hung all over the side of the ship. The sailors shouted slogans and kept breaking the ice with hammers. .

Soldiers stood on both sides of the ship, ready to deal with possible wars, and the heroes were also ready to take their positions.

In this chilling atmosphere, the Alliance's huge fleet gradually approached the icy coast of Northrend.

In the command room of the fleet flagship, the Golden Sacred Tree, a group of alliance executives were discussing strategies around the map when a herald suddenly broke in.

"Your Majesty Godwin, a large fleet was discovered in the southeast, flying the flag of the Holy Tree."

It was the fleet of Emperor Shenwu - Murphy immediately made a judgment in his heart. He and Godwin looked at each other and walked out together.

The Eye of the Ancient Dragon can easily see several nautical miles away, and can see hundreds of night elf warships sailing majestically on the sea.

The night elf warships are elegant in shape, and the flag has the pattern of the World Tree, which is very similar to the golden tree flag of Lordaeron. In addition to the night warships, there are also a large number of flat-deck ships in the fleet. The wide decks are specially designed for centaurs. , suitable for a four-legged centaur to run and move on it.

Murphy could see the largest battleship among them, which was like a city on the sea. It was the ship of Emperor Shenwu, the Haotian.

Emperor Shenwu grasped the time very accurately and arrived at the same time as the alliance's fleet.

Now that the fleets of the Alliance and the Dark Night Alliance have arrived, the fleet of the Horde...

Murphy looked towards the sea farther away. Sure enough, another large fleet gradually appeared in the field of vision. Through the fleet of the Dark Night Alliance, it was approaching the coast of Northrend. The orc warships were rough in shape. , the log warship shell is covered with spikes and horns. Their engineering technology has never been very good, but there are many goblin warships mixed in.

Presumably ordered from the goblins in Booty Bay.

Three large fleets arrived at the coast of Northrend at the same time.

The three parties did not send messengers to each other to communicate. Instead, they directly opened a private message group and communicated directly in the group.

Godwin: "You two came on time."

Emperor Shenwu: "I, Emperor Shenwu, always keep my promises and keep my promises."

Ba Dao Qingqing: "How come such a big event doesn't include my big tribe?"

Aidan: "Everyone, the Dragonblight is ahead of us. According to the information provided by Winter is Coming and Conan the Barbarian King, the Scourge is digging up Galakrond's corpse around Wyrmrest Temple, and will resurrect it once the excavation is completed.

Our time is very tight. Galakrond's skeleton is so huge that we can't dig it all out in an hour and a half. We just take the opportunity to land and kill directly. We take advantage of the opponent's lack of defense and kill the Lich King in one fell swoop. As long as the Lich King Once dead, the huge Scourge army is nothing.

How are you guys? Do you have any comments? "

Godwin: "Agree!"

Emperor Shenwu: "I agree too."

Ba Dao Qingqing: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's all rush together."

As they spoke, the three mighty fleets began to get closer. However, because the Alliance and the Horde were mortal enemies in the past, they instinctively stayed away from each other. Instead, the fleet of the Dark Night Alliance was caught in the middle, and there was a faint hint of taking the lead. Feel.

When the fleet got closer to the coast, the scene on the coast became clear. The desolate coast stretched as far as the eye could see, with nothing but sparse coniferous forests and some low northern shrubs, submerged in the ice and snow.

Looking into the distance, you can vaguely see desolate forests, snowfields, and some low hills. Although it is already noon, the sun is extremely dim. The coast is filled with white mist, and you can't see it if you get a little closer to the inland. It was clear, a very disturbing and cold atmosphere.

The three fleets arrived at the coast almost at the same time. Since there was no suitable port to dock such a large fleet, they could only land directly on the coast.

Fortunately, there is such a magical thing in this world as magic.

The mages of Dalaran released freezing magic on the icy sea, freezing the sea around the battleship to the coast into a wide sheet of ice in the blink of an eye.

The soldiers jumped off the boat one after another, rushing towards the coast in scattered formations, and quickly assembled the entire team on the coast to form defensive formations. Although no enemy was seen, necessary precautions were still required.

Air force scouts were also sent out to conduct reconnaissance inland. However, the fog in the sky suddenly became thicker at this time. The air force flew into the fog-covered sky and made no sound.

As soon as Mo Fei followed Godwin and other alliance generals onto the cold coast, he suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness. He looked into the distance and saw some skeletal and withered figures faintly revealed in the endless ice mist. .

