Part-time BOSS

Chapter 572 Meeting at Mount Hyjal

The peaceful Mount Hyjal has been the holy land of the night elves for ten thousand years. Since the Great Schism began, and their former homeland fell into the ocean, Mount Hyjal has become the spiritual destination and spiritual sustenance of the night elves.

The World Tree planted on the top of Mount Hyjal has become the source of eternal life for the night elves.

In order to ensure that this holy mountain is not disturbed, the Holy Tree Army has been guarding the World Tree for ten thousand years. Any intruder who attempts to break in will be killed mercilessly by the night elves.

But now, this once extremely peaceful sacred mountain range has become a huge and noisy military camp.

The endless military camps stretched as far as the eye could see, surrounding and expanding around the holy mountain. Countless human farmers, orc laborers, goblin engineers, and dwarf craftsmen were hammering stones, sawing giant trees, smelting steel, and erecting fortresses one after another. As it rises, towers stand tall.

The dwarves installed the cannon on the turret, and the black muzzle pointed at the plain in the distance.

The orcs arranged the ballistae in layers, and decorated the general camp and fortress like a hedgehog.

Human craftsmen built city walls and laid out tight defenses layer by layer.

Goblin Sappers lay mines in strategic areas, exposing any intruders to the art of explosives.

The allies are busy working in full swing.

Malfurion and Tyrande looked at the felled trees, mined ores, and excavated ridges with great sadness.

Although I know that the destruction of the environment is inevitable in order to build the defense line, I still feel sad in my heart.

Malfurion (Arch Druid): "My dear, for the safety of the World Tree and for the future of the night elves, it is all worth it. Trees can grow again when they fall, but if the power of the Well of Eternity Stealed by demons, the whole world will be doomed.”

Tyrande (High Priest): "I understand, dear, I know this is a necessary sacrifice. No need to persuade me, I know the priorities."

A huntress came flying quickly on a moonsaber.

"Lord Tyrande, Lord Malfurion, there are new reinforcement generals requesting to meet."

"Of course, bring him up. We must welcome our allies from afar."

Soon, Garises brought several knights to the night elf camp.

Garises looked at the different surroundings with some curiosity. Behind him, Sylvanas also looked like a curious baby.

"Hail to you, the Elven King."

"I am not a king. I am Archdruid Malfurion, the leader of the night elves. You can call me Archdruid."

"Okay Elf King, 1 I have brought five thousand craftsmen to prepare to build a circular direction halfway up the mountain to cut off the main path up the mountain. Some trees may need to be cut down..."

Malfurion sighed, "Follow me."

Sylvanas looked at the huge night elf-style tree tower in front of her with complicated emotions. Is this the ancient home of the high elves? Ten thousand years ago, King Dath'Remar led his people from here to the Eastern Continent. .

Unlike those elven nobles who play with magic, the Windrunner family is a ranger as their main occupation, so they are closer to nature. This time Kael'thas ordered Sylvanas to lead the reinforcements sent by Quel'Thalas to Mount Hyjal. By.

"I salute you, Ms. Tyrande. I have brought three thousand elven rangers. I wonder where I should station myself?"

Tyrande had a good impression of Sylvanas when he saw her, compared to those savage orcs, rough dwarves, and arrogant humans.

She felt closer to her elf cousin, especially since the other person was also a female ranger, which made her quite happy.

It seems that although the high elves have fallen into using magic, at least part of them still retains their instinct to be close to nature.

"Ah, a compatriot from the far east, and welcome to your young descendants. We were once the same race. Although the differences 10,000 years ago separated us, we are now facing the common enemy. We are happy to be able to stand side by side again. Fight and may Elune be with you.

Please come with me. Your ranger troops should have similar tactics to the night elves' sentinel troops, and they can act together with my men..."

One after another troops arrived at the foot of Mount Hyjal.

Looking at more and more troops, Malfurion was filled with confidence. Facing the threat of the Burning Legion, the intelligent races of this world united again, just like the ancient war ten thousand years ago.

The difference is that those who united with the night elves ten thousand years ago were many wild demigods and powerful creatures such as the guardian dragons.

But now, those fighting side by side with the night elves are mortal races such as humans, dwarves, gnomes, and orcs.

Times have indeed changed.

A huge crow slowly descended from the sky and turned into a druid.

