Part-time BOSS

Chapter 59 Kingdom Mission ‘Hunting the Black Dragon’

Father! All the princes stood up and saluted together, and the roar was quite startling.

"Well, everyone, sit down. We are all a family, so there is no need to be formal. The king waved his hand, and after a while, everyone sat down again, and then everyone looked at the king eagerly.

Aiden Perenold (King of Alterac): "Nowadays, there are many affairs in the kingdom. There are monsters and bandits everywhere in the territory, and there are many sundries to deal with. You are all the princes of Alterac. I am Aiden. My son, you must share my worries, minister!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The palace minister on the side hung a huge parchment scroll on the wall, which listed various events that had happened across the kingdom in the past week and needed to be dealt with.

Every week the king will release these events as kingdom tasks. If you complete them, you can not only get various rewards, but also plot points if you are lucky. Although it is not much, it is stable and generally not dangerous.

Theoretically, any hero player can take this kind of mission, but since it is a kingdom mission, as a prince, you must get the first-come-first-served mission. After the mission comes out, let the princes pick it up first, and then the rest will be hung out to wait for the warriors. Come to your door.

In addition, you can only take one of these tasks per week, and you have to wait until next week to complete them, so you must choose carefully. Murphy immediately started to read them carefully at this time.

Mission 1: Hunt the storm giant. The storm giants on Horas Peak have always been the great enemy of the Kingdom of Alterac. Attack those storm giants, kill at least three storm giants, and return to the king.

Task 2: Escort the caravan. A caravan heading to the Kingdom of Lordaeron is about to set off. Considering the threats it will encounter along the way, the leader of the caravan hopes that the king will send warriors to escort it to the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Mission 3: Clear out the bandits. A large number of thieves have gathered in Alterac recently, and they must be cleared out. Marshal Alterac hopes that loyal and brave soldiers will lead his troops to clear out the thieves and destroy at least three thieves' strongholds.

Mission 4: Capture wanted criminals. A ruthless fugitive kills someone and escapes into the mountains of Broken Ridge, and he must be brought to justice...

Mission 5: Train soldiers. The Alterac army is now short of troops, and the Alterac Marshal hopes that someone can train ten Alterac recruits into Alterac Sword and Shield soldiers.

Mission 6: Find the kidnapped girl. A young girl was abducted by a snowman in the mountains. She must be rescued as soon as possible, otherwise she may be in danger of becoming a prey.

Mission 7: Investigate the cultists. …

There were more than twenty such tasks. Before Murphy could take a closer look, the princes had already squeezed past.

"Father, I am willing to help you train new soldiers."

"Very well, then I'll leave this task to you."

"Father, I am willing to escort the caravan."

"Well, okay, go ahead."

"Father, I am willing to capture wanted criminals..."

"Okay, okay, okay." The king didn't talk nonsense. Every time someone signed up, he would clear one task off the list. The princes signed up enthusiastically. They even almost started fighting to win the good tasks. The intensity was like temporary workers looking for work in the labor market. them.

In a blink of an eye, Murphy had already taken away most of the tasks on the list, leaving only a few obviously unpopular tasks still on it.

Mission 1: Hunt the storm giant. The storm giants on Horas Peak have always been the great enemy of the Kingdom of Alterac. Attack those storm giants, kill at least three storm giants, and return to the king.

Mission 2: Expel the ice elemental lord. An ice elemental lord from the elemental plane is wreaking havoc in the Hoarfrost Mountains area. Banish it back to the elemental plane to prevent it from summoning more elemental creatures.

Mission 3: Hunt the black dragon. A wandering black dragon is wreaking havoc in the Dragon Roar Peak area. The local residents hope that the king can send warriors to drive it away or kill it.

What kind of underworld mission is this? Mo Fei was speechless. Storm giants are all monsters at least level 60. They are powerful monsters that can fight against dragons, and they live in groups.

Not to mention the ice element lord, the weakest one is the terrifying first-level BOSS, and most of the leaders in this game will be surrounded by a group of subordinates, which will definitely be difficult to deal with.