Mo Fei's pupils tightened - it was the undead!

The miracle of the storm - the strong wind blows!

Now that he has cast the power of the storm miracle into the authority of power, such low-level miracles no longer require the power of faith.

As the strong wind blew away the fog on the coast, when the ice fog dispersed, only an endless army of undead could be seen, waiting in formation on the wasteland.

This sudden change immediately caused a commotion among everyone.

"Damn it, what is going on!" The three camp leaders were a little surprised, and Godwin even cursed in the group.

Godwin: "Conan the Barbarian King, winter is coming, aren't you saying that the undead are defenseless? What's going on?"

Over there, Ba Dao Qing Wu and Emperor Shen Wu also discovered that something was wrong.

Ba Dao Qingqing: "Damn, what the hell, so many undead? We promised to be unprepared."

Emperor Shenwu: "Winter is coming and Conan the Barbarian King won't sell us out, right?"

Conan the Barbarian: "Hahahaha, did you just react? I'm sorry everyone, someone has offered us a higher price to provide you with some false news. Besides, we are all from the BOSS camp now, evil 0 villains, what do you think we say?" I also believe that if I don’t cheat you, I’ll cheat anyone else.”

Winter is coming: "Brother, it's not that brothers don't respect brotherhood, it's because someone gave me too much, I'm sorry!"

Godwin: "Idiots, don't you want the Crown of Dominance?"

Conan the Barbarian King: "Stop pretending. Didn't you all say it at the Heroes' Conference? Whoever grabs the Crown of Command will get it. You guys are the only ones who can give the Crown of Command to us brothers. Don't think we are easy to fool." .”

Winter is coming: "That's right, don't think that we are easy to cheat. Besides, when you are all stunned, the equipment that will be revealed and the plot points that will be obtained will be enough for us two brothers."

After saying that, the two of them exited the private chat group together.

Godwin: "What should we do now? Should we retreat to the sea first and then consider the long term?"

At this moment, the black army of the undead finally moved, moving toward the coast with an irresistible tide. At the same time, the troops of the three camps had just landed in the tens of thousands, and their numbers were basically Not of the same magnitude.

It seemed retreating was the best option.

However, the tens of thousands of troops who landed first were bound to suffer heavy losses.

Aidan: "Don't be afraid, everyone. Our troops are all elite. No matter how many enemies there are, they are just garbage undead. As long as we maintain a stable formation, we can still fight. We will just push forward and die. I will take care of everything."

Murphy is no longer the prince Aidan he used to be. With the power of the ancient dragon, it doesn't matter if he is beaten first.

All strategies are meaningless in the face of absolute strength.

Emperor Shenwu: "Brother Aidan is right. I'm going to do it. Which one of you will come?"

Godwin: "Okay, then I will sacrifice my life to accompany you. Our alliance army will attack."

Ba Dao Qingqing: "Damn it, I'm following you too!"

The four of them instantly reached the same front.

Godwin closed the private chat and immediately began to boost morale.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Fighters of Lordaeron, knights of the Knights of the Silver Hand, people of the Holy Light, don't be afraid, behold, those evil undead are approaching us, they will not They stop advancing because of our fear. They will not give up killing because of our retreat. If they cannot be stopped, these abominable monsters will inevitably break into our homes and slaughter our families.

Fight with me, warriors of the Alliance! The Holy Light will be with you. "

Hero Specialty - The Unyielding King activates!

The morale of the Union army immediately soared.

"For the Alliance!"

"For Lordaeron!"

"For the Holy Light!"

The Knights of the Silver Hand were the first to rush to the coast and quickly organized their soldiers to form a line of defense. They had to open up a tactical space for subsequent troops to land.

Dalaran's battle mages followed closely behind, forming formation at the rear.

The knights of the Royal Knights began to form a charging formation on both wings of the army.

The Dragon Knights also came ashore, with giant dragon-blooded warriors lined up in a row, giant swords like a forest, and dragon-equipped heavy cavalry also ready to charge.

Heroes and lords with command expertise commanded their own troops, while combat-oriented heroes gathered together and prepared to kill the enemy generals.

In addition, the vanguard troops of the Dark Night Alliance and the Horde on both sides also formed a defense line.

As soon as the formation was adjusted, the huge undead army was already pressing forward.

Holy light!

Holy light!