"Lord Malfurion, I bring good news. Lord Cenarius has been reborn in Moonglade."

Very good! Malfurion was suddenly very excited.

The demigod of the wilderness can be resurrected by borrowing the power of nature. His teacher is now back from hiding, and he is finally stable.

Before he could be happy for a long time, he saw Maiev leading a group of shadow guards hurriedly through the coalition camp and arrived at the mountainside.

Hey, even Maiev came to join the battle?

"Damn it, did you do it? Did you rescue Illidan from the dungeon?"

"What are you talking about, Maiev? Isn't Illidan imprisoned in the dungeon of Shadow Castle?"

"Just a few days ago, a few humans rescued Illidan from the Shadow Castle. Look at the humans in the camps below. You still said it was not your instigation!"

Malfurion suddenly felt nervous. This worried brother might cause him some trouble again.

"Calm down Maiev, humans are here to help us resist the Burning Legion. Now that the enemy is facing us, let go of the hatred in your heart. We have more important enemies to fight against."

Maiev was still going crazy, but a druid came to report.

"Lord Malfurion, Prince Aidan has arrived."

Malfurion's expression suddenly became serious after hearing this.

"Maev, we'll talk about Illidan later. Now follow me to greet our guests."

Malfurion was also an old acquaintance of Prince Aidan.

This was not the first time that the two met. In the war with the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, Aidan participated in the battle as a strong supporter, and even teamed up with Emperor Shenwu to kill C'Thun.

Therefore, Aidan has a very high reputation in the night elf society.

As the leader of the night elves, Malfurion is always paying attention to the situation around the world, and he is even more aware of the fact that Prince Aidan has mastered the power of the ancient dragon king.

Therefore, he attaches great importance to Aidan.

He even went down the mountain to greet him personally.

From a distance, you can see the awe-inspiring lineup of thousands of Dragon Sorrow Knights from the Dragon Sorrow Knights.

Malfurion (Arch Druid): "Ah, Prince Aidan, I didn't expect you to come too. It's so gratifying. The Burning Legion is about to launch an attack. In this difficult situation, we very much welcome a powerful warrior like you. !”

Murphy saw Malfurion being so enthusiastic and greeted him politely.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Don't worry about Lord Malfurion. There are so many heroes participating in this battle, and it is impossible for the demon army to succeed."

"I hope so. I have arranged the best camp for your troops, right on the mountain. Please come with me."

As the holy land of the night elves, Mount Hyjal naturally cannot allow outsiders to enter at will, so most of the allies have been arranged to set up defenses at the foot of the mountain.

Out of distrust of the orcs, the orc camps were arranged in the outermost areas, not even on the main route. In this way, even if the orcs did something wrong, it would not have much impact on the defense of Mount Hyjal.

The situation of the Alliance is slightly better, with a large amount of no-release areas given, but only halfway up the mountain.

However, the Dragon Death Knights brought by Murphy received huge preferential treatment and were placed directly at a location lower on the top of the mountain, only one step away from the World Tree.

This is done because of Murphy's high reputation. Secondly, Malfurion is very clear about Murphy's strength. This ancient dragon king is undoubtedly the most powerful ally against Archimonde. Naturally, It needs to be placed at a key location.

If the mountain cannot withstand it and Archimonde comes up and fights with it, it will be a decisive battle here. Although Kalimdor is big, if the enemy reaches this place, they will no longer be able to take a step back.

Naturally, we need to arrange for a few strong people to take charge.

While arranging the garrisoning of Murphy's troops, Malfurion thought in his mind - I hope Illidan won't cause any trouble for me.


boom! The thick stone door was shattered, and the ancient temple that was buried by the explosion ten thousand years ago was finally opened again. .

"Look, this is the Sahrama Temple! The group of believers who worship the Titans worship their 'gods' here. The funny thing is that the Titans never respond to their believers. These stupid lunatics have no clue. Not knowing the difference between belief and delusion.

Their only use was to excavate and preserve a few Titan relics. I remember that they were in this hall - yes, that's right there! "

While recalling the memories of the past, Illidan blasted open a stone door again. His actions were extremely decisive, and he did not care at all about the destruction of the temple by his rough methods.

Behind the stone door, a huge platinum disk appeared in the sight of several people.

