Part-time BOSS

Chapter 534 Defeat

In fact, the output of this group of people is really not low. Under normal circumstances, no humanoid BOSS can accumulate more than 500,000 HP. Even if they can't deliver a fatal blow, it will be replaced by another BOSS. died.

Who made them encounter an unreasonable version of the BOSS? The super strength of the second level of world destruction plus various health stacks, with more than 5 million health, was simply daunting.

However, Emperor Shenwu was the founder of the business empire and had a very stable mentality. Even if the war situation was unfavorable, he still inspired everyone's morale.

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaurs): "Don't worry, everyone should form a formation and keep a safe distance from the BOSS. We still have a fight. I will hold the BOSS and output it from the longest distance. Heal me, and we will Treat this battle like a BOSS battle and you’ll die.”

After saying that, he took out the big dragon tooth, rounded it up and smashed it on the head.

This thing is very heavy, and if you fight with weapons, you won't suffer even if it's against an artifact.

Gul'dan was not so upright. The power of frost was released, and an ice storm suddenly swirled around him.

Anyone within fifty yards of him takes ongoing frost damage.

Before several centaur warriors could retreat, they were frozen into ice sculptures by the frost, and then instantly shattered under the strong wind.

Emperor Shenwu could still withstand it due to his super high attributes, but his speed inevitably slowed down. His body was constantly covered with layers of ice shells, and he was constantly forced to break free with his strength.

Fortunately, Emperor Shenwu is also a blood bull, so he can still bear it, but he just can't rush to the Lich King.

Seeing this scene, Ba Dao Qingwu and Godwin didn't even dare to charge. Although their blood volume was high, they were not immune to fatal blows. If they were frozen and stabbed with a sword, they might die.

Others even retreated directly. The heroes were forced to retreat continuously by the Lich King alone.

At this moment——

"Gul'dan—face me!" A roar suddenly came from behind. Gul'dan looked back, but his eyes lit up.

He saw Hellscream hacking down a group of Vrykul death warriors that had gathered around him, and were heading straight towards him. Several other assassins had already run away, but Hellscream, seeing that he was exposed, simply came over to kill him.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Hellscream, I didn't expect you to come too. See Hellscream, this is the real power. I once gave you the blood of demons. Now, I am still willing to have this immortal power." Share it with you, join me in Hellscream, and you will gain true power.

Let's conquer this world together. "

"Shut up! Gul'dan - you can't give me anything, except your death!" Grom roared and charged directly.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Grom - you disappoint me so much, so ungrateful, so ungrateful, but it doesn't matter, your soul is mine. Since you refuse to surrender to me, then Just turn into an undead spirit and serve me.”

Soul-stealing blade!

Hellscream also jumped up with all his strength, and Gorehowl struck Gul'dan head-on.

He originally thought that the opponent would fight him, but Grom had already made the calculations for the subsequent battle. He used the power of the rebound to jump backwards, then used Wind Step to cut into the opponent's blind corner, and then used Blood Roar to slash directly. Get off his head...

However, what he didn't expect was that Gul'dan's sword suddenly stopped the moment he swung it.

With the open door exposed, Grom had no chance to stop his attack, and struck Gul'dan's breastplate firmly with an axe.


19851 (critical hit)!

Gul'dan stared at Grom. The pair of evil fire eyes under the Crown of Dominance made Grom's heart sink.

"You're mine Hellscream!"

As the Lich King spoke, he finally swung the sword. Wherever the sword passed, the breath of death made Grom's skin crawl. At this time, he had no time to dodge. It’s over!

He thought desperately.

Unexpectedly, a strong force came from behind and dragged him backwards.

Grip of the Earth!

But it was Emperor Shenwu who saw something was wrong and reached out to rescue him.

"No! Bastard, Emperor Shenwu, you ruined my good deeds again." Gul'dan glared.

The Shenwu Emperor looked calm, "Grom, Gul'dan has now transformed into an immortal undead. Stop thinking about being able to solve the battle with one axe. Fight side by side with me, Grom. I need your help."

Grom glanced at Emperor Shenwu with a complicated expression, nodded, and stood side by side with Emperor Shenwu.

Although it had been expected, seeing Hellscream's jumping ax chop fail to take effect still made Ba Dao Qingrui very regretful. This immunity to fatal blows was too disgusting.

Then he was a little worried, wouldn't Grom have an old relationship with Emperor Shenwu? You have to watch carefully when you look back, don't let Emperor Shenwu draw Grom over.

With this episode, the heroes of the coalition finally readjusted their formation.

Just as the two sides were getting ready for the second round, a burst of strange laughter and sinister whispers suddenly came from the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw several demons flapping their wings, suspended in mid-air, overlooking the battlefield with a high profile.

Balnazzar (Dread Lord): "Jie Jie Jie Jie, these mortals are really persevering."