Thousands of holy knights summoned the holy light at the same time, like a wall of holy light, blocking the frontal attack of the undead army.

The tide of undead crashed into it, melting quickly like snow rushing toward a wall of fire.

Paladins don't need to be very professional in fighting the undead. Every swing of the weapon attached to the holy light can split the undead in front of them into pieces of flesh and bones that cannot be resurrected.

The mages immediately began to pour firepower, and fireballs rained down on the undead army, setting off a series of explosions. Several mages and heroes even threw various AOE skills wildly, and the sea of ​​​​fire burned hundreds of undead to ashes.

The Allied Forces Center - the Dark Night Alliance position.

Hurricane Rider - Attack!

Emperor Shenwu directly dispatched his newly formed ace troops.

Thousands of heavily armored centaurs launched a group charge. This force was trained for the purpose of charging into the battle formation. Their whole bodies were wrapped in heavy steel armor. These centaurs held a shield in one hand and a lance in the other, and rode behind them. There is a night elf warrior holding two swords.

When charging head-on, everyone is equal under the lance. After getting into a melee, the night elf warriors on the back slash with the double swords left and right. It can be said that it has both impact and melee capabilities.

With just one charge, this torrent of steel smashed into the tens of thousands of undead on the frontal battlefield, breaking bones and tendons. The night elf warriors slashed wildly, killing any undead that came close.

Another group of tauren raged and crushed the undead, waving huge totem poles and crushing the undead like humanoid chariots.

The night elf druids continued to treat the injured warriors from behind, and the front line moved forward at a slow but determined speed.

The coalition's right line - the tribal position.

The orcs who drank the hot drink of demon blood fell into a frenzy. Shamans and warlocks used bloodthirsty techniques and evil fanaticism on the orc warriors at the same time. The orcs blessed with triple BUFF furiously swept through the undead army.

All three fronts successfully blocked the impact of the Scourge Legion and began to push back.

Murphy looked at the gradually connected battle lines and nodded secretly in his heart. Those who fought this time were indeed the elite forces of the three major camps. Although the number was far less than the enemy, it was almost a crushing battle. The Scourge Legion It’s useless no matter how much the quantity is, the quality is still too poor.

They are all the lowest-level skeleton warriors, ghouls, zombies, etc., and they will only end up being wiped out under the offensive of the coalition forces, which are the lowest level four troops.

But despite this, Murphy has not completely relaxed. The Scourge Legion cannot be all such garbage troops. Where are those high-level undead?

He was not in a hurry to take action. This battle would be a game between the two sides. As the final trump card, he would have to wait until the most critical moment to show off his power.

One hundred meters, two hundred meters, three hundred meters, the front line continued to advance forward. The endless army of undead could not resist the attack of the coalition forces. They were cut down row by row and crushed layer by layer. broken.

Wherever the coalition lines passed, only broken bones were left everywhere.

Soldiers from subsequent fleets continued to arrive at the coast, organized into troops, and joined the advance.

Soon most of the 300,000 coalition troops were ashore.

Suddenly, a shrill dragon roar sounded from the sky. As if receiving some kind of signal, the undead army retreated quickly like a tide, retreating two or three kilometers in one breath before regrouping.

The coalition forces did not pursue, but further adjusted their formation to leave no loopholes.

Murphy stood at the forefront of the formation, looking at the endless black sea of ​​the undead in the distance, the number of which was almost incalculable.

Even if there are millions of troops, it is not outrageous. In comparison, the coalition forces of the three major camps appear to be much thinner.

Look there!

At this moment, the undead parted their way like a tide. Varian - or Gul'dan, riding Boleleus, slowly walked from the army to the front of the formation.

The Lich King - appears.

He was sitting on the dragon's back, holding Frostmourne in his hands. Just by appearing on the battlefield, the undead army around him instantly burst out with strong momentum, triggering the version mechanism - death frenzy!

The blue soul fire burned blazingly in their bodies. Just a moment ago, they were just a group of emaciated walking corpses, but in the blink of an eye, they turned into powerful undead warriors.

Everyone looked at the Lich King's head.

Gul'dan (Lich King): Level 2 of World Destruction, level 100, HP: 5,290,000.

More than five million blood volume!

Everyone gasped. Even with the added attributes and blood volume of the version BOSS, as well as the blood volume bonus of the final boss of the monster force, the health volume of more than five million is too exaggerated.

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