"Yes, it's this - the Mirror of Norgannon! A treasure used by the legendary guardian of magic and knowledge, Norgannon. It is said that it was Norgannon who tamed the wild primitive magic and created the Magic Web. Now, This treasure finally fell into my hands!"

Illidan said excitedly.

Jaina looked at the disc in amazement. Titan, World Shaper, Creation Web, these words sounded so sacred, but when spoken from the mouth of Illidan, a decadent uncle, they seemed so down-to-earth.

This ancient disc has a rock-like texture. The two sides of the disc are so smooth that they can even reflect, showing a platinum-like texture. The disc is surrounded by a circle of ancient Titan runes.

There is something sacred and ancient about it.

"So how do you use this thing?"

"Haha, you don't understand even after I tell you." Illidan stretched out his hand towards the disk, but was bounced away by a magic barrier.

"Huh, these crazy people, although they are a little stupid, their magic is quite powerful. It has not failed in ten thousand years, but it doesn't matter, I have plenty of time." Illidan said and began to try to break the magic around the disc.

After getting along with him these days, Jaina has already understood Illidan's character. Although he is smart, he is extremely proud and confident. He treats everyone like he is the best in the world.

It's useless to plead with such people. The best way is to provoke them.

"Haha, forget it, I guess you don't know how to use it at all. It doesn't matter, we can study it together."

Illidan was once again bounced away by magic, and he increased the strength in annoyance, while explaining angrily: "The Well of Eternity contains wild and disordered primitive energy, which cannot be absorbed directly. Even in the past, the Night Elf Empire The mages can only absorb the free magical energy that escapes through meditation.

But the Titan is the creator of order, the shaper of the Arcane Weave. This Mirror of Norgannon can transform the wild and chaotic raw energy into pure arcane energy, so that it can be directly mastered. "

"So that's it? So I just need to hold it and stand next to the Well of Eternity to absorb energy."

"It's not that easy. The power of the Well of Eternity is extremely huge. The body of ordinary people cannot bear such power. Therefore, you must integrate your own magic power into the magic network and create a mana pool in the magic network. Use To accommodate the absorbed energy—ha, it’s finally released!”

Illidan reached out to the disc excitedly, but in the next second.

Boleleus's Eternal Frost!

A burst of ice suddenly surrounded him, and the frost quickly covered Illidan's body, with a furious look on Illidan's face. Before he could turn around, he was completely frozen and turned into an ice sculpture.

"Jaina! How did you-" Thrall was startled, but he didn't expect that Jaina would do it right away.

"What? You don't think that I would place my hopes on this careless night elf uncle? I have learned a lot from Lord Aidan in the past few years, and the most important one is - when the opportunity comes Must catch it!”

"Don't worry, this eternal frost is the dragon language magic I learned from teacher Morgan Lisa. It can seal all life."

"Jaina - be careful!" Arthas suddenly screamed.

Just look at the ice sculpture and suddenly a green light lit up from inside.

boom! The evil flame actually completely burned the eternal frost.

Illidan held the War Blade of Azzinoth and looked at Jaina with a furious face, "Little girl, your frost magic is indeed powerful, but I am a demon hunter who has mastered the power of chaos. Even gods will be affected by this evil power." Wounded by fire, you cannot trap me.

I originally wanted to share some with you after gaining that endless power, but now I have changed my mind.

Pay the price for your audacity! "

The flames of evil energy surrounded his body, and the green magic patterns on his body shone brightly. A pair of devil horns and a pair of devil wings also grew on Illidan as the power of evil energy surged.

Arthas and Thrall stood in front of Jaina, one on the left and the other on the right.

Arthas: "Sorry Illidan, we can't possibly leave the power to protect this world in your hands."

Thrall: "That's right. You should leave. We rescued you and you led us to find this disk. How about evening it out?"

Jaina: "Hahaha, you two guys are so naive. How could someone like him give up the power so close at hand and let us deal with him together."

Illidan sneered with some appreciation: "You're right little girl, it seems that you are the only one among the three of you who understands the truth of this world, but you guys want to deal with me?

Hahaha, you are so naive. Even the demon lord is no match for me. Let you feel the anger of me being imprisoned for ten thousand years. "

The demon hunter flapped his wings and soared into the sky, as imposing as the god of death in the sky.

Arthas's eyes lit up, and he saw a flaw in Illidan's gorgeous movements.

Step forward--Rising Dragon Slash!

The battle broke out instantly.

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