Varimathras (the Dreadlord): "Brothers, let us bring fear and despair to them."

Deserok (Dreadlord): "For the Burning Legion!"

Tichondrius (Dread Lord): "No one can stop the will of the Burning Legion."

Gul'dan (Lich King): "You have finally appeared. Don't waste time. Come and help me kill these mortals."

Tichondrius (Dread Lord): "Pay attention to your attitude Gul'dan. Even if you become the Lich King now, you are still a servant of my Burning Legion. But you are right, this farce has been delayed enough." It’s been a while, brothers, let’s deal with this weak mortal.”

The appearance of the four fear devils made everyone feel nervous again.

These four fear demon kings are all world-class BOSS, especially their leader Tichondrius, a world-class fifth-level BOSS who is already at the peak of his strength below the level of destruction.

It's a big move right out of the gate.

Rain of chaos!

The sky was suddenly covered by green clouds of evil energy, and four huge hellfires fell from the sky one after another, boom, boom, boom! Falling one after another around the battlefield.

The huge shock wave caused casualties to the coalition soldiers near the impact point.

The four hellfire demons, who were more than 20 meters tall, caused the surrounding soldiers to retreat.

The next one to take action was Balnazzar.

A swarm of putrid mosquitoes and flies!

Countless poisonous flies exuding a stench and poisonous atmosphere swooped wildly at the surrounding soldiers. Although these poisonous flies only had 5 health points and low damage, they were superior in numbers, and once they bit the target, they could trigger poisoning. and plague effects.

The soldiers were immediately in a panic.

The third one to take action was Drosek, who raised his hand and fired a finger of death!

A mage was hit and was killed instantly.

The last one to take action was Varimathras.

The end is coming!

In a ball of violent fire, a doomsday guard more than thirty meters tall appeared in the center of the battlefield - another BOSS-level summoned creature.

With this series of actions, although the coalition heroes still had a numerical advantage, there was already a trend of chaos.

After all, players are not as pure creatures as NPCs. For plot characters, fighting is a life-or-death bloody battle. In order to defeat the enemy, they can fight to the death, even if they sacrifice their lives.

There is no idea of ​​conserving strength.

However, no matter how strong the player is, they still look forward and backward, fearing that they will suffer too much if they die. They will attack if there is any benefit, and hide if there is no benefit. In BOSS battles, they just want to get assists.

Anyway, even if you lose, it's not the end of the world. As long as the number is still there, there is hope.

In addition, the coalition army is composed of three different camps, which cannot compare with the concerted efforts of the Scourge Legion.

None of the three alliance leaders wanted to fight to the death. It would be fine if they had a smooth and win-win battle. But when faced with such a headwind situation, they decisively started fighting each other.

The private chat channel immediately became lively.

Ba Dao Qingqing: "What should we do now? There are so many big bosses, why don't we retreat?"

Godwin: "We can't withdraw. It would be too embarrassing if we just withdraw like this."

Emperor Shenwu: "Even if we want to retreat, we have to kill a few bosses before retreating. If the Lich King can't be killed, how can we take down these Dreadlords?"

Godwin: "It makes sense, Brother Shenwu, you need to contain the Lich King first, and wait until I kill a Dread Demon King..."

The Shenwu Emperor was immediately speechless. He was not stupid. Resisting the Lich King was only dangerous, but killing the Dread Lord would earn plot points and equipment.

Ba Dao Qingqing: "Yes, yes, Brother Shenwu is the strongest. It's up to you to resist the Lich King. I'll gather my men to kill the Dread Demon King first."

Watch out!

I don't know who shouted, and everyone looked up to the sky, and saw Galakrond falling down like a mountain.


Everyone was so frightened that they hurriedly dispersed around the landing point, leaving the battlefield completely empty.

Rumble, rumble!

The huge body crashed to the ground, and the violent impact made the earth tremble. The huge body directly divided the battlefield.

Everyone looked at the terrifying beast in front of them in amazement. Galakrond slowly raised his limbs, spread his wings, and opened his huge mouth.

Just when everyone thought it was about to spray out a breath of death dragon breath, Galakrond let out a painful scream.

Its back suddenly bulged upward.

With a click, the huge back covered with bone spurs was suddenly broken open, and a dragon claw stretched out from inside. Then, the figure of the Ancient Dragon King emerged from inside.

With a bang, Galakrond fell to the ground again, unable to move.

Ba Dao Qingqing: "Wocao, you're awesome."

Emperor Shenwu: "Brother Aidan wins!"

Godwin: "Great, now we can finally make a comeback."

Aidan: "Everyone, prepare to retreat quickly."

What? The three leaders were all stunned. You just killed Galakrond, why are you retreating?

Aidan: "It's not dead. It's impossible for us to win this battle. Retreat immediately. There's no point in continuing to fight. I will cover you."