In contrast, the task of hunting black dragons is somewhat executable. Most adult dragons have their own dragon nests, and most young dragons hang out with adult dragons, so generally the black dragons wandering around are young dragons. As long as we recruit more adventurers, we are more confident that we can solve it.

The key is that Murphy is too familiar with creatures like black dragons. He knows the fighting methods of black dragons very well. In a real fight, even if he is challenged by a higher level, he will not be weak.

But I am only at level one, so slaying a dragon is too exaggerated.

But think about it, if you don't answer, you will have to wait until next week. Anyway, there is only one week. At worst, I want to upgrade to ten or twenty levels.

Thinking of this, Murphy decisively chose task 3.

"Father, I am willing to share your worries and kill the evil black dragon that is causing trouble to this place."

As soon as these words came out, all the princes looked at him with gloating eyes.

King Aidan was also a little surprised: "Aidan, my child, do you really want to do this? That black dragon is very cruel, why don't you think about it again?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "No need, just a black dragon is nothing. I will kill it, bring the dragon head back and hang it on the city gate of Alterac, let the world know that our highland How powerful is the warrior!"

"Hahaha, okay, you are worthy of being my son. Go ahead. I will wait for you to return victoriously. Today's meeting ends here. Sons, for Alterac!"

"For Alterac! Everyone shouted in unison, and then the next second, they all ran out of the conference room with a roar.

I'll wipe it, what's going on?

Murphy was stunned, but this time his reaction was not slow at all. With his previous experience in taking on tasks, he knew that there must be something to snatch.

Just follow the crowd and rush outside.

I saw more than thirty princes, like students going to the cafeteria after school at noon, running as fast as they could for fear of falling behind.

"Dalaben, brother, what's going on?"

Murphy asked a brother in front of him as he ran.

"What are you talking about? The barracks have been refreshed today. They are all going to grab high-level soldiers!"

As he spoke, he rushed forward with a lunge.

Senior soldier? Murphy immediately understood what was going on.

Each city in each kingdom has its own garrison. Of course, when a prince goes out to do business, he cannot act alone. He can dispatch soldiers from the garrison as his subordinates.

Soldiers also have levels, from the lowest militia and conscripts, to the regular army that constitutes the main force of the country's army, to the top various knights, and even extraordinary soldiers.

The combat effectiveness of soldiers of different levels is definitely very different. Generally speaking, the more advanced the soldiers, the smaller the number. It would be okay if there were only one or two princes in a kingdom who needed protection, but now there are more than thirty princes who have to go out for business. , I’m afraid there won’t be enough points for the number of senior soldiers.

As the saying goes, there are quick hands and slow hands, but what can you do if you don't grab it?

Thinking of this, he started running as fast as he could.

However, he soon discovered that it was of no use. Among the more than thirty princes, he was the lowest level and had the lowest agility. He also had no acceleration skills. How could he possibly outrun these cheap brothers? He was falling further and further behind. Far away, Murphy sighed, simply stopped running, and slowly followed the team to the military camp.

The place was as lively as eating in a cafeteria at this time. The princes completely surrounded the garrison commander, each one shouting at the top of his voice, demanding that his subordinates be assigned to him.

Darkseid (Prince of Alterac): "I want eight Knights of the North Wind, right now, right away! Are there any more Snow Mountain Rangers? Okay, give me six."

Darabonbar (Prince of Alterac): "Bring me four Highland Warriors and eight Alterac Ranger Archers!"

Zhu Genbao (Prince of Alterac): "What? I don't have enough command points to lead the North Wind Knights? Come on, then change them all to Alterac Knights!"

Count Adalion (Lord of Ambition Castle): "Get out of my way, you crazy princes, I was here first! I have urgent military affairs!"

Demacia (Prince of Alterac): Get lost, I am a prince, let your sister do it. If you don’t accept it, let my brothers fuck you together. "

Teacher Ma (Prince of Alterac): "Give me ten Kingdom Crossbowmen! And a few more Shield Heroes. You can even walk lightly without a Shield Hero."

Victor (Prince of Alterac): "I also want the Knights of the North Wind, the more the better - what, the Knights of the North Wind are gone again? Damn this shitty military camp, you didn't even give me any left last week. Down."

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