Part-time BOSS

Chapter 627 Finale: Alliance Chapter

Time and space flow, and the universe changes.

One year before the Dark Portal opened—Lordaeron:

Alsace struggled to get up from the ground. The memory in his mind was extremely confusing. He vaguely remembered that he seemed to be riding a horse, then fell, and then - no! He was obviously fighting against the coalition forces in the Creation Temple. His eldest brother said some strange words, and then his memory became a little blurry - what happened?

Alsace rubbed his head, and the pain in his body was unusually clear. A horse's neighing made him turn around and he found his beloved horse 'Invincible' lying on the grass, whining in pain.

He instantly recalled the time when the scene in front of him happened. It was the year when he was seven years old. He was riding 'Invincible' while galloping in the wild, and accidentally fell off the horse while leaping over a trench. 'Invincible' was also on that occasion. He died during the incident. This was the first time he witnessed death, which left an indelible shadow on him.

Have you gone back to your childhood? He lowered his head, and sure enough, his hands became very tender, clearly the hands of a child.

He was stunned for a moment until a familiar voice came urgently from behind.

"Alsace, what happened? Are you okay?"

Arthas froze, and he turned around in disbelief. The moment he saw the man, tears immediately moistened his eyes.

It was his father, King Tenaris.

King Tenaris ran a few steps and came to Alsace's side. Looking at the dying war horse 'Invincible' on the ground and Alsace who was covered in mud after falling, he asked with concern: "Are you okay? Alsace—squire, go find the priest."

"No father, I just fell." Arthas said, suddenly hugging King Tenaris.

Tenaris was a little surprised, and it took a while for Arthas to break free from Tenaris' arms.

He staggered towards 'Invincible'. Tenaris looked at him with some worry, then at the war horse, "It's dying. Its neck is broken. There's no way to save Arthas. Give it a happy life. You have to learn to give up when the time comes.”

"No, it's not time to give up yet, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope." Alsace said. He watched his beloved horse's eyes gradually change from confusion to determination. He squatted down as if he had remembered something.

While stroking the horse's fur, he whispered to the dying horse: "Old man, this time I won't let you die miserably. I will cure you. Holy Light, I command you. Heal the life in front of you!" Alsace's hand suddenly emitted a soft light.

That is the power of the Holy Light.

After experiencing a long adventure and battle, and realizing the truth of power and the meaning of void, he has understood that whether it is ice or fire, holy light or void, arcane or evil energy, it is essentially a kind of energy. , as long as you find a reasonable way to use it.

The same is true for Holy Light. As long as you can awaken the emotions in your heart and have enough mental power to control it, you can summon Holy Light. He recalled the past of saving the world with his elder brother and felt the joy of seeing his father again. Holy Light The power of light is revealed.

He released the holy light onto the war horse, and the pain in Invincible's eyes immediately began to fade.

"Oh my god, it's the Holy Light!" the knight squire behind him exclaimed.

Being able to summon the Holy Light at the age of seven is simply a miracle!

Tenaris also opened his mouth in surprise, which soon turned into an expression of surprise. He was originally worried about whether Arthas could bear the burden of the kingdom, but now he was finally relieved.

In the blink of an eye, the injuries on 'Invincible''s body healed quickly, and the broken neck bones gradually recovered, and he jumped up from the ground.

He neighed energetically.

"Hahahaha, you cured it, Alsace my boy, you make me so proud."

"No father." Alsace turned around with a calm look on his face, "The moment that truly makes you proud has yet to come. Let's go. It's time for us to return to the palace. There are still many things to do."


"Quick, charge up and kill all those landmen!" Naga let out a weird roar and jumped onto the deck of the battleship in groups, fighting with the sailors.

"Jaina, hide in the cabin! Don't come out."

Admiral Dailin wielded his war blade and chopped down the Nagas who rushed onto the ship.

Boom, a huge Naga warlord jumped onto the deck, surrounded by the power of the tide.

Dai Lin felt solemn in her heart, and the next second - arcane torrent!

boom! A powerful arcane energy blasted a big hole in the Naga Warlord's body.

Jaina floated into the air, arcane energy surrounded her, and the magic blasted out like a storm. In an instant, the Naga army was wiped out.

"Haha, I didn't expect Brother Aidan to even retain my eternal power." Feeling the surging magic power in her body, Jaina thought happily.

"Jaina?" Admiral Dai Lin looked at his daughter in horror.

On this voyage, he originally planned to take Jaina to Dalaran to learn magic, but now it seems that it is not necessary...

The petite magic girl smiled sweetly, "Everything is okay, father, I am the daughter of the sea. Come on, father, the storm is coming! Let's move forward together."


Sunshine Grove:

Aegwynn walked slowly on the path in the forest. Not far away, the roof of a wooden house gradually emerged. Since entrusting the responsibility of the guardian to Medivh, Aegwynn moved here and lived in seclusion.

A man lives alone in a wooden house in the forest, and his life is peaceful and leisurely.

However, Aegwynn always had a vague uneasy feeling in his heart, like a shadow covering his head, an indescribable feeling.

Soon he came to the wooden house where he lived alone, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

The magic seal she had placed on the wooden house door was actually lifted.

Aegwynn immediately took out the staff. Instead of feeling fear, she felt faintly excited.

Well, living in seclusion is very boring, so it would be nice to have a few uninvited guests to pass the time.

A mage's hand opened the door, and the moment he rushed into the wooden door, he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

A group of acquaintances were sitting around her dining table, each holding a cup of tea and drinking it.

"Ah, Ms. Aegwynn, you are finally back." The leader greeted warmly.

Aegwynn frowned, "Lotha? Ryan? Why are you here, and how do you know that I live in this place?"

"Don't be surprised, Ms. Aegwynn, I led them to find this place." A slightly green voice came, and a young man with a calm demeanor emerged from the shadows.

Aegwin looked at the young man in front of him in surprise. "Who are you?"

"Varian Wrynn, he is my son." King Ryan said helplessly. He was also very confused about the magic of his son.

"Ms. Aegwin, I have something to discuss with you. It's about your son. Can you sit down and talk?"

"Medivh? What's wrong with him?" Aegwynn was a little surprised.

"He is possessed by Sargeras' soul fragment." Varian dropped the bombshell calmly.

"Impossible! Sargeras is dead, he-"

"He was buried by you in the Temple of Elune in the Broken Islands, right? But I'm afraid you are thinking too simply. The Sargeras you defeated was just a clone of the Demon King. The real power is less than one-tenth of the original body."

"How is that possible!" Aegwynn was a little unbelievable. Defeating the Demon King had always been her proudest achievement. She had tried her best to defeat that terrifying demon, but now she told herself that it was just a clone?

"I'm afraid that's true, and when Sargeras' clone was defeated, a fragment of his soul attached to you and was transferred to Medivh as you were pregnant and giving birth to a child. If no one stops it, , he will bring huge disaster to this world, and may even lead to the destruction of the entire Kingdom of Stormwind."

A trace of complicated emotions appeared in Varian's eyes, and he suddenly smiled.

"But don't worry, with me here, none of this will happen again."

"You? What can a child do?"

"Haha, I didn't come alone. Not only did my father and uncle help me, I also found some good helpers. Look, they are here."

There was a sound of horse hooves outside the wooden house, and Aegwin looked out the door to see the area. Dawn Sword, Dark Night Dharma God, Jian Wuhen, Morgana... more than a dozen strong men appeared one after another.

Varian looked expectantly at the people outside the cabin. This time, history would be completely changed.

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