Sure enough, the broken Galakrond moved again, and the health points above its head were still a series? ? ? ?

The black air of death surged at the wound, and the broken bones quickly recovered under the control of invisible forces. Although they still looked dilapidated from the outside, they were still intact.

And that terrifying size made Galakrond seem completely unaffected by the huge wound.

It swung its body furiously, and Mo Fei flew directly from the dragon's back.

The Lich King was also a little surprised when he saw this scene, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous when he saw the crazy Galakrond.

This terrifying giant beast seemed to have no concept of friend or foe at all. Dozens of undead souls were crushed to pieces with one kick. Countless undead souls were swallowed into its belly with one bite, and the wounds on its body healed faster.

Gul'dan hurriedly raised Frostmourne and said, "Galakrond, I am your master, and I command you to obey my orders."

Galakrond snorted disdainfully, then turned his head and rushed toward the coalition forces.

At this time, the leaders of the three camps finally stopped hesitating. This thing was impossible to fight.



Evacuate to the ship!

"Kill them all!"

Gul'dan waved, and Boleleus immediately landed, carrying him into the air to prepare for pursuit.

Murphy stood directly in front of Gul'dan.

Edandron (Elder Dragon King): "Varian, I know you are still alive. Do you hear my voice? Answer me."

Hero specialty skill - Summon brothers! launch!

A look of struggle immediately appeared on Gul'dan's face.

Varian (Lich King): "Brother...I..."

But just for a moment, that expression disappeared.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Hahahaha, do you think this little trick can succeed? Varian's soul is fragile and is no match for me. It has become my trophy. You are his big brother. Aidan, right? I learned everything about you in his memory, and he still had full respect for you in his most desperate moment. It’s a pity that you couldn’t save him..."

Mo Fei was too lazy to listen to him, so he opened his mouth and dragon thunder spurted out.

Super Cologne Thunder!

Gul'dan raised Frostmourne to block the blow.

"Great power, but unfortunately not powerful enough."

Tide of Frost!

Frost Breath!

Gul'dan and Boleleus launched attacks at the same time.

Murphy blocked the four dragon wings in front of him and also received the opponent's attack.

He wanted to continue trying, but the cry for help from Emperor Shenwu came from behind him.

"Brother Aidan, please help!"

Murphy sighed.

"Varian, hold on, don't give up hope. One day, I will save you."

After saying that, he rose into the sky. Pounced towards Galakrond.

Gul'dan still wanted to pursue, but the next second a strong wind suddenly rose.

Miracle - the storm is coming!

The storm enveloped the battlefield in an instant, and the fierce air currents caused the undead to become messy and staggering in the wind.

Only Galakrond, whose mountain-like body was completely unaffected, rushed towards the retreating fleet in the sea.

Quick, stop it!

Boleleus's Eternal Frost!

Morgan Lisa released a powerful forbidden spell, which finally froze part of Galakrond's wings, but could not stop its advance.

The frost dragon Willanoz directly froze the sea surface, and the four disaster dragons continued to launch air strikes to prevent Galakrond from advancing.

At this moment, the three leaders had led the soldiers to retreat to the ship.

Emperor Shenwu was still a little reluctant and looked at the battlefield in the distance.

Emperor Shenwu: "Brother, we can still fight, right? Why must we retreat? We still have follow-up troops..."

Aidan: "No, we can't win. The script has not yet reached the point where the Lich King is destroyed."

Godwin: "What do you mean?"

Aidan: "Simply put - the system is working against us."

Murphy said, he just figured it out.

He had done so much dirty work for Wang Xuan back then, and he had a general understanding of the way game companies controlled the plot.

The game company cannot directly control the direction of the plot. On the one hand, it uses the system. The system will automatically adjust the details and data of the game to ensure the normal development of the plot.

On the other hand, this is to control the direction of the plot through the powerful BOSS in the game.

Although Murphy is still not sure whether this time it is the influence of the system or the secret control of the GM.

But now there must be official influence from the game behind this battle.

It’s not difficult to understand if you think about it. As the version BOSS, if the Lich King is easily killed before he can show his strength, wouldn’t this expansion pack become a joke?

Even if he was going to die, he would have to be arrogant for a period of time, commit numerous evil deeds, and finally be eliminated by the heroes.

The most important point is that according to the original plot development, the Lich King is the key figure in summoning the Burning Legion to come, although the current plot of the game has undergone huge changes.

But the game officials definitely still hope that the game will be played in a certain order, with an epic feel, and players with a sense of participation.

In the end, the one who summons the Burning Legion will most likely rely on the Lich King.

Therefore, they would never allow the Lich King to be killed here. Galakrond was resurrected so easily and was still unable to be killed. It is difficult to say that there was no official intervention from the game.

Therefore, this battle is destined to be an unwinnable defeat.

Unless they have the ability to transcend the system and defeat the GM.

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